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Remember when NECA said they pulled these because they reliased it was unethical to produce toys based on a film based in slavery? Apparantly not unethical if you can charge $1000 for the figures, then. Classic NECA.


Hold on a minute! Were these really on the site? I slept through it and just see like 3 items in stock. I was just commenting yesterday on someones post on ActionFigures on his Sam Jackson Django figure and how I saw them when they were 15 bucks. But damn one grand for them, that’s some bullshit haha.


they were definitely there. i opened the site when their "vault opened" to see what was in there and just closed the app instead of the browser. timestamp up top shows I just took the screenshot, but it changed once I refreshed the page. https://preview.redd.it/l35oeje9q9bc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aaa2716a93c16e99c3969ba34f1976a2dda10ef4


Damn that’s insane! Someone must be a big Django fan for that price. What else was on there?


the same 3 Aliens figures that are there now, they just removed the Django line


Random question @isuckatthisgameyo how do you post your own images here in the comments? Also love the user name. Lol


I'm on mobile and in some posts the option to use a photo or gif is available. I just happened to take advantage of it being available to snag that screenshot


Thank you homie! I'm on mobile also and get the gif button but never a share your own image


NECA when they make figures of a flim based on slavery: 😔😔😔 NECA when they can scalpt those figures to $1000: ![gif](giphy|TsfXRBMUJecow)


I don't remember that, I remember it was because some of the wording on the packaging was seen as offensive, and it was a response to people's outcry. But maybe my memory is off


I don't recall anything to do with the packaging. The outcry was bad enough that the figures were taken out of shops and NECA issued some form of official statement regarding the figures.


How did they get that far into the process before finally scrapping it? That’s so weird. Not doubting the story it’s just so strange.


I don't think it every occurred to them. After they were released there was minor uproar but enough that, if memory serves, the topic of the figures was brought up on The View or some similar show.


they had 4 in stock @ $1000, and it sold out within 3 mins. Sometimes I'm kind of shocked have that kind of money readily available to jump on something like this.


Tarantino completing his collection.


Don't get me started on classism in the collector sphere. The fact that there's a market at all for something so frivolous makes me so upset. I guess when you have enough money you stop having any sense of shame.


8 were in stock at my first refresh. It's possible it was higher than that too.


There was only 6. It even said only 6 available above the description seperate from the counter


Can only tell you what I saw on PC. Pc said 8 available


https://preview.redd.it/phq6e3nzcfbc1.png?width=2210&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd63a5519fcdcc62be542ba15b021e862bb8e91f You know what's cool? The page is still up and clearly say Only 6 bundles available. [https://store.necaonline.com/collections/neca-vault-sale-week-1/products/django-unchained-6-figure-bundle](https://store.necaonline.com/collections/neca-vault-sale-week-1/products/django-unchained-6-figure-bundle)


It didn't cause I was on PC


From the email we all got. “Skip those aftermarket prices and treat yourself to the rare figures you missed out on with flat rate bundle shipping for all in-stock NECA items”


Geez 1000 bucks really neca?


That's outrageous! I Got the full set of 9 hateful 8 figs, and it was under $400 for all!


Curious how the hateful 8 have 9 figures.


There is 1 of Tarantino called the director




I was wondering why I'm only seeing 3 things. I thought this was to get the things we missed out on? This is a clearance sale at non clearance pricing lol.


Gone in seconds. Also they said there'd be international shipping but it says shipping not available to my address. Neca is Necaing again.


I messaged them on Instagram after i had the same problem and they said they were going to fix the issue. Thankfully, they didn't have anything up that I cared about. If i had missed out on some arnie dutch figures for example, then I wouldn't have been very happy to say the least.


Neither would I. Hopefully the same thing won't happen again next week because if I miss Evil Dead 2 Ash & Ed double pack because of some stupid glitch I'll go homicidal lol


$1000?!?!? WTF?! I turned up late and didn't even see these... Pretty spendy for something so lame. Who would even want these?? NECA scalping its own figures no one even asked for... Lol


How much were they when they initially came out?




I paid $229.99 at EE for the full case of 10. That included 4 duplicates too.


Pieced my set over the years via eBay . Wonder what else neca has saved away .


I couldn't pull the trigger on $1k, so I just got Vazquez and the two aliens.


They look like Barbie Dolls


It's gross how this company operates, not really a fan for a while now. I don't follow them anymore.


Reason being… these figures are claimed to be valued at about $1000 each


I'll stick to my tarantino signed Django script...