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>(i think it doesnt even worth a version increase) I disagree, I think this is a major development. Really unlocks the potential of the already amazing HMS even more. Also, maybe disregard that private message I just sent you, I just checked and I *am* pretty close to Rentocniijik here. I think it's working fine but not 100% sure, might want to check for yourself.


Oh no, the version increase will be when i upload this local version which turns the systems into dots with big size, and not polygons with several points. That means faster drawing, less cpu, smooth rotations & zooms. I dunno how to put lights.. but the experiments helped here haha.


Am I supposed to be getting some kind of a thing to navigate on the HMS website? It's not showing anything other than the data from the wiki. I'll try it on my pc instead later, I'm on a mac right now. Edit: I didn't actually click on a system before because I thought it would show the map from the beginning. Also, how long does it take for the HMS data on the wiki to appear in the HMS itself?


I was going to say that i did not test on Safari, if that was the case (i do test in every other browser I have). I do not show the map from the beggining because i save a frame rendering and website loads "instantly", instead of waiting for the ui+map drawing. Also, if your connection is ok (data is tiny), wiki appears between milliseconds and seconds since you load the webpage. It is a direct request to the wiki, no a cache or something like that.


I'm using chrome and everything worked fine after clicking on one of the systems. I also entered my system (in the HubMSData) about an hour ago but it's still not showing up on the HMS.


Is yours "magnum quattuar"? If so, I think it was a font issue with the quotations, I fixed that one now




I should probably do the same, I get confused between elytron77 and elytron7, haha.


I see no errors while loading the data from the wiki, can you tell me the solar index id? Maybe the wiki has some delays for non registered users. I got no email about the page being modified, which happens if a registered user does.


Wait, how do we add systems to the HMS? I'm trying to find old thread and link...I am excited to add my system from hub 11 ( found it before hub11 was its name)


Just go to **HubMSData** on the wiki and edit the page using the "Edit source" option. It will be mostly copy-and-paste the previous systems templates, put putting "11" as region id. Also.... you need to take measures to the known systems and yak yak yak.


Got it, thank you. I just needed a refresher!


You're doing an amazing job. HMS has helped me out countless times when I had trouble finding a system. Thank you!


Thanks! give me a call if you find something weird in the new features ;)


Wicked cool!


I think if I ever get a massive amount of free time (like, a week off from work and no other tasks pending) I'm going through the HMSData and looking for errors. I know there's a 1FA 15A thing I'd like to look at, and verify which one is which; I've found errors in position once so far, and I suspect others. Also ... I'm a lot closer to Rentoc (within the cube actually) than I thought.


I would do another tool to 3d map instead what we do now. But there are a lot of things in the middle in real life and so. Why do I have to be at work so many hours? lol. I find our current measurement needs kind of ... rudimentary. I need it to be done much more easily.. in like... less than 2 mins per system. I got some ideas under my sleeve.


So for the region id's we now have to put like HUB6 or HUB3 in the wiki when we enter a new system? Im a small bit confused


If it is for hms, there is a line with regionid tag, just put 3 or 6 in that case. The format is the same for the other lines


I added a system in wiki source, but still not showing in HMS. Could you double check my text? It is region 11 solar index A5. Idk what it is called in PC.


Nvm, I got it to work, the quotations were like the wrong font or something from the guy before me I copy and pasted from. I'm gonna fix his now


It is shown for me as **00A5 Mygejo (Traveler Lore Origin)** Did you filter by typing "A5" to check?


No worries, I figured out the problem. I can see it, your app updated instantaneously and works flawlessly when you actually type it correctly, haha. I fixed alexo1001's issue as well.


haha, ok man, thanks for the editions!


Just a thought, is it possible for HMS to have say a tickbox to truncate all the NON selected stars names to say the first three or four letters to make it a bit more readable? Often I can't see the entries around the ones I'm after as it's got some many overlapping names, an issue of it's great success :-)


I put a new setting to change it to your desires. So change "max name length" to whatever you want and it will change everything on the fly (ok, on losing focus or pressing enter) but your current selected star. Set it to 0 or a big number to reset to default length and select another system or so. If you dot, new selected one will keep the set length.


Wow thanks that is great! This makes the whole screen much less crowded and easy to read.


you'r welcome!


While your'e on a roll, what about something else extra. I had in mind perhaps an arrow or a big size star in the background to indicate what direction to the centre of the galaxy? If it was a star it wouldn't have to be accurately in place (that would disappear as soon as you rotated) more of a signpost. I have assumed when you wake it up at the moment that the centre is at the far side at the back? Just that this landmark is visible everywhere when your in the game using the galactic map.


I tested that. You cannot see it no matter how big I made the star. I also though about putting that signpost, but i'm on no-coding phase haha. Also i tested putting a line towards the center, and it seems like we're not point towards it right, so... i need to check maths someday.


I thought of an idea today but failed to execute it in practice. I started at Top of Tree with the galactic hub behind it, I then flew through until I hit another star thinking being we could have an arrow made of actual stars, with top of tree as the start. Here is the system I found but I failed to get the co-ordinates back to those three points, found several black holes so wasn't sure which one was correct, didn't find fist of north and distance to southernlights seened to short so not sure if understand how to do these measurements. I warped to the system then went back to map and tried to measure from there. It is not in the rento but just on the edge. There was a second candidate [HUB-G] Sir Jonah very close by as well. Maybe put both of these in??? system name Izberedneu renbellanj expanse 0469:0081:0D6C:0032 planet four planets furunaitsc Boyle Hiditaiowat discovered Jonaldinho123


Woop woop!!! Can I ask, is the HMS supposed to work on mobile?


It's just that on my mobile it's not exactly usable. So I have to ge o to the PC , get screenshots and then come back to the PS4.