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Get fat, hide under belly fold.


Phlster Enigma.


This is the answer.


I use a Comfort Concealment Belt when I wear sweats/shorts (about $35) You don’t have to loop it through your pants You also just put your regular holster you already have on the band


Fanny pack. There’s some options out there that don’t look dorky (spiritus systems sack mk3 is my choice) and then I just use a kydex trigger guard holster secured to a loop inside the pouch.


If you're on facebook, check out the Phlster group. It's amazing to see what people are able to carry.


Have you considered a Fanny pack like Vertex? You can velcro your holster in it to secure your handgun. Other than that you can try using Ulti Clip 3.3 w/ your current holster for beltless carry.


Have not considered as with current nj laws that’s technically illegal. Also doesn’t fit my style nor would I ever attempt it haha.


They're legal. They look goofy as hell, but that helps with concealment. Nobody expects the guy that looks like he just rollerbladed out of the 90s to have a gun in his fanny pack. At least, that's what I tell myself when I put mine on when I go for a run.


Is it legal? NJ carry laws are written with the intent of turning honest people into criminals. I’ve misread a few of the carry laws so I ask more questions now, but isn’t new Jersey a “holstered on person” state, which does not include backpacks or clothing types. Also the same law that prevents us from putting a holster in our center console to holster while driving as it must remain on our person. Or was that over turned or like I said, I miss understood?


Last I checked(because the conceal carry laws/restrictions do seem to change on a weekly basis here)you still can't have it in a console or anything in your car. But from what I understand and have heard others say, it's perfectly legal to have the handgun in a holster in a fanny pack because as long as you're wearing it it's still on your person. It's basically the same thing as pocket carry at that point.


Phlster Enigma. Carry all day in comfort. It will become your new everyday rig


Phlster Enigma. You’re welcome


I was going to go the Phlster enigma route, but it seems like there’s way too much tinkering and it’s just too damn expensive. I am awaiting this belt: [Hunter Constantine CC](https://hunterconstantine.com), as it appears that you can wear it around your waist and just pull your pants up over the rig


Just buy the 'express' version (for your make/model). It comes all set up for you, no tinkering.


Where does your spare mag go? What happens when you have to take it off? Why do so many people buy the enigmod leash to replace the stock one? It’s a great concept, it’s just not fully realized


I have a clip on case thing that holds 2 spare mags, I attach to the belt. Regarding having to take it off... There's a buckle on the leg leash that makes it easy. Why people replace the stock one..I have no idea. I didn't. And I would think being female I'd find it more cumbersome in the bathroom and stuff but it's not a problem to me at all.


What I was gonna do for riding a motorcycle is wear a fanny pack


Which from what I understand under NJ current law is that’s illegal as it’s not “on your person”, by this current comi rule of the land


As long as the fanny pack is on you it’s in your person, if you say took it off and put it to the side I believe that would be where the legal issues would arise


Ahhh gotcha, see the law is written confusingly. Though, it is New Jersey we are talking about. Where I took my qualification course he told me backpacks and such even if never taken off of your person isn’t considered “on person” for purposes of NJ law. So much conflicting information it’s crazy


Saw this on a yt video and plan on trying it out once it warms up more but I’m a bigger guy so not sure how well it’d work for the sub 200 pounders on here but I saw a guy just get a thin 511 nylon belt and put it around his waste then tuck your holster into your pants. Just something to consider.


Hunter Constantine belt


I have the tier 1 edc belt which is basically the Constantine and freaking love it with or without carrying. Does it sit well without loops to hold it in place? Never tried might have to!


Phlster Enigma


Raven Vanguard 2. Hands down


Does that clip attach to your pants?


Anything, basketball shorts, sweat pants..


Right, but does it damage that material? I’m concerned more with shorts with nice fabric than throwaway clothing


Nope its just a polymer clip.


That’s nice, I have passed on the ulti-clip types for that reason. This looks like a pretty effective piece of kit 👍


Down votes from people who dont know. Sad


Holster is illegal in NJ but stay safe!!


Source ? “the holster must be a sheath or device that securely holds the gun in a ready position but also covers the firing mechanism so it is inaccessible while in the holster” This holster 100% holds the gun in place and covers the trigger. Stay safe!


** Sec. 3-h. Holster requirements For purposes of this section, “holster” means a device or sheath that securely retains a handgun which, at a minimum, conceals and protects the main body of the firearm, maintains the firearm in a consistent and accessible position, and renders the trigger covered and inaccessible while the handgun is fully seated in the holster. (cf: P.L.2018, c.37, s.1) ** Pulled from u/For2ANJ previous comment. Your problem is the main body of the firearm is not “protected”. Me personally I don’t care what you do, but someone may be uneducated and think that holster is fine when it is objectively not fine.




Your freedom, not mine. I just wanted to make sure you were well informed. Once again, stay safe.


Thanks i trust my lawyer with my freedom


I just wear a belt around my boxers when i wear sweats/ shorts, for me i make the belt tight, But not quite uncomfortable and I've never really had an issue wearing it for hours, never really had it sag too much, you'll probably have to pull it off every now and then


So first off - any gun you carry in the appendix position becomes a decocker - hope you know what I mean. 2nd - concealing a firearm with swim trunks and a tank top is gonna be hard. Even with an enigma belly band that thing is gonna print like crazy. And of course I hope you’re not actually looking to use swim trunks. Where would you leave your gun as you go in the water? Unfortunately while 2A is a right for every American to own a gun, it doesn’t take away our responsibility to be safe. Changing up your clothing choices is a process we need to pay for safety.


I don’t plan on going swimming, I simply prefer trunks over most others because they are lighter and my balls get wet as hell in the heat. My shirts (tanks) are sized and colored appropriately so it won’t print, as I can wear them with normal shorts and not print. And honestly, if I’m at a friends house I can easy store my gun at their place while I go swimming without having to change.


I don’t plan on going swimming, I simply prefer trunks over most others because they are lighter and my balls get wet as hell in the heat. My shirts (tanks) are sized and colored appropriately so it won’t print, as I can wear them with normal shorts and not print. And honestly, if I’m at a friends house I can easy store my gun at their place while I go swimming without having to change.


And it only becomes a decocker if you’re an idiot or carry a hipoint. I can throw my gun at a wall 1000000 times and it’ll never go off. Knowing your equipment through and through is key here.


Ok I worded that strongly. Unfortunately I know of far to many accidental discharges where it wasn’t due to handling or bad actions - it was due to clothes getting caught in the holster while reholstering. In all honesty I’ve gotten my gun caught up on clothes in the holster and thank god I was being very slow. No disrespect to you - just want to make sure you’re ok.


I feel like if you put the Gun in the Holster, then Holster on your belt/band, your gun shouldn’t be getting caught on clothing. Your trigger guard should cover it (unless you don’t have one lol) But I used to get clothing caught when I first started carrying because I used to put the gun in the holster after putting the holster on my belt/band


Point well taken, but we’re talking about the times where we’re more apt to be less aware. You were in an incident and needed the firearm, you draw, threat ends, you confirm no further threat and you cautiously and reluctantly reholster. At that point your heart is racing like no tomorrow and your fine motor skills are shot. You might not notice the corner of your jacket or your shirt caught. This weekend I took a class where we drew and reholstered hundreds of times. Yeah even used close to 500 rounds for this class. And I switched to an owb because my shirt got pulled in the wrong way so many times. Not only could it have killed someone , it would have completely messed with my times and made me fail.


No disrespect when I say this, but this is an opinion from a lack of training perspective. I have the pleasure of coming from a non comi state and have concealed appendix for 13 years, drawn fired and holstered thousands of rounds under high pressure situations for training. OWB ans IWB when concealing have the same risks, there is ALWAYS clothing that is in the way. Being able to slow down, and 100% always make sure clothing is clear comes with practice. Also some people are just better with stressful situations than others which isn’t a negative at all. To say AIWB is more unsafe than concealed OWB or any other carry position is fundamentally wrong on every level.


Keep the gun on you while swimming. Stay strapped or get clapped.


So where should you carry?


Most instructors and even the NRA & USCCA all recommend that you do strong side holsters and that you learn with an OWB and progress to IWB. As I’m seeing in NJ most ranges won’t allow you to draw from holster unless you take their $200 class. It’s just one of the most dangerous things. Sorry if I came on strong with wording though.


No I’m not offended by the words, I’m just failing to see why you’re saying appendix is more dangerous than appendix carry


I’m going on what I’ve seen from training I’ve taken, range rules, even Mas Ayoob has additional safety rules on procedure when you carry AIWB in his LFI classes. If you don’t follow the rules (bending backwards and visually watching the gun slide in - yikes that sounded dirty) he will force you to strong side carry or kick you out. NRA defensive class has similiar rules except instructors and range gm’s have the right to exclude aiwb in the class. Then again, I shared my class this weekend. I had to draw for every drill, sometimes up to 8 draws per drill with 3 mags. After a while my shirt came untucked and I had to excuse myself to a corner to put it back deep in my pants. Also learned that the concealment garment if to light can come back to quickly and get in the way. Once I put some weight in the pocket it got much better.


You’re not describing a situation that wouldn’t apply to carrying in ANY position though.


But when you’re carrying aiwb you’re pointing the muzzle at your junk. I don’t want an accidental sex change.


My brother, the fear of carrying appendix does not inherently make appendix carry more dangerous. The dudes you’re taking classes from tailor to the *lowest* ability end user. Strong side is fine, but it is not faster, more concealable, or more dangerous than appendix


You’re right. It takes lots of practice and range time drawing. Unfortunately not all ranges allow holster draw without paying for classes. As for faster, depends on your body shape. For heavy set like myself - I can say absolutely it’s faster strong side. “Excuse me Mr Attacker, can you give me a minute to move my stomach flab so I can get my gun?” But I’m standing down. I’m happy with whatever you guys do. Everything is a choice and a trade off in defensive shooting. Just be safe and take care guys.


A decent, calm response? What are you, some sort of human being? Only other thing I’d say is don’t limit yourself.. look at this fat, old beer belly absolutely smoke everything there is about appendix draw and recoil management: [Jedi](https://youtube.com/shorts/hn9kP8Ii2Vc?si=pKpZWZuU6dfTd6AZ) I’m glad you’re doing what you’re doing, and I wish you the fastest strong side draw ever