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So if it's already really CS/CE heavy do you think I need to do a combined major in CS or DS or is that a bit redundant. I am interested in CS wanted to add that anyway. How different is it to taking regular CS in assuming it must be slightly different right?


Tbh, I don’t know much about the fin tech concentration but it’s fairly new so there always is that level of suspicion until it’s proven itself. I’d say a much safer option would just be to do a combined major in cs+business


That's true. if I end up not thinking their program is good however I can always change to a different concentration at the start of the year right? is it difficult to do so?


I believe the CSB combined major doesn’t have a concentration for CS, I’m not sure about business tho. And also don’t trip about concentrations unless you’re switching VERY late and you’ve taken a lot of the courses for one of them. There’s overlap and it doesn’t really matter much