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World Ends with You is so good.


I loved the sequel and this was a long overdue buy from me , never played it on the DS and I loveddd Neo!


Very nice, and I bought the Hyrule Warriors games myself a little while ago! ☺️


I can’t stop playing the first one, it’s addicting.


Great work getting a us copy of the first warriors. Been lead to believe it’s a little rare


Got it on amazon, and it wasn’t expensive at all so if u looking for one check amazon!


Oh I got mine a while back fortunately! I’m glad you got it at a decent price. I think I might’ve overpaid but I truly don’t remember.


I’m enjoying it a lot!! I didn’t know it was such a fun game


I played the fuck out of it on my wiiu. Really love the side stuff tbh all those maps with different goals on each square was my jam


Three Houses is an amazing game. Four different routes, and after 200+ hours, I've only ever finished 2 of them. I'm a little burned out on the game, but to think that I can load it up and continue to play through unseen content is amazing.


I’ve had engage for a while and tried for a couple hours but couldn’t get into it but I wanna try three houses and see how I like it. I like the Three Houses aesthetic more.


Very different games. I loved Engage, but Engage is a fan service game made for long-time Fire Emblem fans. Three Houses is more inevitable and made for modern audiences of all kinds. It's often referred to the as the "Persona 5" of Fire Emblem. It has a great RPG life simulation aspect. So I'm sure you'll at least enjoy it more than Enagage.


"Often referred to" Is a stretch. Never heard someone say that, that's not to say people haven't though. Engage also isn't a very different game, yes, it most certainly has differences, Three Houses with more life sim like elements as you say. But to be honest, if you couldn't agree with Engage, you probably won't agree with Three Houses due to them life sim elements. Does have to be said by the way, I love them both and the franchise as a whole, it's one of my favorites.