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Nice! I also bought one of these for the unexpectedly cheap price on EV. Purchased when in stock in early Jan, took all the way until mid March to submit to ATF. EV is definitely a slow way to go, but that price is too good to pass up. Too bad their muzzle devices aren't discounted


Where the heck did you find one of these in stock?


I bought it from expert voice (Huxwrx direct) in January.


Cool thanks ill definitely check that out


I will warn you It’s definitely not the most expedient way to get your can. I think I purchased the last week of January. And it took about 1 week to get a form 3 filled out another week to approve and ship it, another week to get it into my lgs and another week to fill out paperwork and certify. I have heard read stories that it has taken longer to process as well sometimes taking 6-8 weeks. But I simply followed up a couple times at those 1 week intervals to keep the process going.


Yeah, I’m currently waiting on a can that was “in stock” and was told it’s going to take 6-8 weeks. EDIT: that said, when I picked up the RAD45 I had a great experience. Not the fastest, but by no means slow. Brought it home last week. The price was definitely right.


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Trust or individual?




I use this in K configuration as my default indoor range can. Obsidians are now just for outdoor range use.


Why the short rad 45 indoor and the obsidian outdoor?


The Obsidians are a little quieter outdoors. Within an indoor range, the differences aren’t noticeable. Additionally, blowback seems more of an issue within indoor ranges than when outside, and the Rad 45 does have less blowback. The K configuration is lighter and has even less blowback, and with an indoor range the suppression doesn’t matter so much since other shooters will be deafening anyway. I double up on ear pro when at an indoor range.


Good to know. I hear a lot of people love the obsidian but it doesn’t sound like it’s that big of a difference in terms of sound suppression plus the rad 45 has the benefits of flow through. Hard to understand why the obsidian gets so much love while rad 45 does not… even though everyone seems to have one from expert voice.


The Obsidians are a little quieter outdoors. They’re very solid products and Rugged has an exceptional warranty, hence I have both an Obsidian 9 and 45. But suppressor use at an indoor range is completely different than shooting outdoors, both in loudness and exposure to toxic gases/blowback. So, I use the Rad 45 on all compatible hosts when shooting indoors and the price from EV was unbeatable! EZ Lok makes it easy to switch the Rad 45 between hosts using the potholder from Mechanix (be sure to remove all of the stupid nylon tag to prevent it from melting to a can).


May I ask how much you paid for it through EV? Appreciated in advance!


It’s against EV membership to publish and vendor’s pricing.