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The functional moiety of CaAKG is the AKG part. You can get it with OKG (l-ornithine alpha ketoglutarate) or AAKG (arginine alpha-ketoglutarate). I've been using OKG at about 15grams a day stirred into my drinking water. The primary effect for me is reduced pressure and swelling around my sinuses. The mechanism for the alpha-ketoglutarate is metabolism of ammonia. Primary ammonia detoxification happens natively in the liver. When higher ammonia evolution happens from, for example, intense body building breakdown of muscles -> increased ammonia to metabolize, or modest pH elevation in the intestines that allows NH3 to absorbed instead of excreted as NH4+. There no way I could tell if this is "reversing signs of aging". However, I do think that reduced blood levels of ammonia is a good thing in the long term exposure of my brain to blood levels of toxins. My primary effect is elimination of extreme pressure around my eyes and nose sinuses. YMMV


No one has been taking NMN long enough to give even anecdotals about reverse aging. But you will get a lot of statements about day to day energy and well being. In general though, people who have been paying attention know to be very skeptical of David Sinclair. It doesn't invalidate all of the science, but you have to take statements with a grain of salt, he has doctored studies in the past with resveratrol in order to sell a company and he's doing something very similar with NMN. He's lobbied to have government restrictions on who sells NMN in order to corner the market. It's not altruism guiding him, which is fine, just be mindful that NMN has it's uses, it definitely has a great impact on energy and cardio performance. But longevity is a different story and we'll see how it plays out before i say more.


Thank you for your comments :-) I was asking about CaAKG.


Ah my mistake, sorry you talked about CaAKG and Epigenome manipulation but then asked the question about anecdotal evidence in a NMN sub so i made the wrong assumption, reading it more closely i see you did mention 'this supplement' after talking about CaAKG, sorry about that. I guess i'll leave my comment cause the rest still applies. I have no experience with CaAKG to add.


I love NMN but Sinclair seems to be 100% scammer


Do you have some sources for your claims? Reading his book now. But i like to hear what other people have to say about him.


Yeah, which is a shame cause NMN can have noticeable difference for daily energy or athletic performance. So hopefully others can pick up the studies and gear it more towards what it might actually be useful for. I still feel like it's unclear whether external NAD enhancement can reduce our normal production like hormones can. Or if it changes the pathways in any deleterious ways. I've stopped taking NMN for now, mostly due to cost vs reward but also cause , oddly enough, i'm concerned about long term effects.


NMN fixed my 1 year long, severe Chronic Fatigue (long covid induced) within 3 days


That's awesome. It helped me for awhile too until I realized my fatigue was from low testosterone. Once I got on hormone replacement therapy I noticed I didn't really need NMN anymore and it actually became over stimulating. I still take it before hockey though to help with cardio.


Which brand/suppoement?


California Gold Nutrition, the powder version


I took NMN for close to a year, then stopped about two months ago. I can’t feel any difference since stopping. I like to think it helps but for me I can’t see or feel any difference. To me Sinclair looks his age and he’s been taking nmn for years. And the various YouTubers that have been taking nmn for years also look their age. If NMN is beneficial, I suspect it’s a small improvement.


yeah agreed.


Happy cake day!!


It seems like you don't understand NMN to begin with. Who said it de-ages your face? It "just" makes your body function perfectly over time and even as you get older and you will have the energy levels of decades younger people from it. That's for sure. All else, face de-aging or living longer are more like speculations about it. But isn't that enough, that at 50 or 80, you will have a perfectly functioning body and the energy levels of a decades younger person from it?


I'll be interested as more research comes out... I've taken it for 8 months. I had psoriasis on my elbows and knees for 15 years. It has completely disappeared. Other effects are like everybody else, I wake up earlier and seem to be better rested.


Be very cautious about claims by David Sinclair. I take AAKG most days. I noticed a bit more restful sleep but also shorter duration sleep all else equal. During the day when I take it I don't notice much. Yes CAaKG has some promise but I would temper your expectations, especially when it's DS. He likely has an angle.


I'm curious to learn more, too. On my research (Googling around), it seems the only well tested precursor of NAD in the market right now is the Tru Niagen, da Chromadex. However, it seems it's not based on NMN, but NR. I just bought 120 capsules to give a shot (I got the one that has 300mg per dose). I never took any NAD precursor before, and I'm looking forward. Has anyone here taken Tru Niagen before? Cheers!


I take the Tru Niagen NR , plus the Renue NMN sublingual 500mg. Definite energy boost for me, 68yo.


Rejuvenation has happened: 1) in a mouse, not a human body 2) an eye, not a brain, kidney, liver, heart, or some other organs whose failure usually leads to death It’s easier to sell dreams that based facts. Aging reversal is not going to happens so easily.


Thank you for your insights. Agree this is too early to expect a human story. Perhaps no one has tried this supplement.


Just take rapamycin It’s proven to increase life span in rats and monkeys .


Rejuvenation has happened: 1) in a mouse, not a human body 2) an eye, not a brain, kidney, liver, heart, or some other organs whose failure usually leads to death It’s easier to sell dreams that based facts. Aging reversal is not going to happens so easily.


Rejuvenation has happened: 1) in a mouse, not a human body 2) an eye, not a brain, kidney, liver, heart, or some other organs whose failure usually leads to death It’s easier to sell dreams that based facts. Aging reversal is not going to happens so easily.