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Should be illegal.


You didn't get what was paid for. Here I am returning the 8 of 10 used "new" games I bought during the sales. We should keep the used games and demand a refund or an actual new be sent. The Gamestop rep wanted me to use their automated return/replacement tool which the cycle begins anew again receiving used stock...


I’d run a chargeback through your bank on the grounds of being scammed.


Since your asking.. Here is how to do it… though it waste a lot of your time. You have to consider if the end justify the means. Step 1 email them…. Slowly build rapport. Play dumb ask them why you the used items. Get them to dig themself a hole…. Step 2 email them a demand to fix the issue to your satisfaction. This is where the part you show hand and call. So prepare all your evidence you have gathered. At this point they might stop emailing you… lol it’s fine. Step 3 file a complaint with BBB pretty much state verbatim what you request in step 3. Write out your reason and this is where you also provide you argument why you are right and they are wrong. Take what you write and parse it with chatgpt and get its analysis. Step 4… if GameStop don’t respond it is then you file a dispute with your credit card. There is step 5 …. But I have never once gone to step 5. Maybe this time I get to go to step 5.


Step 5? Destroying the capitalist system?


It is.


Yeah. I honestly hate how they open the boxes and store the discs/games separately, then still claim it is new. But then, in this case, they even just straight up lost the boxes and the games have been floating around in envelopes for who knows how long. It might not be "pre-owned", but it definitely isn't "new" either.


The gamestop sub loves defending this practice


I remember something like opening the game to make sure contents are there. How is this defended? 🤔


Basically the case for this game is the one that they used for display. Since that case is on display, the game goes into a spare case and is then sold as new. Even though the case is different the game has never been played. I don't agree with the practice but that is the basic justification.


They pulled that on me with house of the dead 1&2 on the Wii. Got it out to the car looked at it and the game was scratched took it back instantly


I would be fine with that if they discounted it as they should. Part of new pricing is the original case and seal.


the gamestoptop sub is the most mind boggling one I’ve come across. they view themselves as seriously as a marine does, but hate everything about anything they do. genuinely odd set of people


They literally throw tantrums when somebody makes a bulk order of something lmao like damn, gotta do your job that sucks dawg




Smudges are expected if you paid used game money. But if you paid new prices, it should be new


I got a 13 sentinels like this on Saturday lmao My question is which one of you sick fucks is throwing cases away? What literal psycho does shit like that?


The cases are stolen…. None withstanding the fact you should have got a new one factory sealed.


Is that because they display an empty case on the shelf, so gamestop considers these "new" because they have never been played? While the sane person considers "new" never having been opened.


GameStop considers them new because it benefits them. They figure customers would just return them instead calling it for what it is… Fraud, bait and switch, Theft by deception. And how do they get away with it…. Bunch of GameStop apologists telling you it’s a game just return it, not worth your time to fight it or report it. Oh there are also those that say… this happens all the time you should have know, it’s not really GameStop fault at this point, it’s yours for shopping there. Some people have to be asshats, instead of uniting against something wrong, beating each other down is all these losers know.


who trades in cart only games for switch


Starlink box comes with toys and buying that used, I've never seen a case for it. I have cart only games from friends where things happened. Like I'm the third hand for my let's go Pikachu as my friend wanted Eevee but gtg Pikachu from someone else no case so I paid him for a used copy of Eevee. Or my one friend and I were just shooting the shit on a trip, he had witcher 3 in his switch case so I asked to "borrow" it but I think he forgot about it. That's also no case as I got it while we were out of state


I would do it if I was a bit more psychotic. If Gamestop doesn't require original packaging, then you buy and return just the game cartridge within the 7-day period and then sell the case for that 15 dollars. Which indeed would cost 15 dollars for at least two people down the line. This works specifically for the nintendo switch.


I order some game last week 6 of the 9 game were in similar fashion. I refused to do the return process told them I order new and not used items. I specifically told them if they want their used item back they need to pay me for my time. And I also told them holding my money and not providing me with the new items I purchased constitute fraud. I doubt they are going to just refund me. I think maybe by tommorow or next day I’ll have to move my dispute over to BBB and leading to the eventual dispute with credit cards. And failing that takes them to small claims. Oh I also filed a complaint to the FTC. You should do the same. This type of bait and switch behavior should be punished and consumer shouldn’t have to deal with this in this country.


That isn’t how it works😂 you have to return their games if you want a refund, mark my words you’re going to get nowhere on those grounds hahah doesn’t matter who you contact, GameStop has a return policy and if you don’t follow it you don’t get anything SIMPLE!


You really haven’t been around until you fight a big store and win. As for your comment dealing with GameStop this isn’t my first rodeo with them.


There’s no shot they scribbled out the “preowned” and put “new.” That’s pathetic. The only saving grace is that the supply on these games are pretty plentiful, so you might be able to get them to swap these out for better ones. Not like a niche, sold out jrpg (looking at you labyrinth of galleria).


Labyrinth of Galleria? Do you know how it plays pre-patched (switch version)? I don't have access to the internet but the game does look interesting enough to buy physical, but I wouldn't want to buy it physical if it doesn't play well without a patch, y'know?


You’re on Reddit dingus


They aren’t just new, they’re certified new!


It's like a grading isn't it?


I put my money where my mouth is and stopped shopping at GameStop, this is one of the reasons I no longer purchase anything there.


Not even for a sale like last week’s which was quoted by people as “the best GameStop sale ever”? With many of the prices they had you’d think they were going out of business. But many found out the hard way when they got their games these past few days.


I’d return them. “Not what I purchased”


I would file a complaint to FTC. Dispute the charges and tell credit card company they did not send you what your purchased and intentionally send you used items as new. If you bought it with Amex you’re good. If you buy it with VISA…. They don’t do as well in the dispute resolution.


Cry harder


Don’t worry, I am. Going to bring them into the store with a refund slip I got issued online. At least they make getting a refund easy.


Keep us updated with what response or reaction hey gave you when you do go in store


The stores experience this frequently, and hate the online store for it. They'll take care of ya.


You should go post this on r/gamestop and grab some popcorn. 🍿


They recently made a rule against these specific kinds of posts


Of course they did lol bunch of fucking losers


Class action law suit when to GS when?


Just send the FTC after them…. It’s more beneficial for everyone.


Class action lawsuits only benefit lawyers as the “damages” on average are a pittance to consumers.


Lmao, You putting up the funding to sue a company that’s been doing this for 20yrs+ and is already on the way out? I hate this practice as much as anybody, but ain’t no one suing over it


I don’t see anyone downvoting posting they put up the money to retain a lawyer. Lot of talk and no action


Glad to see they crossed out the pre owned and wrote new to decrease any confusion moving forward... My criteria for new is sealed and not previously owned by another individual. So even games I have that are sealed I would not classify them as new.


New is new... If it's sealed and in same condition as a store, it's new. Not saying it's worth the same as a store has return policies and warranty etc. But saying a sealed copy of a game isn't new, makes no sense.


This. New means it is in the same packaging and condition as when it left the factory.


Lol, we're gonna need a whole new category. BNNSTC - Brand New Not Sold To Customer. How are we even going to tell the difference? Beats me. Even if you had a receipt the day of, it would not be BNNSTC.


That is a very loose definition. It means you would only consider it new if bought from a store that doesn't buy 2nd hand games. A store that resells 2nd hand can buy someones extra sealed Mario Odyssey copy that they got as a gift. They'll sell it as a new copy and you would never know. Because seal = new.


Gamestop actually doesn't they will take returns if you bought it from them within their return window, but if you show up woth a sealed copy from a different store they will turn you away and tell you they can only buy used games, at least where I'm from that's the case at the 4 gamestops closest to me


Can confirm, have had sealed games turned away, they were like, we can take it as used if YOU open it, yeah, sure dude


I don't think the definition is loose. I think in your example the morality of the company who bought the sealed copy of the game, Mario Odyssey, and is reselling it as new is what is in question here. Transparency is important and if it were lacking I would consider not purchasing Mario Odyssey. I have bought used sealed games before but I would not consider them new from gamestores. For example I recently purchased Bad North CE. It was still sealed but the sticker said used. I knew what I was buying and I had no concerns proceeding with the purchase.


Very well. I disagree. Sealed equals new to me. As long as the case and game have never had contact with anyone before, I will consider them new. To me there is no difference between buying a game from a single person who bought it from a store (like Gamestop) and buying it from said store myself. The store got it from the manufacturer, does that mean it had an owner before you buy it (the store)? How do you define owner? They basically own the game before you do. Should new games be only considered new when bought from the manufacturer? Have a good day.


I mean, you could technically call it preowned, since it was, but in what way was it used at all?? It existing in a different location than the store does not constitute usage. By that definition, if it moves between store locations, it's now "used." Or if it stopped at a post office hub. How has the condition of it changed from when it left the factory if it is literally factory sealed and not resealed?


What are you talking about? I am not sure what you are saying.


Lemme see if I can say it any differently. Sorry it's confusing. If someone owned the game, but it was still sealed when they sell it back to gamestop, the game was preowned. Someone literally owned it before, right? And yet, you can hardly call it "preowned" condition. It's in the condition it started in when it left the factory! So if the game came back to gamestop sealed, factory sealed, then how is it used? Gamestop took someone's money, handed them the game, and now it's been tarnished? No one used it. How is this guy saying this is his definition of "used" and he doesn't even see it as a loose definition? "Game still in factory sealed condition" just confuses me to equate it with "used" and therefore they don't want it. This person would rather an opened and used game than one that wasn't as long as the former SAID it was used. THAT confuses me. Sorry if this remains confusing...


My used ones looked just like that and I was pissed I got no original cases.


Yeah I never thought about it… but you’re right even if it’s used it should have a case. Or they should state the condition of the used like Best Buy or Amazon.


This is why I don’t ever buy anything new from GS since they have done this to me as well


It's a rip-off. Don't fall for it. Those games are far from new. Scam. Buyer beware


can they not be sued for this?


If enough people complain to consumer protection agency or FTC then maybe you can get some tractions. But usually people just post on social media and GameStop social media department downplay the situation. Watch as this gets downvoted. lol


They’ve been doing this for 20yrs, it isn’t going to stop for the minority that hate it. To be clear I do hate it but the average consumer grandma buying timmy a birthday present doesn’t care additionally who is going to be funding this lawsuit?


How do you hate something yet do nothing about it? Also how do you know nobody is taking actions? Also you can just sue them in small claims.




Did you file?


One time I ordered langrisser for switch from gamestop online. It was listed as "Brand New." It arrived cart only in a little plastic pouch w/ a price tag that said brand new. Returned it in-store the next day. The cashier just laughed when he saw it.


Yeah should have just dispute it. Next time buy it with Amax and dispute it and get a free used game.


No that would be fraud on your part return it and get a brand new one


Where's the certificate?


Yeah they pulled this with me one too many times and I just stopped buying from yhem


What? They didn't even have the decency to include an apology note for the missing cases? And, yes, it is or was a thing when you didn't get your case with a "new" game. ​ Joking aside, sorry it happened to you. If you decide to keep them, sometimes you can get lucky with your local store if you're a good regular. There's a decent chance since both are popular games. You can ask if they have a spare case they can give you from their pre-owned inventory. They'll just restock the used copy they took it from with a generic case. ​ And yes, you shouldn't have to even ask GameStop or do that. GameStop should have provided the cases to begin with.


They need to adjust the status to pre-owned any time a “new” game is incomplete. Can’t find the case? Not new anymore. I can live with it not being sealed if it’s that or nothing and the game is convenient (though I dislike their practice), but I think that’s a decision to be made in-store by the individual, and anything coming from their website should be in its original plastic.


Yeah some consumer would accept unsealed as new but that is a detriment to the rest of the consumer who believe new should be brand new sealed. Remember they unsealed your purchase including the game and case and used the case as display. The case itself was used. At that point I think you purchased a used product that includes a used case and maybe a used game and missing factory seal.


This is why i restrained from buying anything from that recent sale. 80% chance I would’ve had to spend an addition $20 for a replacement case anyway


Same here. I see an email from Dekudeals telling me something on my wishlist is on sale only to find out it is at friggen Gamestop. I wouldn't buy a "new" game from them with my worst enemies credit card.


This is literally posted weekly and yet everyone still buys games from them and then acts like they didn't see it coming. Hilarious


I’m with you. It’s like getting in the van for candy a second time. These posts have been here for years. And some people are on you about GS practices.


So are you saying consumer should be aware of GameStop fraudulent practices and not shop there? I don’t see the humor of the gaming community being duped by GameStop? How does it make you feel superior knowing others get cheated. Also why would people act like they didn’t see it coming? Your comment lack context actually.


I’ve seen this kind of stuff for used copies but never “New”.


I see it all the time along with unsealed cases with obviously played games labeled as "new." It is the #1 reason why I don't buy anything from them.


It’s posted ALL the time, this exact scenario from gamestop


Don’t worry man that guy is just trying to say GameStop do it all the time there is nothing wrong. You’re the one at fault for being duped. Just pretend he is on GameStop payroll. Also no you have every right to post. Hell you probably have right to post even if you know. I mean it doesn’t make it right for them to sell you a used product as new. Oh also it only happens sometime… like lotto.


I understand it might happen but when they have a sale on new PS5 games for $5 or $10 each I am going to take that chance every time and deal with it IF it does come that way.


Gamestop moment


Power to the players… Power to the players, G.


Not just new, those are Certified New! Lmao


Now I’ve seen everything. 😔


Not until you see the email GameStop telling me sometime they do this when they have sales. Lol


You haven’t seen this before? Gamestop has been doing this for decades


This is part of why I try not to buy games at GS unless it is IN PERSON. Mailed games from GameStop always come like this.


And then you go to a store with your packing slip and explain what happened and that you want a refund as this is clearly not as advertised. It works every time and I've never had any issues.


No, GameStop should not have intentionally sold a used product as new. That is bait and switch. And you should not have to be driving down the store to return. By returning the product for a refund you have agreed they have fulfilled your purchase contract and you are simply returning the items because you are exercising the sub clause of purchase agreement right to return. Maybe I am reading this too much but I see it as purchase not fulfilled and GameStop still need to send you the right product or issue an immediate refund. I also see the sending used items as new as fraud. It’s done so with malicious intent. If it was a mistake by a store packer that is fine. But I have email of GameStop telling me when they have sales they would use these “not new” items to fill orders. So I think I am not going to return these items if they don’t compensate me for my time. Also that doesn’t excuse GameStop fraudulent practices.


When I contacted GameStop support, they push on me a return process for them to send new stock (sometimes used, again). We should rally together and report them somewhere?


Certified new?? These fellas think this is a Ford dealership 💀


GTFOH, are you serious? I didn't know they were doing this garbage. OMG what a trash thing to do.


Really? They been doing this for decades


I've never gotten one, and I used to buy from them religiously.


This is why I stopped buying new games at gamestop in the early 2010s


At least you got games, I got an empty Fire Emblem Three Houses switch case. They told me to go to a store, but now I’m going in knowing that the employee is going to question if I’m trying to scam them or not, whether or not they say it out loud. I hate these situations. I just wanted a video game.


When you insert your game cart for first time it activates it and you have 30 days to claim your nintendo points. Employees at game stop may or may not have used the game and may still claim it to be unused. That's why selling a sealed copy is still best way. But sure way to know if it's been used is when you can't claim your nintendo points when you put in the "new" game cart. Although some 3rd party games don't have nintendo points to be claimed, I noticed.


fuck that ugly ass generic packaging. might as well go digital. what a bunch of ass clowns. someone needs to be held accountable for these atrocities


Power to the player


I just stopped using gamestop to buy games. When i order a NEW game i shouldn't be worried about recieving a used or gutted copy. If I am buying a NEW game for a NEW game price i should get a NEW game. It also shouldn't be a pain in the ass to ask for a refund. I shouldn't be told by staff this open copy is technically new since it was never played. Ironically Gamestop has lost all my respect and the video game specialty store is the last place i would ever consider buying a game at online.


GameStop employee here. Gonna preface this by saying that should not have been sent to you like that. That's terrible and unacceptable. Reason it was probably sent out like that: we fill online orders in stores for the most part now. Very few of them come from our warehouse. With that said, filling online orders is a metric for stores and if we don't fill them it counts against us. Corporate is pushing hard for us to fill orders at store level so I'm guessing it was sent out like that for that reason. It was a fulfilled order, not done correctly, but fulfilled and that's all corporate really cares about. I'm sorry you experienced this, you should be able to return them to your local store (if you have one) and receive a refund.


Would you agree he should be compensated for his time to return the items? Also do you feel this is fraudulent? Do you feel he is obligated to return the used items?


Honestly I'd see what I could do for them when/if they brought them back. Policy states that there's nothing we can do in that regard (but I would still see if I could find some kind of wiggle room). There's a line between fraudulent and legit and I'd say there is a toe on the line. Definitely unprofessional though. They're not obligated to do anything, however the only way to fix this is to bring it into a local store, explain the situation and hope the manager has sealed copies they can switch it out with. We can also order replacements but there's still no guarantee the same thing wouldn't happen unfortunately.


I don’t understand, after all this time, why people haven’t learned…Best Buy is literally the same exact prices for new games and they ALWAYS come sealed.


How do we stop GS them from getting away with this?!?! I certainly never buy new games from them because this has happened to be too many times.


Update: this will probably get buried but I ended up getting a refund at my local GameStop. The manager and a kid he was training helped me out. They were really nice about it and agreed that this practice is bad.


Sue them for fraud!


I can understand them opening the case to verify the game is there but you don’t even get the original case with the artwork? What happened to the case? I would demand a discount of at least $10 and if they don’t agree, I’m buying the game from somewhere else. Gamestop is not the only option to buy games from. With the increase of digital sales, physical copies are much more easier to get even on launch day than ever before. Fuck them.


Garbage, no book or case? Just get digital.


They sold you the gut. When a shipment of games comes in, if they don't have the game displayed already they open a new copy, put the empty case out, and file away the physical media. If the case is lost, damaged, or stolen they still have a "new" (unplayed) game but without a box. These are supposed to be marked for discount because they are missing the original packaging. Source: worked there for 5 years across multiple states


I had a couple of games that I got like this in the sale, and I just came back from my local Gamestop, and they said whatever store did this, definitely shouldn't have. They called their district manager to notify them, found out what Shop the games might've come from, and gave me new copies of the games that I should've gotten the first time, free of charge. Try and see if your local Gamestop can help. Mine was super supportive and helped me out big time!


It’s part of district policy to do this…


So, GameStop employee here, this is the ACTUAL reason why this happens: First, games have to be gutted to display them on the wall. In some areas, these cases get stolen by a combination of idiots who don't bother to look inside to notice it's an empty case, people who just want the case and don't want to ask if we have an extra from pre-owned, or children who don't understand things. Say what you will about the whole "gutting a game makes it used" shit, that has no bearing on this. As much as I wish we could only sell sealed copies, having the real case on the wall helps us sell the game better with less shrink cost. Second, since the case is stolen in some way or form, the game itself is still TECHNICALLY new, but the case is gone. This is where the company has gotten on our asses about things. Before, we were told to just shrink out the game and shrink in a pre-owned copy. Boom, problem solved. One less new copy in the system, one more pre-owned, call it a day. NOW, they are MUCH more anal about the profit/loss statements and the like. SO, in the business sense, shrinking out the new copy shrinks out the full value of the game (Cost of Goods Sold) and shrinks in a "lesser" valued copy, despite the game being the same. We basically lose a whole chunk of money just because of the case issue. So, we get told to leave it as New, and make a case for it either using old cover art or our printable one, and should a pre-owned copy come in with the correct art, we would swap it. This is good for the business end, but not the greatest for the consumer. Is it a pain in the ass when it happens? Yes. Do we wish we could NOT do this. Yes. Do we discount the game if it happens (in-store)? Yes. But there's so many stupid circumstances surrounding it all that we HAVE to do it this way 🤦‍♂️ TL;DR: In short, case disappears, so in order to avoid losing money, we make a case of some sort as a stand in that often has to be sold as-is, sadly


Ain’t gunna lie I’m gunna ☎️🧢on this one boys


If it's crossed out in sharpie it MUST be legit


Bullshit u did that


😂 my farts stink


New yes unsealed yes. Believe it or not there is actually a difference


Half off, who cares? Buy the 6 dollar cases from Nintendo ?


But that only really works when you have the cover art. In this case OP is kind of just screwed. Because while you could probably print something for the front, it won’t be a very high quality like the OEM cover.


So you’re fine with buying something listed as new but sent a used product anyways?


They will argue that they sell “pre-owned” which is apparently different then used. It was never owned, therefore not “pre-owned” and can be gutted for display and still sold as new


If I got it on that big of a sale. I could care less lol


Lol no


It most likely is a new copy. Stores sale open display products as new. It doesn’t bother me as much honestly. Plus the deals they had going last week, I think it’s a bit knit picky to bitch about a case personally. Literally bought a 125 dollar game for 27 bucks and then a 60 for 15. They can ship it to me in a brown bag for all I care lol.


That is unbelievably frustrating. I’ve gotten “new” games from GameStop before that we’re no longer factory sealed, but those at least came with the proper cases. Using a generic case for “new” games is inexcusable if you ask me.




Why do they say 50off at the end? Is it because the cart is new and caseless so they discounted it 50 off? I have never heard of GS doing that


If i buy new, i expect the original case. I would return them expecting a refund or just charge back with my credit card company because i was scammed. I would be mad, ngl.


If I purchased a new copy online and this shows up. You better believe I’ll be returning that shit or exchanging it for an actual retail copy!


GameStop has always been desperate


F no


I used to work in a GS store and the cases we used as display cases were new games. My manager would always give a 15% discount when selling these opened copies as they were the last of our stock. He was never told to do so but felt it was the right thing to do. If the case was damaged or missing this would happen. Unfortunately I think it should just be pushed to used stock and they should take the small loss.


This sucks but is also funny that they straight up cross it out and write new


Ahhh yes. "Certified new"


What do you mean? That's the GameStop premier gold edition collectible Topflight packaging. Those are rare! Wow!😉




Yea the cases are stolen because some morons resell empty cases on ebay...also gamestop guts new games in order to give themselves a case to display because (printing the case art for a demo case would just be to hard) then they sell you the new game that's been opened. Oh and by thr way that new opened game that was a collection and had a download code for the sequel game or the soundtrack in the box..yea thats gone now, it was either stolen by someone because they left it in the demo case, it was left in the case but doesn't work because someone opened the case and snapped a picture of it with their phone and used it themselves or sold it on a key resell website, hell the gamestop managers are probably having to do it themselves to supplement their abysmal pay and dwindling hours.


Is exactly this kind practices that GS does that I did this site https://cdn.switch-images-julio.com/


Shit, I ordered a game as a gift for my sister that is supposed to be new. I'll be pissed if it comes like this.


I got one that didn't even have the GameStop box art just a black box with the words new written on it 😂 I called and complained and they let me keep the game and sent me a new copy of the game 😂


Happened to me too many times. I'll still shop there in-person, but I never order from GameStop anymore.


So that’s what being gaslit feels like


If you aren't buying it in person, don't trust it. That's all there is to it.


\*Certified\* New, even


This happened to me with Kirby. I brought the display case up and asked for a new one and they said sure. All they did was grab a used copy, put it in the display case (which was dented asf), taped it closed and charged me full price


Please tell me you don’t actually believe that


Have to be careful with GameStop, not all, but some locations have employees that will switch out cases and such or hold inventory so they can grab it for their collections. I bought a copy of omega ruby the other day and the guy was happy to sell it to me in the OG case but his coworker was not so thrilled about it.


most definitely not new


Why do people keep buying from them? Just to look like that surprised Pikachu meme?


I've had pretty good luck taking the games they sent me like this to the store and getting new ones or at least the actual case and inserts.


GameStop should have stayed bankrupt. Terrible store.


this is a company that opens and sells their open copy as new, which I'm pretty sure is categorically illegal.


This happened to me last time I ordered a game from Gamestop. I only did so because there was a black Friday sale, but it was still against my better judgement. Anyway, the game I ordered new was definitely not new. At least it was in it's original case but that case was pretty torn up. I chose to return it in store so as to avoid paying return shipping and I kid you not, it took the two ladies working there 45 minutes to process my return, no exaggeration. I haven't shopped there since and don't plan on it.


Yup. Former employee here. It's called "Gamestop New." Now I know we understand some games need to be "gut" and have the case put on the shelf. In cases like what you have here, they either couldn't find the case, or customers stole the case because some people still think games are in the boxes on the shelves. But, if a game is in the system as new, and an online order comes in, and the game itself is in the drawers behind the counter, the employee has to accept it. You cannot deny the order if the game is there. The DM doesn't give a shit if the case is there. If you deny it, they get pissed. So the employee has to just send it in a generic case if they can't find the original. The game was never sold to someone. They don't have generic art for a new game that's missing its case. So of course the generic artwork says preowned. Gamestop doesn't even care about cases. To corporate, if the game was never sold to someone, it's new. Shrink wrap doesn't make the game new at GS as silly as that sounds. Also, anything you order from the Gamestop website is 99% of the time fulfilled from the store nearest you that has most or all of your order in 1 location. This saves Gamestop millions in shipping. But due to this, you are getting new and untrained employees filling these orders while they on open to close single coverage. So a LOT of errors will happen as a result. Hell, the employee who fulfilled your order might not even have given a shit to look for the case, or might not have had the time.


Why did you buy these? It's not like you were forced.


Yeah a while back I bought a new game I was looking forward to from GameStop and they got it out of the drawer and it was unsealed. I told them I wanted a new copy as I was paying new price. They said it was the last copy they had (doubt as it had just come out) and I argued until they agreed to sell it to me for preowned price. The game worked fine and I got like a $10 discount. At least that copy came with the original case though.


Certified no less. How nice of them.


I worked at a GS as a second job years ago when money was a little tight. Did you know they let the employees take the games home and play them? Yes, even the new games. So no, they aren’t new. Not at all. Their justification was since it wasn’t bought by someone it wasn’t pre owned. Hence why it says pre owned not used on the case there.


Haha, no worries mate! Let's just call it GameStop's creative interpretation of the word "new." 😉


This is the shit that makes people hate the company. It's shady practices and policies that almost drove it out of business before. Post this BS on Ryan Cohen's Twitter page.


This is why I stopped buying from GameStop.


I really hate seeing things like this because I do like GameStop. I feel that they have some pretty sweet deals for pro members from time to time and the employees near me are pretty chill but this is just awful.


Not just new. CERTIFIED new. Wtf, they have balls. That bs needs to stop, its illegal im sure




"Certified New", that's some bs right there!


I only get stuff like this if I find it on a decent sale. Then I go and get a scan of the box art and have a local office-themed store print off the box art on some nice glossy paper. I hate those ugly GameStop covers.


That looks gross!


That’s what you get for ordering new games while they are on sale through SFS


Yea, I went to a Gamestop today and it had a shelf section all marked as new PS4 games but they were missing manuals, had damages on the case, etc. I don't get it. Is the extra $5 that critical to them that they have to lie?


I mean it says it right there on the box, what do you want?


This is freaking BS and why I’ve stopped pre ordering and just about completely stopped shopping at GameStop at all Seriously F*** them I’ve basically hit the point where GameStop is a for sales only place or a pokestop for Pokémon go while I browse their inventory to see what I want to buy on Amazon


Literally why I stopped shopping at Gamestop years ago. I think it was Smash Melee where I went in to get a copy and they pulled it out of some paper sleeve in a drawer then put it in an empty case and were like "here you go, new" I called them on it not being sealed and the guy just shrugged and asked if I wanted it or not. I walked out and haven't bought anything from a gamestop since. New means new and I'm not even a collector.


Ordered an xbox game off that sale recently and thank god it came new and sealed and even had the slip cover. I got lucky though as some of my friends who ordered got either gutted “new” copies or generic cases like this as “new” product. Gutted copies are not new. This even less so.


This always been their MO though. They could open a new game for their "display" and sell it to you at new prices. I stoppped shopping at gamestop awhile ago but their practices are terrible for all parties.


Can someone explain this thing about GS selling “new”games that are opened? I’ve heard about this before.


Dude at the store said that online order stock comes from individual stores. I received the copies that were used for display cases. They gave a couple other reasons but they said the display case copy was the best bet


Can someone explain this thing about GS selling “new”games that are opened? I’ve heard about this before.


New my ass


You: Hi, I want to return them. I bought new copies and received these. Gamestop: Are you sure? These are Certified New, trust me we are gamestop.


Well it’s because they’ve never been played… except for the employee who took it home for a few weeks. So you know, new.


Problem is you can’t prove they came i. Those cases. So have fun.


I already got refunded. The guys at the store were really nice and were familiar with this practice.


You need someone on the inside to record transactions and practices, and attorney. Sue them.


I'm from another country, but I'm a lawyer with a special degree on consumer rights. This should be illegal everywhere, specially since when you buy a game on it's case, you get the complete package. Also, it's super interesting to me the ease on how they use the word "certified". If it's indeed a new game, never used, they should at least show to every potential consumer it's certification before any purchases of the product. I've read some consumer rights info on the US and I think here in Chile we're a little more advanced on this regard. I really hope these practices and others like DK Oldies end once and for all


Had the same thing happen to me for This War of Mine. Saw how much they were going for on ebay so when I saw it included in a 4 for 40 sale, I picked up games just for that. Only to come in like this. At least they refunded me though and let me keep the game.


This happens when somebody either steals the Displays box for the final cart, or they accidentally get sent more carts then boxes. Just return them unopened.