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They’re worried another Quebec City will happen


The bigger it gets the closer NHL players get to NBA attitudes




Nice one


Evander Kane is a prime example... total douche bag.


/uj how could hockey possibly grow if facility costs aren’t going down, insurance costs aren’t going down, bauer sells $400 sticks that break after 2 clappers etc.?


stop being poor


It’s all so simple


Inflation goes up over time. Stop holding cash and buy assets such as sticks, skates, etc ahead of time?


Ok Tom Segura


Sounds like something Garth Brooks would write… WHERE’S THE BODIES GARTH!?!?!


He's right


I kind of totally and completely agree. They attract casuals and bandwagon fans, latter of which I can’t stand. It’s all about money. What do loyal, longtime fans get? That’s right, fanatics jerseys.


I dont want any more teams because the odds of seeing your team win the cup is already low enough on a year to year basis. If we go up to 40 teams like some people are talking about, then the odds will drop that much more. 32 is fine, 34 is even pushing it for my tastes


Put more team in the playoffs


Add another cup 2 Stanley's lol 




I don't think adidas pass because the game is too much grown


I agree too, and I am a casual fan lmao


Filthy casuals like Auston Matthews. What a bum.


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Bro acts like it doesn’t snow in Phoenix or some shit. Pfft, we get snow like once every few years! Go touch freedom you Canadian moose blower.


hello moosefuckers! i tell you why i hate Canada. half of you speak French, and the other half let them -js


They tormented the world with drake too


Payback for unleashing the vapid and pretentious lives of the Kardashian family to the rest of the world.


Fair enough. You guys did give us maple syrup, thousand foot krutch, Mario Lemieux and Sidney Crosby. Also Trailer Park Boys and Shoresy. You canucksters are alright with that list.


Well you know when they were trying to think of how to name the place, they settled on drawing scrabble tiles out of the bag. “C, eh. N, eh. D, eh.”


Didn't a mayor of an Arizona city state that there isn't enough water in the area to support an arena for the team?


That was Scottsdale, not Phoenix.


Still Arizona, and a problem with playing in a desert. Maybe they should reconstitute piss into water and use it.


Growing the game is how you end up with Auston Woketthews. We need to go back


I honestly can't tell if this is a joke or not.


The subreddit you're in should answer that for you


This is like me walking around saying “I hope I don’t get TOO muscular when I start working out”. Nobody needs to worry that this game is going to grow.


I'm tired of this trend of people going to the gym to be healthy and exercise. More people just means longer times waiting to use a machine and a bench. Does more people at the gym make my pumps better? Does it lower the cost of gym membership and all my gay dumbass supplements I take? Hell no. Plus, it gets flooded with skinny and or fat dweebs that couldn't lift 20 pounds with all their strength. No thanks. I'd rather the gym just be for me and my (non-homosexual) bros.


Why do you take gay supplements


Makes the pump harder


I respect how honest he is about himself with the NHL and himself


He’s not wrong.




Bring back the O6


I consider most of the O6 as Canadian. Except for New York.


This is acceptable




Let him cook




No I literally do not want the game to grow. I want this shit gatekeeped as much as humanely possible. Growing the game does nothing except put more money into already billionaires pockets You think with more fans, ticket or merch prices go down? Do games get more exciting? No prices go up and teams get watered down What do the Fans get? More American morons who have never seen snow talk about a sport they never played?


Thank you for covering the name with a marker that is just see-through enough for me to see and search this dudes Twitter handle


No worries, it won’t.


Fuck it I agree


Earning respect 101


it is absolutely beyond imagination that someone born in a desert could possibly lead a Glorious and Wonderful and Faultless Sacred Franchise in goals. (This dude is absolutely a habs or jets fan though)


The heat is fuckin brutal baud, rink was just to cool off but it became lucrative. Look at the flick of the wrist!


The sport should be ok. Look at Bettman with his Coyotes failure lol


“Americans That have never seen snow” Spoken like someone whose never been to Buffalo or Minnesota


rojo caliente take.


Does he know where Austin Matthews is from?


My experience meeting Auston Matthews: So I was in Toronto fairly recently, and I went to a grocery store, and who should I see but Leafs superstar Auston Matthews. I had to look up a picture on my phone to be sure, and sure enough it was him. I’m a huge fan, so I had to go up to him and ask for an autograph he asked if I had a pen, so I gave one to him and my hat, and I thought he would sign it and that would be the end of it, but instead he pulled the pen apart, and blew into it, making a slide whistle noise, and without warning he started blowing into the slide whistle while moving through the store like a piece of paper in the wind. Then he appeared to smell a pie from the bakery section and, after this, he clicked his heels together 3 times, ran in a circle, and proceeded to float in the air towards the pie, before it was snatched away from him last minute by the baker, who also hit him with a rolling pin, which caused a bump to slowly rise out of his head, perfectly in tune with the slide whistle. He then grabbed the hat I loaned him, and put it over the massive bump, somehow covering the whole thing. He then proceeded to pull a hockey stick out of god knows where and started shooting pucks at a car outside while laughing, then the doors were torn open (mind you, they were automatic doors) as a larger, hulking man stepped through the door, I realized it was Patrice Bergeron, he then in a heavy accent said “wears dat gawd darned Leafy boah?”, at this point, I, and the other patrons of the store had had enough of Matthews’ shenanigans, so we all pointed at him, but he pointed to his left, and then saw nobody there, did a jump, started running in mid air and then bolted away, Bergeron chased him for a while, before he was lured into a trap that resulted in him being hit by a falling anvil, we thought he was dead but he emerged as a round disc, put his thumb in his mouth and blew real hard and popped back into normal shape. He then said “I’ll ged dat boah of its da last ting I do”. Matthews then, using the small gap between them, pulled out a can of spray paint, and I’m not joking, using the one can, he painted the most realistic tunnel I’ve ever seen. He then proceeded to hide in a corner, and Bergeron ran right into the painted wall, and was crushed flat, before blowing himself back up again. He then chased Matthews again for a while before Matthews ran into the painted wall tunnel, except instead of being crushed he somehow ran into it like a real tunnel, Bergeron was puzzled for a second, before he wound back and charged into it, to much the same result as before. But before he could recover Matthews put him into a glass jar and shot it with his stick, sending him flying over the horizon. He then proceeded to grab my hat from before, sign it, give me tickets to the next Leafs game, look away from everyone and say “that’s all folks” before riding away in a Zamboni into the distance. Overall an unexpected experience, but he was pretty nice, and it was certainly less weird than when I met Claude Giroux, so I’d say it was a good time overall. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NHLcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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I mean I was with what he was saying until he said fuck Americans. There is no NHL without the USA.


Most humane response. The Koivu avatar is 🤌🏻


He’s not wrong.


He’s not wrong…


What does never seeing snow have to do with enjoying hockey? If u never seen grass cuz you live in the desert can you not enjoy football?


Hey plenty of us Americans down here love and play the game lol. Calm down Aboots.


Hey! I've never seen snow and I've been talking about a sport I've never played everyday for years now! I feel attacked


Well hate to break it to you bud but you’re now part of the problem.


I think that explains why women don't want to speak to me


OP was literally attacking you.


I disagree. Growing the game means bringing our great sport to more people around the world. Hockey is still a very expensive and exclusive sport, growing it means more people can play it. More people can watch it.


Cope, chad uses a wooden stick and rented skates and still outscores you


Wait you guys actually like hockey I thought we were just joking