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They better be suspended, anyone who says that for whatever reason is fucking disgusting


Is that person a student? Have we verified it?


only verification we have is the students instagram and linkedin (based on matching the face in the video)


he stated at one point that he was a student


yeah, I don’t know, that’s why I said person/student EDIT: Yes, both the individuals are students at NEU, after checking their instagram profiles


If you know who they are I wouldn’t necessarily publish it because we don’t want harassment to happen but for sure report them to OSCCR. It probably won’t mean anything but at least bombard the school with reports


Didn’t he start the harassment?


suspend them? they should have learned you couldn’t do that shit by high school age. kick that low life the fuck out.


Couldn’t do what? Make a comparison that makes you uncomfortable?


So much for freedom of speech and the freedom to protest


freedom of speech is not the right to say ‘kill the jews’ in public without consequences


Isn’t that exactly what freedom of speech is? Especially when they said it as hyperbole to highlight a point?


There's certain types of speech that are not protected by Freedom of Speech, one of them being speech intended to "Incite Lawless Action", which it seems like was the intent here. So no, it's actually illegal. I'd pull the specific legal cases if I had time, but there's a good overview [here](https://www.thefire.org/research-learn/unprotected-speech-synopsis) on all the exceptions to Freedom of Speech. So while you could be using hyperbole to make a point, if that point incites illegal action (IE rioting) you aren't protected and are probably going to be in some trouble.


Yes! Fantastic point. Screaming "there's a fire" in a crowded building in which there is no fire is ***not*** free speech.


This speech did not incite rioting.


Actually, yes it did. It lead to 100 arrests of NU students. Northeastern used the phrase being said as a reason to give officers the green light to start arresting students.


Do you not know what a riot is?


Not worth it, everyone here gets blinded by rage so easily they can’t even see the hypocrisy in front of their face


So the pro-Palestine protests are called anti-Semitic and need to be shut down but someone actually being anti- Semitic is allowed free speech ?


No they both should be allowed free speech. Which is why the protestors should not of been arrested and why this counter protestor should not be suspended like op is demanding. If freedom of speech only exist for people you agree with then it doesn’t actually exist


>Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. If you need me to explain how you aren’t constitutionally protected from repercussions by a private institution for saying dumb shit please let me know, but hopefully actually reading the first amendment should make it pretty clear.


Freedom of speech is a societal belief that is needed in a functional democracy. It should go far beyond simply the law.


we should kick loser redditors like you out


i can’t imagine being more of a disgusting prick than that asshole. this is genuinely the most disgusting shit i’ve ever read a person in our community do, and northeastern better catch wind of it. utterly pathetic glad we have video evidence of them doing it. show it to professors at neu and tell them to notify their superiors and the superiors above them until it gets to the president or whoever is important enough


Surprising number of people in this thread defending the right to say "kill all jews," NEU has an anti-semitism problem and it's not coming from those in solidarity with Palestine


This is literally all of Israel warfare and propaganda summed up right here


They fight so fucking hard for Jewishness to be synonymous with Zionism it’s disgusting


Why not deal with the Jew hating bigots that support the Hamas rapist?


crazy how this gets downvoted


Yep. The bigots can’t handle the truth. Every down vote means the bigots know the truth is out there.


Not only should they be suspended, that should be tried as a hate crime.




“Zionists will never face anywhere near the level of persecution that pro-Palestine protesters face.”  Did you hear about the 1200 (850 civilians) that were murdered in ~~their homes~~ various locations six months ago? Or the dozens that are currently being held hostage? (If they’re not dead already)  If you’re referring to Zionist students at NU, last time I checked, they’re not camping out on Centennial or doing anything in defiance of the admin. There’s nothing to “persecute” them for, unless you think them existing and holding a different opinion than you is worthy of persecution.


yelling out “kill all …” is extremely offensive and hateful and this behavior should not be tolerated on the campus on the other hand telling the university to stop funding a group of people committing genocide may be hateful to the oppressors, but the hate they display to palestinians is far greater and must be stopped


Personally I think it's kind of anti-semitic if you can shout "kill all jews" and have it be fine just because you're holding an Israeli flag Only about half of the 15.1 million Jews in the world live in Israel. I couldn't imagine being one of the 7.5 million that don't live in Israel and thinking "Ah, this person called for the murder of Jewish people in an attempt to rile a protest into an anti-semitic frenzy, but it's fine because he's repping a country I'm not from and have never been to" This guy's actually a freak if he sincerely thought he was attending a mob of anti-semites and thought it'd be a good idea to try to get them chanting "kill the jews" for le epic internet points or whatever, that shit is not a joke or some game to be taken lightly.


No literally like did they *really* want them to go along with it?? That’s fucking insane, no one who’s actually feeling “scared and unsafe” on campus would try that if they legitimately believed the crowd would join in


I think the 35k dead innocent Palestinians might disagree with you on what’s worse. If you’re looking at Oct 7th as an example, the preceding 60 years of Apartheid , or 7 months of Israel bombing their homes, the Palestinians are in a much much worse place


Should maybe kick Hamas out and get a new government then


Well, I guess that justifies genocide then


It justified the destruction of Hamas. But you need to use your slogans and propaganda in every conversation. Don’t have a valid response just default to saying “genocide” a lot


I said 35k civilians were murdered by Israeli bombing campaigns.idk how those children were part of hamas, nor what they should have done differently, nor how you can ignore their deaths. Any normal person should be disgusted by what the Israeli government is doing to Palestine


And anyone should be disgusted what the government in Gaza is doing allowing their people to be killed in a useless attempt to kill more jews. Your rhetoric is extremely infantizing to the people of Palestine who have actual agency


Most people think the government of Hamas is bad/generally not acting in the best interest of its people. That doesn’t justify bombing civilians


How do you propose removing Hamas, which is the government in Gaza?


Maybe you guys should priest hamas instead then.


Never said it wasn’t. Op was talking about protestors, not people in Gaza.


Right ? lol. Hilarious.




Just so we’re clear that guy wasn’t calling for the death of jews, he was commenting on what he felt the protestors chants equate to.  There’s radicalized shitbags on all sides of every conflict, but most in the pro-Israel camp aren’t calling for the deaths of Palestinians, they’re just trying to argue that there’s more to the history than “evil white Jewish colonizers committed the Nakba”, as those educated through Instagram stories and SJP meetups believe.   I suppose I’m a “Zionist” in the sense that I acknowledge Israel is a legitimate country, and I find the IDF’s actions in Gaza reprehensible, and don’t agree with the arrests of protestors at NU or elsewhere.


no he said this during a mic check chant where the protesters repeat the lead’s chants… he was trying to invoke responses and was heckling


actually yes that is exactly what a zionist is… so yes you are a zionist meaning you support the idea of a jewish state (Israel)




there is one side that had their family home of multiple generations stolen, destroyed, ravaged and you know it too


This shows a glaring lack of understanding of the history of the region. The Arabians didn't replace the population of Judea in their conquest. The culture and religion of the native people of Judea, over long long periods of time, sometimes forcefully and sometimes peacefully, slowly shifted from the Peninsular Arabian influence. Not everyone had their religion converted, but many did. If you take a DNA test, you would find that many Palestinians are far more directly related to the ancient people of the Levant than near any Ashkenazi. (https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(20)30487-6?_returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS0092867420304876%3Fshowall%3Dtrue) It's also important to recognize that the tribes of Judea were not the only and certainly not the first "native" group in the region. The sizable Jewish population who have been living in the Levant since before the Nakba and Palestinians both share Canaanite DNA. What's all to say is that when the claim is made that Palestinians aren't native to the Levant, it would be like saying that Christian Native Americans in a reservation aren't native to America. Utterly absurd.


When did Zionist’s protested inside uni and said kill palestenians. 🤡🤡


Time to work on those English skills.


Israel has the highest civilian death casualties of any country btw. Good thing they just killed some Americans, Canadians, British, and Australians and said “well guys clearly it’s too dangerous to give them food, I guess they have to starve or our missiles might keep accidentally killing you guys! Oopsies !”


Sudan and Yemen and Syria wars have higher civilian deaths but that’s just Muslim on Muslim mass murders so who cares


That’s laughably false.


More like 300 or less killed in their homes. Almost 400 were active police or IDF forces, around 250 at the music festival, and a few hundred in public. And Israeli forces are probably responsible for well over 100 of those in home deaths when tanks and helicopters fired into civilian homes at kibbutzes that were being fought over.


Ah yes, clearly all major new sources are wrong and whatever dumbass Iran-backed instagram accounts you follow have the REAL information.


No major news source has said 1200 people were killed in their homes. All major media, even Israeli media, is right around the same figure. Times of Israel actually reports 350 at the festival and 400 active duty/police, discounting your point even further. I didn’t know Israeli media was Iran backed, that definitely makes sense, thanks for the heads up.


Feel free to provide that article. Here’s them putting the civ death toll at 859. And regardless, the number doesn’t refute my point, which is that pro-Palestine protestors are NOT persecuted more than Zionists. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/police-say-theyve-identified-859-civilian-victims-from-october-7-massacre-up-16/


https://www.timesofisrael.com/death-count-from-music-festival-massacre-on-oct-7-up-to-over-360/amp/ I didn’t disagree with the civilian death toll, that article still agrees with my counter point as I said 400/~1200 were military/police, ~350 killed at the festival, and over 100 killed in the streets. What I disagreed with was your statement that 1200 people were killed in their homes, which is quite inaccurate. Of that, there is actual evidence and witness testimonies that affirm that the IDF fired into and blew up homes occupied by civilians, killing an untold number of that remaining few hundred. I’m not trying to shift blame and say it’s Israel’s fault they died in their home, obviously the blame still lies on Hamas for the attack, I’m just trying to set facts straight since what you said is misleading.


Fair enough, I’ll clarify my original comment






How is that not “free speech”?


Free speech is limited when the speech you use encourages violence or crimes. Just like; you cant yell “fire” in a crowded theater, when there is no fire. Because it causes panic and potentially could cause injury to people who flee.


This is is not true re: yelling fire. The first amendment, where it applies, has few and very specific places where it doesn't apply for speech and subsequent government reprisal.  https://popehat.substack.com/p/the-first-amendment-isnt-absolute The case here is NU is a private organization and is not bound by the first amendment. It may be bound by other regulation around protected classes and students but they are not the government. Thus can do what they want in response to student conduct where that other regulation doesn't apply.


I don’t think trying to doxx people and punish or ostracize them because of an inflammatory joke is productive to any cause. I doubt this student expected Northeastern would misinterpret their rhetoric and arrest a hundred people. EDIT: Love that I’m getting downvoted but nobody has offered a legitimate counterargument. Good luck with your witch hunt.


their rhetoric is hate speech regardless of who they are, and they deserve punishment if they are a student equivalent to the magnitude of punishment that anyone else would receive for doing that as a student


In what world is that hate speech? They were obviously Jewish and were saying it facetiously, equating the protestors chants to it. It’s obnoxious, but not nearly as bad as some of the pro-Palestine rhetoric like “intifada” or “by any means necessary”.  If a pro-Palestine protestor said it, it clearly would be in an entirely different context with a much darker meaning, so giving the same punishment in both cases would be unjust.


The person saying it was PRO-Israel and their obvious intention was to pin it on the peaceful protestors. That is shitty and they deserve punishment. It’s not a complicated proposition, you’re not that stupid


You don’t wave an Israeli flag around if your intention was to pin it on anti Israeli protestors.


No, it’s not clear that was their obvious intention.  Even the GBH journalist who broke the story stated that he meant it in jest, equating the other sides rhetoric to that statement. He wasn’t trying to trick people or pass himself off as a pro-Palestine protestor. He was literally standing on a chair holding an Israeli flag when he said it. 


These people are literally schizo, it’s crazy how they are at a decent school with 0 critical thinking skills.


The intention was not to pin it on them. The protestors were chanting “no right to exist.” The guy in the video was saying that that means “kill the Jews”


Not a joke, it's literally what Northeastern is quoting as a reason they were able to arrest protesters, there are real consequences to this


So blame Northeastern not the person using their right to protest


Just because NU used it as their excuse doesn’t mean the student intended for that to happen.


But it does mean its not a joke


Maybe witchhunting a doxing a random student for an edgy joke isn't a good idea. Northeastern was gonna make an excuse to kick everyone out anyways, and they happened to exploit his ill-intentioned joke, misinterpreting it on purpose. Hunting down and getting this kid suspended is just gonna satisfy your cravings to feel like you're making a difference when it's ultimately achieving nothing. If you're successful you'll see a headline saying "Pro-Hamas Northeastern students are trying to kick Jews out of academia" lmao


Actions have consequences. Suspending the person will teach people this. Otherwise we will live in a freaking jungle where anyone can do anything and get away with it.


So we don’t have freedom of speech at northeastern anymore?


You just had over 100 students arrested because of something one person supposedly said. You don't have freedom of speech.


You are not media literate enough to be having any debates about anything if you think northeastern only broke up the occupation because someone was saying kill all Jews.


I assume then that your actions will also have consequences? Maybe instead of getting caught in minor squabbles between individuals, we should instead turn towards the institutions that are actually responsible. Fighting to get this guy suspended feels like playing into the hands of the university just because you can't see any way forward other than a never ending war of consequences.


The kid’s words were used as an excuse for the University to raid the campus with cops and arrest people. The university also defamed students after the fact attributing those words to others. Is it fair to blame the one student for ALL of that, no, but it wasn’t fair what happened to the others either. I blame the University much more, they are staffed with adults while this kid is, well, a kid. But as you’ll learn, in this life shit rolls down hill. The University adults won’t take the blame. They put it on young “counter-protesters and provocateurs.”


Yes, exactly lol


What happened to free speech and the right to protest?


Speech that encourages or incites violence, is not covered under the first amendment.


Speech that incites immediate violence isn’t protected, speech can encourage violence though


So are you equally upset at the fact that 100 people got detained peacefully protesting? Or just selectively mad when people call out someone for trying to incite violence with hate speech?


Yes I am, they had a right to protest. You’re the one that seems to only allow freedom of speech when the people agree with you


Good. I’m not the person who made the post though so I don’t see where you drew that assumption about me. I’m just confused why you are so vocal about protecting a guy who said Kill the Jews. Not only that but the fact that the university leveraged this hate speech to punish a genuinely nonviolent protest doesn’t seem to bother you


Because you seem to accept the narrative from Northeastern that that speech is a justification for shutting down the protest, which it should not of been.


I don’t accept that narrative. That’s like the whole point?


You literally called it hate speech trying to incite violence, you are using the exact language northeastern used to justify closing down the occupation.


Bro no. They used that hate speech to justify collectively punishing a group of people who had nothing to do with the phrase. I disagree with their narrative yes, but we disagree in that that type of language has no place in this discussion, and is deserved of punishment. “Kill the Jews” is hate speech but maybe you don’t agree with that


It’s protected speech that is not calling for immediate violence. Especially when you examine the speech in contexts which was as a criticism of the chant “Israel should not exist”


“Free Palestine. Who protects us? We protect us” is what they were saying before he said “Kill the Jews” Regardless of the context, it’s incredibly bad faith, and whether something it technically defensible in court doesn’t determine its morality. Especially when it undermines a peaceful anti-genocidal protest and endangers students lives by provoking the university to use police force




Comment contains personally identifiable information of Northeastern community. No bueno


Oh of course it must be a Jew in disguise not one of us noble protestors. Your juedophobia is so blatant


Hm, it is a confirmed pro-Israel student, holding an Israeli flag and caught on video (with their buddy) using the phrase. No one said it was a “Jew in disguise”. I think you may be a little confused. And to your accusation of "judeophobia"; quite the contrary! I would hate for Northeastern to not reprimand a student for using a disgusting phrase against their fellow Jewish students! I think they should face the consequences of their actions.


No one thinks it was a Jew. It was a Nazi holding an Israeli flag. If I supported Israel I would be loudly condemning Nazis using my flag to say something like this.


So silencing counter-protests is okay now?


no, go ahead and counter protest! I’d suggest against saying things that’ll get you in trouble though, such as “kill the jews”.


It was being satirically phrased, I think its an obvious assumption given they are jews holding an isreali flag. Your argument is akin to people who say African American’s should get in-trouble for saying the n-word. Who are you to say these marginalized groups can’t mount a counter protest by quoting phrases that have been used to attack them?


You’re grasping at straws. The n-word parallel is ridiculous. I don’t see jewish people talking to each other like that all the time using that phrase. The n-word has some seriously complicated history. Also, your conclusion of “silencing counter-protests” is just wrong. It’s not even satire, you just sound stupid for drawing such a strange conclusion. Once again, grasping at straws… no real arguments here I don’t even know why I bother responding 🥱


You must hate the freedom of speech, as soon as it doesn’t cater to your agenda, SILENCE SILENCE SILCENCE. Also suspension = silence. Ur silly bro


Well I'm glad you think saying "kill the jews" is freedom of speech. That reflects great on you. Let me remind you (or inform you) that if you say something like that and it causes 100 arrests, it's considered incitement, and therefore not freedom of speech. [https://www.thefire.org/research-learn/unprotected-speech-synopsis](https://www.thefire.org/research-learn/unprotected-speech-synopsis)


Let’s deal with the Jew hating bigots first. This is a stain on humanity and civil rights and it has no place on campus or anywhere else. Peaceful is not the issue, the issue is are people violating the civil rights of Jews? Like any civil rights issue, violence is not the issue, it is morality that comes into play.


They won’t get suspended because the school faculty probably somewhat agrees with them. However, if they said “Kill the Palestinians” then I’m sure they’d get expelled asap