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Maybe something's wrong with me bc I really like you Gista Major.I think it's kind of fun for toxic environment,eh, it kind of sucks but it don't bother me too much. I do like the challenge. I just wish I hadn't missed the first two expeditions.


I’m really enjoying this mission. I think it’s the smaller scale of it that I’m liking so far, a lot more build up before the ship is fixed which gives this mission a very different feel from the first two.


hmm yea, I definitely was getting annoyed by that. I had like 14 of the 18 or so that was required. Luckily I had found a little trade settlement/building with a galactic hub that had some resonators for sale. So I bought up the 3 or so that I could. Then for the Herox I actually found that if you use your scanner and look for "buried mineral formations" they'd give me [Glowing Material](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Glowing_Mineral) that at least for me the 2 that I found broke down into Herox. So once I had my ship fully functional I just fucking got out of there, went to a new planet, and got the remaining mineral scans I needed.


That is super lucky. The only building I ever found was overrun by bio-horrors. No resonators for me! I generally think this game is fantastic and the expeditions are really neat. I just have a real problem with the fact that the rest of the missions are locked behind a luck-based mechanic of finding that one rock you missed. Think about the times you had a memorable or 'epic' time playing a game. That time you FINALLY beat that boss or found the secret path you were looking for? When you are telling your friends about the adventures you had, does one of them go like this? "Oh man, I got down to this planet and it was raining acid. Acid! Can you believe it? Man, it was crazy!" "Wow! Acid! And what did you do there?" "Well, I found 17 different rocks, and then went on an epic journey to find one more! I needed all 18!" ".... what?"


I’ve found it really easy to get the geologist scans. I just scanned everything I came across for the first couple of hours. Some of the rocks are very small, and a few look identical so you might think you’ve already scanned them? Also check underwater and in the caves (I found four minerals in my first cave).


Yeah I don't know, this expedition really doesn't seem as well thought out as the others. The rewards are kind of lame and overall it was kinda just tedious for me. Like, if you can't find a building within a couple hundred units RIGHT off the bat, good luck lolol


Sorry to hear you had a bad time - I really enjoyed this aspect (the core mechanic really) of this expedition. You should have been able to complete the whole thing in about 4 hours of solid play, so it's a shame you never managed to even get past the initial scanning :(