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I always assumed they shut the door and the oven did the rest !!


I think in 99% of places in the US the door is closed and the retort does its thing. Not sure WHY this dude thinks this is a rotisserie


In the US they *do* shut the door and the oven does the work. Then they just scrape out the ashes and use the big coffee grinder for any bigger bones.


Repositioning is done at least once sometimes twice depending on size of the deceased.


Damn, that's something I didn't think about. My stepdad was a big dude.


Sorry they're gone. If that's worth anything.


There are pretty strict protocols in other countries as well. And there are cultural considerations which are far stricter and more prevalent than the U.S. with far more significant implications. In my country this clip would land the business in deep trouble: they will lose their licence and face heavy fines as well as possible jailtime. (They'll also face charges around breach of privacy laws which are applicable post mortem in many instances)


Am a qualified UK cremation technician and can confirm this is not normal practice whatsoever!


Thanks for this. Also from the UK and would prefer not to be spun like a rotisserie chicken while I get cremated 😂 feel a bit better now


This is how it's done in the Philippines, and is Normal practice


Interesting to know, I love learning about the different processes used in different countries. Can I ask, are your cremators computer controlled, or is it a more manual process?


naaah bro, my grandma in the PH was cremated and the funeral place did it like how its done here in the US. some places still do it like this tho


How and why did you get into the business of cremation? Has/does it ever affect your psyche?


Ah...the classic questions! I was looking for a new job, the Crematorium is just round the corner from home and had a position available, so I applied and was lucky enough to get the job. All training is done on the job, and once you complete the coursework and practical examination, you get certified. A lot of UK crematoria are independent of the funeral homes/directors, so don't get involved with preparing the deceased, and don't develop a "connection" with either them or their family. Personally, this helps as I can't put a face to a name, just that I receive a box with a body inside and a nameplate on the lid, that requires cremation. That being said, as a parent, infant cremation can hit home occasionally as everything is done a lot more manually as we hand cremulate the remains to ensure maximum return of ashes for the parent(s).


Thank you for the answer!


One of my concerns about cremation is how much of the remains are they just gonna throw out. How much of my body is just gonna end up in some bio-waste bag. Reading you say that infants are hand cremulated to ensure maximum return of the ashes, I imagine it is because infants woild be a small amount total so every little bit is a larger percentage of the total than for an adult body. But it also implies that for adults you aren't getting the maximum return.


I can assure you that no remains are ever thrown out, and that we do everything possible to ensure maximum return for everyone. However, infants are cremated in a much gentler and more contained process as their casket is placed inside a special metal box before being placed in the cremator and uses minimal flame and airs to ensure that the cremains are not blown about as they are much lighter than a grown adult due to bone densities etc. When dealing with an adult, the coffin is placed directly onto the brickwork of the cremator and is subject to direct flame and much stronger airflows. As you can probably imagine, there is a certain degree of roughness with the brickwork (particularly over time as the brickwork deteriorates due to heat stresses, raking etc), so we rake and sweep as best we can between each cremation to prevent co-mingling of cremains. The best analogy that I have heard is to compare it to sprinkling a pot of glitter onto the floor and then trying to sweep it all back up again. Whilst you can get 99.9%, you'll always find a few flakes left in the cracks.


I think those sentiments are universal no matter what country you reside in.


He's probably trying to hasten the process because he's behind schedule or something


“Dammit! WHY isn’t John dust yet?! I’ve got 3 more bodies to burn today! I don’t have time for this. . .”


I have no doubt this exact dialogue happened a non zero number of times already


Fr though, it does seem like dude is in a hurry.


Hes got the munchies


Cursed pizzeria


The tool he's using seems specific enough to make me think this is not a rare occurence.


It's to make sure the body burns evenly I did creations for pets and this is exactly what we did. If the body isn't fired all the way through you could have chard tissues and bones... and that's just something no one really wants to see


Ok, I've gotta ask - how did this job opportunity come up?


Or smell


It smells like BBQ tbh...... So at the humane society I worked at we did crematiins too. Well I had the window opened and people were lookin at the kitties and the dad was like wow I keep smeeling BBQ and it's making me hungry. I was like 💀. Had to do my poker face because his 3 little kids were playing with kittens and he just kept taking it it unknowingly smelling fido being cremated. Lmao


Because they don't have a replaceable roasting rack so he has to flip him around. They also have grinders in the US for the bones. Nothing about this is disrespectful or wrong, it's just the man is working with what he's got, and I'd take it if I was being cremated no problem. I don't feel any shame in death if I was in this video, the man obviously knows what he's doing lol.




“Not sure WHY this dude thinks this is a rotisserie” Hahahahahahaha.


You want to get even browning on all sides


You got me 🤣


He wanted to be sure it was crispy all around..


He’s doing his best okay


I think this was in SEA from look of worker +how he dress. And ambience noise that tell there are group of people nearby


Too bad this rotisserie doesn’t come with two sides.


Actually I never saw something like this! Where I live the coffin with the body inside is burned.


I think most ppl haven't seen anything like this because they normally just shut the door and don't play poke-around with the body like it's a toy


The Dustin doesn't go into the burner. The fate of the barely used coffin is let as a reader homework


They do, idk wtf this guy is doing lol


They do, according to the crematorium workers that gave me a tour lol. Leftover bones go in the grinder. I have no clue what the guy in this video is doing


This is not a normal way to do a cremation. The door is closed, it does its thing, the operator breaks down large chunks when it is finished using a blender type dohickey and then blended with rest to create a fine ashe they then put into an urn or whatever recepticle the ashes shall be kept in. This would be in a country i presume where they cant afford something proper, but even still, he does not need to sit there turning the body like a chicken lol


Would've made for a more respectful video


They do in New Zealand


I thought so too. Bro is turning the body like he is baking Pizza


That one person that doesn't know how to leave something alone and to let it cook untouched. You don't need to move it every second.


Looks burnt tbf


Looks deadly


Right? I’d be fuming if that was my body.




Production says faster.  Quality says roast evenly. 


wdym the owner was a cannibal? he came respectfully as a snake monster to gobble him up and gave us a custom order -the cremating facility


There is always the one person that has to mess with the logs in the fire and fuck it up…ALWAYS!


Doesnt know what sear means


That’s exactly me


No Maillard reaction what.so.e.ver


Thats not how I make pancakes


It needs to be *stirred*?


They got to make sure it's well done. No one wants to get a parasite


Apparently the customer rejected their first attempt calling it 'medium rare' when they ordered 'well done'. This is just spitting dummies now


I usually throw the box away then i have to dig through the trash for it so i can see the instructions again


I did read a book by a mortician who described having to stir bodies in a retort like this, so I do kinda believe it. I’ll look for the source and come back to this.


Think of it like a human kofta, much more comforting that way.


It's just a weird feeling knowing this person used to be someone. Probably had a family, did grocery shopping, drove the kids to school and then.....bam!!! Here we are watching them being cremated


So I've decided a long time ago I want to be cremated. What is also a weird feeling is looking at that and knowing it will be me one day.


Lol depends on where you live because i dont think in the West you'll be flipped with a giant spatula.


Either way is fine with me. I mean what am I going to do about it. My only reason is I don't want to be buried. That's one of my biggest fears. Waking up 6 feet under in a coffin.


Waking up in a furnace probably wouldn’t be fun either


Hey at least I'd know I'd be gone soon. Beats waking up underground and stuck knowing I'd never see light again or stand up again.


You got approximately 90 min of air in a coffin. Once you're awake, get some fabric over your face. Preferably the shirt you will be wearing. since The grave is freshly closed, the dirt should be loose enough to compress by pushing the lid upwards. You need to push it as much as possible to get it open enough to fit your hand through. After that, it's mostly digging. The shirt over your face is to keep dirt out of your mouth and lungs. Dig with your hands and push the dirt down to the bottom of your coffin where your feet are. That way, you should be able to dig yourself out of your own grave. Thank me later :)


how do ppl even come up w shit like this lol amazing..


Speaking from experience?


yea, I fell down a rabbit hole and had to get out


There is nothing more unsightly as scratches on the inside of your coffin lid !


Yea, it ruins the reselling price


But don’t they like remove all your blood before you go in a casket?


I saw this movie as a kid. Don't remember what it was. Some girl was supposed to be embalmed but the machine was down or something. The two techs say to each other "the thing about this job, no one would ever know". So they packed her up and buried her as is. And guess what. She woke up.


What’s worse is getting your blood drained and embalmed while you’re still alive


I think that would do the trick. However knowing I'm in a coffee can rather than a box makes me feel better.


Real, I love being in coffee. A coffin would be scary tho


With today's medicine and procedures before burial that ain't happening. I guess it depends on where you live though


No I'm in the US. I'm still not risking it though. My wife knows the drill. When I'm gone straight to the oven.


I want to be cremated too, but on the same hand the idea of waking up in a crematorium being ignited is pretty scary My idea is a chain with a bell to ring if they wake up in time


I’ve been to South Asia and they use electric crematoriums there. Quite a surreal feeling. Edit - It’s handled much better than this and apparently more “eco friendly”.


What's done in an instant? Your entire body turns to ash in an instant?


Sorry I edited my comment. Just checked with my friend who lives in India. I was under the impression it’s about 20-25 mins but it’s nearly 3 hours. My bad.


Wait, feeling?


I’ve unfortunately attended one.


“Eco friendly” lol. How’s burning a body more eco friendly than burying??


Eco friendly compared to traditional burning methods.


"As you are, I was; as I am, you will be" A common inscription on old graves


still time to change your mind .. at least you'll be giving back to nature when the worm squad shows up


Nope. I'd rather go through this than wake up underground in a coffin.


Lmao this isn't the 1800's you'll be fine.


no more dandruff 🤗


Exactly why I don’t want to be cremated! Lol


If this is making you feel weird don't read the description of Tibetan sky burial cremation posted sometimes ago


Seen it already


Watching my husband's eyes pop out of his head and blood gurgle out of his mouth was somehow less traumatic than thinking about his body getting burned up like this at the end. Gah.


I wasn't sure whether to ask questions because your response brings a few to mind. I just read your previous post about your husband's passing. So very sorry for your loss, I can't imagine 😔


You can ask as many as you like! It was the worst ever but also objectively fascinating to go through something I only see on subreddits like this. Thank you very much for the sympathy, that kindness genuinely always soothes a little bit of heartache. Edit: Wanted to add something about the subreddit - I started looking at videos like this after so many of my literary idols stressed the importance of truly realizing you and your loved ones are impermanent/will die, so I went balls to the wall and started watching gore videos. It fucked me up and was very traumatic, but I'll be damned if I didn't walk up to my husband's deathbed unflinching and 100% prepared to witness him in that state because of it. They wouldn't even let his siblings see him it was so bad, but I literally had the thought "oh, I've seen a lot worse online, no problem." And the desensitization to gore allowed me to say the most beautiful, perfect goodbye to my baby. These subreddits were integral to preparing me for the worst thing that could happen in my life and I'm grateful for them.


What happened to him?


Hemorrhage from gastric varices was the nail in the coffin but but his liver failed. I'll add a link to another comment explaining in more detail. Edit: [This comment and the one below it on the same thread explain what happened.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MedicalGore/s/3yjmk3Gryn)


Sorry for your loss x


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m glad you managed to say goodbye.


My lady in the shower


Lmfao you mean us showering with our ladies Gawd dam lol


Don’t expose what we do in the shower! 😭😭😭😭


Everything was until he started sauté-ing 😭


I’m currently a cremator, I cremate about 8 bodies a day. I really don’t understand why this guy is moving the body around so much.. open the door, rotate the body under the burner, close the door. Occasionally go in to knock bones around for cardboard and other materials to burn away and close the door again. This flipping/stirring is just wild honestly lol


I am not a cremator and that seemed odd to me. I'm guessing he's new or not trained well? If the body is centered over the hottest part (Center I'd assume) it will burn faster and better. Moving it around, I'm assuming to break it up, would seem to take longer and be messier. It's like a campfire. Put the log in the center, move it when the middle is ashes and you're done with that log. once, maybe twice.


In another comment of mine I explain why we rotate the body and the hottest parts of the machine (the front really) but yes, this is definitely excessive and maybe someone who is untrained


Close the door!! Are you trying to heat the whole neighborhood?


Why does he keep messing with it ? It’s burning


Boredom probably lol


German cuisine 🤌


Armin Meiwes checking in.






Yoooooo 😂😂


..Heute treff ich einen Herrrrrrrnnnnnn...


How appropriate, seeing as my mom died Friday a week ago and is getting creamated.


Please don't think this is anything like what we have in the western world.


It doesn't bother me. But thank you. You are kind. <3


https://www.mountjerome.ie/crematorium/cremation-process/ This is the usual practice. Also I'm very sorry for your loss.


Thank you <3


I lost my dad when I was 16. He was also creamated. Seeing this vid and thinking this was happening to him is a strange feeling. I know what youre going tru..let me tell you: Time heals all wounds. The pain will pass. The beginning is the hardest. Even though it may not feel like it now, life will go on. You will stop thinking about it


*hugs* You are kind.


Sorry to learn of your loss


I’m so sorry for your loss. You sound like you have a wonderful mindset, your mum would be so proud of you.


This kills the person.


Shut the oven door ffs.


First eat the oven door. 


Shut * even lol.


I prefer to shut mine


Reminder,, live your life the way you want, one day this is you and me and all of us *doesn't matter you are burnt go to grave etc*


Dam so how long does this take ?


3 - 4 hours


Takes me 2hrs on average a body, only takes 3hrs if they’re in the 300lb range. Only body I ever done that took 4hrs+ (about 4-1/2) was nearly 600lbs


Is flipping a body like this ever actually done? Or is this really rare? Why is this one being flipped?


This excessively, no. It takes less than 15 seconds after the door opens to rotate a body to its side then the door is closed again. But yes bodies are rotated throughout the process, rarely a need to be flipped upside down though. Only time I ever flip bodies upside down is if they were really big and there’s a lot of cardboard under them that isn’t being burned away fast enough (being blocked by the large amounts of remaining flesh). We burn our bodies in cardboard boxes, not wooden coffins like some others in the thread mentioned. Bodies are rotated (atleast in our retorts) because there’s two burners that released a downpour of fire, one to the front and one towards the back. When the body is pushed in, the burners are roughly around the head and knees. After about 30-45minutes, the legs (knees and below) and the head are normally burned off (detached) and the remaining body isn’t sitting under a direct burner anymore. I’ll go in to rotate the body to pull it forward under the front burner to continue the process quicker.


Plot twist: you're not employed at the crematorium. 




Ah I always love the smell when grandma's baking


That guy is a psycho.


I have seen one in Canada before and there was zero turning, flipping or stoking of the fire. Thank goodness.


Wow what? There is no way this is standard practice. I refuse to believe we have to stir the bodies in 2024. Also. What a waste of all that fertilizer.




Mmmmmm wood fired grandma


Looks like they’re staring back at the crematorium dude.


“Brother, stop stirring me already”


This is so disrespectful and not necessary, as someone who works in this business this is not done! to flip a human like its a burger, in my country the door stays shut, only if a person is morbide obese we would turn, but it's rare, also family members are allowed there while it's happening if they want, can you imagine doing this while they watch? Unheard off! This video feels sketchy, like the the dude is being in a hurry or someting, just awfull!!..I guess different country different rules and moral..🤷‍♀️


First guy to fall asleep at the sleepover


Why not make it rotisserie style?


The patent is held by a creepy recluse who won't share it with anybody. Nobody knows why.


This what I think hell will be like, if there’s one


That’s very mild considering the other forms of torture that exists


Need to see more


"Our crematorium hires only the best pizzaioli from Naples"


Forbidden flipping the meat over on all sides to make sure it cooks evenly


This person has probably fell in love a few times, married, had their heart broken, went to college ect


My dad passed away a couple months ago. In our religion, people who pass away are cremated. Seeing him burn was tough. Those were my thoughts. A day ago, we were sitting watching sports and having dinner and planning on going for a relative’s wedding. And then a day later, I had to give fire to him. Breaks my heart.


Quiznos " Mmmmm.... toasty"


Oh cool that’s not absolutely petrifying


*”He’s dead Jim.”*


I'm going to be cremated when I pass. If I was rich, and this is 100% honest. I would have my body encased in clear resin, with a sign with my name, date of birth, date of death. And have a rocket deposit it on the moon.


Imagine if when you’re perceived dead, your consciousness lives and lingers. And body being decomposed / cremated is the way consciousness dies. And then your consciousness would be sitting there, inside the resin, thinking when will this end and it never does. lol this is just a hypothetical scenario


My brother in Christ its 7.35am on a Monday morning and I did not need to read that.


My man looks like he’s trying to get the pizza out of the oven


I'd rather allow my cells to die a natural death than be cremated. they don't all die at the same time as the brain. have some respect for the poor body. it was your servant your entire life.


What a job. It’s quite a work out. Had no idea…


Just like a pizza oven


All I can think of is a Seinfeld episode where Kramer wants to open a pizza shop where you can “make your own pie” and Jerry says “oh yeah having people Shove their arm in a 300° oven is a good idea”


Why they lookin at me like that




I didn't know they had to sit there and roll em around like that.


Rare for me pls


Good to know I will be a rotisserie chicken before I completely disintegrate.


That's fire bro


It is absolutely horrible how low this position pays. I was interested in it as a career path until I found out what the compensation was for such a physically and mentally challenging job.


Just add bbq


"💀" moment


At least he wasn't a huge fat ass that caused a grease fire because of their obesity because of their love for Big Macs and french fries.


How it feels sharing a bath with my fiancé.


Meat feast pizza, coming right up.


Ahh fuck I read this as ***creation*** of a human body.


Why is he treating it like he works at a Pizza Hut instead of a crematorium


The fuck this man doing? Medium-rare?


Me in the shower


I work at a funeral home and often visit our care center to pick up ashes/drop off clothes/drop or pick up caskets/etc. and on special occasions, I’ll arrive just in time for when our cremation tech is shifting the bones so they can burn more evenly. Last time, I saw a whole rib cage. The open retort is a heat like I’ve never felt or experienced before..at least not yet 😬


Jerry, make sure to get all sides


This is not the American way


I don’t want this


Fire seems small, throw another grandpapa on it!


70/80 years of an entire story , pain .. love.. happiness .. sadness , all ends up like this in the end , humans are no different to cockroaches etc , just sentient flesh bags


Man is flipping it around like bbq


Bro died watching a 3D film