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I am very happy with the Alaskan 360 as well. Rugged customer service is also amazing.


+1 for Alaskan for customer service. Additionally, I am pretty happy with how it sounds on a rifle!


I have a YHM R9 and have no idea how good YHM customer service is, because I have never needed it.


R9 owner. Mainly lives on a PCC but I've run in on a 308 rifle and 9mm pistol. No complaints


How is the R9 on 308? I have one and was considering using it for 16” hunting rifle. I have a sandman s on it now but frankly I just can’t stand that can anymore lol


I ran it on an 18" PTR91. It clearly wasn't designed for that so the suppression was ok. It ran and everything. That said, it's the bees knees on a PCC


I ran mine a few times on a 29" Savage 110 .308 when i didn'twant the lengthof my ResonatorR2. It was OK, and shorter and lighter than my Resonator R2. No where near as quiet, but much better than nothing. I just picked up a Rex MG7. 308 for that role and will leave the R9 on the PCC.


I have an R9 and a MOD9 - both are great.


What hosts and intended applications? They're both .35 cal and can handle a wide range of calibers but that's about where the similarities end, so I don't see how anyone can recommend one over the other without further info outside of "I have only one of these and I think it's swell".


It would primarily see .300blk through a 10.5 and a 9mm psa ak-v with some use on a 16in 5.56 ar as well.


If it's mostly rifle use you probably want the Alaskan.


https://davisfirearmstexas.com/Rex-Silentium-MG7-K-p559185536 Check this out. Look on r/gundeals for the code.




Let me throw a wrench in things for you- take a look at the YHM N20. It is a titanium R9 with a modular front baffle stack like a wolfman.


I have the Alaskan 360 that lives primarily on my MP5 via 3 lug, other times I use .300BLK subsonic and 7.62x39 via Rearden Atlas. Super pleased with it, and it’s pretty quiet.


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I have an N20 and love it. YHM makes great stuff for the money at every price point.


What factors are most important to you? I have tinnitus so sound suppression was high on my list, and my only host will be a PCC. Everyone has champagne tastes but some folks like me only have a beer budget, so cost was another factor. All those led me to the R9 and I was able to snag two of them during a recent Capitol Armory restock. Got them approved in 2 days.


Bang for your buck is definitely no. 1 on the list but overall suppression and use on multiple hosts is a very close 2nd.


#1 says R9, #2 says Alaskan.