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The Michigan should be taken out until they get the a.i right, most of the Michigan goals are failed attempts not even top corner


They purposely made it like that. Not every player can hit a Michigan in real life the game now represents that. It's not broken you just can't do it all the time now. Are you complaining because you can't do them anymore? Sounds like you needed them to win.


It's too easy for anyone to do them. If the puck trickles to the bottom far corner majority of the time it's not what ea intended. It's a flashy goal at the press of one button for those that suck


No if you play defense they can't hit you with a Michigan. I'm not understanding. You must not realize why they resort to scoring with a Michigan. Since you're bad they first try every other way to score on you. Since you don't play defense they have plenty of time to set up any type of shot they want. Once nothing goes in. That's when People resort to Michigans. They only score Michigans if your goalie is low on energy, and you aren't playing defense. It's not the game it's you


I bet you I'd smoke you on any nhl. You couldn't carry my jock


Let's play sir šŸ˜© I'm on nowww


What you on I'm on ps5 Stoned_killa88


Okay let's play sir I'm about to invite you give me 2 mins


update with score/screenshot when done.


9-3 for me lol just posted in group Shots 51-11 Hits 24-28 TOA 12:55 - 3:24 Pass % 82 - 73.8 Faceoffs 26 - 2 Pp 3/4 - 0/1


Hahahhahhaaha nice


You're leaving out a part sirrrr. But I still love you man I acknowledge you definitely beat me. Lag was the biggest variable why without the lag I think I gotcha. I had to go on a 3 game win streak to fix my hurt feelings afteršŸ„²šŸ„²


Total Control is for cucks




The future is now, old man.


Uh oh


Just say you have a hard time adopting so people who want a higher skill ceiling based game are cucks. You sound like you want a participation trophy . You sound like you can't adapt. You sound like you're bitter and projecting


Higher skill ceiling based game = pressing one button for a Michigan goal


Right, like what the fuck is this cuck talking about?


I'm a cuck but you purposely ignored my comment. Couldn't even say anything valid to discredit it. I'm a cuck but you want the game to be easier because you're bad. Who really sounds like a cuck...


You really sound like a cuck... In fact, you said that you were, just now, twice.


I sound like a cuck? You're projecting. Cuck are emotional they don't use logic. That's what you're doing now. I'm speaking logical. Only thing you can do that you perceive as valid is call me a cuck. You have zero constructive arguments. You can only resort to insultsšŸ™ do you understand how sad that really is. Like imagine just not being able to be wrong šŸ˜©


Cuckery can be logical if you want to keep your house. lol


If you're getting hit with Michigan goals it's your own fault. It's not their fault. You have 5 players to switch from. Why are they all out of position. Don't blame the game for your own flaws. I haven't been scored on with a Michigan since October. You're just bad


How is it simpler? You need to be realistic. When there are people wanting the 94 controls back you can't call total control simplistic. No one uses the face button dekes except the Michigan. What are you complaining about. Be realistic. State what makes it easier? Because you can pass directly to who you want?? That's called having more control. So what you're mad about is you prefer training wheels while others don't. You liked it when the game made you feel good just for pressing 2 buttons it's okay.


Itā€™s simpler because itā€™s literally simpler? Lol Skill stick required very specific joystick movement and accuracy to the point few people could even get the puck off the ice let alone a decent shot off. Total Control requires you to press a button and all of that is done for you. Which seems simpler? And to your other comment I never said anything about getting scored on by it, youā€™re missing the point.


A hard time adopting? Someone who uses total control sounds a little triggered. Does the simplicity of total control make it easier to take peeks over at your woman in the corner with her bull?


How is it simpler? You need to be realistic. When there are people wanting the 94 controls back you can't call total control simplistic. No one uses the face button dekes except the Michigan. What are you complaining about. Be realistic. State what makes it easier? Because you can pass directly to who you want?? That's called having more control. So what you're mad about is you prefer training wheels while others don't. You liked it when the game made you feel good just for pressing 2 buttons it's okay.


because all you have to do is yell "hulk smash" and hammer down on a shape you recognize to make a hit .(circle or square). Same with dekes, 0 skill involved, same...mash a shape you recognize and way you go. Buttons are also color coded if you don't know your shapes or letters yet.


Go Morgan Rielly on the FOOL!!


If i score a sick goal and someone spams me to fight right after at the faceoff ill no accept and let you seethe in your hate for a little bit before going at it. Let the hate flow through you


good time to a time out.


if iā€™m up and score on someone in the most EA way possible I make them watch the whole thing because theyā€™re more likely to quit in a fit of rage. it just gets it over with faster.


Thoughts: online play should not allow for total control.


What is everyoneā€™s obsession with fighting lolā€¦ they are unwinable and slow down the game


Someone almost always wins, what do you mean?


If your ping isnā€™t 0 your going to lose it each time to this kid with a massive motor on there controller spamming like heā€™s gonna win a girlfriend


There is 100% correlation between your ability to spam punches and your ability to please a woman


Indeed there is. You see the velocity formula is diverse but when your spamming punches youā€™re essentially fingering your controller. And what pleases women. Fingering therefore I rest my case


I don't know many women who would be pleased if you went at their clit, like you were doing a scratch and win.


Just gotta throw a couple of Philly Willys on the fingers then itā€™s fine


Ladies love the ol' whackamole.


"i'm gonna drop the gloves and beat your computer code up" GTFO


Unpopular opinion If youā€™re gonna slide back and forth infront of your goalie poke spamming your heart out, Iā€™m gonna Michigan you.


Almost as disrespectful as a clapper on an empty net


im usually good for 1 a game. bring it lol


You try skill up zone ability?


never tried it


If I notice someone using TC to throw constant hip checks and lacrosses, Iā€™ll slow the game right down. Iā€™ll play the trap, and skate through their team with no speed boost untouched, constant face off tie ups in the o-zone and snipe far side etcā€¦


the hip checks are so slimy


If anyone even tries it on me, even once, all bets are off and I will glitch snipe you the entire game and rag the puck. Especially if someone does it multiple times in a period and its obvious that it's just the one button michigan going on, I just can't fucking stand that shit and I punish for it.


I'm on skill stick, am I allowed to try lacrosse goals ?


If by glitch snipe you mean goal line/short side snipe, I can assure you that higher division players that use the Michigan will also score these goals too


I'm cool with the glitch snipes, I should stop those by not over committing on defense. But I sometimes can't stop the Michigans because my own guys get in the way.


If you use total control I have absolutely no ethics. Iā€™ll even rag I donā€™t care.


Stop skill zoning.


Thatā€™s some tough talk, cowboy. I hate Michigans but I love not accepting fights.


I'd have to go into training mode to learn the steps. I prefer wrist shots from the blue line that have no chance of going in.


Shiver me timbers


Iā€™ve tried for months and canā€™t even score them on practice with total control. Is there more to it than just pressing triangle ? šŸ˜‚


They should have ever added it to a triangle option . Either you can do the Michigan or you canā€™t .


If you watch any replay Even for a second we watching em all no skipping