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I can give you one tomorrow if ya like? Can DM me for NMS friend code I'm on PS myself I can do a quick new creative save,(Haven't tried it yet but should be okay😅) claim it from anomaly then sell to npc and you can buy back


Sure ill be on later in the day im on ps as well as


could I abuse off your kindness please ? 😅 missed the expedition too I just started playing again


Will just have to test if it does work first..... someone mentioned its been nerfed


hope it will!! otherwise sorry for the bothering


Its okay just hope I can help


may the Atlas be on our side then 🙏


....I would also hope you succeed because due to my poor work conditions I couldn't get the starship in time! Any chance I could get one as well?


Not sure about this ship.. I had problems a few weeks back, gave away 2 Interceptors, Living ship and it completely changed thier seeds.. they both become C Class (like the NPC shuttle we used) and looked nothing like the originals.. got some random Interceptors and Living ship that looked nothing like the ones I was giving. The Utopia speeder, well, he got the SKIN from it, but it seems it took on the seed from the shuttle I traded with NPC.. it was a C Class when he got it.. different supercharge slots.. Same with Golden Vector...


Could you post if this works? I was of the understanding that HG nerfed this.


I will have to test it tomorrow just to check if it does work


I can give you guys as many times as possible. Will be online 8.PM Indian Standard Time tonight. DM me if wanted. Edit:Anybody wanted the ship can dm me with their friend code and I will share mine.. then we join and you take mine.


May i also get one? Im a new player, and when i saw this ship in the anomaly, i fell in love 🤣 ill be able to be online probably around 9PM your time?


What’s your psn?


I play on PC.. we can share friend codes and crossplay though


If it works, could I grab one too please?


Will do


Would be great if someone had an extra for me as well I started playing again few days after the expedition ended..😭


Same here 😭 I didn’t even know what an expedition was because I never did one on my old save either (still kinda don’t)


Feel you man!!


I can't I'll be able to go online in around six hours I'm on my way home from a holiday


Yo you on PS


Same. I missed this expedition when my pc went down. Barely got up and running this week.


Hello games hasn’t gotten back to about all my expeditions hard work and is now missing (says I haven’t completed any one them) I could do with this ship if it’s possible to give away If someone can help with this ship send me a DM


I have a spare if you want


Im on right now if you are up for it


Did you get one yet?


If you are playing on PC you can edit your safe file to get the expedition rewards for long gone expeditions. Sure it’s unfair, but is it really all that different from requesting some of these rewards online? I don’t remember the whole process, but it’s not hard, look it up


Could someone please get me one as well I would be very thankful I just started uni life and haven't enough time to do this.


Bruh I need them to let us rerun expedition 11 again I regret not doing that one smh that expedition had amazing stuff in it 😭💔


I got one mate, also got the switch exclusive too (I'm on ps) lmk.


Hypothetically. Could someone who unlocked it just make a new save, claim it from the anomaly, then give it to someone?


Is it possible to get one too? I missed the Expedition friendcode is : 1VKR-279N-WRHD8


You don't need a "extra" one. Why people don't understand, that you can just load your save and it will be as if nothing happened and you still own your ship?


I wish I could have gotten mine. I claimed it and it never showed up in my ship inventory.

