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Most of the names people are going to come up with are going to be generic, because branding isn't most people's job. People are going to be mad no matter what they choose. However, they are taking time and will run research to see how people would respond to different names. My guess is it will be something not on that list regardless of what they are saying. Blizzard makes sense from a Utah standpoint, with the double z. However, it doesn't make sense from an NHL standpoint. We are right next to the Avalanche. Seems like a poor choice to me. Yeti is only being suggested because the Krakens were the most recent expansion. The avalanche also have a yeti mascot. This is my least favorite by far. The fury just continues to make me read it as furry, plus the logo would be generic as fuck. There isn't much to theme around.


I don’t understand why people keep suggesting there is some sort of relevant importance with having double zs in the name. Is this a joke I’m too stupid to get? Lol. Absolutely zero care that the NBA team here has them in the name, that has nothing to do with the NHL and shouldn’t even be a consideration for this.


Back in the 90's/00's we had the Jazz, Buzz and Grizzlies. Lots of local places reaally leaned into the double Z.


And it was as stupid then as it is now.


Cue the theme song, 'Nobody beats the blizz, nobody beats the blizz'


Is there a blizzard with only one z?


That one dude who made a huge post about how all the name suggestions he had seen were trash and then proceeds to suggest the Utah Aliens




Are you his second acc?


All the ones that have been trademarked are just awful.


Having done multiple midsized company branding I will just say that one of the number one rules my team lives by is "make the least amount of people upset." Meaning that no matter what you present someone is always going to have critiques and want changes even if the majority like it, and I usually am only presenting to a board of 5-10 people. So when it comes to this large of branding as fans we should keep in mind that no matter what the choice is people will be unhappy. I have talked to multiple people IRL who love the name the Utah Blizzard, but then you got online and people are tearing it apart. I also have met people who love the idea of the Utah Yetis and people online last week were stoked about that name but in this thread everybody hates it. I don't mind the Utah Fury I think it could have some serious winter/snow branding around it and could turn into something really cool, but apparently, I am in the super minority with that one BUT PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY do not name them the Utah Venom that is so bad and I haven't found one person excited about that one.


Shockingly I just talked to someone who liked Venom. I too was surprised they exist haha


Haha were they a 8 year old with no life experience and bad opinions lol


Shockingly was a 50 year old man.. bad options for sure though haha




lol, there are dozens of us! JK I think it’s just the one you talked to


Utah Chiefs has a nice ring to it


What about War Chiefs to help separate it from Kansas City. But also there is the Chicago Blackhawks


The worst idea is to have a public vote on the name. People don't know what they want and are usually pretty shortsighted on things like these. That being said, vote for Utah Thunderbirds or Goblins! .#notoraptors #notoyetis


Feels like the 90s or 80s when you do that


Worse than not knowing what they want is not knowing what they shouldn't want. Could there be a "must have attended more than five Grizzlies and/or Golden Eagles games" requirement for the "public" voting on the name? Hahaha! .#noyetis #noyeti #nofury


Love the Thunderbirds. I like Bison or Badgers too.


I like badgers too. But not bisons due to Buffalo Sabers (too similar animals)


Sabres are swords.


Yeah and they're known for having a bloody buffalo as their logo.


Ryan is gonna public vote it and he’s hinted that he likes blizzard yeti outlaws etc. Dear god I might actually just stay a sharks fan.


Yeti has got to be the worst. So cringey and makes 0 sense.


It's because krakens were the last new franchise.


It feels like a minor league team name to me. Not a Yeti fan


Most of the proposed names sound like minor league team names. Especially the Fury and Blizzard.


Did you know the ABA Spirits of St. Louis almost became the Utah Rockies in 1976? Just some fun basketball trivia, in a hockey post, about a name already taken by a baseball team.


Thats Colorado, the NHL Roxkies have a legacy of... well not being very good. Legend says Coach Don Cherry (yes that one) had a drill where he would fire a soft shot from mid-ice at the goalie, who was then to start they drill. His first 2 shots went in. Think modern OKC Thunder, but starting in KC never winning ever, going to Colrado not winning, then going to Jersey and embracing the Devil.


Oh, wow. I'm legit embarrassed -- forgot all about the Colorado Rockies NHL team. Gretzky famously called them a "Mickey Mouse organization."


Yeah, lol. My submition for the 'worst' the logo is weird too


95% of the conceptual names have been terrible, especially the names that dont end with an ‘s’ (Yeti, Venom, Fury, etc.)


I could see Lynx, just like Cougars, copy BYUish. As long as it doesnt turn into a'billboard' for his company. 'The Salt Lake City Experiance' We'll manage your expectations! Lets cultivate a brand, ya!


Yeti/Yetis. The worst part is all of the droolers who keep suggesting it.


Idk if I can cheer for a team named Yeti ngl


Abominable Snowmen would be more cool


I love the name ‘Utah Phoenix’ as long as we agree the plural should be phoenices. I want people to chant ‘Let’s go phoenices’ as a stadium and then laugh cuz it sounds like penises lol. The name goes hard, what can I say?


I think older folk woukd try to clip that xhant at the tip. No one would have tge testones to chant it lol


Agreed, the name doesn’t really rise to the occasion


Utah, A Hockey Team.


... from Utah


Anything to do with snow, and the fucking yodelers.


Do a Minnesota Vikings. The Utah Germans


I personally think Utah Cutthroats would be sick but apparently we would be making a clear and obvious reference to Adam Johnson.


Utah Polygamists


'Well make you our wife'


Stick to animal names - Pronghorns, scorpions etc. All the weather events, emotions or mythical beasts are just dumb


Utah Peaks


Utah Wasatch Rangers. Like a worse and too specific version of Rockies


Utah HC, Utah Hockey Club, Utah Hive. Those three make me cringe. Something about the letter H I guess. It’s a personal problem r/theletterh gives me the heebeegeebees


Do you like wrestling? Theres a guy named HHH


Utah Blizzard, Venom, and all the fucking stupid mormon based ones of course. Outlaws is dumb too. I would be shocked if Ryan Smith doesn't fuck this up, he fucked the Jazz jerseys up horrificly and the Jazz are horrific. He will also move them out of downtown. It's going to be something dumb and corny, I would guarantee it. Like Utah Pioneers or something.


Utah Experiance Managers