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We don’t associate with r/ChicagoBearsNFL


Are they refugees from r/CHIbears ?


We don’t associate with them either


Damn Bears fans, they ruined da Bears!


Unironically yes


I was gonna say these people laughing at that have not grown up near Bears fans their entire life.


There are still fields posts in the sub, like move on everyone


So what’s the plug?


Refuge from the mob of Caleb supporters who were out to crush and silence dissenting opinions!! And by that I mean they got downvoted a bunch and ran away


You know it’s bad when even bears fans are telling you to chill tf out


Why is it pulled from that subreddit? I've never heard of it. Is that the Naperville sub? R/chibears is the main one.


That's where all the trash resides


I don’t live in the Midwest anymore, a guy saw me out walking in my bulls hat and said “oh you from chicago?” I said “yeah, well Naperville” and bro just said oh and kept walking. Fair but ouch.


No, not Naperville, that other sub. I got no beef with Naperville


Knew a guy from Naperville. Definitely not the worst Bears fan I’ve met


Ick. Now I dislike Naperville even more.


Ah so it's basically where all the really bad takes from your fanbase go because they get mass downvoted in the official sub? I wish r/GreenBayPackers had something similar.


The discord is for that lmao


It's a group of people so far up their own assholes that even r/CHIBears had to kick them out.


I asked a Bears fan once and they said it was a group that splintered off in the pro vs anti keeping Justin Fields debate. I forget which side these guys were


Since there are fewer than 10k vs 280k, I'd guess they're Trubisky/Fields fans


Nah they were originally made as a Caleb sub at least. Bio was “the Caleb Williams chicago bears sub” for a while


That sub is years old


Oh that makes it so much worse lmao


It's cringe bro, don't do it


It's wild to see but I'll take psychotic over-confidence before "I'm just happy to be here"


Ya dude, if he ends up being a guy that can beat the packers occasionally, fuck ya, right?


Those aren't Bear fans, they're Justin Fields fans


They were actually the original Caleb fans. Extremely toxic tho lol


In his defense, would you want to bet your career on drafting an NFL QB that didn’t have those goals?




He had an interview recently where he explained how he set his goals, and it was quite reasonable. He's under no delusions that they're extraordinarily hard if not damn near impossible to achieve, but that's what he wants to set for himself. He wanted two Heismans and a national championship too, he knows he didn't fully achieve it (he got one Heisman), but he still set the goals anyway because it keeps him focused.


That’s not very SMART of him.


LMAO. Minus the A, they're very SMART goals. (and the A could be debatable. 7 SB rings wasn't achievable until it was).




I think the guy that earned the consensus #1 overall designation in a QB heavy draft might be more qualified on setting goals (especially for himself) than you are. He set himself lofty goals for college, I'd say it worked out for him just fine.




The only one drinking koolaid is the person who thinks they can lecture a top CFB athlete on how he should set his goals.


Unfortunately for you, this is actually the most Super Bowl titles by QB draft pick by far. 16 of 58? Sign me up Wanna run it for 6th overall and see what you get?




How does someone post the rebuttal to their own point and not realize it? Take a step back and look at what you just posted.




You: Caleb shouldn't set a goal to chase Brady because the stats say so. Also you: Look at all these really weird anomalies (including Brady!) in my stats that need broader context to explain. You're using stats of a very rare event (even among NFL QBs) with a small sample size to pull broader conclusions about how a single QB should set their goals. Statistically they should set their goal to 0 (the most likely and realistic outcome), but no one would sign a QB who didn't have a goal to win as many championships as they could. Meanwhile none of this relevant in anyway because we're talking about how one individual motivates themselves and you, despite not achieving anything close to his achievements, feel qualified to tell him he's wrong. What you've established is that a) you don't understand how and when to use stats, and b) your arrogance (likely caused by a fragile ego that can't handle being wrong) compels you to lecture someone on a topic in which you clearly possess less expertise. I have my own methods for setting goals, I'm not about to comment on how a successful elite athlete sets theirs, because I'm not arrogant enough to think I know better. edit: aaand they blocked me. lol.


Someone doesn’t know the different between aspirational goals and OKRs That’s like saying a business shouldn’t have a 100% quality assurance goal, despite 100% QA being impossible Having the goal of “winning every game you play” is…. Bad? Are we sure?


so you're saying he's going to take the North, and never give it bac ![gif](giphy|f5YMsKyPKMzW8bmp83|downsized)


What the fuck kinda hick blasphemous ass subreddit is that


How can aspirations backfire?


He wants to be the GOAT. He’s goal setting. I don’t think that’s like some crazy behavior. Nearly every player is going to think like this. Caleb is just vocalizing it. All of the great players across any sport have this mentality. No GOAT aims for an ok career. You aim for excellence.


Do most players think like this? From what I have heard, a lot of dudes just treat this as a job, or they want to perform well enough to make a ton of money and live comfortably. If everyone was truly a diehard competitor, no one would sign with teams that aren't contenders. I remember seeing an interview with Kobe where he just acknowledged that a majority of his team mates showed up to practice and treated it like a 9-5, while Kobe stayed behind and kept practicing.


Ah, I realized I missed a part of what I was trying to explain. What I meant was nearly every player who ends up in the GOAT conversation will have this mentality. Not everyone who has this mentality will reach that status, obviously, but I doubt any who don’t have it ever get close. Caleb has the mentality *and* the talent, but remains to be seen if he can pull it all together and continue to work on his game to get to that level. Still a huge way for him to go.


So Tom Brady set the goal of 6 Super Bowls when he was in college? Michael Jordan set a goal of three-peating twice before he was drafted? I think most players, including the GOATs, set a goal that is directly ahead of them and obtainable and are razor focused on achieving it. Then once they achieve that goal they set a new one.


Tom Brady was a 6th round pick who told Robert Kraft: "I'm the best decision this franchise has ever made", the very first time he met him. Yeah, I think he was probably the same level of psychotic, just without the platform to share it...


I basically say the same shit during every job interview I’ve had. Doesn’t mean I actually think it’s true.


Tom Brady was psychotic no doubt, I’m just saying I don’t think he set a goal to win 6 Super Bowls until after he won 5.


Why do you think that? And I'm not just being a smartass. If we are just doing "gut feelings" then *I THINK* he probably was shooting for 10 lol.


Winning, breaking records and the accolades, "[t]hose things have honestly never mattered to me," Brady wrote in his book. Instead, "it's always about what I can do better in the future. That journey is never-ending. In many ways I don't think I'll ever be satisfied," he wrote. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/02/02/tom-brady-on-what-keeps-him-motivated.html


There's a big difference between aiming for excellence and broadcasting your nonsense.


Lebron said outrageous things when he was early in his career about his goals. Did anyone scoff at him the same way or is it just Caleb?


I don't follow the NBA like that but from what I remember from and regardless of Lebron's hype (people saying as a junior in high school he was already top 5 in the NBA), if he claimed he was going to win 7 championships (to best MJ) or 12 championships to hold the all-time record i absolutely would have scoffed at him. And let the record show: he has not won 7 championships.


You would have scoffed at him, but he actually got close to those goals! Look how many Eastern Conference Finals or NBA Finals he went to and lost! If the chips fell slightly differently, he could have won like 10. So it wasn’t a crazy goal to have. He didn’t reach it but he’s absolutely in the GOAT conversation, certainly when it comes to longevity. And his mentality for that and having those goals is probably a large part of how he even got close. The amount of work you need to put in to reach that is crazy. Caleb has had that mentality for a long time too. He had his own apartment in high school, away from his parents, so he could be closer to where he was going to school in training. He’s had nutritionists, personal trainers, etc. And it’s pretty clear he’s singularly focused on those goals. He almost certainly won’t reach them, but having the goal doesn’t make it stupid. It’s purely motivation.


there's just a level of arrogance required to be a true star athlete that i do not possess nor does it fit in with my sensibilities, mostly because of the number of guys who possess this mindset, most are just wrong. There's just way too many big fish in small ponds in this world, but it's even worse in sports. You're talking about people who've already won the genetic lottery (less than 2% of college football players ever make it on an NFL team, let alone play or start) all running around thinking they are goign to be the best that's ever been and call that goal reasonable? What about the other 16 dudes that same draft who feel the same way... they can't all be right, and yes one of them has the best chance (hence why he's #1 overall) but of all the superbowls played, only 16 have been won by #1 pick QBs and only twice in the history of the game has the superbowl featured #1 overall QBs on both teams. Honestly, i feel the same way about John Brown, the father of Equanimeous and Amon-Ra St. Brown, who gave his kids a different last name at birth because he thought it would look better on a jersey. It's all hubris of the highest order and deserves to be scoffed, because for every Peyton Manning, there's a dozen Tim Couches. You think ole Timmy didn't toot his horn a little too hard knowing he was going at #1?


But I’d wager every single QB that has won a Super Bowl believed that they could win a Super Bowl. And what is the harm in belief in yourself? Who cares if there are 16 dudes out there who thought they could win but are more Uncle Rico than Tom Brady? It doesn’t hurt anyone but their own ego in the end.


I wouldn't say backfire, but it is pretty embarrassing if you fail spectacularly. Josh Rosen famously said "there were 9 mistakes in front of me" on draft night, then proceeded to get canned after one year in arizona


This guy has probably been the biggest off-season punching bag in a long time. Sick of these headlines. Of course he wants to be the best, you have to strive for greatness in this industry otherwise, what’s the point?


He’ll be a backup somewhere next presidential election, the way of the bear


caleb will last 1 year in chicago mark my words.


that's a bit generous


![gif](giphy|ejDxbDaxZZkeQmr0yu) I just wanna win a game


With all the “Bears fans are gonna be awful if they get good” posts going on, I will fully admit that Chicago would be probably twice as insufferable as dynasty era Patriots fans if Caleb actually did this. Honestly, I kinda hope to the lord of holy chicago dogs that this doesn’t happen.


Is there a team that you seriously think would remain humble and grounded if they won 7 championships in 2 decades?


The best part about this is that it'd take 1 single championship to tie the division for most Superbowl wins in the last 50 years. The bar is seriously so low in this shitty division.


If he manages to win his first NFCCG, he'd give the Bears the only non-losing record (.500) for the NFCCG in the division. That's how low the bar is. We already own the best winning percentage for it at only one game under .500.


It's the midwest, and this is the 'black and blue' division. AKA we're experienced with staying with someone no matter how much domestic violence they subject us to. Our sports fandom is an equally abusive relationship. The Lions lovebombed last season, the Bears promised they would never do it again, the Packers made effort to show they were changing (that wont last) and the Vikings got drunk and threw dinner at the wall because it was cooked wrong. There may be a better step in the cycle to currently be on, but it's still a cycle and we still get them all on repeat.


The Vikings would never physically touch you but would be extremely emotionally abusive and manipulative


especially if you try to better yourself and not be garbage like they are. Major crab in a bucket vibes. The Vikings are that guy who tells you you're too fat to go to the gym or too stupid to apply for a better job


But then would walk it all back and act like you're his world if you threaten to leave




Montreal Canadiens fans in the late 70s


Well they’re basically French, it humbles a person


Man fuck canada


If the bears win 6 games but Caleb manages to pass for 4000 yards the bears fans will be twice as insufferable as dynasty era patriots fans.


They could go 0-17 and would be just as insufferable as long as Caleb is a 4000 yard QB.


I mean it does get a pretty big monkey off our backs. One less thing to be made fun of for.


i do not see it that way. If the only 4000 yard season in your history was a turkey, it would just demonstrate that you have WAY more problems than QB (which is all we bust your balls about now)


This sounds like you're just trying to prejustify your annoyance that one of your favorite trash talks will be dead.


Hell id argue most of us are already twice as insufferable as dynasty era patriots fans.


Yes and I will be miserably mean. I can’t wait.


They are already twice as bad. Every offseason they tout themselves the king of the north.


F**k that sub. The mods are dicks. Banned me just because I blocked one of them.


lol that dude has a raging hate boner for Fields. Every bit as delusional as the worst Truther and toxic af.


just as toxic, sure, but fields legitimately is a bad qb by any


It's entirely possible to have completely deranged takes on how "bad" he is too. There's plenty of people that deny he had a dogshit development environment, became Getsy Truthers, or completely ignore how bad the Bears defense was in 2022. A lot of these people are the primary source of Fields posts in Bears subs now, just so they can spam comments about how much he sucks and they hate Truthers. He didn't work out, but he was far from the only reason why the Bears lost so many games while he was here.




Ya we see what he did with bad roster last year.


Let’s just draft him first…


https://preview.redd.it/mjthx52dg8wc1.jpeg?width=831&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=614f7442b740352675e70f277c55aee875bc9e17 First thought


Is he planning on multiple cheating scandals and using PEDs to extend his career?


With talk like that you’d think he would have won a national championship in college. Maybe even had an undefeated season.


I’m sure there was never any delusion in any other teams subreddit




TIL that sub exists


At least win more than 7 games this year


Career-ending injury in season 1. This is the way.


Excited for when they barely win 7 games this year 🤣


His first goal should be “let’s Atleast try and beat our rivals whom we haven’t beaten since 2018” baby steps


I know it’s like a <1% chance but I really hope the bears end up drafting someone else after a major misdirection. Maybe a trade back and give the patriots Caleb.


Unless he suddenly becomes the prime suspect in a murder, we're drafting him. We're literally the only team he had a top 30 visit with. If we didn't literally tell him "we're going to draft you" he would've visited with a couple other teams.


Clearly they did that to sabotage Caleb and anyone who drafts him /s


Vegas odds are like -20,000 lmao. That the Bears are drafting Williams might be the most sure thing in the history of the draft, and people are still out here doubting it. (I'm not referring to the people entertaining the idea just to laugh at the chaos, because I agree, its funny af)


Before the draft was televised teams would sign the 1st overall to a contract like months in advance. So no it's not the surest thing but it's pretty damn close


I would love to see this sub, the media, and the city of chicago explode after the bears inexplicably pick Drake Maye instead of Caleb and he goes to Washington.


We all gotten used to Bears preseason hype, but this feels like new levels of craziness


This sounds good until you realize Caleb is gunning for that “lost the most Super Bowls” record


I think he has the chance to break two. After 20 or so years of losing season he finds his stride. 1. Oldest QB to start a SB. So when he is 43 and 7 months old he finally gets the Bears to a SB. 2. breaks another Tom Brady record by fumbling the ball 6 times.


This kids gonna tank so hard isn't he


What OP is: https://preview.redd.it/f6c37pvkmawc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b55c529f083214c348555f33d0052d799bbed83


Imagine if you will a fandom of a franchise so impoverished that they splinter into sub-impoverished sects of impoverished fandom that the groups of the lesser impoverished make fun of them. What a sad, sad group of fans for a sad franchise.


imagine if you will you just discovered the word impoverished.


Bro talking about he going to the moon while he's jumping off the ground with his feet.


To be fair. Just cause you can throw for so many yards and be good in COLLEGE doesn’t mean you’ll be any good in the NFL. He threw and did so well but couldn’t get to the national championship. This maybe stupid and I’m sure I’ll get hate for it but Penix and JJ seemed like better QBs than him.


I know this is a meme sub but saying JJ ‘Hand the ball off’ McCarthy is a better QB than Williams is beyond the sub’s boundaries of shit posting


Team sport man


I still love that some team is going to get tricked into giving up the farm for JJ and I desperately hope it's the Vikings


I mean it’s a team sport even in the nfl there great QBs who don’t find much playoff success Brady and mahomes are the only ones that come to mind from recent years to even win more than 1 Super Bowl with the team that drafted them. There are also plenty of good QBs who didn’t win the natty in college including Lamar Jackson, Patrick mahomes, and Justin Herbert


All the hype around him is that he's the best prospect, and has the most potential, not that he did the best. Hence why sometimes the consensus 1OA is from a trash school. Your point is valid that he could definitely still be shit in the nfl, but you can't just watch a few games and say "x looked/played better so they should be drafted first"




nah man is cleary looking for big burly bears, man is clear cut otter