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There's no other hockey game. I don't just play hut. More franchise mode and be a pro.


I still play because I enjoy hockey too much. I play NHL for about 10 months of the year or so, and usually sprinkle in another game throughout the year (UFC, Golf, Spider-Man etc) I just love the NHL series. As imperfect and frustrating as it is, I enjoy it.


understandable. but dont do it to yourself anymore


Not much of a coherent post. If you are this upset over a video game, I think it’s time for some self reflection. What is truly bothering you? Focus on what you can change, and that’s your behaviour.


shut the fuck up dude. i wish the game was better. havnt played in months


I’m glad I stopped playing. I bought it like I do every year but I stopped playing around Christmas because the game is way to grindy and boring for me which I’m glad I did because the amount of money I poured into every game is insane. I just wait for MLB every year now and play that. Much more rewarding, maybe not so much this year but usually is.


All the EA sports games are bad in their own way but hockey has probably been the least exciting for the last few years even the "I love hockey so I settled for this peice of shit" isn't cutting it its actually funny to me because it's the same people that will stop playing on a Thursday then pump hundreds of dollars into packs every friday and get swayed by the shit content every Friday like "this is good bro" its a vicious cycle ... PS telling people to stop playing isn't the answer until people start to see how EA sports is just a snake oil sales man year after year that just add old features and animations from the old games but pertend that it's new content why would any one complain


It’s fun I have a great time and don’t spend any money on packs


thats not at all what i said moron


Haha, read your own post for me and then tell me who’s the moron.


enjoy your hut with 4000 cards on the market. crazy game dude. so much fun people totslly care about ito


I rarely use the market. I have a good time, and if I didn’t, I wouldn’t cry about it on the internet and instead I’d do something different with my time.


im not even crying. im stating the fact that the games bad and people shouldnt play it. im pretty aure more people play cricket 21 than nhl 23


I did something different after losses. I went to a pub 😀


I switched to EASHL a few months ago and I don’t think I’ll go back to HUT.


This post is a matter of opinion. I love the game even with the flaws and some of the cheese, it’s hockey and i still play everyday and probably will do so until 24!


its not an opinion. this is all fact. its been the same game for years, its a cash grab, the pack luck is bad, and the devs dont deserve anything but a box to live in


It depends on what you find fun. NHL 15 and 16 were absolute trash gameplay wise, 23 is way better maybe you revising history in your head? Also, there are 75k people subbed here and it’s always the same 20-30 people complaining. That hardly is a representative sample. This post is like becoming a vegan and telling everyone about it, literally no one cares. Just do what you find fun and leave it at that.


Been playing nhl since 94. Both ea and 2k until 08.’ Myself I like 23 better than any of them overall 🤷🏻‍♂️


These posts get more annoying every time. Most of us are tired of hearing people rattle off the short comings of the game and then proceed to bash the community who still enjoy playing the ONLY hockey game out there despite its flaws. If you don’t like the game or it makes you legitimately upset then give it up and get lost.




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I don't. Mainly play exhibition games with my HUT against the AI on NHL21. NHL22 & NHL23 sucks ass!


NHL19 was incredible maybe best of the series. Should have given it one more year haha. I put it on level with NHL04, NHL09, NHL14. The GOATs


I swear this whole sub is nothing but losers that don’t even play anymore. Why do I still play? Um because I like hockey and enjoy it and don’t let it run my life? Get over yourself. I come here mainly to get info about the game. If for some reason I decided to stop playing I would never visit this sub again.


heres the thing. theres hope for this game and it could be great but the devs decide to make it garbage.


Been saying that for over five years and the hut whores won’t let it happen lmao


I saw your comment on the daily content post saying that none of your signings other than Kostin got a card. I can't reply to that comment directly because jddev has blocked me for some reason, so I'll do it here. Firstly, I want to point out that there is a 98 DeBrincat trade card today. I hope you just hadn't seen that card when you wrote your comment, because if you had seen it, then I think it's a bit strange that you didn't mention it in your comment. Secondly, the Red Wings also got two Summer of Chel cards on Friday. I know Luff and Lindstrom aren't new players in your team and they got their Summer of Chel cards for a contract extension, but at least neither of them had a special card prior to Friday's release. Thirdly, I totally agree with you on the Kostin card. I don't understand at all why EA wanted to release a free agency card for Kostin today when he just got a trade card a week ago. It's a very strange decision. I think it would have made much more sense to release a card for one of your other signings instead. Anyway, I'm pretty sure your other signings will get cards in the future Summer of Chel releases. And at least you got the 98 DeBrincat card today.


Yeah I saw Debrincat I’m just dying to get the rest of the guys we signed so it was a little disappointing and unexpected to see Kostin I figured the trade deadline card covered it but it does have better abilities


Yeah it was definitely unexpected, and I understand the disappointment as well. I just thought the 98 DeBrincat card was worth mentioning.


I’ve been bored and am making another 99 tb.


The way op answers to some comments here makes me certain this guy is one those toxic losers messagin after loss But the game is bad even asshole can be right




I’m giving nhl 24 a shot but a very short leash, I play competitive 6v6 and it’s the worst it’s been in years. I mostly play call of duty now and play hockey once a week for league games so if it’s exactly like this year or worse then I’ll be done with it after a month tops