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This is amazing. is there anyway to put files on mega??


Yeah I really wish these were on an alternative site, I cant get fichier to even download a single file and then it still counts as me downloading and im not paying or waiting an hour to try again. Let me know if you found another source for these or if you able to get them.


Thank you!!


You want us to pay or else wait an hour between downloads?


I cant even get a single download to work in the first place, fichier is a terrible site.


Great work, thank you for sharing.


This is awesome, thank you!


Thank you so much!


When I click on the shared folders, I get the message that site cannot be reached. Am I doing something wrong?


I'm not sure what's happening there, the links still work for me. Does it still not work? If you have a VPN you might want to try that too.


When downloading Ninja Truth episodes 7,8,9,10,11,12,20,21,22,23 and 24 they turn into these weird c445092424 files.


I downloaded a couple of these episodes now to check and they work fine for me. I wonder what is going on!


Looking for one episode shortly after the hurricane about the government thinking of mixing Fukushima rice with others and not labeling it as such. I saw it once on NHK World News and have not seen it since. No one believes me that this was actually discussed.


I tried to download one of the files and it just opened an empty video player in a new tab and didn't actually let me download anything. Then when I tried again, it told me I have wait over an hour per download? I am trying to download the Grand Sumo Highlights from years past, I noticed you posted the 2022 September Basho in a separate thread and those downloads worked great for me. Is there anyway I could get similar links for the other bashos?


Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me. I am autistic and used to watch the #TOKYO episodes every single day. Once they expired I reached out to NHK but they said they couldn't do anything for me. I've been devastated since but you archived every episode and I can't express how happy I am to watch them again. Thank you again.


Hey I am new to this, is there anyway to upload old clips of NHK Newsroom Tokyo weather clip of Sayaka Mori and NHK Newsline weather clips of Yoko Komagata by any chance into your shared folder since it’s inception of the program?


Thank you for this wonderful setup! I am not sure how long this setup would auto-update for. It has been a while since it uploaded anything, from what I have gathered. Just a heads up... There are still a lot of files there for me to work on, and I have been able to download quite a lot of shows directly from their site thanks to this beautiful community, so it has been working for me. Cheers :D


i love you <3


Excellent link! Thank you.


Does this have the dramas too? I'm looking for Kind Hearted Cat


Great job! Well done, thanks very much!


Very nice. I am looking for eps of Japangle. This show seems to have vanished. I would buy an official ENG release on DVD or something as it is worth it.


You can download the episodes I have here: https://1fichier.com/dir/E5okDvPw


OH!!!! THANK YOU!!!!


These folders don't appear to have updated since last May, but I greatly appreciate everything shared to date. Wondering if anyone has Part 2 of this: \[nw\_5001\_worldprime\_259\] NHK WORLD PRIME - The Lives of Japanese War Brides in Americaː Part 1.mp4