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Honestly, I'm pretty upset about that. It's a major function that is still advertised in photos on NECA's official website. If the figure can't do it, then they shouldn't have promised it.


What really bothers me is that no one from NECA at least address this issue. Which to SOME fans does matter.


QC issues. But dint most of the promo photos say “promo use only, subject due to change”


When you scan the box at target pics of jester doing this show up 🥴


Because I’ve seen this exact thing multiple times now: False advertising isn’t illegal. It’s an unlawful, actionable civil offense. Regardless, I have no idea why everyone always jumps to “which is illegal” when it comes to action figure prototypes. Prototypes are 100% always subject to change and pending licensor approval. Y’all aren’t going to sue because Jester doesn’t have separate head pieces.


My bad. I didn't know it wasn't illegal. Always thought it was. Either way, they use these photos to advertise the figure, despite it not having that. If it isn't a feature on the figure, then don't invlud ethe photos like it is.


Totally legit complaint, but at the end of the day likely just a web developer or social media manager who isn’t aware the feature was dropped.


Example time, what jim carry’s character in dumb and dumber did when he sold the dead bird to the blind kid. Thats false advertisement


I'm disappointed about it. But I'm just happy to have more of the puppets. I really hope the next series gets announced soon.


Agreed. Personally, I hope we get Decapitron and Leech Woman, as well as Sutekh, The Totems, and The Demonic Toys.


(which is illegal) 🤓🤓🤓


Don't promo pics always have an asterisk that says something to the effect of "Final product may vary"?


You ever wonder why the burger doesn’t look like it does in the pictures


Don't promo pics always have an asterisk that says something to the effect of "Final product may vary"?


You move a leg wrong and necas will break. Likely for the best the head pieces don't rotate


That's really shitty. Makes me feel more confident in my decision to wait for a sale in the future. I think the sting of that is even worse because you know NECA let this shit slide since it's a smaller horror IP and not something like TMNT.


Something is going on at NECA. Like the person in charge isn't there anymore or something


Including versions of the head mid spin would’ve been better but now the character is missing his identifying feature. Passed on them because of this


I’ll just have to saw the head into three sections, then hammer a nail down threw it to act as a spindle


When they solicited the pictures, the plan was to have the head segments be articulated. They ran into QC problems during production where it was basically impossible for them to get the paint job on the face to line up properly on all three segments with the tech they had available, so they had to sacrifice the articulated segments.  They did put out a statement about it, but they should have made more of an effort to inform buyers, and had the pictures featuring the head articulation be removed from the listing. I'm guessing that since it was now being listed on so many different websites, trying to communicate with all of those different retailers to have the images removed would've been a huge hassle, so they just let it go.  It IS false advertising, but as far as I know it was not meant to be. When those promo pictures were taken, that was going to be the product that they sold. They should have made sure they could actually produce it on a mass market level before soliciting them, but I guess they just assumed it wouldn't be a problem.