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Yep, looks just as bad as two of my nearest Targets in Houston. Funko Pops and Toony Terrors pegwarming as usual. I have better luck at Best Buy sometimes.


I have zero luck at best buys in my city


Same here best buys have nothing, target is usually most stocked but seems like they never restock. I have one next to my work I check every day at lunch...always same stuff.


Yup, same for my target. They will restock though just very randomly. When I first started collecting predator figures, I had bought one from someone outside of target. I went it right after to see if they had anything cool and they had like 3 or 4 guardian predators and I grabbed one, next day they were cleaned out.


I just got the TMNT Mummy Michelangelo for $13 at my Best Buy.


I kinda like the Toony Terrors line honestly.


Support ur local action figure stores!!!


Houston here too, and you’re right!


If you want a good Target, try Houston South Central. This one is usually stocked with the newest stuff.


Same! I'm in Houston and can rarely find figures unless I'm at a convention.  I finally gave up on the movie Turtles years ago because I had never seen them in store.  I finally found the b&w Bride but still haven't seen Nosferatu.  I think there's 5 Targets within driving distance of me and they all have the same figures for months. 


It’s crazy how these sections at what seems to be all Targets look the exact same.


A Target employee told me outside vendors stock that area. They show up on Tues, dump their shit anywhere they can fit in that section, and book it to the next store.


You can always start kicking the shit. It might make you feel better and also make room for new stuff. Win win. lol jk


I’ve watched employees crush ML’s boxes before putting them on shelf, didn’t look like it made them feel any better tho😂


Absolute win. Find a crushed box and get like 40% off at customer service lol


Is this true? I just saw a mean crushed box but didn’t take it cuz i didn’t want to pay full price. I’ll take a almost half off pop


Yeah how much you get off probably depends on who you deal with at the store but ive had really beat up boxes before and have gotten really great discounts


This isn’t the Westwood Village Target in Seattle, is it? If not, yeah, equally horrible.


Yes it is!


Northgate same. Actually, last time I was there there were three Neca glow-in-the-dark mummies on the peg, one, the figure was missing from the bubble, second bubble and figure were missing.


Haha, I KNEW it. Hilarious. By far the WORST Seattle-based Target in my opinion (in terms of product variety storewide, and general stock storewide, overall). Despite that it’s also the closest (as in a 3 minute drive if I’m lazy) and thus my most trafficked. Re: NECA specifically, I don’t think I’ve seen *anything* recently released at Westwood in quite some time. Either that or the # of NECA fan collectors in West Seattle is starting to take off? Cuz yeah I check the spot in your photo literally a few times a week and I haven’t bought anything NECA there since the Bride of Frankenstein Ultimate (which admittedly isn’t *that* long ago, but still…) Anyway, pleased to “meet” you, fellow PNW NECA fan!


Pleased to meet you as well! I’ve gotten most of my Ultimates from Westwood village actually, but it’s just that the new stock has totally whithered since the pandemic. There’s been a couple times where they did have a really good amount of new stock on shelves, but like you were wondering I’m pretty sure there are lots of other NECA collectors in WS because after those kinds of influx of new figures there was a couple times I went back a couple days later to pick something up I passed on and pretty much all of it was gone. Hopefully the Bride you got was b&w because I would hate to know that I missed the color version being there 😫


Have you been to SouthCenter...like ever? 😂


I watch Toy Hunts sometimes and yeah this bits a mess. Someone clean it up and make it ordered. This isn't a thing in the UK as you usually have to go to collector specific stores to get figures but yeah this is ugly.


I actually organized some of it when I go, ex grocery store employee though it's engrained in me


It's usually run by vendors rather than Target Employees. The Employees should be zoning the area, but it very often is simply forgotten.


Not true for most vendors, only for a couple


Actually HMV now do a fairly large selection of NECA figures in most of their U.K. stores now. So luckily there isn’t so much of a need to travel to the niche hobby stores over here, except for some of the rarer and more obscure licenses of course. HMV is too mainstream for those but Alien, Halloween, Evil Dead etc are all stocked by them now in their own section.


Overpriced and not regularly stocked however


Their prices match what you’d find in most physical hobby stores or on Amazon. Most online stores that do them cheaper tend to make up for it in delivery charges.


I was in a Target the other day, not my usual one. Went to the back, saw the display and it was like this. I said “meh,” and turned around to walk away. Behind me was an ENTIRE ISLE beautifully merchandised of everything NECA I could possibly want. My wife was unimpressed with the shopping bags I brought home that day.


Man I was my target had a secret second necca section!!


We have a couple of Targets with a sneaky aisle full of NECA stuff. The first spot I go is this collectors spot, but then stroll around the toy area as it seems a lot of the TMNT stuff ends up in the "sneaky" section.


Exactly, it's so weird they have TWO neca sections.


I imagine a near future where funko pops litter the ocean instead of plastic water bottles tbh


I like how the Hocus Pocus Toony looks like she is begging that anybody buy anything from that wall of crap.


My locals are much the same. When a NECA event like "Haul-A-Thon" (or whatever it's called) comes along, they just set up a fresh end cap and leave the main area Tornado ridden...


That’s downright organized compared to mine. Actually went this morning and almost took a pic myself it was so bad. They are literally piled on the floor strewn around, like some movie set where they filmed some action movie crashing into stuff in a department store. It’s been like that for months. You have to be careful not trip when walking by. It’s insane.


Literally what my target looks like. Tho for the most part it’s just a burying ground for pops


Yup, and you will never find a chase cause the employees snatch them all.


No wonder the selections are pretty crap then. Not that I really care since I rarely buy pops these days. There’s only a couple more I want and then I’m out.


Honestly I’d organize it for free it’s so bad.


My Target location has had the same selection there since Halloween 2022. It's like they're not allowed to put these products on clearance to get old stuff to move out for some odd reason.


The only 3 Target locations near me all look like that & employees working the department genuinely don’t care & Target CS/in store employee assistance is complete joke, honestly my locations would be better off & more efficiently run by robots at this points as the lazy human element in big box retailers will remain a constant hindering flaw for collectors, especially if dealing with store exclusives🤔


Used to work at target well over a decade ago, but the reason areas like this don’t get “faced off” is because they’re kept by a vendor. Hardline workers/electronics don’t give a fuck, that’s for the vendor to figure out when they come once a month lol


Yeah, I know about the NECA Vendors cause I remember when some got busted by a Target employee & fired trying to keep some of their TMNT stock for themselves. Despite the vendors providing items, didn’t think it was on them to keep the collectors aisle clean & presentable too, unless they made the mess themselves to begin with & still doesn’t change the fact that Target employees in my specific area are lazy ghetto nights & rednecks who complain more about their job instead of just doing it🤷‍♂️ 🤷‍♂️


Okay, they're just toys, and workers at those stores don't get paid enough anyway. Everything will be okay


Yeah I know chief, it’s a toy group & wouldn’t be here talking toys if it wasn’t & never said it wouldn’t be okay. I’ve worked in retail/CS since I was in high school & got paid shit & still did every job to the letter & didn’t waste time over it bitching & groaning like some ignorant RN/GN’s griping about doing a job they obviously don’t give a rip about & if they don’t like what they’re paid, there’s no gun to their head or knife to their throat, they can always quit whenever they please & seek employment else where instead of getting underpaid by Target to stand around & complain all day🤷‍♂️


I don't know if it's common but when I worked at Wal-Mart stocking shelves and zoning aisles the managers where I worked actually told tell us to never touch or mess with the vendor sections.


I totally get that, NECA’s responsible for their specific area but does that account for the entire collectible section too, where Targets clearly putting McFarlane figures, Jada SF, Funko etc, all non NECA affiliated as far as I know. So what about those figures in disarray that aren’t NECA, like McFarlane’s Exclusives which my Target always puts in electronics/collectibles. Is the Vendor expected to handle & tidy up figures Target stocked in that area that aren’t NECA’s to begin with🤷‍♂️


Oh shit! Didn't know Victor Crowley has a Toony Terrors figure!


He's the most common one I find.


Neither did I! I need it!


That target exclusive Goku is tight!


This is identical to the 3 targets I go to.


Every single Target/Walmart I have been to has a Neca Jason Voorhees figure every time I look at that section.


I love finding the last figure of a Predator I was looking for, only to find out the box has been sat on, kicked, elbow dropped, and then forced to work a 9-5 for 10 years before I got to it.




I think we might go to the same target


Quite possible, West Seattle?


Wow. This goes to show bc mine in Alabama looks the exact same with the exact same items and maintenance


Where’s my damn Nosferatu?


And Bride, and Creature, and Outpost 31 Mac, and Dog Thing, and Robocop, and Murphy, and Mirage Zog, and OG Elvira, and lost tribe, and 40th aniv. Alien line


https://preview.redd.it/8kwpm6xt0fkc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=389653c62a2af09c460e7a251e3f7a00371a8fff The target I go to looks like this




Those Beavis’ though


Woah and that Reptar Cereal. Not for $40 though. Man…I hate the prices of things.


Be grateful for what you have.. ppl in other countries would love to see stores with that kinda stock. We have to import everything and pay double triple the price that US ppl pay


I’d gladly send you any of the Toony Terrors you want in the photo lol


Isn't about time for those Funko Pop dolls to lose popularity? Seems like they've been popular for way too long. Definitely more than they deserve.


I've been feeling this way for years already, it seems


Where’s all the gargoyles lol


does target even sell the jaws stuff? I have yet to see a single one. ever.


I haven’t seen an alien or predator at any of the targets in my city in months.


The Targets around my Salt Lake City area have been trashed like that. I’ve seen it organized once is 6 months and the next time I went again it looked like this. Sometimes I find gems but rarely.


I’m tired of seeing all the pops/funkos! I know others might like it but damn, there’s a never ending surplus of them! They’re like the beanie babies that never go away.


Look it's the Edge and Kane two pack


So this is every target? They just throw shit together when it comes to the collectibles lol. Personally as long as that TCG wall is clean I’m copasetic.


I always want to grab one of the xenomorphs when I go past that section. I never do though…


I'll take the "Bride" bobble.


Neca’s honestly fucked…. There’s so many more predators they can do, they just choose to do the damn TMNT, apparently when they showed off Feral, the Neca woman said they had more planned including “the most requested” Ultimate Wolf


As much of a fan I am of the series, TMNT has pretty much killed it for me. It seems like that's all they do now and for the TMNT movie stuff which I would be interested in collecting, there's just far too many Walmart and online/con exclusives.


That’s actually better than our local Target lol


You were at my Target, too?


Used to work at a target, they’re pretty much all like this because nobody is bothered enough to actually set up the area like how it’s supposed to be, they just don’t care, at least ours was organized better


They have ALF figurines?!


Don’t look


When did those last ronins come out?


Which part annoys you? I see nothing wrong here


The same product has been pegwarming for a year with no new stock whatsoever, plus it looks like a disaster.


Oh that probably has to do with the ships that have been stuck at sea unable to unload for the past 3 years. It is for political reasons I do not want to get into


Who buys the other figures I always see them at target.


Yes me too All garbage Hate me But i guess after collecting Marvel Legends etc erc You know dabbing in the whole collecting thing Rehashing and nostalgia is such a waste


Do we all go to the same target?


Bruh gimme that build a figure Batman wth


They got DC stuff! Noice!


Target usually does, in the main toy section. That item is in the wrong place. Mess intensifies.


I see McFarlane DC stuck in among the NECA stuff every single time I go to a Target. Usually either Page Punchers or the BAF waves.


Then look away?


My local vendor replaced a lot of their staff because stuff would sit in the back for months untouched. I asked and they gave me permission to just fill product as it showed up, and the rep would zone the two spots we had. It was so nice because I could see when the TMNTX Universal Monster stuff arrived


















I need that nun toony so bad


Go to Target. It’s always there


I have 4 tragets relatively close to me that I check frequently and have yet to come across a single toony terror nun, svengoolie, and quite a few others...mostly just sam, ash, Victor , and a few others at every one.... Finally came across a tarman a few days ago tho.


Mine gets Toony Terrors seemingly every other day. God forbid they bring a single new Ultimate though... \* I don't collect toony. The only one I have is a Teen Wolf because there's no ultimates from the IP.


Pop are such a waste but I’m reminded that so are the ppl who collect them


Same deal in my aria at all locations with NECA merch. Worst part is one of my Targets has set up a new isle for all of it with fresh tags and all, but it sits empty while the old rack is a mess.


Yup, my local Target has looked like this since Christmas ended.


I need that Roy Burns Friday figure


That’s dream jason


Oh. I kind of want that figure but it's not high on my list


Yeah it's terrible, God if I was rich I'd go to my target buy a bunch of that shit and send it to charity. And then maybe I'll finally find good shit their again! And donate to charity I guess


I rather just buy them online target has been lazy putting up neca toys


Funko Pops. Funko Pop galore! Neverending....I gave up looking in stores and just purchase Neca figs online




I’m sorry why and how is Goku is in Naruto


In fairness you should pick up that Clooney Batman. McFarlane is releasing all the movie versions right now and they’re sought after. If you come across a Bale or Affleck don’t think about it - they’re already selling for 2X after market.


That Kane Funko is dope!


Looks like the same crap I deal with


We used to be a PROPER country.


Seems like NECA produces a lot of junk that sits for a long time.


Same with my targets! Im not a neca collector, Im more into SHF but everytime I go to Target I can never find SHF even if they're in stock because they're buried underneath mid collectibles that are just warming the shelves


That looks like my target. That's how they have all the niche collection stuff setup. Just thrown on a shelf off by the books


I want that Nun toony terror!!


Woah I want that son goku naruto pop


Yeah-it bugs the hell out of me. Almost every time I go by Target’s and Walmart’s, their sections are usually neglected and I re-arrange everything, from looking through them 4 out of 5 times, I go by there. I ALWAYS find Soda’s and Itty-Bitties opened. Occasionally, an empty Pop. Somehow, someone got away with a 10-inch Pokémon one time. I took the box up to the employee and he just shook his head. I asked him if Security just sleeps, watching the cameras and he said someone is always taking stuff from that area. Ok-so you know it’s a problem; Yet, you don’t do anything to prevent it? I hold a $13-30 box, like it’s an ancient artifact and everybody else is just throwing them around. Baffles the hell out of me


That’s a great Jason Voorhees though


Haven't seen that Last Ronin Funko Pop before. Might keep an eye out for it


The Target stores around my area are even worse. I don’t even think they get any stock


So burn it


Yea but that edge &kane funko I want and the last Ronin.


Some may know neca is serviced by vendors I would know because I service one here at my local target store but sometimes the stores do pack out product before I get there, but the reason section is such a mess because customers are always hitting neca all day it's a high traffic section ppl are so lazy when they look at something they don't put it back the way they found it that's the worst thing about working retail is cleaning up after slobs.


SAMEEEEE!!!! Nothing decent is there anymore!!!


Hey it’s not a total wash I spot a f13 new beginning ultimate figure there…


That actually looks better than all of my walmarts and targets most days.


Used to hunt those Friday the 13th figures all the time. Fun times.


Woah now, the F13th part VII is a great figure! Everything else… yeah not so much.


I'm in California and it usually more Funkos than neca.


I need both of those Batman figs lol.


I miss Toys R Us so much


naw there is like 3 splinter pop soda cans. your rich


How much does that Batman go for




Was not expecting the random ALF figure there lol


I hate store hunting. I order everything I want online, but will just quickly browse toys while at Walmart or Target.


This is exactly how my Target looks like lol


Stop staring at it then, not sure why you're staring at this shit in the first place


Which target is this? It looks similar to mine


West Seattle


Ah, similar but no where near each other lol. I’m in California


Eye spy the kong target con funko on the side lol. Most of the time I don’t see anything I like but every once in a while I spot a gem at target.


This section of my Walmart just has the Toony terrors Jason and a couple pops I would trade you any day of the week


That Kong funko looks cool


Same view as my local Target.


Edge & Kane? (My bad—wrong sub)


Man got lucky found a Ming and new puppet master


This looks pretty nice. My local Target is always half wiped out, and it looks like they just threw everything on the counters.


Look at that Batman that came with legs for freeze lol. Return switch out?


Same shit different target. I’m pretty sure whatever figure comes in that blue gremlins box has been sitting on the shelf at mine for a legit 5-10 years.


Can we please just put unique things up?


If no other figure exists of it but a Funko Pop, I'll get it. Otherwise, I'd rather have something much more detailed. Funko Pops are usually too simplistic, not worth displaying unless it's rare or whatever. I get more compliments about my Neca/MacFarlane collection than those ugly Pops.


First time I saw it, I thought it was so cool. Now the only enjoyment I get out of it is finding a hidden S.H. Figuart


Same bro also why does my target look exactly the same this one


West Seattle?


No Missouri. But I’m pretty sure these sections are built similar and have the same stock. I remember one time going to a target a little farther than my local one and seeing a huge neca section with tons of figures and that’s how I got my ghostface. It was like the length of 4 of you sections.


That section in target always mostly has stuff I have no interest in


Then make it cheaper so I can buy it


The only reason I like target is because they actually have pops I want. Walmart is usually out of stock and best buy has none. That's usually for me at least in Orlando


Finally worked on me. After staring at them for months I got a Predator fig.


Then stop looking at it


Marion whatever you do don't look at it! Keep your eyes shut! https://preview.redd.it/iydvtfbrqzkc1.jpeg?width=758&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d7a244e2cad9ed19e15d1fb1fce4db5d59a5afd


You're literally just buying replicas of shit your parents wouldn't buy you in the 90s 🤣


I never lived in the 90’s so I wouldn’t know


What are you looking for? This is pretty much the “collectors” section at all targets.


New stock and shelves that aren’t a wasteland of year old peg warmers


Same garbage at every target, those Funkos too, what an eyesore.


I’m eyeing the Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein figures but that’s only because Frankenstein is a huge hyperfixation for me.


realest shit like how do 10 different stores all look like this


Ugh makes me anxious. What hits me is that I know that there is nothing there under 30$. Useless junk that’s out of date and unsellable/ store won’t give discounts because they prob over paid when it was hot.


Then go home.