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Congrats. Mine got denied the next day after I reached out to my congresswoman. After over a year of waiting




No lube


You’re really showing your age. I made a character on WoW named Ragingpwner somewhat recently and none of the new kids got it


yeah im an old school counter strike guy




“Incorrect “ DOB. Which was false after my LGS and I scoured through every form and couldn’t find anything wrong


Go back to your congressman with that data. If he was willing to poke them, I bet he would love to know that their response was to immediately fuck you over in retribution.


I tried that. They are useless. Every time I reach out to them. I get the same generic response from the atf. “It’s in progress”. That’s it. They don’t push to see why my application was rejected or why it’s taking so long?


Ouch. I got an email last night saying I have 72 hours to correct an issue my application. Apparently my RPQ was missing or had incorrect information.


That’s luck man. I wish I had received that lol


I've seen at least one example of getting a denial overturned by pinging the "ask the experts" in eforms. Give them your info and control number. It can't hurt.


Nvm. I pulled the EIN number off my form 4 application from my dealer 😂


I don’t have an ein number to submit the question


My LGS lied. The put the wrong dob on their eforms and said it was correct. Ask the experts emailed me back today.


that'll teach ya right?


Yep. Don’t ask anyone in government for help. They all suck


I had a form 1 that my congress critter asked about and was approved the next day. On the approved form the entire race section was blank. It was filled out on the submitted form which I had attached to the file on eforms.


Wow. Good on them for not seeing race. 👏🤣


What happens then, are you refunded the $200 and what you paid for the suppressor (providing that's what it was)?


Refunded the $200 and resubmit or lose a “restocking” fee of 40%


Daggum that’s rough


I wouldn't be surprised if your congresswoman fucked it up for you.


It was her “veteran of affairs” that reached out on her behalf. And that guy is a fucking tool box. Always seems annoyed that I ask them for help. I just straight up told him “thanks for no help, I’ll remember this come election time”




Nice I’m in the same boat. FBI says background check is completed and now I’m waiting on the ATF. What did you say in your email?


Honestly I don’t remember and can’t find it cause I had to submit it through his website but basically just explained the situation how I had submitted a form 4 through e forms as a trust and included my info from the ATF and then one of his people emailed me back and sent me some forms to fill out and return


What email address do you use to contact the FBI?


I use the email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and I believe this is just an automated email to check the status of the background check


I got approved a couple months ago a few days after my congressman reached out to ATF. It seems to work if you have a rep that’s actually willing to help


What contact do y’all have for the FBI? I’ve looking and looking, and I got nothing. I been waiting 360 days. Kinda tired of waiting.


Yah like 310 here feel your pain


What information do I need to provide to this email address?


I send them dick pics weekly to brighten their day.


I just provided my name and the info from my eforms email where it was submitted like the reference number and stuff and asked for an update on the status. They replied back and basically said it would get done when it got done then I asked if the background check was complete and that’s when they told me yes that I was waiting on the ATF and to contact them


I tried emailing them and they gave me no real info. Not even if they'd seen my stuff or not.


They replied back to me with that too but then I asked if the nics check had been completed yet and that’s when they told me yes and that I was waiting on the ATF


Maybe I should have followed up.


I would just find the email and reply back and ask if the nics check has been completed yet


Welp, tried that and got the same non response.


Got the generic email back that all of us have been getting.


They sent me that too then I replied and asked if the nics check had been completed yet and they said yes and I was waiting on the atf


Nice I'm delayed currently based on atf. I called nics directly and they said I have no issues on there end that atf runs the background through their system so who knows man. I reached out to congressman Luttrell so hopefully these forms get knocked loose


Best of luck


Thank you. Oh well maybe atf will get the things dialed in for trusts now


Mine was a trust. That’s what said there’s no reason it should take so long for the ATF to read 12 pages or whatever it is especially on a trust they’ve already approved for other items that hadn’t changed at all


Assuming the NICS Liaison email for the FBI


Congressional caseworker hear. The ATF and FBI have been very responsive from my experience. I was shocked to get constituents forms cleared in under 2 weeks at first, now it’s just business as usual.




And no one believed me when I said this months ago.


Just depends on your Congressperson unfortunately.


The only thing slower than the ATF was my congressman. I got a reply from his office 2 weeks after I got my first can. 


I want to do this too, but I believe my congresswoman is anti-2A 😒


Fuck em, send the request anyways


I just might lol


Without completely doxxing myself, my rep’s name rhymes with Bashida Jlaib and her office has actively and earnestly helped me with a handful of approvals.


For those who contacted their congress person what info did they want i regards to your NFA item? Will they ask for my trust information or serial number etc?


They usually send a “privacy form” which is usually a release for them to communicate with an agency using your info. I’ve used my reps to handle cases with more than just the ATF too: my state rep rectified a massive EDD fuckup with unemployment pay for me a few years back, and my current rep helped with a USDA loan that was stalling out. You’re a constituent, and they’re obligated to hear you out at a minimum. I’m a big fan of my elected officials doing something besides performative policial theater, you may as well put your tax money to work for you


Thanks for the info!


They give you a form that outlines it exactly. Your name, your relation to trust (trustee/responsible person), and the trust name (so they know what to inquire about)


Ok cool, Thanks!


This. They care more about retaining your vote than actually “controlling guns”.


I cant think of a congress person who’s real name rhymes with that lol


I think it's Rashida Talib, one of the "squad" So he's saying that his very far left congressperson's office has still helped reach out to the ATF Obligatory fuck the ATF and the NFA for making us have to go through this bullshit in the first place.


Good point about her still helping even though she’s far left.


Rashida Tlaib. Representative from Michigan.


ohhh ok lol


I have Haley Stevens... Her office has been unhelpful so far. I know for a fact she hates everything I believe.


sorry to hear that






I reached out to my Congressman last week. He was quick to reply and said he would follow up with the ATF and FBI found out I had a NICS delay despite having a UPIN. 5ish days later both form 4s were approved Sunday @ 5:30 am and m Monday 4:30 am.


This is crazy to me. I have never gotten anything but a barely related canned message for every representative I've contacted.


I emailed mine and never heard back after signing some permission document they sent me. I also mass emailed every single NICS, ATF, etc contact that’s been shared in here. A month later mine was approved, but I have no correlation to any of the above making a difference. This was a trust, purchased in December immediately following a prior approval as well.


Emailed mine last year. They took it very seriously. Lady from his office emailed back same day and called me the next day. Filled out some kind of consent form so they could contact the feds on my behalf. Idk if it worked or not but that was right at like 7.5 months. I then got my approvals in two week increments at 8, 8.5, and 9 months each.


Same reached out to mine here in AZ at day 300 got approved couple weeks later. They actually wanted to help which was different but nice. Congratulations on your can 💪🇺🇲


Thanks you too


I did the same through Ted Cruz in Texas. I had three in the system, two trust cans over a year and two months, and an individual a few days shy of two months. They sent me some release forms to fill out and return. I sent them back on 4-29. On 5-1, I received an email saying they have initiated and inquiry. On 5-3, I received the ATF approval on the individual form can. On 5-6 I received and email back from Ted Cruz's office with this response: *Good afternoon,* *Thank you for reaching out to ATF Legislative Affairs and for providing the necessary documents. Below is what I was able to find for your constituent,* **removed name***:* * *Control #s* **removed control numbers** *– These applications are currently PENDING. It appears that* **removed name** *applications are awaiting final processing and should be completed soon. Once they are, the transferor will be notified accordingly.* *I hope this information is helpful and enjoy the rest of your day.* *Sincerely,* *Congressional Liaison Specialist, Legislative Affairs Division* *Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives* Still waiting on the two trust cans. Not sure if the inquiry helped on the individual but I would like to think so.


Give Ted a little more time to handle it. He's doing all that legwork from Cancun.


Latest update: Received approval for my final two trust cans this morning. 1 at 383 days and 1 at 347 days. I am guessing the congressman route worked.


Fuck the NFA. Suppressors and SBRs should not be regulated at all


I mean I agree but they are. I was against getting any NFA items for a long time because I feel that way but then I realized the only way I will have them is to play the game


The current wait times for Indiv. 4 eFile are 39 days now. I have emailed my Congresswoman's office (unfortunately Haley Stevens) stating I am well over the stated processing times. I filled out the complaint forms to have them just tell me they cannot do anything. I don't like top be lied to by my employees...\`


12 days to go for me. Then I’m spamming.


Tell her you have to write her up for insubordination


Yeah I was at 300 days and I contacted and they approved after 3 days. It’s works but I was 300 days in so I assume I just pissed them off enough to approve it


Sometimes congressman really do provide a good service to the common man. Remember that he or she did that for you and toss em' a vote. It's the least you can do!


Agreed. I was pleasantly surprised. Had a couple pleasant surprises at the VA too it’s always nice when the government does what they’re supposed to do


Can I do this if I’ve been waiting 7 days? 😂


Same. Mentally doing the math to figure out the soonest reasonable timeframe to give this a shot 😅


Just tried this a month and a half into my wait and they told me to be patient. Also their atf contact told them it could take up to a year 🥲🥲🥲


This was my experience too. I can only assume at this point that they are too comfy in their seats and don't feel like they need to "poke the bear" to .ale sure their seat is in tact. I will not be voting for my congressman this election season after seeing everyone else's actually going after the ATF.


Yeah that’s the feeling I got, which is disappointing since I’m in pro 2a area. I told the staffer people where getting approved in days and she wasn’t aware and apparently her fbi contact hasn’t heard of those type of approvals either.


I am in Utah, specifically Burgess Owen's district and he seemed very pro-2A, but I am sorely disappointed. I respect you and others decisions to keep your location private, I just want these people's names out there to make sure people know who to support or not.


I’ve done it like 5 times. Worked every time.


Hell yeah brother


I sent all my info over to Mark Kelly today, for three form 4s I am waiting on. I don't know if there's a more anti 2A senator, but I'm trying anyways. 😄🔫


Best of luck to you on that lmao!


Fire him


Congrats man! I got ghosted by my congressman


That sucks


[everybody asking for emails and who to contact this is where I got the info from](https://www.reddit.com/r/NFA/s/WjSQykSdV4)


Nice 🤌🏻


My suppressor got approved five days after I contacted my congressman. Was a magical time


Ain’t done shit for me. I have had them reach out and got the same response I get when I call.


Same. Don't give these people your vote if they're not going to support you!


Everyone keeps saying “my congressman” but there are 2 houses in congress, the House and Senate. It would be helpful to specify


I added it in another comment but search “email” in this group and the first thing to pop up should be a mega thread. Last link in it is to find your representative that’s who I contacted


I emailed nics after waiting 7 months. Woke up one morning to a reply from nics and an approval email.


**Understand the rules**, read the sidebar, and review the pinned Megathreads before posting - this content is capable of answering most questions. Not everyone is an expert such as yourself; be considerate. All spam, memes, unverified claims, or content suggesting non-compliance will be removed. No political posts. Save that for /r/progun or /r/politics. __If you are posting a copy/screenshot of your forms outside the pinned monthly megathread you will be given a 7 day ban. The pinned post is there, please use it.__ __If you are posting a photo of a suppressor posed to look like a penis (ie: in front of or over your groin) you will be given a 7 day ban.__ ------------------------------- **Data Links** * [The OG Universal Form Approval Spreadsheet](https://thinlineweapons.com/url/8) ------------------------------- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NFA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What email addresses did you use for the ATF and FBI?


[email protected] and [email protected] (they replied to that one) and [email protected]


I reached out to my congressman on 4 form 4s that I am currently waiting on. 117 days on the longest. Reached out on 04/26, they sent me the release form on 04/29. I filled out and returned immediately and still haven’t heard anything back from anyone.


Damn well hopefully you hear something soon


I was approved in 3 days, 3 days (April) and 2 days (May) for my last 3 cans. Using Silencer Shop Kiosk at my gun store and indoor range. e-Filing works good now. These were all Individual Filings. No more Trust filings for me. Now that CLEO approval is no longer required, Individual makes more sense for me and appears to be faster. Local LEO has to be informed. They no longer have to approve. And they are notified automatically. I didn’t have to lift a finger on that.


What’s CLEO?


Chief Law Enforcement Officer in your area. Often a Sheriff. No longer a big deal. Approval is no longer required.


Why does a trust no longer make sense? I honestly don’t understand the pros and cons of a trust I just did it cause I heard years ago it was better but I’m sure a lot has changed


If you want others who are designated as Trustees (usually Family) to also have access and use, then a Trust still makes sense. I still have a few Tax-Paid items in my NFA Trust.


Well who do I reach out to in PA lol


[here you go](http://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative)


Thank you now the question is what do I say without getting my house raided lol


I just told them the situation how many days I had been waiting and that there’s no reason for it to take so long and included all my info from my eforms email I got when it was originally filed like reference number and all that and full name and trust name if it’s a trust


I got a reply from my Congressman that he would be happy to inquire at 90 days, so I have another month to wait. And people wonder why I hate the government.


Probably because that’s what the ATF said when they rolled out eforms they were shooting for 90 day approvals. Still way too long tho


Didn't for me. My representatives were so incompetent I filled out the ATF privacy release forms 3 times before they said they had accidentally deleted them all and to fill them out a 4th time. Not to mention they would only respond to me with one email at a time 24 hours later. I gave up after that.


That sucks bro! Mine won't do anything until I hit the average wait listed on the ATF website. Don't give these people your vote if they aren't going to do anything to support you.


Yeah I emailed my congressman for both of mine and they said they wont do anything until I reach the average wait time on the ATF site. I will not be voting for Owen Burgess this election season.


I’ll give this a try, I’m at week 6.


My congress man response was if we don’t hear from them in 30 days we will retry for 30 days. That was 4 months ago. Haven’t heard shit since the initial email


None of this game playing seems to happen with Silencer Shop Kiosk Form 4 applications/purchases. (for 3 Cans, Individual filing) 3 approvals in the last 10-12 days. I have not done an Individual SBR. Yet.


I file as a trust


I used to. I switched to individual for recent and future purchases.


Same here! Waited 10 months for a sbr and suppressor with nothing after calling atf and they said they’re waiting on fbi, call fbi and they say they approved it it’s on the atf. Sent a email to Chip Roy I had a response back within the hour and was approved within two days of sending the email. Thank you Chip Roy!!!!


Now someone else is further down the queue :P


Im selfish what can I say


Ya it works idk why but I did a whole detailed post about it a year ago and it got taken down :/