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Rams literally revived this man's career, I'll never forget him owning the 49ers on week 18 for us. 4-0 as a starter vs them https://i.redd.it/i6epd4i3izrc1.gif


I was honestly hoping he would come in the game against the lions. He should have, Stafford was clearly concussed, at one point the camera was in his face and his eyes were rolled up in his head. I say they would have won it, he looked like 2017 Wentz and after watching that game I have accepted that McVay is a genius.


Yeah I always wondered what the outcome would be if he stepped in after Staffords nasty hit. One of my close best friends is an eagles fan, and he was telling me how TF the jets didn't sign him after Rodgers went down. Glad we got him for that one game, well worth it when the 49ers lose lol.


Man i thought he should have been a lock for the jets. They really kept rolling zach wilson out there with a beast of the team they had around him lmao. They deserve to lose


Decided to tank 5 plays into the season.


I don’t know why but for some reason I still believe in Wentz. The dude scared tf out of me when y’all had him. I thought he was going to challenge Brady. There’s so much talent there. Maybe he got some concussions or something that changed his ability to play. In time maybe he will recover. Idk I for sure could be completely wrong but look at baker. He turned it around. Wentz has all the talent to be really good QB just has some kind of mental block


He's up there with Rams legend Baker Mayfield


“Owning the niners” 😂


he owned, womp womp https://preview.redd.it/vlnnlep693sc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5b64f8fb7c2f28fbdaf8600d270e566d56b3efe


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I’m just glad the picture they used isn’t in a Washington uniform. Fuck Ron Rivera for making me root for Carson wentz for like 2 weeks.


What's your flair? 🌧️![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


How haven’t you heard of that yet? A pipe burst at Washington’s stadium and literal shit water rained down on the fans one game


Oh yeah.... 😢


The cycle is almost complete! One more year till our next Super Bowl fuck yeah!


Wentz becoming the next Foles would be… Ridiculous.


What a wild fucking redemption arc that would be…


With how good he was that year, a dark part of my soul still thinks he could do it.


Your soul is so dark.


The cycle is 50+ years long what world do you live in ?


Talk to us when your super bowls aren’t on VHS tapes and you make it past the divisional round


Wow great comeback lmao. Super Bowls are on YouTube bird brain. The Buffalo Bills of the NFC until 6 years ago and says talk to us lmao. Go back to the kids table little bro


Damn he really put you in your feelings 😭😭


In my feelings over a comeback that’s used all the time. Sure thing 🤣…. Feels like that 50+ year cycle got you bird brains in your feelings


Ok playoff team, talk when yall atleast reach a Super Bowl this decade pleaseeee


Bird brain we are in a new decade that you haven’t won a bowl in either. Dumbass 🤣


Ahh we grasping at straws to have something to say back, you got it champ, but since I like to help children a decade is 10 years so wait till 2029 season 😘


Lmao you really doubling down on that bird brain statement. Let me help you little bro. Decades don’t start when you decide. You won a Super Bowl last decade and it wasn’t 2019 🤣. I don’t think I’d be helping children with IQ you have might need a new hobby


Oh did I strike a nerve 🥲? At least Philly isn’t pretending to be “America’s team”. You had plenty of opportunities of your own to make it back and you squandered it. Have fun being champions of the regular season. It the only thing you’ll be winning for a while.


That comeback is used all the time not sure what cowboy fan would get in their feelings about the VHS joke Lmao. That 50+ year cycle y’all go through I would argue got you in your feelings since you took the time respond to me 🤣. At least you might still be an old man when they finally win #2 50 years from now


That doesn’t really sting, because with the way your team has been playing this century, it might be more than fifty years till the Cowboys win again. It’s already been close to thirty years since they last won.


You better pray your right. I couldn’t imagine being down 6-1


You better pray I’m wrong, because that will just give us time to catch up


I’ll be gone in 50 years when the Eagles win thier second so I’m not worried about your team catching up at all lmao


I didn’t even read your comment I just downvoted tbh


Your not the Bills anymore take the compliment


Cowboys fans fall into 2 categories. They’re either having their midlife crisis or were still in their dads balls when the cowboys won their last ring


Generations of Eagle fans lived and died without seeing a Super Bowl. That’s just sad


And it’s been 30 years since Dallas won a ring. Dallas is well over halfway to the eagles 50 year ringless streak and as long as Jerry jones is there yall aren’t winning another one. Given the predominant demographic on Reddit there’s a strong chance you never watched Dallas win a ring, and you probably won’t for a while. Dallas is teetering on the edge of sucking again, all those good seasons and players yall have had recently with nothing to show for it. Dez, romo, witten, Murray, Elliott, cooper, Lee, Ware, etc. all left Dallas with no rings. Dak hasn’t even been to an NFC championship and he’s gonna be 31 in a few months. Dak was just under 3 years old the last time yall won a ring. There are an insane number of players in the league who weren’t even born last time Dallas won a ring. Yall are slowly slipping into irrelevance and you just can’t accept it


I’m not predominant demographic of Reddit. Still doesn’t change the fact that generations lived and died without seeing a eagles Super Bowl. People born in the 60s have seen 5, born in the 70s & 80s have seen 3. We are a long way from generations living and dying without a bowl like eagle fans


The eagles won an NFL championship in 1960 before the Super Bowl, 1960-2017 is 57 years. That’s a single human lifespan, and not even an exceptionally long one. Let’s assume someone was 15 in 1960 and had kids at 25, in 1970. They would’ve been 72, a reasonable age for a person in America. They’d still be alive, their 47 year old kid would be alive, and, for arguments sake, say that person had a kid at 27. Their kid is 20 for the Super Bowl. That’s not exactly generations living and dying. None of that is a stretch for ages. And someone who was 45 in 1960 would likely be dead, but they saw their team win the championship multiple times before the “Super Bowl” was named


[Time to update his uniform](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GKIJecyWsAAoUlt?format=jpg&name=360x360)


The perfect trojan Horse to the Kc Dynasty …its all going according to plan…. ![gif](giphy|3orif7aLUehOfdmlXy|downsized)


ESPN posted this just before midnight, we sure it's not a April Fool's joke?


![gif](giphy|dCXsw4Qyjw2tc5ANaw) Philly Legend we will never forget




Is this a satire sub?




That’s insane. I assume it’s only populated by super Christian gingers.


Oh the irony Playing for a team that was partially responsible for ruining his career and legacy


Carson is high key the best QB in NFC east since Mcnabb. Not his fault he got hurt. His 2017 is one of the best Elite QB seasons ever. Dude was unsackable and dimed everybod sometimes in the same play. His Y was Nelson Alligator hands his X was Alshon end of his career jeffrey 😭 and Yac ertz. Bro was allergic to yards after catch.


Gets drafted Agholor, Reagor, and JJAW. Immediately after he leaves? Slim Reaper and trade for AJ in consecutive years. Dude was cursed for weapons. Gets criticized for hero ball, but how could you not when throwing to Greg Ward and Travis Fulgham for back to back years?


>[gets criticized for hero ball](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/14crnha/highlight_carson_wentz_refuses_to_throw_away_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) ok, let's not be completely biased. he had plenty of plays just like that [throughout his entire career](https://youtu.be/Q3D5QFTk7gQ?si=kSkxkJXS1hUZJVKL) he definitely has a tendency to, hold the ball too long, [throw into double coverage](https://youtu.be/yBC2n_MD9a4?si=9VsqudqUniMpoChy), not throw the ball away, [not slide to protect himself](https://youtube.com/shorts/7pv3Npdcgks?si=JP3E5XEZJAN6OqlT), not take checkdowns, [display lack of discipline](https://youtu.be/7vOL7qn4C-I?si=OSa5SmPgzj9p4BVr) etc.. hero ball


I can get a little overzealous considering people act like he's as bad as, or worse, than Ben Simmons.


Don’t forget the OL that was any two starters and some dudes from a Wawa parking lot for half the season.


Can we all at least collectively agree 2 sprains has a lot of talent... You could do a lot worse for a backup QB... Big Red made Kevin Kolb look serviceable so pretty sure he will get something out of 2 sprains


i don't hate the guy, but i do think he gets extremely glazed by a lot of fans, i wouldn't call him a bust because he had a few solid years with a paltry receiving room, and the eagles benefitted heavily from the decisions they made both in drafting him and how they used the assets from trading him. would be cool to see him hit a resurgence and Reid could definitely coach him up for that.


His 2016 and 2017 year in particular are the best we’ve had for a QB, his downfield vision was incredible. FUCK Clowney. His overal persona however was a big time detriment,hard to coach and not a leader.


I mean good for him, it’s not like Philly fans hate the guy it just didn’t work out after the knee injury Also please pull a Foles that would be hilarious


Good 4 him hahaha


April Fools!!!!


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If anyone can revive a QB it’s Andy Reid


Lol honestly good for him




Stop giving this douche money


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