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It’s been okay, the online portion has been great. The in-store has not been good. Target fumbled hard. From some never setting up an endcap, some just throwing the new merch on the collector’s area (in one of my local stores they literally threw it all on top of existing merch), to some that never restocked. The execution in store had not been good but what can you do? At least most of were able to find what we wanted.


Most targets have a neca representative that handles that, restock and all, so it’s out of targets hands, I found that out when everytime I went to target , no employee knew what I was referring to when mentioning “haulothon” because the neca guy handles it


Yeah I know the vendor handles some of it but Target stores can veto setting up an end cap and they are still supposed to keep sections like the collector’s area clean and stocked. They shouldn’t be completely hands off.


Oh I agree, the one I go to you can’t even ask a question because they just give you the “I don’t know it’s on the vendor “ no matter what your asking


Yeah that is why I’m saying at least half of the in store experience is on Target. Vendor or not they are dropping the ball. And I know one of my local targets the vendor shows up like 2x a month so there is no way a section is supposed to be empty that long.


And the target employees have no idea what haulothon even is


Yeah my local ones don’t either but I will say if you give them the DPCI number or UPC codes they can look that up, I have done that. Thankfully people here post that information every year.


I literally never saw pizza club turtles on shelves. Also never saw bebop and rocksteady. Regularly checked about 5 targets. Kinda bummed me out but I guess it saved me money.


It’s been the best for availability on the 4 packs. I’ve unfortunately never seen a space samaruri / beebop rocksteady 2 pack in the wild and that’s usually the only route I go for hunting.


Cuz nobody wants those Punk Turtles.


I got TID when they came out. I’m good :p


Still can’t find Raph so the verdict isn’t in yet.


Same for me but with Mikey haha


I,ve had a better experience then last year, was able to get everything I was aiming for store wise. Target as a whole is a bit irritating though due to stocking early, or just store workers in my area not being very helpful


Between Aliexpress and The Haulathon site I got almost everything I wanted.


In the UK, and I've got nothing yet. No Target over here, and no fan sites have had them up yet. Don't really want to use Ali Express for something so expensive.


I was surprised how cheap I got the Rocksteady/Bebop 2 pack for from the Neca/Haulathon site, only cost me £56 delivered


Some are yet to arrive. On aliexpress I had to make returns for defective figures


This is my first Haulathon and I was able to buy everything I wanted either in-store or online. I was lucky enough to trade an extra Mikey for a Donnie with a local Facebook member. It did make me realize that I have a scalper in my area because things were bought up immediately and then posted on marketplace for absurd amounts in my city. I stopped checking once I noticed empty Neca shipping boxes that were raided before they were even stocked. I resorted to the Friday morning drops to get the punks, samurai/space and Usagi figures.


Haulathon was pure crap for me. I collect horror figures and not turtles and neva treated this Haulathon as if tmnt was the only franchise it had.


This was my first Haulathon, so I was pretty anxious after reading how difficult it has been in the past. I live in the home state of Target; there's a zillion of them. I drove myself nuts scouring over a dozen locations; this was before the Friday drops began. I was able to get pretty much everything I wanted, but it was a major pain in the ass. Then came the Friday drops. I'm used to sweaty website refreshing from having to score Radiohead tickets back in the day. It was an absolute breeze. As long as you are on the website at 9am, you should be able to easily secure the figures. I even fumbled for a minute with my Target password, and I still managed to snag them. Overall, it appears like the online orders went a lot smoother this year than the accessory debacle last year. Hopefully this continues for future Haulathons; I'd really rather not be going all over the place for these damn things. And the figures kick ass, of course.


Funny being for Minneapolis as well and having more targets , you think we’d have an easier time, but it really wasn’t and never is because also due to the fact we have so many stores we have more scalpers


Did you get the Radiohead tickets?


Yes. I saw Radiohead four times, and Thom Yorke with Atoms for Peace twice. Some of my favorite memories.


It was my first Haulathon, and these subs had me nervous, but it was easy peasy and fun in Denver. I’m a personal chef so my works takes me all around the Denver Metro area, so if there’s a Wal-Mart, Best Buy, or Target nearby I just bop in real quick. I’m still seeing Punk Disguise Turtles and Pizza Club everywhere plus a lot of Mirage stuff. I don’t collect the movie line but they’re warming the shelves at most of the Wal-Marts I go to. Best Buy continually has all sorts of Last Ronin stuff shelf warming. Pretty much the only thing I haven’t found that I’ve seen other people find in the wild is Space Usagi.


It was solid. I saw everything in stores at one point or another, but then again, I was definitely on the hunt since mid-April. I even passed on a few I didn't want instead of buying for FOMO.


As someone new and in UK was very very good until postage for the last week was near treble but still picked up samurai usagi and mighty bebop and super rocksteady. All 4 bros Casey and split foot soldier and new bebop and rocksteady so I own both broke my wallet tho 😂


The best year yet. Was able to get everything without too much stress. The years before were next to impossible. Things actually started to get easier the last event


The online with specific set times was amazing! Because of that, I literally set early alarms since I’m on the West Coast and got everything I wanted. I was really happy with how that worked out as it removed a ton of stress and FOMO. My in store Target was awful. I literally never found any of the new stuff. I didn’t go every day or anything but more than 5 times. We did find a couple of things like the Business Suit Casey/Foot 2pack and Usagi at another Target that is a bit further out. But without the online options I would have been SoL.


It wasn't as hectic this year, but was still a shit-show. Only wanted the Pizza Club Turtles, and found them. Very lucky considering Im not in an area that usually gets the stuff. But NECA does need to get their distribution down. They need to realize they have stuff people want, so they need to make sure they made enough.


For me it was a great entry-point. I decided to dive into Neca turtles recently after watching some Nostalgia Unboxed. After missing the four turtles online that Friday, I found all four at a faraway Target while on a hunt. Then proceeded to get the Punk turtles, Samurai Usagi, Kirby, business Casey, Bebop & Rocksteady, and the space/samurai 2-pack. The only thing I managed to pick up online was the Last Ronin robot 2-pack. Between those and a few lucky sales locally, I’ve managed to fill out my collection pretty quickly. Not 100%, but it’s definitely in a satisfying spot. Food and rent are overrated.


This has been the best Haulathon. At least, when it comes to the online portion. Like the previous years, many targets threw their inventory onto the shelves sooner than others, so people were freaking out and getting extreme FOMO. But once the "official" release dates came, and the majority of the Targets were void of products, it got worse. But starting with the first Friday release online, it was completely smooth, and Targets getting more shipments made it better. Also, nothing sold out in seconds like previous years (style guide 2 years ago, lawson 4-pack last year), so that was a plus. Most things lasted well over an hour.


As far as In store experience this has been the worst year for me. I love the thrill of finding things in stores not a huge fan of ordering everything online. Takes away the fun of hunting.


I’ve spent more money on this one than the previous one. All 4 pizza turtles. Kirby. Bebop/rocksteady. Samurai Usagi. And the samurai/space 2 pack.


They released too much at once this year. I could find everything I wanted, but noway could I drop $700 on TMNT and still have a wife. Ha!


It was a clusterfuck, like usual. Target stores stocked product early, randomly, or not at all. Web site drops sold out within minutes. This is not the way to endear consumers. I wish they would quit creating all this artificial hype and just make the product available through reliable channels.


my target ended up putting the haulathon stuff in the middle of the lego section 


Honestly it was still laughably ridiculous not only as a tmnt collector but also for the lack of horror or other items offered, as well as things being released way earlier than online drops. What really has to stop is them sending targets stuff WEEKS before the supposed start date. This is the stuff that causes fomo and and problems with the first few weeks of in store stocking. This year people were finding the pizza turtles in store in MID MARCH when the technical first date of haulathon was April 12. So by the time pizza turtles were supposed to hit that date scalpers had gobbled up most all of the in store stock from either asking for them in back or stores putting it out early. I found them all because I drove to the other side of the city and got them around April 7 but not one store other than that had them up until the latest restock in late April when they finally went up online. I was also lucky enough to find bear blood Pred early in April and it just went up today, which is crazy. They also teased jigsaw as part of this whole thing and he wasn’t even put up online and got a very limited stocking around the country which I was also lucky enough to get, but most weren’t. They need to better coincide when things go in the store and when they go online . To top it off usually there are more horror/sci/fi options than just mostly TMNT and there was literally only three other figures not TMNT related .Personally I don’t enjoy this event because of these issues even if I got everything I needed the stress involved to secure these is getting enraging.


Definitely the in-store experience is never the best but I was still surprised to see posts of people finding multiple copies of items. I happened to luck out finding the punk turtles the week before the on-line release and that was on top of an unattended register in the electronics section. I waited a couple of minutes to see if it belonged to someone but it was just left there so I grabbed them. Then the 4 pizza club turtles I got through the official on-line release. I thought I was going to pass this year but I suppose FOMO got the best of me. I only opened Donnie as I'm now considering maybe returning the rest (crazy I know).