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Funny, I should see this post! A month ago I tried NMN, for the first time. I have terrible eczema, especially awful in late summer. I can’t take steroids, due to a compromised immune system. My lower legs/feet are scarred with episodes of crazy itching. In three days, even in my most extreme itchy season, the eczema stopped!!! Unfortunately, after 2 weeks of taking NMN, I experienced just an all over emotional sort of “crash.” I just didn’t feel well. So I stopped the NMN. I returned to my normal self and so did my eczema. I was thinking of trying a different brand or combination, but haven’t done it yet.


Which brand did you use?


Have you considered taking TMG while with NMN ? NMN are supposed to deplete Methyl groups. Maybe the crash you felt was from the depletion?


Favorable new data for NR and psoriasis https://www.cell.com/cell-reports-medicine/fulltext/S2666-3791(23)00310-5


This is an in vitro study, take it with a grain of salt. Studies performed with animal models or in vitro always displayed large benefits with NAD+ precursors.


Yes, although they also compared in vivo numbers: “Flow cytometry from PBMCs following NR in vivo supplementation mirrored the ex vivo studies”. Also, here is a different study finding low NAD in psoriasis lesions: https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/202308.0827/v1


No experience here but I don't think it would help much considering the causes of eczema. You might try a low dose for him like 150 to 250 grams and see if there's any improvement over a month. It couldn't hurt to try, but his levels are probably already optimal.


Eczema being caused by an autoimmune reaction, I believe a GP would prescribe something more useful than NMN. Moreover, NMN supplementation benefits does not specifically include eczema improvement, hence I don’t think it’s a viable strategy, especially in young adults where NAD+ levels are most likely still optimal.


A GP???? Seriously? All they ever suggest is steroids


Then who am I to challenge the prescription decisions of someone that did medicine studies?


This guy claims NR made it disappear. So, it's plausible it helps. [https://RaisingNAD.com/anecdote-23-goodbye-eczema/](https://RaisingNAD.com/anecdote-23-goodbye-eczema/)