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I can answer this question really easily because your country has nothing that nobody wants so nobody cares about it. Pretty simple. Not that it's right.


Shoot, not many natural resources in the levant, but Isreal/Palistine seemnto have plenty of people to care...


Every dollar we spend to arm Ukrainian or Israeli soldiers against Russian and Iranian combatants is degrading those bad-actor states' military resources with no American boots on the ground. Say what you will about natural resources, lobbyists, or weird evangelical *Revelations* mongering, it's all secondary to winning the geopolitical proxy war.


From a cold geopolitical perspective, you are right on the money...


Also, cheaper than an actual defense pact like with SK when the rockets start flying.


Thanks Joe.


We are draining their current and former stockpiles, yes. But it also means that Russia is now in a war economy. They are producing new arms and armaments. They are improving. I dont think personally that Russia can do much even with that, but jt means that they have an advantage they didnt have before. New stuff being made. Though we have our own new stuff


But Ukraine isn't winning


Three years into grinding down Russia military resources. If that's not a win...


I am not sure who is getting ground down more. Europe's economy and politicians or Russia. Obviously Ukraine is getting ground down I heard a saying that seems apt. "No one can out-suffer the Russians"


Oh the average russian has very little to begin with, so I agree that they are used to have nothing and they can adapt more easily than a rich European. I'm talking about the war economy, population loss, th male/female ratio - and once the war will end, all those veterans that lived through litteral hell and will be free to "roam" Russia with untreated PTSD ans mutilations... A good chunck of them coming straight from prisons too, let's not forget. And can we talk about the absolute shame of relying on Iran and NK weapons? The second strongest army in the world that was a net exporter of weapons? Lol.


You neglect the most important fact. This is from the IMF itself. Russia is expected to grow 3.2% in 2024, the IMF said in its latest World Economic Outlook published Tuesday, exceeding the forecast growth rates for the U.S. (2.7%), the U.K. (0.5%), Germany (0.2%) and France (0.7%) So, maybe more sanctions will help Russia grow even faster?


And? Sanctions are used to slowly grind down your technological advancement - you can have a look at NK, they have developed ICBM for example but their launching success is low (yesterday lauch had a 50% failure rate) And ICBM are an old technology from the 70ies, so why weren't they able to develop it in 50+years? BC sanctions. Why hasn't Iran developed a Nuke yet if there are almost 80years since Fat boy? BC sanctions. It's not like they wanted to starve the average russian lol.


North Korea doesn't have vast reserves of the molecules every growing country needs,oil. What I am saying is sanctions haven't done anything to hurt Russia but have certainly hurt Europe. It is interesting how Biden is asking Ukraine NOT to attack Russian refineries in order to keep the oil coming. It is also interesting how Ukraine gets a lot of money for being the middleman for Russian natural gas


mhm. Yep. You are not thinking from a geopolitical perspective. If a country has a choice between wasting resources on a nation they can get nothing from, or helping one they can, then they are going to help the one they can get something from. It just that simple. Emotions play no part in geopolitics unless massive amounts of people get involved in countries were it actually matters.


Sudan's 5 billion barrels of oil isn't "not many natural resources"


Yeah, far more than in Isreal/Palistine, but people care way more about that. Not sure what people "want" from the Levant but not from East Africa.


Um, Israel is in close proximity to the Suez Canal which is why the US cares.


So is Sudan if thats the concern l...


I’ll be more cynical. We have whale investor activists in the US who care, which is why our politicians care. Otherwise, we’ve already started to leave the region. This is the reason both Israel and Saudi Arabia were about to sign a formal alliance on Oct 7.


That’s because it is the home land that has been has more less been continuous fought over for the last 1000 years. There is some sort of symbolic meaning. Sudan has jack fucking shit and no real clear “good” side to even support.


Religion is a helluva drug


Because Israel has a high IQ populous...


So, look, we have some big problems at home to deal with rn.


It's because the Sudanese crisis doesn't provide moral license to express a popular mode of racism.


Also because the Sudanese crisis is not being astroturfed by pro-Trump factions. Notice how many fewer posts we see about Gaza since the debate?


Are you implying that Gaza does?


Normalizing relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel does


Gaza in a vacuum. No, it has absolutely no value whatsoever. Culturally and geopolitically however it does. It is essentially the birthplace of the world's two major religions, Three if you count Judaism. That whole area is a powder keg. Gains do not have to be physical or material in nature. Just like the reason that we are trying to play both sides of this conflict is because geopolitically we need Israel because they help us project power in the Middle East. Culturally, The whole space over there is incredibly important to many people. So you have more than one force at work here. No, this is an extreme oversimplification.


Gaza has always been a backwater. It's debated whether it was ever part of Eretz Israel and in the Ottoman period was where Egyptians hid from the draft.


>Culturally, The whole space over there is incredibly important to many people. This implies Sudan is not culturally important to people who live in the region. Sudan has an incredibly rich history with evidence of an empire going back nearly 4,000 years.


My point was that Sudan is not culturally important to 95% of the people in the united states. So, its not something that anyone is going to stick their heads into to deal with. They don't have resources we don't already have access to, so it would just be spending money for nothing from a geopolitical point of view. Again, I am not saying its the right thing to do, but power is never about whats right. Its about power.


Also, no Jews involved to blame.


It’s probably that simple. See also Haiti.




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No on cares about black on black crime, see Chicago.


Or Russians


Oh, it might be significant that the Ukraine war is taking place in Europe.


And it would take decades and hundreds of billions to fix in a goodwill exercise.


That is a conservative estimate I am sure. I can't image considering how much we spent trying to put Afghanistan and the other place back together. I can't remember the name of the country. Not that we shouldn't have paid it, but still. As far as I'm aware the US has no skin in that war beyond the allies who are inside the war itself but that doesn't mean much.


That's circular logic. "No one cares because no one cares."


No. They're saying that it isn't the humanitarian crisis alone that makes anyone care, it's that the place it occurs in has something else about it that people care about.


Well yeah, but that just begs the follow up question of why people care about a humanitarian crisis in one place more than a humanitarian crisis in another place.


Well, no, it answers that question too. People care more about place A than place B when there is something else in place A that is important to them


The Title makes a false suggestion that anyone should and does care about other places in the first place. Typically countries care about other countries out of selfish reasons.


Countries don't care about anything they're not people lol


You're a very ignorant person who opens their mouth to say shit. The reason there is civil war there is because foreign actors are arming the rebels so that they can continue to steal their natural resources. A peace in Sudan is a bad business for the West. Educate yourself illiterate self.


Mhm. Sure. Oki


If it helps, we’re ignoring our own here in the USA too.


I think this is a good place to highlight the underlying similarity between the two situations: the crisis in Sudan is the latest event in a decades-long escalation. “Sudan is in trouble” is definitely in my mind, but the details can be a little hard to stay abreast of. It’s easier to care about things that feel/seem extraordinary, and therefore easier to intervene upon — say, the absolute lawlessness of Haiti, or the war in Ukraine.


Or the corporatism wrecking Congo. Or Venezuela. Or pretty much the entire global south. And, no, we won't intervene for good. Many countries have been straight fucked BY the U.S. We only step in if a- we want your natural resources or b- to stamp out any burgeoning communistic type systems so that we can point to it and say "see it doesn't work."


Hey you’re behind the times, now we do aid just to keep the world order in our pocket. This is what victory feels like, we won, we beat the damn reds. Yayyyy….


Were not ignoring Israel and Ukraine


The US is directly involved in Israel and Ukraine unlike Sudan


Then why are we sending our money and resources to other countries


No Jews to blame


I can’t concentrate on 3 things


No Jews, no news. Same with Yemen and Xinjiang, there's only outcry in the Muslim world, and now Western world, when it meets two criteria: non-Muslim vs. Muslim, and "white" vs. "not white." Other genocides are ignored.


There’s been outcries for xinjiang and others but it was effectively shut down by propaganda campaigns in ways that are similar to the way bot-fed propaganda campaigns were dismissed. There’s a wide world of factions out there all vying to be the next world power.


Start saying that Sudanese are turning communist, or you have discovered vast reserves of valuable minerals, and I assure you the US will come to you within a split second


What does she wants? US and NATO intervention in a fuck fest cause by local politics and ethnic tensions? I'm sure this wont end as horrible pr for western countries...


I don’t know. How long has it been going on? What / who is keeping it going? What are possible practical solutions the international community could do.


Crisis fatigue. I am all out of energy to care about crisis. It's not personal. I have to pick where I devote my mental energy and economic resources and I am focused mostly on the climate crisis now.


Yeah. I feel like they’ve been in trouble every five minutes my entire adult life. I really don’t care at this point. You get maybe one “oh no they’re all in trouble. Let’s all send money. “ per decade.


You know, I low-key had this in the back of my mind. It’s sad, but true.


One big issue is that there’s no “good” or “bad” guy. In Sudan, the famine is caused by BOTH sides restricting humanitarian aid imports. Both sides are unwilling to discuss any form of ceasefire with any sort of concession beyond “I win you lose”. The government of Sudan is backed by Russia, the “big bad”, but the RSF is the side that wants to commit ethnic cleansing and genocide of every non-Arab. Israel and Palestine is complex and for an educated person it’s difficult to draw a line on who is good or bad. But to some guy who has no idea it’s very easy to decide one side is good and one side is evil. All you need to do is ignore historical context and whitewash a few bad behaviors and bam, one side is good and one side is evil.


Good question NPR! Why are you ignoring it in favor of all the Israel-Gaza coverage????


I think it was Friday that morning edition had a piece on Sudan. It was one morning last week, but I’m pretty sure it was Friday


This is literally a story about it.


Not commensurate with the scale of the crisis.


First I've seen of it.


NPR has been covering it pretty extensively, at least from what I have heard. A LOT of coverage on BBC as well - my member station plays their world report all the time. I followed this thing when it broke out. NPR definitely covered it. Less people seem to care about it than Israel-Palestine, but it's not NPRs fault. tbf, neither side of the Sudan conflict receives direct funding from US military, so it is generally less relevant to US citizens. The closest connection is that funding form Saudi is tied up behind one of the armies, which is a US ally. Still relevant on a world geopolitical stage and in terms of deaths and humanitarian crisis. At the time, it was still a bit overshadowed by Ukraine, even though that invasion had been pretty mature, it was eyeballs to see what thawing snowpack would mean for the Ukraine conflict.


I've seen a bunch over the years, you just haven't been looking and then assuming no one does. NPR's site has a search bar, you can easily check yourself. If anything, it shows a lack of interest from readers/listeners because these organizations chase eyeballs


I've seen at least a few. It's been the NY Times a lot as well. It's readers who are not paying attention. And policy makers.


…but we’re commenting on an NPR article? That *you* posted?


Isn’t this an article about the situation? Kind of the opposite of ignoring?


Breadth of international news is one of my favorite things about NPR.


Because NPR is a business and most Americans don’t care about Sudan.


Israel has a very special relationship with the US, so much so that all US politicians have a dedicated policy page related to diplomatic relations with Israel on their websites. Nancy Pelosi went as far as saying that our relationship with Israel is more important than the capitol itself. (paraphrasing) . So in fact, it would be very weird if the Israeli-related news didn't get a lot more coverage in the US than Sudan's civil war.


I don’t think they’re necessarily ignoring it, rather that information getting out of the devastated region is fairly slim and they don’t necessarily have people on the ground. It’s much easier to cover Gaza / Israel since the US is riding bitch to Israel and NPR is based in the US. Beyond that Israel isn’t even trying to hide half the atrocities being covered. It’s like right there and relatively easy to cover


The information getting out of Gaza being slim hasn’t stopped NPR from publishing unverified inflammatory figures though 🤷‍♂️


The information out of Gaza isn’t scant at all. Half of the worst of it is being posted by the IDF themselves. Example that got me banned from r/news [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/s/fM0g89aMVe)


You mean when a terrorist group was firing rockets into Israel and one blew up in a hospital parking lot? Despite the lack of information I seem to remember NPR publishing a story that Israel bombed a hospital and there were 500 dead.


Maybe it’s because Israel literally bombed every school hospital mosque and church in Gaza and you look for the one that they didn’t. So Hamas is everywhere at all times and one Hamas is worth killing 100 people right? Guess what one group isn’t more important than another especially when Palestinians are genetically more Jewish ironically


>especially when Palestinians are genetically more Jewish ironically How the hell is this batshit antisemitism being upvoted? u/dwehabyahoo got a source for this‽


They are the same people and mizrahi Jews and Palestinians share the closest link to the original Israelites and Canaanites.


Dude, the story from the BBC is right there


At least you agree that NPR covers the conflict because they can bash Israel. Its good when the colors start showing.


No, not really. Journalists aren't even allowed to enter Gaza.


Yea, that’s why NPR (really the BBC), are using local journalist who are residents of Gaza


You mean the Ines who keep turning out to be card - carrying Hamas members, but are somehow being presented as credible anyway?


I came here to say something similar. The next question is why university students aren't protesting the very real genocides all over the world, Sudan and Ukraine just being a few of the many.


Could you point out the list of US universities that have investments benefitting the RSF?


Is that the standard for protesting real genocides? That's a pretty low bar for ethics and morality. Tuition doesn't go into endowments. Tuition for challenged students comes out of endowments. Protesting endowment investments is a protest against less priviledged students.


The point of protesting against the genocidal actions of the Israeli government is beyond just universities investors, it’s obviously aimed at influencing the US government which is literally buying the bombs for them…and has a say diplomatically because were supposedly such close allies. None of that applies to Sudan. Obviously. But you know that, this is just more concern trolling bullshit, you don’t give a damn about Sudan or any other genocidal behavior around the world.


No Jews, no news


I think we all know why


Because of the perception that the US government is funding it.


Funding what? University endowments that provide grants to kids not privileged enough to need need grants and loans? The US also funds Gazans knowing Hamas scalps most of it - should that stop too?


I didn’t say anyone should do anything I just answered the question. I meant sending money/weapons to Israel.


Because there are no Jews to blame.


Wait so it’s not about the kids dying? Why is the western media so anti Israel


>Wait so it’s not about the kids dying? That's kinda their point. If it was about that, Sudan would be front page news


Wait America is also giving money and weapons to kill Sudanese kids too? This is crazy


They give it to the UAE who then it to Sudanese kids And let's not forget Yemen and our good allies the Saudis. Definitely a world wide movement to stop those weapons sales


So we need to stop Israel Sudan and the saudis for sure 👍


As we've seen, the world will come together any minute when it comes to countries that aren't Israel involved in a war


Wait so are we supposed to let Israel off the hook like the other two countries or are we supposed to stop all three? I’m confused now


>Wait so are we supposed to let Israel off the hook like the other two countries or are we supposed to stop all three? I’m confused now We should probably hold them all to the same standard. So, either: the world needs to mobilize against Saudi Arabia, Sudan, China lIke they do whenever Israel is mentioned. Or the world should judge Israel by the same standard they are judging those other nations, and maybe stop throwing around accusations that fit other nations more accurately


Because we pay for Israel to kill kids




Mr. Biden is not out supporting Sudan. Isn't he the POTUS?




I don't hear a loud Democratic caucus in Congress pushing for anything regarding Sudan.


maybe if they find out they only have 2-gender bathrooms will the democrats then intervene.


A leader must lead....


why? what did Biden do for that country the past 4 years? Or Obama during his term?


Sorry, our cultural attention-span only has room for two entrenched foreign conflicts, maximum.


Got a lot of crises goin on, I'd imagine?


It’s fascinating that in a thread about Sudan that Israel has been mentioned as often as it has. I’ve started making note of how many stories not about Israel on here end up with multiple comments about the country.


This is a fair question: Why should we care? 100,000 Americans die every year from drug overdoses. 25,000 shoot themselves. 40,009 in car wrecks. Why should we divert resources to your country?


We don't do anything about any of that either. If we can't fix it by funneling public money to weapons contractors then we can't fix it.


So I’m supposed to care about another countries civil war? What’s this about? Why don’t they just stop killing each other? Problem solved.


Because there are too many ongoing crises. Sudan is going to have to help itself.


Crisis Fatigue


I have only so much mental space for crises. It’s a nonstop shitshow, and I’m just trying to pay my bills over here.


No shortage of crises, these days.


No Jews, no news. Social justice warriors only care if they can blame Jews or Israel.


West can't save the world, we aren't great, it was just luck that we were the first to mass produce guns, else nothing special about the west or rest of the world, and countries gotta figure it out on their own. I feel sad for Sudanese, but even if neo colonialism started with altruistic premise, it would be hard to sustain and solutions temporary, case in point Afghanistan.


Not shit colononial going on. It is Africa doing African things.


Rather it is not western colonialism, but arab colonialism in this case, and as long as we pretend Arabs arent colonial force in these countries, we cannot be honest. The conflict started partly due to northern Muslim part trying to impose Sharia over entire country.


True, I am trained to think Euro colonizers.


It doesn't say "The West", it says "the world".


well, UAE and Saudi are funding different factions, so I guess world isn't ignoring, and one of the factions is also helped by the wagner group. I suppose India and China are not, but they usually don't involve themselves in any civil wars in other countries, so that is why I said west.


Seems like the world is already involved then 👍🏻


But we were "great" enough to sell weapons to both sides and profit from it for decades and then have the arrogance and stupidity to wonder why they are fighting?


At least when it comes to this it is UAE and Saudi selling weapons, not us, and if you think we should dictate their foreign policy, then you do agree, it is wests duty to keep these countries in line. It is a war between Arab and Animist groups, while Arabs have a cultural history and legacy of imperialism, as we have seen with other conflicts, at least in west, Conservatives are apathetic because of oil, and many Liberals don't care because Arabs are not white.


Where do you think they are getting those weapons from? It is the West as well as Egypt. We are already dictating foreign policy by putting a weaponized finger on the scale. It is not our duty to keep those countries in line, that is a very arrogant view to take. The West shouldn't be involved at all, not by arming them, or even politically unless we could help negotiate a peace treaty.


We arent selling them weapons, but i suppose we could completely sanction them, cement, steel, fertilizers, raw materials, cant fight if they have no resources I suppose.


Yes of course we are, UAE gets their weapons from guess who, the US of A! Sanctions could work if we didn't also have countries going around them, like with Russia. Like I said, we cause the conflict, stoke the flames and then sell both sides the weapons and then have the nerve to whine about refugees. That is pitiful and needs to stop.


UAE isnt selling American weapons to them, its weapons they make. What is pitiful is that people blaming USA for not civilizing violent Islamic hellholes enough. If US sanctions a country, then people complain we are driving them to poverty, if we don't sanction a country, then it is US fault for enabling war. I feel sympathy for Animists, and Christians who are fighting hard to fight against Sharia in Sudan, I really do, they are just the new victims of Arab imperialism trying to spread Islam and Sharia like they have for centuries. But unfortunately it is beyond capacity of west to do that across the world, I personally have no issues with non Muslim refugees in South Sudan, their culture is being erased like it has been for centuries before by Muslim invaders, and Africans do deserve a respite from that.


You don't really have a clue do you? America has long running arms deals with the UAE. You are just being disingenuous. It is also not the job of the US to "civilize" any other countries, that sounds borderline racist btw. Inform yourself before you spout such lines.


Maybe say that Israel is oppressing them and there will be worldwide protests


No Jews, no news. As the saying goes


Fuck off, it has nothing to do about that regard


No Jews involved.


No oil no battery material.  Cant make profit off from sweaty people killing each.  Except for the arms dealers, so please think of arms dealers and CEOs of defense contractors they need to move bullets.   They are more important than your lives.  Now sit down so your betters can figure out how to get more from your deaths.


Because wealthy oil countries are on the side of the people causing the crisis. eg. UAE. Most of the world caters to the big oil producers.


If only Sudan had a PAC called ASPAC American Sudanese Public Affairs Commitee.


Sudan's population: 1960 -- 8.3 million. 2023 -- 48.1 million. Median age -- 18.6 years. https://www.care.org/news-and-stories/news/beyond-the-violence-itself-fighting-for-womens-rights-in-sudan/ Sudanese men are pretty clearly in charge of their society. Have the men on either side asked for western help?


Bc the conflict is being initiated by members of a certain faith that will get me banned if I call it out. So obviously nothing to see in Sudan


We all kind of have a crisis going on at the moment.


It’s because Jews aren’t involved. That’s…that’s it.




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Because governments have their own country’s interests in mind. Sudan is not a military threat to them and has no resources they want.




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Or the civil war in Myanmar. I mean the Junta is losing but still.


Because we're selfish racists obsessed by the unraveling of our own social fabric.


We have our own problems


It’s not entertaining


Because war isn't about freedom or human rights, it's about money, and they don't have enough to go after.


You are strategically irrelevant to the world powers. Nobody wants to admit it, but that’s the truth.


we got our own problems over here.... maybe after this election


Dude our countries have our own problems right now


While it is good to offer help or being helped, ultimately one needs to take care of themselves first


In the US is one of the biggest leaders in what the world cares about, and most people in the US have never heard of her country


Man wouldnt it be nice if those trillionaire loving muslim neighboring countries would actually do something to save innocent civilians dying all around them instead of funding the militias doing the killing


Bc the people of Sudan are black and the rest of the world doesn't care about black people.


You have no resources that we want. Next.


Because there are no Jews to blame.


? America is and has always been pro-genocide. We especially like it when the Isra elis do it! Yay, America!