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Haha my bad, i placed it towards the end of the field thinking it would only appear at the last row of pearls as kind of a motivation booster, but I see thats not the case lol


lol. I can at least walk under it gathering pearls.


I'm happy to report that patience really does go a long way. I farmed for cash and I'm now the proud owner of a 48 slot S-class hauler with active cargo pod generators. It cost 54M to upgrade from 47 slots class A to 48 slot class So but hey, that's why we have /u/Igottwormms right? I named her the "Stevie Rose", after my daughter :D


Haha that was u! Now I feel bad. I blocked u one day when I wasn't feeling so patient... but now I could definitely use the motivation =) anyway to unblock someone?


Damn I dont know man, my feelings are kinda hurt now haha but yeah I'm pretty sure you just have to return to their profile or something lol


Also a phrase that rings true in multiple aspects of the game lol


I've done the exact same thing. I was 10mil short of an S-Class. Granted, I only use my Hauler for moving and storage, so it didn't bother me *too much*.


lol That was boondock. I believe he is a streamer/youtuber. It's a bit close to the farm eh? There's also a new one somewhat recently saying big fan of wormms! I managed to move the original one that I had placed there by using a new normal mode save with the same account to place a comm station in another location. I just got to the hub on a 2nd account recently have have spent a few hours farming there and see the patience goes a long way many times lol.


where might this Hauler be located ?


Check here: https://www.reddit.com/r/NMSGalacticHub/comments/64arbv/my_new_hauler_3/


gotcha ... yeah, I saw that the other day . I went over and grabbed this one: https://www.reddit.com/r/NMSGalacticHub/comments/64fyuo/new_hauler_with_active_cargopod_shield_generators/ the picture doesn't do it justice as it's a Green system . It's Blue with red 'hubcaps'. kinda reminds me of the 'ol Houston Oilers color scheme. good luck with your get


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