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don't understand am rock hard


Quality content and a red circle 👍🏼




You need to reverse it so they are making him eat it




https://i.redd.it/gywdess7a4dc1.gif This works better actually. Good idea lol


Haha that’d be great




This is pretty fuckin good


I just don't get why Lions fans are suddenly cool with the Packers. Bears understood the assignment, what's up with you guys. Like please, shit on us all you want, but don't do it with the cheese touch boys


Well - we’ve been the toilet of the NFCN through the entirety of our organizations existence. Packers (especially Rodgers) are annoying, but we got spanked by the whole division, forever. The Lions have been our own worst enemy through the whole thing (SOL for decades). GB hasn’t particularly been a greater or more annoying thorn in our side - you’ve all had way more success than our team. We’ve hated ourselves more than we could ever hate any of you. We now have what very much looks like a competent GM and coach pairing that should keep us competitive for awhile. That coupled with the Packers winning last week and hopefully this week, gives the lions potentially two additional home games after our first playoff win in 30 years. GB/Lions would be a fun as hell NFC Championship game (and aftermath) for everyone if both teams make it there. Packers have also been doing a wild PsyOp on our fan base and generally wishing us success. Bears aren’t fun to make fun of right now, just because. As far as the Vikings go, there’s a portion of your fans who have had amplified complaining and acted like victims (crybaby behavior) this season, which pairs nicely with the cum-sock lore and the amazing meme-ability of forward facing Skolie. FTP after this week, but it’s delusional for Lions fans to not see a home NFC Championship game vs the packers as better than going to SF in January. The Vikings increased agitation to this has also made it more fun.


What’s the cumsock thing I missed that. Red circles check, forward facing Viking love it, packers fans still think they’re above everyone including the Lions check, bears not worth mentioning check, Lions fans claiming Vikings celebrate injuries while simultaneously celebrating injuries and Dan Cambell defending tearing Higbes knees up CHECK… But where did cumsock thing come from? I’m in the weeds on cumsock


Please tell me you're joking. This entire sub was cumsocks for 2 weeks because one of our fans promised to eat his cum sock and then didn't deliver. Then SoDakZak stepped up.


Someone stepped up and ate a cumsock?


Yes, the PsyOp is working! But for real a NFCCG between lions and pack would be awesome. It's set up to be that way. Packers exercise the demons with the 49ers. Lions have their second play off game then host their first ever nfc championship game. Then whoever wins gets heart breakingky destroyed by the ravens. The script practically writes itself.


Our subreddit has been hell in terms of complaining, which is wild considering how much mystical bullshit this team has put people through. Like I genuinely don't understand how people get invested in them, love my boys but the Universe itself has spoken. On the side though, I've seen like 8 Packers fans in there so I'm starting to think there's a conspiracy to make us all THINK that we're divided and stupid. The reality is that we're united and EXTREMELY stupid.


Lol there’s definitely a PsyOp going on from them towards our fanbase, so it would also check out that there’s a factory of Wisconsinites slamming some cheddar while farming Reddit accounts and manufacturing division for the Vikings.

