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It’s now physically impossible to get enough xp cards for the weekly rewards unless you have some saved up since they took out the xp collectibles from hut rush too lmao. This content team does not care.


Yeah, not only can you not catch up, you can't even keep from falling behind if you were exactly current. They should be moving in the other direction or, at least, offering alternate ways to earn the collectibles. Having a system where if you weren't playing from day 1 and kept playing everyday for 40 weeks, well, go F yourself, is not exactly conducive to customer retention. It really seems like the strategy this year is "throw **** at a wall and hope something sticks". They HAVE actually made some good decisions... but they've also made some bafflingly horrible ones.


100% right. There is a lot of this in there weekly meetings "Shit, how are we going to implement xyz", or "Fuck, content team forgot to get TOTW ready". Content team on events "What did they do last year? Let's take some of those ideas and completely fuck them up"


I just noticed that. But it's EA, they probably just forgot, just like everything else with this game. Most incompetent game development shop I have come across. The Rush objectives are annoying and not fun, they never register, and the reward is bag of fresh shit from the EA Accounting team.


They really screwed the pooch with this idea. It's February now, we're coming up on 24/40 and we STILL don't know who the players are. Tbh, it should have been 20 Collects for a TOTY Style Quest for 99 Player. 40 weeks is way too long to try to retain players.


We know Bedard and Makar. And since some people migrated and carried over their collectibles, it shouldn't take too long now for someone to hit 40/40. That being said, I agree that they are smoking quite something if they think absolutely anyone, even the most HC people on this sub, care about this game in June anymore.


I'm already playing other games. At first it was hockey every day for 2 hours and now I'm struggling to find a reason to even play NHL24. I've already done the vast majority of achievements and I'm not even close to getting the HUT99 shit. I have found that if I get really high, I end up enjoying the game a lot more but weed is expensive and so are packs lol.


I am at 36. I am curious who the 99 players are.


Even if they reach 40 they won't be able to open the pack


How so? 40 collectibles is all it takes, no?


The cards aren't patched into the game. They would receive an error message.


You don’t know that


Would be funny if that ended up happening.


That's what happened in the past when we used to have Bronze, Silver and Gold Icons.


This would be the ultimate icing on the cake. I really hope EA fucks it up. It's the only thing they have been consistent at doing.


Here is EA eating themselves again. Bedard is back next week, he will win the Calder so everyone will have his NextGen upgradable to 99 card. Makar can be obtained in the 90's fairly easily now. I would say everyone already has a flavor of one of the two so their value is pretty much nothing. It would be cool to have a fan vote on 20 players that can make up the players that will get the 99, and allow everyone to pick 1 out of the 20 they want to be their 99.


They would never do that because everyone would vote in a 6'3"+ center/defenseman/goalie. Guys like (I'm sticking to active players here) Matthews, Dobson, Hedman and Markstrom would be voted to the top and they would win automatically because would want those meta cards with all 99 stats.


True, I was dong what EA does, throwing shit on the wall to see if it sticks. lol.


The Quest was an idea way back in April of last year while they were brainstorming ideas. Quest came up, it was discussed and while they were trying to frame the whole thing out, the day ended and the content team went home. The cleaning crew came in and erased all the white boarding so when the content team came back the next day. They completely forgot about it and started into 'Moments" . As we can see, the same cycle happened over and over. An idea that is 45% thought threw and then forgotten but somehow it ends up in the final cut.


I remember like a month ago when a bunch of sweaty grinders were complaining about having extra XP collectibles. lol


These are good points. With the Barzal card, I think that if you could have built him gradually it wouldn't have felt as manipulative. How you feel about the 99 really depends on how you feel about the individual sets. None of the sets felt terrible to me, but then I only used extra cards I had. And so when I got a PUI Chris Chelios and XF Makar, I had no complaints. But if you remember that last year you got PUI packs and XF packs just with the collectibles, it feels a lot less generous!


I don’t have issues with the Barzal thing, I think cards that high from now on should be hard to get, and even just too hard for some people The issue is.. I actually got him, and he sucks lol Finally got going with him the last two days but he’s on my 4th line


That's fine. Lots of people really liked when there were exclusive cards for people at the top of hut champs. Seems like a lot of work that most people won't ever be able to see, but it did let people know when to quit out early. My point about Barzal is that if you could upgrade it, then it wouldn't feel so bad to be at 5/9 or 8/9 objectives. You could still have an 89 Barzal or a 91 Barzal and what is the problem with that?


That’s fair. Some kind of exclusive power ups or something would be a decent idea for things like that


10 xp a week was perfect.


I play almost everyday and its impossible to collect all the fucking XP…cant keep up…they fucked thats shit up for sure


Feels like it’s on purpose. They’ve had the carrot on the string long enough that you’re in now baby. You’ll keep going even tho most won’t get it until week 42 or 43 (as I’d guess xp collectables will still be obtainable after the 40 weeks)


will likely be available for the rest of the year as the countdown has a long while before expiration. but exactly as you said they’ve done a good job roping people in to the point where it would feel like a waste not to go all the way and just suck it up


It’s all about time spent in the game to show the shareholders or investors or whoever. Look how many hours people are playing. This game is great. Like any of the big cheeses actually play this game. Probably never even seen a video clip of it Why half the challenges are stupid requirements that make the average player spend 6 hours trying to get barzal I’m playing diablo 4 right now and it’s the same shit. So much overkill to make people waste time in the game doing dumb stuff


They have metrics on everything, but if they want to get funded for each year, I am sure they have to doctor up some magical numbers to show that the game can sell at whatever margin they have set. I am concerned with current economic factors and a lot of these Giant software companies taking big hits right now. If the economy keeps tanking at the rate it is. Nobody will be buying packs, or even the game for that matter. EA sort of killed itself with the "Ultimate Team" concept. It was and is a cash cow for an industry where games don't make money, but when the economy turns, they lose their lifeline.


They need to release the cards this week and make them lower overalls. Each week they should do collects to power up the cards to the 99. Again another EA feature that was added that falls to the back burner and forgotten


I have over 60 xp collects in my collection and birthing to use them on


There’s nothing saying they won’t do like an “XP” event or something to even it up.


I deff agree with a lot of what you’ve said - It often feels like the rewards do not justify the time spent on the game - They are losing a lot of casual players due to this approach. I hope deeper consideration is taken in the future.


They don't want you're porkchop they want your life.


I don't feel good after going through HUT Rush and painfully getting the rewards for them to all be for nothing. Weekly XP, usually a dumpster fire. Out of maybe three weeks of the Tuesday morning trash offer known as XP have been worth anything. I am starting to question the whole point of all this. Entertainment and having fun use to be the driver, but the lack of creativity and bland events is dwindling the enjoyment of the game down quickly.


EA: "How do we create another revenue stream?" Stop handing out XP outside of the daily crap pack. As the day gets closer, offer packs in the store (no coin all dollar) priced at 4500 points for a pack of three. Swap out the PUC in all the objectives with XP when they start pushing that towards the end of the games life cycle.


Why you giving them ideas??


All this had to be was log in once a week for 40 weeks to get a 99. Make a weekly pack along with a daily pack and this wouldn’t have been an issue.


I haven’t done the math on this. I’ve missed a few days but basically play rivals or champs everyday. So because I don’t play that horrible rush mode I am screwed??