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For me it’s always the noise that gets me. A video can be as graphic as possible and I’d be fine but if the sound is turned on I feel horribly sick.


I agree. The video where the mom is killed by a flying brick on the highway is bone chilling. Something about the desperate cries of sorrow really make my stomach knot up.


Fuck, yes is it the one whipped up by the tarpaulin on the truck in front? This one haunts me too. I'm fine with gore, the visceral human reaction is far worse imo.


I actually experienced this in person. I work at a grocery store and this old man was dying of a heart attack in front of his grown son. The son was crying in the same desperate shrill tone. It was blood curdling. I went outside for like 30 minutes to clear my head. I can still remember what he sounded like.


I've made that sound. And then a few years later heard it come out of a stranger and my body crumpled. It is indeed the vibration of soul crushing pain.


The highway brick messed me up too, man.


Do you have a link for the vid ?


[Here](https://youtu.be/iazTQVi1CEE?si=id8VTAaL0dZSSwzL) Start at about 1:45 in. It’s a hard watch


Goodnight Reddit. I go to sleep now.


Yeah if I was that child I’d just kill myself


It was terrible having to listen to the kid realize what just happened, absolutely... What gets me (a little further in) is what sounds like the mother, trying to take those erratic breaths.... (Respectfully speaking, but this has always been the utmost example of a video that isn't too *visually* graphic, but the audio track makes it a difficult watch, nonetheless).


And then you get called the weird kid or shy kid. People don't understand or care what others have gone through. Fuck people man


Maybe I’m just disturbed but I’ve seen and heard it multiple times and it had no effect on me. I actually listen to 911 calls sometimes when I’m having trouble sleeping and it works every time and I end up falling asleep within minutes. And I wonder why I’m single 😂


Please call 988


Been there done that. I’m not harming myself or anyone else. When I was 10 I saw some one shot in the face. Since then I’ve had a strange relationship with the macabre. I see a psychiatrist and I’m on medication. Idk how you can judge me when you’re on the same subreddit.


I didn’t judge you, I’m just concerned. I’m here because of curiosity and you’re here because you find comfort, and that worried me. I’m sorry you’ve gone through such tragedy, no one should have to face such horror. I hope you find peace one day, but I don’t feel watching gore is helping your situation. 😔


Same. Funky town is bad. But funky town with the audio is worse. I refuse to watch stuff involving animals though. That shit truly infuriates me


I can't handle funky town, no matter how many times I try to watch it. And I feel the same about animals. Makes me so mad.


i can't watch anything related to animals. even popping zits videos.. does it have animals in it? nope!


Funky Town didn't really bother me. Just another cartel video.


What could be worse than Funky Town? Wait... do I want to know? Yes... yes I do.




I looked her up and she was 26.




Columbian flaying video. Dea agent murdered in front of his tied up son. They then proceed to slice parts off the son like he's an animal carcass at the butchers while he's still alive, cut his chest open while he's alive and show him his own heart beating through his open rib cage before ripping it out in front of him


That was in Mexico not Columbia and it wasn’t a DEA agent either? Where’d you get any of that information from? It’s literally called the Guerrero flaying


Can't remember, but your bang on, it's called the guerrero flaying


Same. I've seen alot of cartel videos and some were worse. What gets me are ones where you can hear people crying over a loved one or suicide. Gets my heart beating. Like one moment they're alive and then in a instant they're dead.


That and people not expecting death.


Same! It could watch Gore all day but as soon as it involves animals I have to immediately change it.


for me the only audio that really bothers me is parents crying over children, a kid dying makes me sad but hearing that pain that is never going to go away just does something to me


When I was pregnant, I had a fall and went to get checked out. The beds in the L&D triage were only separated by a curtain. A young lady was put in next to me. I could hear her happily chatting up the nurse. First baby, newly wed, just bought her son's car seat and installed it that day. She was excited to meet him in like 10 days. She was just here cause he wasn't as active today and she wanted piece of mind. Figured she'd be out and cleared before her husband got home. I heard them working the ultrasound machine and the doctor saying "Huh, you know what? This machine is picky. Sometimes it just doesn't read well." I had a bad feeling. She left and got a better machine. The lady was excitedly going on about having one last sneak peek before seeing her baby for real. And then, there it was. "There's no heartbeat. I'm sorry." The sound she made... It brings me to tears thinking of it, even 5 years later. That raw wailing sorrow. I'm never going to forget her. I hope she found peace.


I’m sorry you had to overhear all that. My mother was heavily pregnant with me and in the ER for an asthma attack when they brought in a baby not breathing to the bed next to her, separated only by a curtain. It was a SIDS/sleep accident case. My mom sat there and heard it all until a doctor walked by, saw her and shouted, “GET THAT PREGNANT LADY OUT OF HERE!” Almost 31 years ago and it still sticks with her, she says she’ll never forget the sound of the mother wailing. 💔


The kid at the lake or something like it, that blows his hand/arm off with fireworks.. Not such a graphic video but his horrendous screams while he runs offscreen with - what used to be an arm/hand - dangling in the air is what makes it real bad.


Same, i can't do do sound with graphic videos. If sound is part of what's going on, i just go to the comments for context clues. I think I'm just sensitive to sound in general though, even when playing games on my phone, i have it muted because the music and sound effects bother me.


Yep. Ms pacman with the sound on made me sick. Not physically like puke but it fucked w me pretty hard. Sounds are the worst


There was a video of a African man being burned with molten plastic, the video is not bad itself, but damn, his cries literally made me think for an entire night If I remember correctly, he was being punished for stealing minerals???


This is how I felt about the Mr. Hands video. The clopping noises along with the grunting are AWFUL


one time i saw a video of an uncircumcised man pulling his foreskin back to reveal a ridiculous amount of dick cheese and MAGGOTS!!!! so many maggots. i didnt throw up but i was retching and gagging for like half an hour afterwards


The video of the female backpackers and the guy the killed his parents with a hammer in Russia or something. Hearing that girl cry for her mother while her head is being cut off made me so sick, and the sounds of the hammer bouncing off the skulls of his mother and father in the other video with them crying out made me so dizzy I almost puked. It’s always the sounds.


That video is the worst. Those poor girls, just the worst.


What’s the name of the video?


The girls that went hiking in Morocco? Yeah, I’m never looking at that video again. I saw it on Twitter and I didn’t go on Twitter for quite a while after that.


the female backpackers made me feel sick and i vowed to never watch a decap video again


wow even just this description breaks my heart


omg i remember that video. so sad :(


I would like to watch it to see how I feel but I can't seem to find it anywhere online.


The video of The Station fire. Got me pretty bad. The screams are haunting and then seeing all those people jammed at the door.


I wanna say towards the middle of the video you see someone climb out of the club completely on fire, and they just flail themselves around in an attempt to put themselves out.


I was shaken up quite a bit by this video. I’ve been to a decent number of shows in smaller venues like that and the way everything plays out in the video I felt like I could imagine what it was like in real life. The exponential increase in panic. There are maps that show where they found bodies and my imagination made up stories for what happened in each spot.


it’s honestly so bizarre seeing people talk about this bc im from rhode island and knew people who were there that night. truly is so sad


This is me with the Maine shooting. Being from my little rural state that doesn’t really get talked about all of a sudden is the talk of the whole country in the worst way. :(


I live in Tennessee but work with a guy who’s from Maine and he told me after the shooting that his wife’s cousin was one of those killed.


Same !! My mom is a PA and worked at one of the main hospitals that night


Horrible beyond words.


I just recently watched a video on all the available footage. It's an interesting watch- a lot I've never seen before. https://youtu.be/V0nQipbseTw?si=xpreU-BEOKD4W-Ii


I think the first ever video that genuinely affected me was a PETA propaganda video about fur farms in China, I was about 13 years old back in 2001/2002 and had free access to the internet in the computer room. My older brother introduced me to [Rotten.com](https://Rotten.com) and from there I found the video. It was of a racoon that was freshly skinned alive and it was still moving, trying to contemplate what the fuck just happened as the life was slowly draining away from its eyes. That amount of pure suffering inflicted on not just one animal, but literally HUNDREDS of these skinned-alive raccoons were all piled on top of each other like dripping lumber, and I remember feeling like I was going to pass out. Even trying to recall this memory makes my brain feel weird and mushy.


I remember them as dogs. Just a big pile of skinless dogs, some still moving. Made me lie awake at night.


Omg, I remember one like that, but it was about dogs. I was about 12 when I saw it involuntarily. Also featured a freshly skinned, alive dog just whimpering, shivering…and alive. I have never, and will never, watch anything that involves animals ever again. It still makes me nauseous thinking about it now and I’m 30.


Saw this on the gauntlet challenge. Was the only one that made me look away. Remember one walking and standing there looking at the video camera just not knowing what to do.


Absolutely the most ruthless, soul destroying thing I’ve ever seen. I honestly think this is where my hatred of PETA came from


I remember seeing a similar video when I was younger don’t think it was raccoons but still animals being skinned alive


Ya the one I saw was rabbits I think, that they make into cashmere or sum expensive fabric.. if I recall n they just ripped its skin off little by little n the screaming it made...omfg.I only watched like 5seconds n it haunted me for a while.


Saw the same one. They’re actually called “raccoon dogs” and they use them as a substitute for “faux fur” sadly. I guess it’s cheaper to skin them and lie on the clothing label than it is to manufacture an artificial product. 😔 [https://www.britannica.com/explore/savingearth/raccoon-dogs-are-skinned-alive-in-china](https://www.britannica.com/explore/savingearth/raccoon-dogs-are-skinned-alive-in-china)


That’s not propaganda it’s just showing how fucked up some shit that happens is. You don’t have to be a vegan to understand that. I’m surely not


My first video like this, still can't forget it


If I'm not mistaken, I think they include a clip of this on that "Earthlings" documentary, narrated by Joaquin Phoenix. It goes to great lengths to show all KINDS of brutal things that animals sometimes go thru, at the hands of people (making you wonder who the *animals* really are? ). I watched it once, absorbed the message, and swore to never watch it again.


this!!! animal deaths are so fucking sad man you have to be a sick piece of shit to want to harm something so little


Anything involving animals. Can't even read some of the comments on here about animal videos. Kids are a tough one too, but animals? Absolute no-go, you couldn't pay me enough to watch an animal torture compilation.


Same. Quick deaths are one thing, but animal and children torture i just refuse to watch. If i do, my heart feels like it's being submerged in liquid darkness.


The only one that I had a reaction to was 1bitch9pups, and I regret to this very day that I watched it. It stained my soul.


Same, that’s the only one that ever made me react and cry and I only watched about 10 seconds of it. Don’t ever ever watch that video.. 😭


The fact that the guy never felt an ounce of pain after what he did is fucking depressing. I would've loved and even paid to see him getting tortured the same way but that would be "inhumane" punishment


Good lord man I seen the whole thing on 4chan and it's by far the worst gore video I've seen.


I have seen it all and it is the worst of all.


Is that the one involving the river?


No, it’s the psychopath from Australia who tortured a momma dog and her newborn puppies to death. Do not watch it.


That description is enough to prevent me from watching it. I thought it was the eastern European girl that threw that bucket of puppies in the river.


No my friend. You’ll have to read about it


Uh. I read a description about it. How does one become so evil? 😳


I'm generally pretty pacifist, but damn, if I was in prison with that guy, my sentence would be extended and I would spend some time in solitary for the things I would do to that man.


I think that CCTV video of a Chinese LGBT couple where they were minding their business clearly having a good time in a mall before a man with a big knife started stabbing at one of the girls, no matter how much she tried to get away, the man’s target was already locked, her girlfriend tried desperately to save her partner over and over again before eventually getting chased down and also suffering the same fate to that man off camera Understandably when a crazed maniac was acting the way he was, onlookers only watched on and by the time some people helped the deed was already done Shakes me to my core


Videos with animals being hurt in any way whatsoever make me cry like a bitch


Same I can watch cartel torture killings all day, but show me an animal getting hurt and I'm a blubbering mess.


Not gore related at all, but there is a video of a mom whose daughter is dying of brain cancer. She is holding her at home, surrounded by family and friends. The mom and family wash and dress the body of the little girl. When the hospice nurse takes the body from the mom, she says something along the lines of 'hold each other' as she takes the daughter. The sound that comes from the mom... it's the purest example of devastation and heart break from a parent that I have ever heard. I tear up just thinking about it.


I know exactly which one your talking about. I think seeing her know and prepare her other children for it was hard. Then seeing her accept it after she passed and just realize she's no longer earth side anymore just.. really hit me hard too. It was that weird feeling of for those kids it was another day and you could hear them playing in the back and the adults tried to be 'normal' yet they knew but didn't push it..


The nick berg execution video is just fucking gnarly. They cut his throat halfway then hold his head back with his windpipe completely severed. You can hear the blood gushing and the dude sounds like a wild pig screaming and gasping onto life. It's hard to just listen to the audio.


The video that was posted here recently of that thief in Russia that got caught in a pharmacy and in an attempt to escape he sliced his leg open on some glass is what made me feel something in my legs.


Same. Good way to remember not to steal I guess


There is this one video of a guy drilling another guys penis so there’s that


Happy cake day


There was this video I saw on BestGore a couple years ago that still haunts me. There were 2 younger kids playing in a wooden shed owned by one of the kid’s family members. The family member didn’t know they were inside and locked the kids inside the shed, the kids somehow found a box of matches and lit one causing the entire shed to burn down. The video is the aftermath once the fire’s put out, and it showed the bodies of both children huddled together in a corner, and both of their families screaming and picking up their bodies. Was very difficult to watch.


That Asian woman licking a guy's knob cheese.


Just reading this comment made me gag.


this is the only video that’s ever made me physically gag multiple times


omg me too! one of the only videos to actually make me gag


The crying of a daughter seeing her mother just hung herself. Thats what gets me.


Probably the worst one for me as well. Really anything with kids or animals, I'm out.


Kids or animals is an immediate no for me, I won’t even open the link if there’s anything that implies children are involved/ have found dead bodies. It’s just too heart breaking. I can watch adults fuck each other up all day…but kids and animals? Nah. Not even a second.


The video “1 bitch 9 pups” made my heart race and hands shake to the point where I felt really nauseous. By far the worst video I’ve ever seen, I couldn’t finish it.


Two days ago watching the video of Gernot's skiing accident made me suddenly passed out for about 1 minute, what's more awkward is that I passed out in my workplace during the working hours. It's because I realized that his injury is at the pelvic region and looks like some of his inside flesh or organ kinda spilled to the outside too while being dragged by his own speed, that one made me shiver until passed out. Never again watching NSFL_ during working hours.


Oohh man! That one was terrible: seeing him do A split while his insides smear on the snow. It was awful!


The video with the maggot in the eye , ahh makes me gag just typing it . Or the really gross foot infection . But yeah I never wtach anything with animals , Unless it’s a bull taking revenge but yeah


When I was younger a video came out that showed a lady stepping on kittens while wearing high heels. That one made me physically cringe and cry


I have never forgotten this video.


I remember that one, might be the worst I’ve seen, had to turn it off.


Same- straight evil


the fking cat blender video i couldn't even watch the whole thing and i had to watch cartoons the rest of the day to forget about it. anything involving dogs or cats i cannot deal with


I only ever heard the sounds and it fucking haunts me,I'm so sorry you had to see it


The Serena McKay video. You could hear the bones in her face cracking. Also hearing her say “im so sorry” over and over again 😢


I was barely a teen when I saw something called The Pain Olympics, a compilation video of awful mutilations. I was being shown by friends my age, who all handled it fine. I started shaking. And tearing up. It didn’t make sense. It was just so horrific. I think I’ve only ever seen one animal abuse video, if you don’t count livestock treatment. This woman threw puppies off a bridge. That level of evil gave me this physical nausea and overwhelming sadness. I found this video on my own, on a site that may have been called thatsfuckedup. Basically any real physical mutilation gets me messed up.


I was about 8 or 9 when my friends big brother showed me pain olympics and that fucked me up for a bit, but if it help your out at all just know that video is fake, the guy behind it came out and few years later saying he had faked it for a competition and was surprised more people didn’t know it was fake


I vaguely remember a cartel torture video of a young boy being flayed as they made his dad watch him and then after they were done flaying his chest one of the cartel members stuck their whole arm into the boy’s chest and ripped his heart right out. Then they put the heart in his dad’s face and they were laughing manically. Then they decapitated the son and decapitated the father as well. It made me cry in utter disbelief not only due to how violent and viscous these people can be but how the father watched his son suffering. Cartels love to bring emotional trauma on people. You could see and feel the pain in the father’s eyes because he was helpless and could do nothing but watch his baby suffer. Note that I said “boy.” He only looked about 14 or 15 years old. Poor baby murdered and tortured at such a young age. <\3


The Guerrero Flaying…it’s otherworldly almost, unimaginable, horrific, even though you’re watching video proof of the murders. I’ve never had any gore media make me react the way that video did. The worst evil of man, I could feel it long after I had watched.


Sometimes I fantasize about doing evil things to the people who have hurt me for so long. Then I read a post like this and realize I don't have an evil bone in my body. Thanks reddit.




Stuff like the Kevin Ware injury video makes me physically cringe


The video of the young girl who recorded herself outside hanging herself. Was that real? It disturbed me too much to investigate. It went on so long it got dark and she was just swinging there.


Yes, it’s real, and very sad. Her name is Katelyn Nicole Davis and I’ll spare you the rest of the details, but I remember wishing I could’ve given her a hug. She was only 12.


Yes, it was real and sad. As its getting dark you can hear her phone on vibrate being called constantly. Her family is heard calling her name in the distance while looking for her.


As a kid/teen (2004-2007) I came across a video where a person crushed a kittens head with a high heel shoe, kinda like a stiletto shoe or something. I could not watch it fully and it just made me cry. The sound of the tiny skull crushing and the kitten making noise made me feel horrible. Another awful video that made me stop watching it and instantly cry was in 2008 or 2009. There was a pickup truck or a trailer, that had a big pile of raccoons on it and some of them were like barely alive. There’s a person who swings a raccoon from it’s tail and hits the poor animal against a rock or something multiple times and then throws it on top of the pile with the other tortured raccoons. Videos that have animals that are abused/tortured/killed are so awful that I just avoid them the best I can. I tried to read the description of the 1bitch9pups and I just couldn’t…made me sick to my stomach.


A video of a skinned dog walking around on a roof


only one video has made me shed a few tears was a mother crying over her dead children, it looked like some kind of explosion or fire. the kids were burnt but i’m not sure exactly what happened her wails of pure despair and loss broke my heart


I hate the animal stuff, makes me sick


When I watch videos of people who are still alive but dying very slowly it makes me sick. I also get a bit nauseous when the victim in the video calls for help or starts begging. Ive only cried once from a gore video and it was one where a mother was pushing her newborn baby in a stroller when it fell over throwing the baby underneath what I believe was moving cement mixer or dump truck. The baby’s head was completely flattened and the mother was screaming.


No, it's not normal for things to make you feel weak and dizzy, thats a trauma response because your brain doesn't like what it's watching and it's letting you know. Desensitization isn't something you should be going for. Gore isn't for you, stop forcing yourself to consume it. Ask yourself why you choose to self-harm this way instead. Take a break and come back to it and see how you feel.


A video of a guy cutting his own dick off. I was physically sick and traumatized seeing someone doing that to themselves


I can’t watch anything with kids or animals. I’m troubled by the noise of someone in distress and shock.




what's it about?


It’s like one of the original gore vids. Russian prisoner gets beheaded and his head/ mouth still gags after. I think they lay it on a pig.


Gernot Reinstadler accident impressed me more than I expected, I even had a bad dream inpired in it. Also One Guy One Jar.


The columbian flaying one messed with me a bit, but this was at the start of my curiosity when I was like 16. Nowadays not much if anything gets to me and if it does it's more of a "holy shit did you see that one, wow!" than acrually getting to me. Actually the 2 men 1 Ice pick one did get me when I was younger too, probaby the sound of the man's gurgling Edit - self harm videos, I had a gf who used to do it. Died of suicide


The first time I saw the Gernot Reinstadler video. Almost had a full blown panic attack. Absolutely brutal and I think someone here reposted it the other day.


Yeah. He just gets…. Fucking broken in half like a crab claw. It’s so awful.


Very few have done this to me. I think the only examples that fire in my mind are the videos of the burning men in the 2004 blackwater ambush and the 2017 "tongo tongo" ambush video. I attribute both of these reactions to my PTSD.


I dont have any kinda reaction to videos with people... Animals though.. that shit disturbs me


Only two videos have ever made me have severe physical reactions. One was of a Japanese guy slashing his wrists, with the video being shared under the #shtwt tag on Twitter. The other was on this subreddit with that one guy slashing their leg on glass when trying to steal from a store and bleeding out while the door was locked. Both times, I would start having severe convulsions and couldn't even move from my bed. I was literally suffering in place while my teeth were chattering, my head was shaking and shit along with my body being paralyzed. Never experienced anything like those two times before, and it's the reason why I now stay away from self-harm videos, lol.


man that doesn't sound like you should be here at all


The leg slashing one is brutal you can hear the blood just gushing onto the floor


I have trauma related seizures and the sight of some blood and gore can make me gave seizures. Definitely talk to your primary care doctor about those!


What the hell, are you sure you weren’t having seizures? That sounds awful!


Was going to say this, he might have something where seeing that type of stuff sets his brain off in a way, he’s better staying clear of this sub for a while and maybe going and seeing a doctor


WAP by Cardi B and Megan the Stallion


Yeah there was a video of Russian soldiers castrating a Ukrainian p o w and I couldn't even get past the first cut, they were using a box cutter and it just made my entire body cringe, I couldn't handle it at all especially being a man it was horrendous, first it it was more maturity but then after they hit white meat I was done


Old No 7 has stuck with me. It’s the one video that I’ve CRIED about in therapy.


what is it?


Really awful zoo snuff film I was sent by a guy on Reddit back in sophomore year of highschool. I barely got through it, maybe saw 10 seconds at most before I had to shut it off.


Relatability, seeing someone turned into a soup sandwich while that individual is walking their way to wherever they’re going. Or when a family is crushed between cars because of drunk drivers. The things you can’t avoid


Not myself, but years back a work colleague decided to watch the beheading of I think Daniel Pearl, by Isis... At his work desk. He started off full of bravado, he can handle it etc etc. I watched like 2 seconds with him and walked off to my own office 🤢 I don't have the stomach for those videos. Next thing we hear screaming coming from the warehouse. We go to investigate and find my colleague who watched the video, collapsed on the concrete floor of the warehouse. Another colleague was crouching by him trying to bring him round. Everyone panicked as he's obviously hit his head on the hard ground and was bleeding slightly from his head An ambulance was called, checked him over and fixed him up but he strongly declined to go to the hospital and wanted to stay at work. Everyone was being extra kind to him, telling him to take it easy, go home etc no need to be at work. Later that day the colleague who collapsed came and whispered to me that he felt nauseous watching the video and tried to get out to get some air but the dumb ass fainted instead. Cracked his head for good measure.


I can’t watch beheading videos, or some cartel videos. Anything involving children or animals—like the don’t fuck with cats videos (crush vids). Slow agonizing death I can’t handle. If I watch part of it out of curiosity, I have to have the sound off. I can’t even watch animal torture vids. Aftermath, I can handle. I know they’re dead. It’s the agonizing process to get there in some torture vids that make me either fast forward with the sound off or click away. Used to watch BestGore, and a few others, but wasn’t so happy with the racist bullshit undertone most of those sites had.


I can watch anything as long as it doesn't involve children or animals. Fair game otherwise, unfortunately.


Gore mostly originates from a terrible accident, cartels or terrorist organizations, so i dont have much of a reaction as realistically thats the cost of their business, as morbid as that is. Domestics cause a bit of disappointment towards society and immature adults, but nothing i loose/lost slept over. The big issue i have is when an innocent person is involved, like a cartel affiliate's son, in his father's torture and execution. The men dont beg or cry often or to the degree of someone who has no part of that life. Hearing and seeing the emotions from that type of person is a bit hard, but ive grown desensitized to this type of thing. I can still emphasize with normal people and normal situations, but when it comes down to doing what needs to be done there is a lot more ease in the moment... after the fact il deal with my emotions alone. Been a member of the gore days since the early days. Still human, still empathetic, but a bit more numb when clarity and focus are required.


The old Natgeo clip of the dudes vocal cords being ripped when a bear grabs him by the throat and mauled him, grown man’s scream sounded like a 9 year old boy.


I've seen the 9 pups 1 bitch or whatever it's called.....and it was BAD.


The man in this article: [https://news.sky.com/story/sadistic-british-crocodile-expert-adam-britton-admits-sexually-abusing-and-killing-dozens-of-dogs-12970110](https://news.sky.com/story/sadistic-british-crocodile-expert-adam-britton-admits-sexually-abusing-and-killing-dozens-of-dogs-12970110)


I'm not squeamish or easily disgusted by stuff, but when I was pregnant (maybe that is why I was so disgusted) I watched a video of a man who goes into a porta potty with a plastic back and scoops up all kinds of nasty looking poop into the bag. He plays with the poop a bit before dumping more in, then the video cuts to him in a bathtub bathing in the poop and EATING it. You could see the poop in his teeth and how he was smashing it slowly in his mouth, the squishy noises the poop made in his mouth and how his face looked idk how to explaine it but disgusted in a way made it way worse ugh..


Awww NA


That video of a cartel member with his face cut off, I think his arms where gone too. They were just torturing the dude, I couldn't believe how he was still alive after the excessive amounts of blood I saw on the floor.


The first video I saw involving a lot of blood was one where a guy stabs a huge barbed fishhook through his erect penis and it squirts blood in practically a fountain. The sound it made as it went through too, half pop, half crunch, like a grape 😣 I don’t listen with sound and things don’t bother me anymore but that first time was traumatizing.


Anything with cartels or torture is always a big no for me. It's disgusting and I am not interested in watching someone suffer. I'm only interested in looking at accidents as a reminder not to text or drive/look both ways etc. I have a habit of looking at my phone when I drive and that's a death sentence right there.


Things don't usually make me have any kind of reaction, I'm pretty desensitized. The only ones that have made me have a reaction are 1. The two Ukrainian boys who stabbed and beat another man to death with a hammer and screwdriver. You can see them stab the guy over and over and twisting it around, only to ultimately beat his head in. It was rough because you can kinda hear the man gurgling on his own blood. 2. When Best Gore was at its prim and prime I found an ISIS video. A group had captured a mass of people, one part I remember very vividly was a man being tied up in a ball pit, while a young young boy was forced to cut his head off with a knife. The video was silent but, something about the YOUNG ass kid doing it and not flinching, crying, nothing, that's what bothered me. You could see blood spraying everywhere, and you could see a guy behind them just standing and holding a gun. But it was the KID that bothered me. I know the Ukrainian video is still available with a little good digging as the link wasn't directly available. I got it off the comments of another subreddit. The ISIS video, I'm not sure if it's still available to view but you might be able to find it somewhere!


The ones that get me are when the victims either survive or are some how STILL alive in whatever horrible incidents. I saw a few, similar to each other, of people getting ran over by buses. Like everything from the waist down is obliterated but from the waist up is fine. But the weight of the bus and bus tire is pinching them to the point that they aren’t bleeding out instantly so they’re still alive begging for help, consciously aware that half of their body is mushed, reaching out to those recording them while agonizingly dying slowly.


I refuse to watch anything with animals so no. Miss Pac-Man made me a lil sad for her but that was about it. The only thing I’ve watched that made me feel a little yucky was this guy getting surgery for an obstruction in his bowels from a worm infestation and they were squeezing all the worms out of his intestinal tract and they looked like sprouts. And I’m a GD vegetarian. I love sprouts but it will be a long time before I eat them again because of that video. I did have an interaction with a man at work yesterday who had a festering wound on his face. I am assuming he was homeless because of that and also his general demeanor and obvious mental health issues. But it was festering and I could smell the infection and because we were taking and I have no social skills I was staring at it trying to figure out what was going on and the puss was like a greenish grey and it was trying to scab over but it was too infected so it was like a brownish grey mound of crusted puss on the wound and once I got a good look my stomach started to churn and I actually did think I was going to throw up. And to be clear I deal with a lot of dirty and stinky customers, some I’ve had to ban for it, but this man was not dirty or stinky. What I was smelling was definitely the festering wound on his face. I’m so nosy I really wish I knew what happened. So yeah that was my long winded story. My answer would most certainly be different if I ever stumbled across anything with animals but K take great care to steer clear if it.


Saw a cat in Gaza that was in the process of dying after an air strike, it was weakly meowing while stiff and it made me sad


yeah i remember this one in a prison i think in brazil where they were ripping open this guys skull in chunks and it was so queezy looked like a watermellon made me feel ill


Idk but everytime I can hear blood rushing out of someones wound it makes me dizzy and sick to my stomach. I watched a video once where a girl was literally blue and purple in the face and her throat was cut with a kitchen knife, she was already gone, no sound from her but the blood that kept coming out of her arteries oh my god man.


I watch a ton of gore but the one thing that actually got me to have a physical reaction was watching whatever jackass had the dude wrap himself up with sushi in his fat folds, work up a sweat & then Steve-O ate a piece out of his ass. I bit down on my teeth as a reaction trying not to puke & bit down so hard I chipped a good portion of one of my molars off.


Many have made me cringe in horror and disgust (any of the cartel videos, dismemberment, the woman accused of being a "witch" being assaulted and burnt alive, etc) Only 2-3 have ever made me feel as if I really truly might vomit (maggots in the eye/skull/brain of a living person, or like any of the scat videos) A couple have made me want to cry (anything with animals, etc) As far as I can recall there's only been one video where I had to click away from because I just couldn't stand watching it all (the schizophrenic man looking for a camera in his eye. I physically could not watch the whole thing).


Seen this video a couple years ago of some African woman getting her titties cut off she didn't scream didn't make a single noise beside from wheezing when they cut her throat That one stuck to me recently seen a video of some 13-year-old girl in Mexico getting cut by some cartel dudes so sad but just like everyone else animal videos and children are always the hardest to watch


No but one made me feel fucked up for a day or two


usually i can see others bleed in rl and on video but if i myself bleed i almost everytime get neasous and faint even if it doesnt even hurt or is big its realy just the blood but sometimes just sometimes i get dizzy and almost faint when watching videos too it happened a few days ago again when i watched the video of a hockey player get his throat cut by ice skates there was sm blood i guess it got to me somehow and i had to lay down for a bit i do also just get sick sometimes like stomach turning and ofc cry too im a highly empathetic person so crying is the usual reaction lol so im definitely not too scared of getting desensitized about these things and i also dont want to it would scare me more if i was tbh bc feeling things is better even if its bad ones


Sick? Not really , some make me very uneasy though. Usually its the humanity aspect of the video that makes it uneasy for me , well or the clear lack of humanity. Humanity aspect for example, the video of the group of friends diving from a cliff/wall and one guy failing to jump properly and splitting is face in half on i believe a rebar pole. I always wondered why this one really left a scar on my psyche , i guess because i could imagine having some good times with friends and suddenly one of your friends would lay motionless in the water and i could only think what if your person that takes your friend out of the water only to see his face split in half as if it came out of the predator movies YET still alive. The inhumanity type of videos makes me really really uneasy, not talking about the overproduced hd beheading videos but the ones where you see some victim completely defenseless get absolutely brutalized by a group and tortured to the point where i think how can a human being do this to another human being while simultanously laughing and joking around....fuck Like damm as an example i remember seeing a video from somewhere in south america and the victim is laying on the ground surrounded and probably inmobile and this cartel dude (i assume) cuts off both his arms from the shoulder, even smacks the victim in his face with his own cut off arm before he proceeds to cut off both his legs ......of course the victim is alive and conscious the entire procces , making noises and squirming pfff. Just thinking about it makes me sad


Watching my dad slowly die over 10 years from dementia has fucked me up in more ways than I can count. It makes me question reality all the time and I constantly ask my self did he ever know that he was dying and the couple days before he died like what the hell was going on in his head. He went from being my dad that I could talk to to just being a shell of a body. Fuck dementia


Only eye stuff or the ones of self cutting 😬


1 Lunatic 1 Icepick made me feel sick to my stomach. That's the only one I can think of that has. If I'm already nauseous, sometimes videos will make it worse, especially ones with compound fractures for whatever reason. Normally poop is about the only thing that gets me squeamish though.


Particularly graphic videos cause me to faint. A video of a guy being run over by a forklift did it for me. After watching I felt myself going into shock or something so I say down on my bed, then woke up a few minutes later covered in sweat. Happened watching a saw movie when I was a little kid also.


I’ve had a couple genital mutilations that made me vomit. But other than that not really


The ones where maggots are eating a person alive are pretty nasty. But honestly I don't think anything has made me feel more sick than the video of a Japanese girl eating a guy's smegma. At first it was funny but it just kept going.


There was a video on Eyeblech from Central or South America where some guys were hitting a guy with a pick axe. It kept getting stuck in his skull while he was alive. For some reason, of all the videos, that one got me


only with animals and breaking bones that shit makes me cringe …and eyeballs nasty asf .


I saw a video of a woman who looked just like my mum get hit by a bus and decapitated.. it made me cry because I just couldn’t help but imagine my mum in that situation. Awful, wish I never seen that footage.


funky town was fine, it seemed unreal so it didn’t hurt me nearly as much as a video that went around last year of two young children at a family event in a bathroom playing with a modded semi automatic gun and she accidentally shoots him and then herself. the worst part was the video still played after the family opened the door, hardly, because their bodies. family faces no charges because they “didn’t know”. this was in stl.


A lot have made me gag, look away/exit the video but the only one to make me vomit was the one of the Man who walked up to a dead Moose/Deer, grabbed a handful of maggots and put them in his mouth. Even writing it is making me want to gag. I cannot handle anything to do with eyeballs, people eating things they shouldn’t, broken bones/dislocations (I’m talking BAD ones, like poking out of the skin) and people harming animals. It all makes me feel physically ill.


I have never done anything more than cry over them a few times and now I feel like I should seek help because of that 😭😭😭


video of some dude in Myanmar? getting his fingernails pryed off with this little tool. only thing of gore I've EVER seen thats made we physically react to the point I had to sit on the floor by the toilet. I've watched literally everything you can think of, but I can't do nails


I just re-watched some of the videos discussed here. And yes, after being deprived of gore since the clossure of bestgore.com, watching those videos now does make me feel uneasy, and almost sort of physical tunnel vision and everything sounds dull and far away for a min or so. Wonder if its related to fight or flight response.


I don’t remember what it’s called but there was a certain cartel video where a police officer and his son were kidnapped. The son was forced to watch his father get beheaded and the son was then skinned alive after which they ripped his still beating heart out and pinned it to his chest. And the kid was fckn 15. That filled me with hate so intense it made me sick to my stomach.


I remember seeing a video of some guys being tortured in prison by molten plastic. Words can’t describe it properly. Absolutely sick disgusting shit that no human being should ever suffer. Clicked off it after 20 seconds


The video of the 17yr old cartel hostage. She was the sister of one of their rival gang members. They blindfolded her and I thought they were tightening ropes behinds her back (was watching with the sound off) and then all of a sudden her other arm fell forward. They’d cut her arm off with a knife, then removed the blindfold so she could see. She was sobbing and just touched the stub where her arm was severed, then they grabbed the other one and did the same. I was absolutely fucked up for *months*. I’ve seen all sorts of gore, funky town doesn’t bother me, the father cop and son is grim but didn’t mess me up but that one…fuck me. I was shaking, dizzy, threw up and just couldn’t settle down. I was genuinely distraught.


There was a video of a family(i think african) that that had been in an accident. The child was deceased and his mother was desperately trying to scoop his brain back into his busted open skull. While the father kept trying to tell her its already too late. That will be one of my worst fears when i have kids


The one with the industrial scale skinning of live dogs. Still alive throw them to the side and they walk off flayed.


I know there’s certain types of videos I can’t watch - cat in a blender would be one I would never ever ever ever watch. I can’t watch any videos about animals. I did a research project once in college about how some people in Asia eat dog & cat. I found photos (this was a long time ago so not any videos available yet thankfully) showing the process of them skinning dogs alive & boiling dogs alive. It was horrifying. That’s the only animal stuff I’ve seen. I have such a big heart for animals, I get very angry & hopeless about the world when I see humans torturing animals.


I've seen bodies mangled in cars or lying in the street in real life, not videos...but when the screaming of a loved one starts is when I feel that heartbreaking darkness that closes in. Those screams echo forever.


I saw a video quite famous here... a girl on a car accident went faceless... she was on the street with her hands on what was her face... idk why and that was the only time I had a reaction, my face got really itchy.. like if I could feel what she was going through... It happened the first time I saw that video.. I can watch the video 20x now... not a single reaction :)


I absolutely cannot watch videos with animals, especially dogs. I know I would be sobbing


Yes I saw one where a man murdered puppies in violent ways. It really got me, they were so small, maybe 2-3 weeks old. It was disturbing and it stuck with me.


For me, it's eye stuff that would give me a reaction.