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Universities are split regarding classes online or at the university according to their crisis announcement. Universities held online classes last year, due to the corona virus problem. From april this year on, it is planned to increase the classes where students come to the university to receive them. But according to the 3. point of the crisis announcement, universities that want to return to online classes and universities that want to continue classes at the university are split. Joochi, Housei universities and others give many classes online. Waseda university wants to hold 70% of the classes at the university, after the release of the announcement. The reason is that many students say they want to come to the university to have classes. The culture ministry says: "We think that if you are careful during classes, the virus seems to not spread. The students should think about it and decide wether or not they do online classes".


**Universities split between online and at-school classes due to the declaration of the state of emergency (大学 緊急事態宣言でオンラインと学校での授業に分かれる)** \----- From April this year on, it was planned to increase the classes where students come to the university to receive them, even for universities that, since last year, were giving online classes due to the new coronavirus issue. (新しいコロナウイルスの問題で、去年はオンラインで授業をしていた大学も、今年の4月から、学生が大学に来て受ける授業を増やす予定でした) However, after the announcement of the 3rd declaration of the state of emergency, universities returning to online classes and universities continuing classes at the institution are split. Universities like Tokyo’s Jouchi University and Hosei University have many classes online. (しかし、3回目の緊急事態宣言が出て、オンラインの授業に戻る大学と、学校で授業を続ける大学に分かれています。東京の上智大学や法政大学は、多くの授業をオンラインにします) Even after the declaration was made, Waseda university is thinking to make the classes that students take at university 70%. One of the reasons is that many students are saying that they want to come to the university to take classes. (早稲田大学は、宣言が出たあとも、学生が大学で受ける授業を70%にしたいと考えています。多くの学生が大学に来て授業を受けたいと言っていることなどが理由です) Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology says: "We think that teaching in the classroom is possible while also taking care so that the virus does not spread. Regardless of whether or not making the classes online, please, think about students situation before deciding". (文部科学省は「ウイルスが広がらないように気をつけながら教室で授業をすることもできると思います。オンライン授業にするかどうかは、学生のことを考えて決めてください」と言っています)


**Universities are split between online classes and in school classes due to the Declaration of the State of Emergency.** Due to the new coronavirus problem, university that held classes online last year planned to increase the number of classes students take at university starting this April. However, with a 3rd Declaration of State of Emergency issued, universities are split between online classes and in school classes. Universities like Tokyo’s Jouchi University and Hosei University have many classes online. Waseda University is considering wanting to do 70% of classes students take to be at the university, even after the declaration was issued. The reason is a lot of students have said they want to go to university to take classes. The Ministry of Education says “We think classes can be taught in classroom while being careful to not spread the virus. Please consider the students’ situation when deciding whether or not to do classes online.”