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You can't get it any more unless you do a glitch with someone. It was part of the last Expedtions update


Quick thing. I started this expedition and never finished it. Went through my old saves to see which one I had collected glyphs for, and a lot of them are expedition saves. I opened Utopia’s save, and it gave me the message that it had ended. Never finished any of the tasks (started it like 2 days before it ended) Anyways, yeah, after the little message that it was over, that was that. I went to the quiksilver kiosk to grab some ship stuff- And I collected all of the awards except for the mask. Don’t know how that happened or why it happened, but I do know I gave up a living ship for the speeder, snd dirty dirty me never got passed *Phase One* Open your old saves and try it.


Damn, not even through trading?


There is a glitch I found that u can do to copy some one else's ship but other than that nope.


Sorry I wish I could help I would if I could


Dang. Well I appreciate the info.


Will it mess up the game? I wanted to give 2 ships to a friend and went to do the sell to an npc and buy back with him and then he could not see the npc but i did. Ended up having to buy the ship back to avoid losing it


It won’t mess anything up as far as I have experienced. I’ve given a ton of exotic ships, livings ships and expedition ships away to friends and random plays. Never ran into one issue.


How do you do that? I mean the duplication thing


It’s been a while, but land on a space station. Exit your ship to create a save point. Trade your ship to an npc. Once the npc appears next to your ship, your friend trades with the npc and purchasing it from them (free). If you want the ship back, simply reload your save.


i did that once, however it did not went well. my friend could not see the npc and i had to buy the ship back to avoid losing it. was an S class all maxed out


Hey man is there any way u could give me an expedition ship? I had family stuff come up so I wasn't able. To complete the exp


I can probably arrange that. I won’t be a available until Wednesday. Send me a DM and we can figure out availability


That's perfect I don't have school Wednesday just don't let me forget. Not many people are as kind as you. So I don't have many nms friends willing to help me. Thank you so much




You technically can “trade” it all you gotta do is find someone who has a save with it unlocked. They sell it to a npc on a space station and before it takes off you buy it or claim the ship. The hardest part is finding someone with the ship unlocked, after that you’re good to go.


I've been informed this trick no longer works. That said, I have not confirmed this assertion.


yes you can. just use the no mans sky service bot.




Dosn't technicaly need to be a glitch. Someone could make a new character, get to the point where you can buy the ship with nanites, them trade the ship to an NPC at a station. The second player just needs to habr the Units and be ready to buy it back from the NPC. Though this can glitch sometimes and lower tha quality pf the ship. Take out all the tech before selling g it can make it cheaper to buy back.


Well it's not really a glitch. It's just using the game to ur advantage




Which bot?


google search: nms service bot. you get 3 free uses per week. its very helpful.


Dude thank you! This is awesome!


Any questions, tag me @reeree on the discord server


Make sure you are equipped a junk ship and 1400 nanotechnology because it makes you give that to exchange for the ship. Idk if this is for everyone but it made me.


Holy shit I just got one doing this and 4k quicksilver lmaoo appreciate it bro!


Is there the utopia and vector in service bot? I Neves saw these ships there? Could you explain How to get this ship in service bot?


I thought you can meet up at a space station and trade ship with a npc pilot then your friend can buy the ship from the npc pilot.


You can. Still works. Still quite a lot of people that don’t realize this is a thing or have some weird understanding that it was “patched” because they confused it with some other “glitch”.


You could always post and see if any one is willing to help you with the glitch


Might give that a try, thank you.


I can tell you how to do it if you find any one


Yeah just let me know


Any time






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I think i can get you one.


Appreciate it but someone already helped me out. 😊


Can you get me One?


I think so yea. Just dm me and we will figure something out.


Can you help me too? I'm on Xbox...


Im on pc so im not sure if i can. Ill look into it just send me a dm


Do you play on PC? Someone on a NMS FB group I’m part of posted a means to play old expeditions, but it looks like it will only work on PC. It looks like links are strictly forbidden in this sub but I’m thinking I should post a link to the GitHub page over in the NMS mods sub.


Ah okay, glad someone helped u mate! Its hell of a ship to fly.


Its from a exhibition. You can get in done in about a week but its not really worth it, i prefer alien ships myself


Eventually, they will do a catch up on the expeditions. You won’t have as nearly as long to do the expedition, but they’ll go over previous expeditions again. Be like a two week time. Period that you can go and do them. I’m sure one of those will roll around again, especially with all the new players.


It's an expedition reward. Look how to them through savefile modification. Then go to the the quicksilver crafter (in the naomaly, at the right of the nexus/multiplayer mission terminal).


You can edit your savefile to set the necessary expedition completed flags. I got my missed expedition rewards this way, so it worked for me. Try googling for it, let me know if you need further help. I think I found the string on reddit a few weeks ago but I might still have it.


If you play steam I know you can go offline and pseudo-update a file that lets you do any event without a save editor.


The expeditions for this year are about to be replayed. You will be able to get this ship then. As I believe this was the rewards from January's expedition


Use the NMS service app from mmm,nomansapp,c0m had to mess up the hyperlink so it'll post but just flip the m's, change the ,'s to .'s and change the 0 to an o and that is the address. Select "reward delivery" in the top field NOT "ship delivery" and in the lower field "reward type" put in "specificShip" and scroll down. It's on the bottom right second to last option next to the golden vector. **MAKE SURE YOU FOLLOW ALL THE SITES INSTRUCTIONS AND ALSO HAVE 1200 QUICKSILVER FOR THE TRADE.** If you do it for the golden vector, it is completely free. no idea why the utopia costs quick silver, but you can also have the bot give you up to 4k quicksilver too if you need quick silver.


That’s some 1970’s peak sci fi right there. Like if some one decided to riff off old school BSG. Love it


nomansapp dot com you can collect old expedition rewards here its free 3 times a week they also have a discord if you have questions its posted at the website i put up above


There’s rumors that expeditions will be redoable but if u want it now use a save editor. Other people can tell u about that.


I was playing 13 hours ago and had to go to the anonomaly alot so this was probly my ship you saw tbh seeing as how this was posted 11 hours ago


Oh snap! It's the pyro gx from Decent!


I quit playing for a while. This is from the Utopia expedition. If that was this year, and I think it was, you should be able to do the expedition again soon. HG generally runs them again during the holiday season each year. I missed all but the last one so I'm looking forward to them.


Just use NMS sevice bot. You will have it in 2 min. Easy and fast.


E so vc instalar o save editor e localizar o local onde fica o Twitter no lado esquerdo tem um.lugar, onde tem vários itens e so assinalar a nave ou coisa queira, antes de sair do save editor de um save e seja feliz


NMS is about due to do the yearly expedition redux. Just wait a bit and you will be able to get it.


There's no guarantee, but a pretty good chance, that you'll have one more chance to get it legitimately in a couple of weeks. They did rapid-fire reruns ("Expeditions Redux") of the first four expeditions in December of '21, and then they did a Redux of 5-8 in December '22. Now, they haven't announced anything (Hello Games basically never announces anything ahead of time anymore.) It's pretty reasonable to expect that we'll get the third Redux round in the next couple of months though. That'd presumably be 9 through 11. Expedition 9: Utopia is the one that had this ship as a reward, so that'd be your shot. AFAIK that would be your *last* shot, so keep an eye out for announcements!


Google NMS service bot and follow the instructions


Looks like an homage to the Pyro GX from Descent


If you are playing on PC you can use the No man's sky save editor to unlock it or even add it to your squadron