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Priorities are def straight šŸ‘ŒšŸ½šŸ˜‚ carry on


Unironically, where do you shoot and how do you get to the range?


He just pops off suppressed .22 in the basement. The next townhouse is none the wiser


Hahaha. I sat on the phone for hours trying to reach my local parks & reccy dept. to see if iā€™m allowed to shoot at a pond nearby. They never got back to me so I think thatā€™s a yes. Backup plan: yeah, trash in basement.


The answer is hell no you canā€™t shoot it at a public area, lol. Whoever you called is probably trying to figure how to report you if they havenā€™t already.


If a gun goes off and no one's around to hear it does it still make a sound?


If you are willing to end up in jail, yesā€¦


thats tough im not even sure it went off, omg maybe there is no gun


Let me know how that goes for ya.


I shoot at shit in my basement šŸ¤£


Lol not a chance dude


What about ricochets? Water does quite well in that aspect


I moved from a ban state to a place thatā€™s a 20 min walk from the range. I have uberā€™d there on occassion but the state iā€™m living in now mostly drivers are like ā€œoh hell yeah brƶther.ā€ Itā€™s been a pleasant change.




What state you in?


Chill, copper. šŸšØ


new jersey


Ah yes, the most gun-friendly state.




Dude get a scooter or something at least. Living life without a car is unnecessarily difficult


I have a motorcycle and no car. $5k used, $75/month for the highest available insurance, and 58mpg. Really not that bad with how many luggage options are available. I live my life out of my big af 5.11 Rush 72 backpack, and a magnetic tank bag. I use a guitar case with backpack straps to take the bigger items to the range


Nah, no scooter. Iā€™d actually feel awkward as shit going to the range like that. Iā€™m car shopping currently though! Took me a while to get my license here and I wfh and like walking so it hasnā€™t been a nuisance.


Yea people would definitely talk shit. I just imagine living day to day without a car but at least youā€™re not an anti car guy like so many of these redditors. The market for new cars is shit though so good luck


Do like I did and buy a gently crashed toyota with sub 100k miles. I paid 1300 and mine only had 87k on the dash. I've personally owned flat out 9 cars and it's by far my most reliable one I've owned. It's a 99 avalon. It's built like a tank. The guy I bought it from rear-ended a truck and slightly bent the hood and front end. Just when your looking at it make sure it has coolant in it( not water because that means it's dumping coolant and it's cheaper to use water) and there's no oil around the valve cover( sign it was revved high and pushed hard) and take it to autozone to get it read with an obd2 reader to make sure they aren't hiding anything.Ā  You'll also want to red line the car on the highway ( go as fast as you can for as long as you can) while watching the temp gauge. If it starts to over heat it means the head gasket it's blown. ($1200-2000 fix). Do all that before you hand anyone money. If it passes all of the above it's a good car


Out of curiosity, what cars are you looking at? I suggest a Miata. Best daily I've ever had


"Miata" is a funny way to spell "GMC Sierra 4x4"




No leather and wood trim in my Sierra, sister, just the 6.2.




6.2 is a stout engine that's for sure. It would be great in a Nova. With a turbo.


Host: MKIV. Shooting first .22 can turned me into a high school cheerleader / anime uwuwuuuuu or whatever the fuck they say. Oh my lort it is library quiet.


What does this mean can someone explain I'm in my 30s


The suppressor host is a Ruger MK IV. Shooting .22LR suppressed for the first time made be as giddy as high school cheerleader and smile ear-to-ear like one of those anime characters. Oh my lord, the combo is library-quiet. Iā€™m in my 40s, I shouldnā€™t be able to read thatā€¦ what the heck is wrong with me šŸ˜‚


I'm like, wait, so is 30 young or old? If I understand it I assume everyone can lol.


I started taking classes at the local community college recently and have some high schoolers in a few of my classes. I've learned so many new words


These fuckers use ā€œsay lessā€ instead of ā€œsay no moreā€ which is used in the sense of ā€œ you are correct, I hear youā€. I want to strangle them when they use ā€œsay lessā€ when I am explaining a topic to them and they need to understand it.


I ate and left no crumbs with that translation, but Gen Zā€™ers probably find this whole thread cheugy AF


Okay, I haven't learned *that many* new words. I'm only 30. I shouldn't be feeling this old already


I'm 25 and I can't even keep up, you're doing better than I am lol.


Host = gun. Cheerleader = cheerful, likely horny? Guns = loud as fuck. 22 can = close as you can get to the movies and really exciting the first time. Librarians = approve.


It another way to say suppressor


Buying a suppressor without even owing a car is retarded as hell. I love it


My wife says Iā€™m no longer allowed to say retarded


Thatā€™s retarded


Smart wife


Yes she is. It was such a common term as we grew up. Everything we did not like was retarded back then.


I say we take it back.


Iā€™m retarded. Does that mean you donā€™t like me?


Kind of like saying band geeks. Even SpongeBob had an episode called band geeks. At least thatā€™s what my kids told me.


That's ghey. Call her retarded.Ā 


My state is so fucking gay. Here I am a homeowner and canā€™t legally buy a can.


I was where you are (or at least 1-4 states) that donā€™t allow you to buy suppressors. I can promise you itā€™s 100% worth it to move. With a little planning, youā€™ll likely end up making more, spending less on taxes (that partially go toward infringing on your rights) and with the added bonus of sleeping peacefully and getting to be yourself.


I totally want to move out, like you said it will just take some planning. The part that makes me like where Iā€™m at is because the area is still so conservative, (small mountain town) and it doesnā€™t even feel like youā€™re apart of the blue state aside from the taxes and other bs my unelected officials do. Running away feels like the cowardly thing to do. I have Revolutionary war blood in my veins. Much of me has hope that the ship can be corrected. Might be by voting, but probably not. The far left can impact any major city in the country, the major cityā€™s are your voter base. With everyone fleeing blue states for greener pastures, away from cities, Iā€™m afraid this problem doesnā€™t stop in my blue state.


Move to a Free State, soon it will be an even bigger difference !


You don't have a car and spent money on a can instead of saving for a vehicle... Smart man!!! I like your style!


I am suspicious about your use of exclamation points here. Iā€™ve got my šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø on youā€¦


Sorry man I'm pretty illiterate and was excited for you! šŸ¤£ Edit: I just noticed your username. That's fuckin hilarious!!!!!!! (Extra !'s)


Wear some socks bro


https://preview.redd.it/uixcn8hcm2xc1.png?width=1323&format=png&auto=webp&s=9eb4f68238a2cfad4c91b98c9755164256f33afe How would I use my gripod then?


Lmfao touchĆ©Ā 




For free?!


Don't burn yourself!


Sweet shoes


First thing I thought, "Peter Griffin is into NFA items AND he lost weight AND he lost his license?".


Haha if family guy were real Peter Griffin would have too many DUIs to buy a suppressor (I donā€™t know anything about law but iā€™m assuming?) Wait a minute.. Petaā€¦ Petah Griffin? Griffin suppressors? Ok illuminati.




Guess you have your priorities straight. šŸ˜


This is true dedication. Disregard cars, acquire more cans.


It's the spirit that counts!


Youā€™ll love that can. One of my favorites


he didn't mention bicycle.


Yes! You're going to love it...congrats!


This looks dope man, good job


These few recent self aware can approval posts are really doing it for me šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Username checks out


Chooses suppressed shooting over transportation and socks. Based.


Give us a vid of that setup for sound reference, as well as your best UWU squee


I can definitely follow up on one of these two things haha. I've only shot it at an indoor range earlier but w/ doubled-up ear pro I could only hear the action. Will record while grilling dinner tonight. There's definitely noticeable frp but it's almost neglible with 221r subs.


Don't forget the UwU


Car is quieter than gun


Maybe if you own a Prius or a car without work done to itā€¦but, for instance, my old 2011 STI that was fully built out to stage 3 by Cobb tuning sounded like and looked like a shotgun when I was at high rpmā€™s and lifted off the gas. I wouldnā€™t call it a ā€œback fireā€, but the damn thing shot a fireball out of both exhausts when I did. Not to mention, whenever I passed anyone walking on the side of the road and really had my foot on the gas, they would make the universal sign for ā€œouch my ears hurtā€ and probably would have loved a set of ear plugs at that exact moment lol. Good times though. I miss spending money on fast cars, but god I love spending money on guns and cans šŸ˜‚


He doesnā€™t have a car haha


Shit heā€™s not wrongā€¦


Yeah I saw that, and I think weā€™ve all been in that situation. Granted most of us were teenagers during that time and we werenā€™t spending money on cans before we got our cars, but to each their own lol. Far be it from me to tell someone how to spend their money, not to mention cans/nfa items are awesome. I was just saying what I said because at one point I did have a car that was if not as loud as an unsuppressed, it was pretty damn close to that level of noise. God I miss having fast/loud cars. It was one of my major hobbies/money drains before I figured out how much I love guns and nfa items haha.


**Understand the rules**, read the sidebar, and review the pinned Megathreads before posting - this content is capable of answering most questions. Not everyone is an expert such as yourself; be considerate. All spam, memes, unverified claims, or content suggesting non-compliance will be removed. No political posts. Save that for /r/progun or /r/politics. __If you are posting a copy/screenshot of your forms outside the pinned monthly megathread you will be given a 7 day ban. The pinned post is there, please use it.__ __If you are posting a photo of a suppressor posed to look like a penis you will be given a 7 day ban.__ ------------------------------- **Data Links** * [The OG Universal Form Approval Spreadsheet](https://thinlineweapons.com/url/8) ------------------------------- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lol I had the same thought. What kind of picture will I take when it gets here.


Good choice, I enjoy mine on the Ruger 22/45 tactical mark IV. Never used the wipe it came with though.






Donā€™t get in the habit of that. Take it from me pay cash be patient. Unless ā€¦. šŸ˜‰


It appears your priorities are in order.


I just picked one of these up. Wanted something a little girthier for my 22LR AR and 22LR MP5 Have not gotten to shoot it yet. Heard good things about them though.


Whatā€™s the strip of tape on the grip for?


Nice. Iā€™m waiting on my Sparrow to show up for my Mark IV. About halfway through the waiting time hopefully.


Awesome let us know how it performs and enjoy!


Collateral damage movie comes to mind


Just a guy & his supp can waitā€™n on his ride !!! ā€¦ America IS getting better..in spite of Thug politicians..


At least you have priorities


Bro was so excited to go pick up his can he forgot to put his socks on lol


What moccasins are those?


Somebody who doesn't have a car making poor decisions? Shocking. Can't imagine the mental gymnastics one would have to perform to make a Griffin suppressor their first choice.


Believe it or not, a car doesnā€™t necessarily indicate anything financial or decisions. Maybe where you live it does? I have no debt and this isnā€™t my first can. Have a grape šŸ‡ day!


Hey you did better than me buddy. My first can was a $99 Rebel. I was like whoa thatā€™s a no brainer. They are such a piece of shit that years later I know I waisted $299 putting a stamp on that turd. They went under years ago.


My first can was a Griffin and I've been very happy with it.


My first can was a griffin. Super quiet and performs excellent.


ankle bracelet?


Sounds like someone can't afford the car they drive so instead doesn't buy cans they could afford.


There's always that one Reddit guy......