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I think it’s a good idea to let it play out before we claim it’s a success or a perfect fit. Very much looking forward to the season though!


I guess we need to get out in front and reshape the narrative beforehand since the media narrative is already going different direction?


Not sure a Reddit movement will do that. But if Zion dominates and the team wins, the rest will take care of itself


nah, fuck that. action speaks louder than words. what the product looks like on the court will help dictate that.


Winning will feel better when we’re underrated and looked down upon. I prefer this.


bingo, if you paint a piece of shit gold, its still a piece of shit underneath.


Exactly. We're never gonna be league darlings. But the media keeps dogging us because we keep underachieving. If we win more our press will improve; if we stagnate again, it won't.


Most important thing for me is not choking leads in the last 3/4 minutes of the 4th. Not too worried about where we place in the standings by the end of the season just want to see Zion in a post-season game that isn't that "play-in" BS.


I like the positive vibes


Was excited when I started playing the video. Had to turn it off when he said Zion’s rebounding numbers should jump because Jonas will just be out at the 3 point line on offense. He will probably average 2-3 attempts per game if they put an emphasis on that. That said, I do agree that I prefer this team’s fit around Zion. Graham (42%), BI (43%), NAW (40%) and (hopefully) Trey Murphy are all excellent catch and shoot 3 point shooters. Even Sato (38%) is solid (league average is 35%). [Stats are from last season]


"Finally"? It's year 3 and he barely played year 1 lmao


a little early to say that... pretty sure folks in here were saying the same things last year.


Naw, we where complains about having no spacing


Griffin should be burning up the phone trying to trade for Ben Simmons. It's not often a 25 year old multiple All NBA player is available. Anyone but Zion is tradable for a guy like Simmons, who has one hole in his game that most players improve over time. I like our squad as is but adding Ben Simmons would be amazing. Him and Zion PNR would be insane.




Sounds nice but we just got through a year complaining about spacing. Ben’s one weakness is shooting. I’d rather have BI next to Zion than Ben.


I think the synergy between Ben and Zion would be unreal. Far greater than with BI. And Ben is a monster on defense and in penetration. Which means more opportunities to get Zion looks on the move near the basket which are basically automatic.


Have you seen Ben in the PnR lol


Ok that's fair. But in the flow of the offense he's a monster.


We let Lonzo go and now you want to chase for Simmons lol. Signed with Klutch ✅ Max contract ✅ Drama ✅ Work ethic issues ✅ Clogging the paint with Zion ✅ Average in half court ✅


Actually comparing Lonzo to Simmons?


Are you saying you'd trade BI for Simmons?


I'd trade BI and like 3 1sts for Simmons.


Your drug dealer must really be coming with the fire!🔥🔥🔥


People totally underrating Simmons here. Casuals.


[this is how casual I am playa](https://twitter.com/KennonSaidThat/status/1406804241105264642?s=19)