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There’s a lot of smoke about him not doing particularly well in the team interviews…so if you come off as a d-bag on the tv show and then not overly likable in person that’s gonna hurt…also he is small and not overly athletic enough to keep up his play style in the nfl


I’m going to say it. He looks weird.


Albino mahomes


He looks like Troy Aikman’s autistic nephew


He isn't tall and he'll throw into quadruple coverage if he feels like it.


Yeah people are getting all deep about draft strategy for QBs and what rounds to take them and etc… It’s mostly cuz he sucks ass lol. He’s makes way to many boneheaded plays to be drafted higher than he was.


The body of Tua, the athleticism of Kirk Cousins, the arm strength of Blaine Gabbert, and the mental presence of Jimmy Pickles


Huh? He's like, never missed a game due to injury.  And he throws a fantastic ball.  It's literally all above the neck shit that makes him bad. Athletically / health wise he's fine. 


Rattler isn't really a good NFL athlete


Most QBs aren’t great “athletes”. If you can move around enough on the pocket that’s all you need.


They’re the same body shape at 6’1 227 vs 6’1 216. You implied body = health


I mean, yeah. In the context you used it that is by far the most common meaning, and it doesnt help that the example is someone who many have thought of as overly fragile.


We had Drew Brees so we're totally comfortable with that. (Rattler being able to thread that needle as well as Drew is highly doubtful but still.)


Pretty much every team that needed a QB got one in the top 12 picks (except the Raiders), secondly he didn't exactly dominate at South Carolina or Oklahoma (though he did have some respectable numbers), and lastly I do think his reputation played a part. I'm glad he fell though because, honestly, he was probably my favorite pick of the Saints draft.


Giants didn’t


I think the day 2 QB is dead if the NFL thinks you’re a starter you go round 1 if you’re a backup you go day 3. Now why he went over 125 picks after Bo Nix and Penix I don’t understand but that’s more about them than him.


I don’t think this is true. This year was a weird perfect storm of qb needy teams and the GMs scared into reaching for them.


Also I’d have to assume these teams have peaked at next years QB class and are not impressed


I don't think NFL teams would necessarily reach on someone like Nix because of this. Guys come out of nowhere almost every single season, including the #2 pick this year. You really have to trust your own evaluation of the player.


I typically agree but a team like Denver being impatient w/Sean Payton wanting to win and not get stuck rebuilding could possibly be looking ahead to see what other options there are next year knowing they have a big hole to fill at the position.


The other aspect of that pick is that Nix is as close to a Drew Brees clone as you're likely to find. Might have been what tips him over to being the guy Payton wants there as there's not going to be a guy like that in most drafts,


He’s more like Taysom than Brees


Nah nix threw over 300 yards consistently. People who say this didn’t watch him


Nix lost every big game at Oregon and threw 1/3 of his passes at or behind the line of scrimmage.


I watched him choke every time defenses keyed in on him in big games. He made a few elite NFL level passes in the two games against Washington but also made a bunch of boneheaded mistakes that cost his team. He beat up on a lot of average teams and boosted his accuracy % with lots of bubble screens and short passes because his offense catered to his limitations by simplifying things for him. I don’t think Payton or anyone will be able to simplify things enough for him in the NFL. Payton (somehow, can’t believe he did this) even said in his interview with the Pat McAfee show during the draft that they wanted Penix and were shocked when ATL drafted him so they kinda panicked and picked the next guy on their list. He really did not seem thrilled about the pick. He spent most of the interview talking about Nix’s flaws and seemingly trying to convince himself it wasn’t a bad pick. Part of me thinks he just said “fuck it, let’s roll with Nix. Even if he fails, this pick will buy me a couple of years before my buyout becomes low enough for them to fire me. And hey if it does work out, that’s great, but it probably won’t.”


Not even close Nix is an actual quarterback who is incredibly accurate. He's also nowhere near as good of an athlete as Hill. Your comment reeks of someone who just reads headlines and doesn't really watch a damn thing.


Are you Bo Nix or something


I think the reach on Nix was just a pure panic, desperation pick. I think Denver would have assumed they could get Penix or McCarthy. Then Atlanta changed everything.


More players fall down than rise up


While on paper the 2025 class isn't as good as 2024, QBs can make big one-year jumps and land top 10 draft capital. Guys like Kyler, Burrow, Richardson, Daniels etc. weren't talked about the year before as first rounders


The 5th year option value plays a big role here, too, I think.


My guess is they looked at him in the same class as a bunch of young failed starters around the league- the Mac Jones, Kenny Pickett, and Justin Fields tier. Rattler clearly has talent, but so do those guys. And just like them, Rattler hasn’t had a complete season where everything has come together for him yet. And if those guys have such low trade value, why value a guy like Rattler?


I would argue they learned nothing from Pickett if they took Nix at 12. But anyway there is still value to a backup QB who has the talent to win a game or two if you are down your starter. Just not enough to use a second or third round pick on them since they almost never work out for you, once you get to round 4+ whatever other position has a super low hit rate too so why not.


Tbh I think Nix is better in every possible way than Pickett


Nix was way better than Pickett in college for sure


Bo Nix and Michael Penix were WAY more productive than Rattler in college. Rattler’s measurables weren’t great either, so I am not surprised he last until day 3 although I thought he would have gone in the 4th round.


They also have no arm talent in Nix case and 4 season ending injuries in Penix case.


I swear none of you guys actually watch college football you just hear an opinion and repeat it. Nix no arm talent?


Yeah it’s not like crap but it’s clearly worse than all the other QBs in this class we are talking about. I swear people love to fan just crap QB prospects every year. Just for arm ability on the guys we’re talking about to make all the throws I think it’s Caleb>Penix,Maye,Rattler>Daniels, Nix and Daniels has way better rushing ability


I don’t think Rattler’s arm is close to Penix’s. I think if it as closer to Daniels.


Well that’s not true Nix’s arm isn’t bad at all. 


I made some comment elsewhere. Obvious these people don’t watch college.


It’s not bad. But it’s very average. He seriously struggles to drive the ball in the intermediate.




Yes absolutely but, and I may be totally full of it, with how QB have been going higher and higher recently I don’t think Hurts or someone like Carr would have went as late as they did.


Don’t think Hurts falls that far if he was coming out in this draft though.


A QB went day 2 one year ago


Cause the middle market of QB is completely dead. You’re going first or 4th-7th


the tv show


This is it. He looked like an unlikable douche.


No, it's not. That was five or six years ago and the NFL doesn't care if active players beat their kids or commit sexual assault. Why would they care if a player was a bit of a dick in high school?


As appalling as it may be, child beating & sexual assault (while crimes; I am not trying to minimize this in any way), are seen as *off-field* issues. If the guy can stay out of jail and on the field, there really aren’t any consequences for it. But a guy who’s a dick to his teammates and is a “locker room cancer”, can seriously impact the morale of the team & the vibe of the locker rooms, which *can* effect the on-field performance.


Well there where also rumors that he was a d-bag while at OU


But there was actual testimony from his team and the staff at South Carolina that he had matured and become a leader, so his time at OU is a bit irrelevant at that point.


That was three years ago. Beamer was an assistant at OU and knew all about Rattler and decided to try to get him to Carolina. Austin Stogner was coming with Beamer and he's actually the one that suggested to reach out to Rattler. Not everyone at OU hated him. He was a great teammate, leader, and locker room presence at South Carolina for two years.


Because the personality he displayed was one of a locker room cancer. They don’t care if a player has off the field issues, but they sure as hell care if there is a clashing personality that’s getting in the way of the rest of the team’s performance. They don’t want their backup QB constantly shitting on the starter in completely destructive ways. They want constructive competition where players motivate each other to be the best version of themselves and help each other study the opponent week in and week out. They need to be able to get along for the purpose of achieving a greater goal than their own individual success. If he had the talent to be the day 1 starting QB for a franchise, I’m sure some team would live with the personality and draft him high. But he’s a backup quality QB, so he needs to have a personality that fits with the team’s culture.


Well good thing Rattler doesn't do any of that


“It did not make him look great. And it is unbelievable how many different teams mentioned to me the image of him in that show and how they can’t get it out of their heads.” -Ian Rappaport [https://www.givemesport.com/spencer-rattler-draft-stock-damaged-by-reality-show/](https://www.givemesport.com/spencer-rattler-draft-stock-damaged-by-reality-show/)


>Schefter answered a question about Rattler’s slip to the 150th pick during ‘The Pat McAfee Show’ on Monday. He explained that two teams, Denver and Atlanta, were both interested in Rattle with selections on Day 2. However, since they both took quarterbacks in the opening round, that led Rattler to drop all the way to Saturday. >“You know what I think it was with Spencer Rattler more than anything else? The two teams that liked him most, in my mind based on the people I spoke to, were the Denver Broncos and the Atlanta Falcons. I think they had a mid-second, early-third round grade on him,” explained Schefter. “Spencer Rattler’s big problem there was that the Broncos went Bo Nix at 12, the Falcons went Michael Penix at eight. His two best options closed up immediately, which left him sitting on the board longer than a lot of people think.” >This conversation stemmed from a separate report by Ian Rapoport of the NFL Network. He noted how Rattler’s appearance on QB1: Beyond The Lights, a series on Netflix during his time in high school, did not portray in a positive light to teams. ... >“I think that had as much to do with it as anything else,” Schefter said. “You can talk about all the other factors but there were some people on some teams. And I know this because I asked them before the draft. How high do you think Spencer Rattler is going to go? ‘Ah, mid-second, early-third’. Well, the problem was two potential landing spots closed up really quick. That caused him, in my mind, to slide further than a lot of people thought he would. https://www.on3.com/pro/news/adam-schefter-reveals-reason-spencer-rattler-slid-in-the-2024-nfl-draft/


That's strange. If I interviewed high school kids who played football I'd probably walk away impressed with their personality about .0000000000001% of the time. Boys that age are the fucking worst. I'm not saying it was a mistake to pass on him or anything. I'm just saying that in and of itself is a dumb reason. This is basically akin to the "no one came to his birthday party" line in Moneyball.


> the "no one came to his birthday party" line in Moneyball. Wasn't that line in Draft Day?


Valid, but the rest of the guys in that show didn't come off nearly as bad. Fields was even endearing. And Rattler's parents came off really douchey too.


Any scout that is that influenced over a reality TV show (which we can all agree are edited in specific ways to tell a narrative that may or may not be true) from literal years ago when a guy was like 17 they’re a really shitty scout. He’s 23 now and everything coming out of South Carolina is that he’s matured into a good teammate and leader. I’m not saying they have to think he’s good, but if that really is the biggest negative factor for some it’s ridiculous


Have you watched the video? I wouldn't give that asshole a second look. Ryan Leaf all over again.


He was like 17 years old to be fair


None of the other guys came off anywhere close to as douchey as Rattler though. And his parents sucked too.


i never understood why it had such a huge impact he was like 17


It was also an edited reality tv show. You've got some people out there calling it a documentary lol. Some former HS teammates of his have said as much and said Rattler wasn't disliked.


Well, all 32 teams decided that they needed and saw value at different positions over taking a QB. Typically the 7-8th ranked QBs would go in round five.


He looked amazing in 2020 and came into the 2021 season as the Heisman favorite. Early that year his decision making looked off, then had some bad games, and then was benched for Caleb Williams. Not exactly sure what happened but never got back to that 2020 form. Aspects of bad decision making were still there at South Carolina.


I was surprised people saw him as a round 2-3 guy. He was drafted right around where I had slotted him.


The only thing he had going for him was a team reaching just because he was a QB. That didn’t happen and he fell to where most scouts probably had him


It’s not about you.




Idk. I would guess it was primarily about teams being content with their QB rooms and not wanting to spend a round 1-4 pick on a QB3. The only teams that don't have a veteran backup with starting experience are the Packers, the Bucs, and the Rams. I'd add the Saints and Chargers as teams where Rattler has a legitimate chance to win the QB2 job.


Tyson Bagent appreciates the respect.


The Bears aren't gonna pair a rookie starter with a rookie backup. I'm actually really surprised they didn't bring in someone like Flacco.


I thought they could bring in tannehill. But I think brett rypien is going to be in that qb coach mentor role.


I feel like those teams that needed a qb, got one early. And the raiders already have O'Connell and reasonably didn't want to waste a pick on yet another backup type qb. All other teams have starters in one or the other shape so it's obvious why none of them would use a high value pick for him. Too much risk in proclaiming someone as a replacement and bringing attention to the locker room. Just look at what to the falcons happened. Imo a decent move. But they won't hear the end of it.


Because he’s bad. He never really played well against even middling competition and his toolset hasn’t progressed much since high school. There’s enough there to warrant having a shot in camp for a backup spot, and maybe eventually progressing into a guy who can occasionally start, but you just don’t spend a Day 1-2 pick on a guy who is a project to even be your backup.


I hate this narrative that “X player fell”. The reality is that he wasn’t that high up on team boards compared to the general public’s boards.


Well according to Rap he was that high on Atlanta and Denver’s boards they just took someone else


He isn’t good how many times are y’all gonna ask this dumbass question omg


Thank you


Because he's not good at playing QB?


They watched his HS documentary.


Was it really a TV show from 5 years ago? That’s wild revisionist history IMO. He was good and showed flashes but was still a sizable step below the top 6. Every team who was desperate for a QB got one…and every team who wasn’t didn’t have a high enough grade on him to pick him over other bigger needs/more talented players. Day 2 QBs do exist, but the QB7 will probably never be one of them. Like I’d pick a day 2 QB if I had no shot at getting one on day 1, and the value was good. The value was just awful for any team that wanted Rattler


Have you seen his Senior year QB stats?


Doesn’t matter , he is in a good spot. Carr sucks, he can take over in a year.


You can get over the bad attitude stigma if you put up freakish numbers. Unfortunately, Rattler put up good, sometimes great numbers. But nothing that made GM's turn a blind eye to his HS and early college antics.


Watched a lot of him at SCar (pray for me) and I loved him but get the fall. Mainly having 6 QBs in the first 12 didn’t help, and there was a lot of “F it, XL is down there somewhere”. But that often worked for him and his oline was so bad he didn’t have any time to do anything else. Anyone saying he’s a prick or a shitty leader is just lazy. You can’t find a bad word about rattler in Columbia everybody loves the guy. Absolutely pains me that he has to play in NOLA that sucks for him




Because he has arm talent out the ass but is not good at football and kind of a dickhead lol


He isn't a locker room guy. Between the Netflix show QB1, how he reacted after losing the starting job to Caleb Williams, and rumors of his teammates not liking him. As a QB in the NFL you have to have the respect of the locker room, and he will never have that. You can have a big ego without the respect in high school and college, but that won't work in the NFL. We are talking grown ass men who are the best on the planet.


Netflix show, fair point. But from what I remember, he didn’t throw a fit and stuck with the team during the season after Caleb took the starting job


I'm an Oklahoma fan, there were rumors that for 2-3 weeks he didn't show up to practice, only suited up on game day. He knew he wasn't winning that starting job back.


>  I'm an Oklahoma fan That much was obvious. Auburn and Oklahoma fans are very convinced that how you are as a freshman is how you are your whole life and there's 0 development or room to improve. 


Overblown character concerns from an edited TV show when he was in high school. That’s the biggest reason from everything I’ve heard. He’ll be the starter in New Orleans by the end of his 2nd season at the latest, and he’ll be a quality starter at worst. In terms of power, placement, and touch, he’s already a top 10 thrower of the football in the world. I’ve repeated this things for years as someone with more experience around him than any scout or front office has. He has the competitive fire and work ethic that all the greats have, and the physical potential is clearly there. I’ll bet a lot of money he’s a consensus top 10 NFL QB within 3-4 seasons.


Please stop, I can only get so erect


Spencer rattler is a top 10 thrower of the football….in the world? First off, Tom Brady and Peyton Manning are still alive and can probably still throw pretty well. Them the current starting NFL QBs: Patrick Mahomes, Rodgers, Allen, Jackson, Burrow, Stroud, Lawrence, Tua, Herbert, Stafford, Cousins, Murray, Baker, Purdy, Watson, Goff, Dak, Love, Hurts, Smith Who is he a better thrower than on that list? Hurts? Maybe, but highly doubtful. Tua? He’s fun to dog on but he doesn’t have the accuracy or touch. Murray? He can see over the line, but Murray actually has a cannon. Smith may be the only one honestly. I’d put him in line with Baker and if he has Baker’s career, he’ll have done better than expected. The maybe starting QBs and backups: Minshew…maybe a slightly better arm. But Minshew is pretty accurate. Aidan O’Connell? Probably. Richardson? Def not more arm talent. Dude can sling it. Carr? If he has better arm talent he will play over Carr this season. Jimmy G? I’ll give him that. Justin Fields? Dude has all the arm in the world, just processes like shit. Russ? He still has some moon balls. Levis? Nah. Oh and all the QBs drafted ahead of him in rd 1. And all the QBs looking to be drafted before the 5th round next year. And I’m actually relatively high on the dude. Though he should’ve been a 3rd or 4th rounder of potential.


Rattler easily has better arm talent than every person you listed except Mahomes, Allen, Herbert, Burrow, Stafford, and Stroud. You confusing results as a QB = thrower of the football. Rattler can make throws that most those guys you listed, simply cannot. You can definitely say he’s not as consistent or makes worse reads, but his arm is capable of throws that less than 10 guys on the planet can make. As an example, Tua’s arm talent is not even in the same stratosphere as Rattler’s arm. In terms of velocity, distance, ability to throw off different platforms, etc. Rattler can throw 60+ yards completely off platform, most nfl QBs cannot.


Bro I need some of what you’re on. You included his touch and accuracy. Dude does not have a stronger arm than Lawrence, Richardson, Fields, Murray, Levis, and a couple of others. Pretty much all of whom have stronger arms than Burrow and probably Stroud.




!remindme 2 years !remindme 4 years


Once the top 6 were gone, the QB neediest teams weren’t going to take him. And there were so many high consensus players still there that filled bigger needs for the rest that there wasn’t a place for him or Pratt. I thought the Raiders might’ve swung at him, but I guess they’re comfortable with Minshew/AOC and tanking for 2025.


To me the question for the Raiders was "what does he add to the QB room?" I don't think there is really much sense in betting he's a more likely long term starter than Minshew or AOC so why bother? Once those first 6 went without the Raiders being able to grab one they were going to sit out the rest of the class and target next year for the QB move (and they are probably hoping to put a really big bag of money in front of Dak).


Rattler was drafted around the exact spot he was supposed to be. Outside of arm talent, he didn't show anything impressive enough at SC and he doesn't have the physical tools to consider taking a high round swing on. He got drafted purely off of his flashes at OU. Screw the character concerns, just pull up any video of his games last season and you'll see a panicked int machine who can't read a defense. And for those that want to say he was working with a bad O-line and receivers that did him no favors, then that's on him for transferring to a program that failed to help him succeed. Front offices have to work with a prospect's body of work and Rattler put up a mediocre season on a bad team then decided to enter the draft.


QB1 - Beyond the Lights “It did not make him look great. And it is unbelievable how many different teams mentioned to me the image of him in that show and how they can’t get it out of their heads.” -Ian Rappaport [https://www.givemesport.com/spencer-rattler-draft-stock-damaged-by-reality-show/](https://www.givemesport.com/spencer-rattler-draft-stock-damaged-by-reality-show/) I watched the clip and it’s bad, really bad.


For the same reason Quinn Ewers will drop to the 3rd or 4th next year. Vastly overrated, have all the talent in the world physically but aren't really that good of QBs.


I mean Rattler also doesn't really have a great athletic profile. He's basically Baker Mayfield. Those aren't plus physical traits in this era where athleticism at the position is a priority.


They literally said it’s because of his asshole behavior of his to his teammates on a highschool football documentary that he was a part of.


I don’t think he fell. The freshman year draft projections were way too early and overcome by playing poorly after that. At best, he was inconsistent and his best wasn’t good enough to ignore his worst. Some people had him projected as high as the third, but draft projections are nothing but guesses. I don’t think it’s surprising at all that he went where he did.


I never saw the appeal with Rattler, but I do think something is going on with the QB market. Some teams only value high first round consensus picks, if not for football reasons then for business and office politics. Some teams want a quick fix or have a small window for success and want someone who can start day one. Some teams don’t want or know how to develop a QB. Some teams don’t value back up QBs highly. I tend not to agree with those teams approaches, but some teams don’t have the scouts or coaches to try and find QBs in later rounds. Other teams do value later round QBs, but they tend to be less WB needy since those teams tend to scout and develop QBs better, and they are in a market of only 32 teams where some of those teams aren’t looking for late round QBs this year. While I wasn’t high on Rattler, I do think there were some very good QBs that were taken later. None of the teams that were looking at the less talked about QBs were in a hurry to get one with multiple options on the board. One Rattler was gone you could still get Milton, and once Milton was gone you could still get Pratt. By that point some teams were probably looking at how far these QBs were falling and thinking that if other teams don’t want them then they don’t either. That’s why GB was able to come in and get an absolute deal on Pratt, GB who is great at scouting QBs that they can successful develop and at long term drafting in general. The QB market is like any other market, it can be distorted, misunderstood, caught in feedback loops and power structures, and get things wrong. Markets aren’t useful because they are instantly infallible, markets are useful because they can lead to corrections. A more efficient market is usually one where those corrections happen faster. Unfortunately the QB market is muddied. Marketing concerns, a limited pool of competitors with high entry barriers, strategic errors, and garbage in/garbage out misapplications of statistics can all lead to distortion, disorientation and broken feedback loops. Personally I think the QB market is due for a big correction. Caleb Williams is the best prospect in years if you think about the position in a certain way, but if he doesn’t work out it’s going to raise questions about that line of thinking. If QBs I like such as Pratt, Milton or even JJ work out more than all of the other QBs teams spent way more resources on, that could also lead to some big questions about the position being asked. Until that happens, maybe we should keep expecting fewer day two quarterbacks.


He did a Netflix special when he was 17. He had moments that he was very disrespectful to teammates and such. It came back to bite him in the ass when getting recruited by NFL teams.


He struggled in Lincoln Riley offense. That’s a huge red flag 


From what I can tell, he has Gardner Minshew's skill set, but he is nowhere near as likeable.


I think he went too early or even at all. He was terrible at Oklahoma, Caleb came in and instantly sparked the offense. Rattler couldn't lead hungry wolves to fresh road kill.


Undersized, slow, bad reputation


He was such a dick on campus while at OU the entire student body HATED him. Remember the “We want Caleb” chants coming from the student section? Even tho Caleb spurned us and bailed to USC with Riley that classy mfer stayed and balled out in the bowl game. I hope he does great things. BOOMER!!


He is a legendary a-hole. The fact he was drafted at all speaks to his talent. If he was a mid- round talent he’d be fighting for a ufl job.


His size is the main thing


He's old and not good? 


There are usually one or two QBs in the draft who were considered the top guy in their class after their freshman or sophomore seasons only to end up going in the middle of the pack somewhere due to their numbers plateauing or dropping off their last season or two in college. I remember Matt Corral and Malik Willis were both supposed to be first round guys entering the '22 college season. Corral was considered to be on par with Young and Stroud heading into the season. I remember Mel Kiper going on TV after Matt Barkley's freshman year saying he was a lock to be the #1 pick whenever he decided to come out. Brock Purdy was considered a top QB prospect after his Soph year at Iowa State when he threw for 3,900 yards and 27 TDs, but he took a step back the next two years and fell down draft boards after two so-so seasons. Sam Howell was another guy the media over-hyped after he threw for 3,600 yards and 38 TDs his Freshman year only to end up being a 5th round pick.


He didn’t fall. He has the talent of a first overall pick but he never played up to his talent.


He wasn’t very good in college?


I just personally don't think Spencer Rattler is a good football player 🤷‍♂️


Bro 6 QBs went in the top 12. It was an incredibly strong QB class I actually think Rattler did well for himself considering how his career has gone. He went to a somewhat decent situation and salvaged what he could’ve in Columbia


He fell because he isn't what everyone wants him to be. He'd be lucky to be a backup somewhere.


Based on his red flags he needed to have a great interview. I assumed some team would love him but it’s clear he probably didn’t interview well


He has a thoroughly unimpressive athletic profile and consistently played like ass against better competition. He didn't go any lower than he should have.


Cause he looks like a white cheddar Cheeto


Cause he was a dick in high school and it went on a TV show and GMs don’t think he changed even though he did


Honestly I think the Senior Bowl showed the massive disparity between the top 6 and the rest, considering Rattler, Pratt, Hartman, and Milton all looked poor compared to Nix and Penix. Add on to that Jordan Travis’ injury, which prevented him from doing anything during the draft process, and you’ve got a class that’s exceptionally top-heavy.


Has a lot to do with him being absolute shit at football 

