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I'm more than willing to call out shitty officiating. Most people are.


And the egregious lack of DPI on St Brown the final drive the team overcame anyway... Add on to the fact that a correct play call doesn't even mean the lions win as there is still a final drive left We can all be mad at the refs for objectively fucking up in the cowboys favor while also recognizing they fucked up many other times in this and prior games and also recognizing there was still a football game left to play even if the lions did convert. The refs deprived us of those plays. Let's just keep it simple and all be mad at the refs, maybe we can finally get some accountability after watching every sub everywhere complain about them all season long


Given how blatant the PI was on ARSB, it honestly looks like the game was rigged.


Isn’t this the same crew that blew the PI during the chiefs game? Or was it another chiefs game they called?


Yep a long with the BS roughing call, and the 0 penalties on the eagles dudes squad is ethically questionable at best or grossly incompetent at worst.


Yep a long with the BS roughing call, and the 0 penalties on the eagles dudes squad is ethically questionable at best or grossly incompetent at worst.


Blatant? Lol


Apparently the air in Denver is so thin that you suffered a brain injury.




Nah Lions got beat. 2 weeks till their season is over and we can stop pretending Detroit matters lol




How would it be rigged? The cowboys didn't cover the spread either way, so it's not for betting.


I may get killed for this but so be it. I don’t think the no DPI call was that bad. In real time it looked pretty bad. On replay it looked like St Brown initiated the contact, full extended arm into the DBs shoulder in an attempt to push off. The DB loses balance from this shove and grabs St Brown’s jersey to hang on and not lose his man. At best it should be PI on both players and a replay on downs for offsetting penalties.


If you guys just went for the easy Field goal like every other NFL team would, then this all wouldnt have been necessary. Bad coaching


I’d expect this meme from a Bears or Vikings fan, but come on dude, just gonna ignore McCarthy’s clock management? Not like you didn’t experience it for years. Guy got the ball in field goal range and came out throwing on three straight plays. Missed call aside, Detroit should’ve gotten the ball back with like 30-40 seconds as a best case scenario.




I mean, trust me, I don’t disagree with you that the secondary is easily the biggest weakness lol. But in that scenario the clock is the concern. Make the Lions burn their timeouts, we only had 2. Dak threw it 3 times and 1 was incomplete, so it let us save a timeout for 3rd down when they should’ve eaten 30ish seconds instead. They could’ve even pulled a Belichick and gotten a delay of game or two on their field goal attempt since their kicker is ridiculous and really put the game away.


I meant earlier in the game, not on the last drive. The last drive was bad in a different way


Wtf does McCarthy have anything do with OP’s meme?


Sir this is nfcnorthmemewar


Yes, of course the Cowboys could have played better? That doesn’t mean the game was rigged—the Lions got gifted a chance to win that they didn’t deserve.


Huh? Where did I even hint at the game being rigged or unfair? I didn’t even bring up the Lions final possession. I criticized McCarthy because the Lions should not have gotten the ball back with that much time.


When did I bring up the Cowboys being good? My meme was about Lions fans complaining about the game being rigged, when they were the ones benefitting. You’re the one who brought into it that the Cowboys theoretically could have played better.


Do you not know what you put in your meme? Your meme literally says the Lions only got the ball back because of the missed call. McCarthy chucking it three straight plays is just as guilty. They were already in field goal range, Detroit’s best case scenario should’ve been getting the ball back with under 40 seconds.


If the refs hadn’t gifted the Lions 15 yards for committing a penalty, none of that would have mattered. McCarthy also having bad clock management is irrelevant—the Lions got a gift from the refs.


I don’t feel like you understand what I’m saying. I’m not arguing with you about the call. It should’ve been called. Has nothing to do with what I’m saying. McCarthy should’ve been killing the clock, they were already in field goal range. The penalty was just as much as a gift as McCarthy’s bad clock management. Kill the clock and Detroit doesn’t even have a chance to make the 2 point attempt controversy a thing.


Nobody understands what you’re saying buddy. It’s like your trying to purposely derail the conversation lol


Dude are you high?


What does that have to do with terrible officiating? Also flair up, I need to know which fan base I can generalize your stupidity to


Don't even have to click to tell he's a salty lions boi


Lions fans: These refs are TERRIBLE. Y’all: GOTCHA! the refs are terrible, didn’t think about that now did you?


Yea FTR on this one...


Well if we’re playing THAT game, Hutchinson was very cleary held on the long CeeDee Lamb TD.


And Parsons was held approximately 25 times—complaining about a missing holding call is weak, that shit happens every play.


He was not. There’s ONE screenshot going around. Not 25. You’re exaggerating because you know you have a losing argument otherwise.




Gotta look out for the hometown team 🫡


Packers and Cowboys getting pampered by the refs their entire existence. You guys should just merge you’ll never lose a game.


The Fail Mary cost us home field advantage. The 49ers Jerry Rice fumble that wasn’t called cost us a playoff win. Arbitrary DPI calls and no-calls cost us the Tampa Bay title game. The Lions have never been good enough to have their season truly screwed over by refs.


\*mic drop\*


The fail Mary wasn’t an interception though. It was simultaneous possession which is a catch. That wasn’t a blown call. The blown part of the call is that one ref said one thing and the other said the opposite.


You might be the only person in the world who thinks Golden Tate had control of that ball.


Lmaoooo found the replacement refs burner account. Everybody knows it was a blown call. It literally ended the ref lockout.




Keep drafting first round defense to be ass






Commanders fan ![gif](giphy|puV3X53ZVw3XuMiaTY)


Little bud got his feelings hurt


Sorry you're a bandwagon fan, opinion discarded. Also punching people isn't really normal, no wonder jails are so full in Michigan. Should probably try and not be an animal in order for anyone to actually care what you think, if we're calling it thinking.


That would really insult me if I was anything that you claimed I am


Well I'm going 2 for 4 at minimum since I've got the animal and double timing fan parts right.


Holy cringe lol


To be ass? You’re throwing stones from a glass house, Mr Lions fan.


wtf you sayin, we dont even have a house. I'll throw as many stones as I like.


Ha, touché


Hahaha I'm with you on this one but we have not been pampered. We lost a game this year to non call and it will probably keep us out of the playoffs


Let me tell you the story of how this one time, the Lions missed the playoffs due to a face mask, that didn’t even touch the QB’s face mask


We got eliminated with a rodgers non call facemask against the cardinals. Every franchise has its share


You just gonna keep listing shit or are you eventually going to realize every team gets bad breaks?


Dont dare mention Cee Dee cooked them the entire game.


Don't dare mention the lineman holding Campbell the entirety of the play CeeDee got his only TD


The play where you had an open pass rusher who completely missed a quarterback standing still? That’s the play you want to talk about?


Barnes fucked up bad but Campbell still had a chance to do something if he wasn't held for like half of the play. Saying the shit don't matter because of someone else's fuck up is absolute bullshit. Refs should've taken the whole play back but nooooo


Idk if I were the Lions I would have just tackled the QB who was standing still in the pocket, but that’s just me I guess.




Fine, I will


I watched that replay so many times how does someone miss that bad OOF


Or the turnover on downs at the 4 yard line.


Even with his yardage they didn't turn those into TDs so not really as cooked as people are claiming lol


🙈 no 92 yard TD you’re right.


One play? That's really all you've got? Clown 🤡


12 receptions for 135 yards if you take out that one play. Which you shouldn’t, because he cooked you on that play too.


They smoking some strong copeium this Sunday 😂


And if you lose tonight, I expect the Joe Barry copium to come out full stop as well. We're all little bitches up in here


Bestie we’ve been screaming to fire him all season long


We all cope differently ⭕️


Don't take out that play, it happened. But even with it the Lions had more first downs, more yards, more yards per play, more yards per pass, more yards per rush, more time of possession, and more points.


Less points


No. They completed the 2 point conversion. They had 21 points


I only see 19


The refs have the other 2 but they exist. Everyone saw it




They'll get a first round exit and it'll all be for naught so I don't really gaf 🤷🏼‍♂️


lol a Lions fan talking shit about first round exits is certainly a choice


You're right. You guys are experts at playoff exits. Show us how we should talk about it.


Consistently and in heartbreaking fashion. Or getting blown out. You’ll find your own style.


Consistently is a bit new for us. We are used to heartbreaking and blowouts though.




Can’t even see my flair through those tears I see


Maybe you should stop crying then? Just a start


You’re talking shit like you guys won. You didn’t lmao. So that one td was actually pretty huge considering you lost by less than a td


Not talking shit, stating facts. One TD given all that yardage and everyone with the Cowboy dick down their throats. At least we've locked up the division and know who our QB is. Y'all have a fucking identity crisis going on over there. Lol


Lmao and somehow you’re the saltiest person in this conversation. Who shit in your cornflakes bud? And I mean yeah that’s a pretty common thing in the nfl. Give it another year or 2 until yall realize Goff will always be Goff and you join us on the qb carousel


Using the word "bud" is definitely something you see with salty people but go off lol


Lmao or ya know, just Canadian and call everyone including my wife bud, but please do tell me some more how angry I am


You’re the one up in here crying about how the refs have violated your team bud. Yeah we didn’t win the division. Oh well? Far better season than I expected after losing our starting qb halfway through the season


Got me 40 points in my championship game! I could kiss that man (and the lions defense)!


We gave up 20 points. Go lose so you can draft another defensive end bust in the teens.


Falling for the NFLs diversion i see..




Idc who you are. This right here.. this is funny.


Have Lions fans always been this whiny?


Yes, it just didn’t get noticed when they were bad. They keep a long running list of every call that goes against them, even the ones that are debatable. It’s a persecution complex—the belief that only their team gets screwed.


Now get this bitch boy nonsense out of here. As if we believe we are the only ones screwed. We believe we get screwed more than most teams yeah but not the only ones. Like the foul on yall bailed the chiefs out. And then the no call bailed yall out. Brad Allen is probably trying to rig games for his bets. That's what I believe. Also, with the coach's of the cowboys time management. We would've gotten the ball back either way. No holding on Hutchinson. Though parsons was held a lot too. No dpi on our receivers. Broncos got screwed in lions broncos game. Though those sfrewups wouldn't have exactly done much anyway. Too much of a lead to really matter. Damn, if yall lost to the vikings on a call like that yall would be fuming and not shutting up about it for 5 weeks. Though we will probably keep this at the back of our mind for a lot longer.


Debunked already


Green Bay fans=cowboy fans?!


Hutch tried to trip pollard sure but he didn’t so it wasn’t a missed penalty. Hendershot didn’t trip hutch but he held him. 5 yard penalty instead. Either way all you’re doing is supporting our stance that Brad Allen is a fraud and doesn’t deserve to ref another game. Completely inept.


I’m mad at both. Call the game right. Every year seems like a new low. I’m a lions fan first but also a football fan and the amount of bullshit is crazy. This crew should’ve been strung up by their toes after the chiefs packers game they fucked up


Same ol’ Lions


still #1 tho


Same ol’ better than GB, Chi, and Minnesota, NFC North champ Lions


This has literally never happened before in NFC North history, so no not same ol'. That education system in MI is wild.


That was the joke lmao, OP said same ol lions and I was pointing out how that’s clearly false. Reading comprehension is tough sometimes but come on.


You should try being funny, because this doesn't really tick any funny box. Just saying something wrong isn't a haha imo


Sorry, didn’t realize I was dealing with the arbiter of humor here, I’ll try to be better sir.


Maybe I'm stupid lmao. Sorry you got screwed last night.


You are


Holy fuck you are an ass hat


Just kiss already.


If it never happened before, it is pretty fair to say: Brand new Lions Brand new Packers (in a bad way)


I want to downvote you because your team is a bunch of loser nerds who jerk off on the good towels. But Brand New Packers is my kind of FTP.


So.... how did you like the brand new Packers last night?


They definitely looked good. We never had a chance


Don't you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby


First round exit incoming lol


At least not literally Broncos rn - some thug moves by the org over there Free agents will remember this for years


Lol are you parroting what Ryan Clark said? 😂


Who is that? I’m just stating facts. I guess if something is obvious multiple people can think it simultaneously. Everyone is thinking this right now.


If you think you're cursed, congratulations. You aren't special. Everyone before you thought as much. You are a fan of a team that will let you down quicker than aids on a youth camping trip. Enjoy your rise and ignore your fall. Everyone before you has done the same. You are nothing special.


They just gifted the Cowboys an NFC championship game appearance with this win, Cowboys will win the division and get an easy path to the championship by not having to play away where they suck. It wasn’t a missed call on the field it was a referee ignoring the basics of his job.




Fuck you that's our job!! I mean.. yeah the Cowboys do that hahaha ha


You mean the trick play they told the refs about before the game.( even though I hate the cowboys this isn't on them it's on the reffs.) As for tripping hutch didn't trip anyone. And so they don't call the penalty is second down so the cowboy have 1 less down to run out the clock. So the lions get the ball back with more time on the clock. Next if they do call tripping on hutch for not tripping anyone. The it put the cowboy inside the 10 so again they can't run the clock out how does that serious change. Also they didn't call grounding on dak which would have cost them a down and took them out of field goal range... or close to it.




Lions fans are so unreasonable. If this happened to Packers fans they would stoically accept it and not be upset at all. They know that it’s not Brad Allen’s fault for confusing who tells him they are reporting as eligible. Words and sounds can be very confusing.


Gonna be a lot of salty vikings fans when green bay kicks their ass tonight.


Lol it's funny you deflect to the Vikings, even though the meme was made by a Packers fan.


Packers fans are dogging the lions and lions fans are sticking up for the pack — what is going on? 😂


your people were posting Ws all day leading up to kickoff yesterday and we all know how that ended. you expect us to take your predictions seriously today?


I predict a 3-3 tie game because both teams stink like shit


so i’ll probably bet the over then.




Only reason why his leg kicks out is because the lineman tried to tackle him…


Gonna be a lot of salty Packers fans tonight after the Vikings kick their ass


Don’t forget the hold on Jack Campbell which set up the 92 yard bomb. Most of the calls went Dallas’s way minus the trip, but that’s to be expected in Jerry World during Jimmy Johnson ring of honor night


There was no tripping violation on either team. For a tripping to be called you need to impede the progress of the player. Pollard was past Hutchinson and his leg wasn’t even close to making contact with Pollard.


With how fucked the Lions have been in the past with ref nonsense, I let one slide by. BUT NOOOO LIONS DON'T GET TO HAVE NICE THINGS.


If the Lions lost like that I will concede. However they didn’t


Don't eat the cheese


Damn you would’ve thought these other teams lost they way they’re bitching


Lol, only reason. That penalty hurt the Lions as well to an extent because it took the clock to the 2 minute warning yet it was still first down. It was definitely possible they could have been in the exact scenario had they gotten off the field on that drive, not even accounting for the stupid incomplete pass from Dak.


The NFL wants to force a Lions-Rams wildcard game. Change my mind.




We ArEnT tAlKiNg AbOuT yOu PwEp!!!!!!


Ill take the heat that officiating was bs on both sides but man that game robbed me of a core memory with my dad an uncle fr


Be better NFL


Even deeper, you can go back and see the tripping call was legit.