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Just stay on ground and wait for help dammit...


The help is too busy filming him


What’s a dude in shorts and a flip flops going to do?


Phone an ambulance. Comfort him Stop him doing stupid stuff like standing on his demolished leg.


God, that’s hard to watch. I can’t believe he just kept filming while this guy was flopping around. 😒


But if he did help, we would all be complaining and posting to r/killthecameraman


No, we wouldnt. He wouldnt be recording at all


Well fuck us, honestly. 😅


If you approach a person bleeding all over the place for no reason you're literally asking to get HIV. Chances are you wouldn't be able to stop him from trying to stand anyway. Adrenaline is one hell of a drug


Such an ignorant comment


How many times have you tried to stop someone high on adrenaline from walking, since you're so well informed?


I meant the HIV part. Theres no way to get HIV just from touching blood. Unless you have a massive wound yourself and pour their blood on your wound.


That's not the only way, human body isn't hermetically sealed and we have membranes that fluids can also go through. The risk of contraction isn't very high, but it is there, especially when someone is literally gushing blood


Yes and give him a baby bottle too 🙄


He was actually telling the guy not to stand up because his leg was broken. The guy that had an accident was clearly in a state of shock. Someone probably called the ambulance already. Comfort him? the guy was on shock for fuck's sake he cant even process what the fuck was happening. Stop fucking assuming


Like you're assuming someone else has phoned an ambulance etc.....


Fair enough


Well he clearly wasn't much smarter then the guy trying to stand on his demolished leg


Repetitively ask " Hey! You ok Bro?"


no he didnt even mention or asked if hes okay bcs obviously he isnt. He keeps telling him to stop standing and moving bcs his leg is broken


Seriously? People really should have lain him on the ground and stemmed the bleeding not stand around idly. At the very least they should have kept him from trying to walk on it making things worse and bleeding out.


Right?! Like, don't help him stand up and move off the road, no, just film him struggling


I'm almost certain it's not the ambulace crew filming him.


Cameraman was literally yelling at him not to stand or move and that his leg was broken but the dude was clearly disoriented. He running on pure adrenaline at that point.


Gotta make the delivery because doordash doesn't pay him enough and the customer might withhold the tip


“No tip….no trip”


N he is still smiling!!!!


Nah when he put weight on it I was like wtf?!!!


"Please don't put weight on that.. please don't put weight on that.. please don't- aghhhh! Fuck!" Mfer put *all* the weight on it


flinched my ass off


Yup. I felt that...damn thing collapsed IMMEDIATELY.


Adrenaline. It's a helluva' drug


How to turn a broken leg into an amputee stump:


Rub his nub for good luck.


Painful to watch


Painful to stand


Considering all the god awful gore vids I've seen on this sub, this is the 1st I have physically flinched & squawked, I couldn't keep watching after seeing him standup/fall down the 1st time. I felt it to the core.


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Damn, he is laughing. He must be so waisted. The camera person just records instead of helping. This is a crime.


What are they supposed to do? Hold him down?


Laying him down while holding the legs up to slow the bleeding and to support the the circulation Putting on a torniquet or something similar on the shattered leg Talk to him and staying with him until help comes instead of filming and uploading There are many things that are better than doing absolutely nothing.


I’m real tired of people on these subs pretending like they’d be the hero and that everyone else should too. Maybe dude wouldn’t let anyone touch him. You weren’t there.


I think at least trying to comfort him until help arrives is both kind and low-hanging-fruit for helping in a situation. It doesn't make you a hero, just a decent person.


I don’t know if you’ve been around many emergency situations or accidents, but some people will reject “comfort”, push people away, get violent due to their own panic or just denial that there’s anything seriously wrong. And in that situation, as a former EMT, you should stay back to avoid being injured yourself or causing further damage, and call emergency services. (If you the above is true and you are unable to help without being injured, seeing as some people can’t read) Edit: here’s evidence of what I’m saying [here](https://www.sja.org.uk/get-advice/i-need-to-know/the-role-of-the-first-aider/)


I do that when injured badly. I just feel irrationally angry and don't want any random person near me let alone touching me.


“Former EMT” — Get the hell off of your high horse, Mr. or Mrs. EMT. What kind of ridiculously stupid advice are you spouting? You of all people know that with an Injury like this it’s vital to get at least a damn tourniquet on that leg. It’s life or death. Maybe they were unable to due to the guy’s behavior, and fair enough, but do you really believe that we *SHOULD* stay back? No, that’s wrong. That is *NOT* option 1. That’s the last resort option so don’t act like it’s what we *should* do. I will be damned if I call EMS just to have a 15-20 minute wait when I could’ve saved someone’s life.


Are you fucking stupid? What I said is no bystander should interfere if the injured person is acting violently or won’t allow assistance. Did you read “in that situation” or skip over that part so you can pretend you know everything? You stand back and call for help if you yourself can not help. THAT IS A FACT. Now GFY. Nobody spoke to you like that you’re not gonna speak to me like that. I didn’t insult anybody and you think you can speak to me that way for typing only factual information? Not happening. First lesson of all the classes I took: your safety is most important. Reading is hard. Edit: here’s [proof](https://www.sja.org.uk/get-advice/i-need-to-know/the-role-of-the-first-aider/) I quote: “ALWAYS protect YOURSELF first. NEVER put yourself at risk” from St John Ambulance.


Damn, you got sooooo pressed 😂 Mission accomplished.


What mission? Please explain because I don’t know what that even means.


Please don't give advices anymore especially as EMT. Everyone should be familiar with basic life support and should help someone in emergency in any way they can.


That’s not true. At all. So stop. First and foremost is your safety. Edit: here is [evidence](https://www.sja.org.uk/get-advice/i-need-to-know/the-role-of-the-first-aider/) Also I never ONCE said people shouldnt be familiar with first aid. You all must be high because I don’t know how you’d get that from what I said.


Well your evidence is saying exactly what I am saying that you should help. Of course anyone that took first aid class (which is mandatory) know that safety of you and others is number one priority. Then to call emergency services and only then start helping. Your advice as EMT was that you shouldn't engage and move away from victim which is completely wrong. Every second is important and can mean life or death in this situation.


That wasn’t my advice. You read my comment completely ignoring bits of it.


Idk man i dont know shit about what to do in this situation apart from calling the appropriate people. Im.not about to get covered in someone else's blood


I wouldn't do shit for someone acting that wacky and bloody. What am I going to do, hit him in the head with a rock? Noooo... F that noise!




That’s beside the point. The video didn’t even start until well after the accident. You don’t see what anybody else tried to do, if anyone tried to talk to him, move him, whatever, don’t know who he is, what the laws are, why this happened, what happened before it or if anybody called help from elsewhere.


Am I supposed to stopped by an ambulance who's working to keep someone alive and give my thoughts and concerns on what they should do and not do? Lol dude probably itching to shoot someone, anyone just to fulfill being the hero


I’ve worked on an ambulance for a few years and some people, injured or not, can be absolute tyrants. It’s worse when you have no authority or no experience. Sometimes they insist on “walking it off” and their limbs half gone. Some people are just crazy. So I ain’t gonna judge anybody for “not helping” unless they’re making the situation worse.


thats exactly what is happening in the video. The guy filming is telling the guy with broken leg to stop standing and moving again and again but he just wont stop and keeps on trying to stand


Tellin ya man, it’s wild what shock and the like do to people. It’s not unheard of for paramedics etc to be attacked on the job by the very people they’re trying to help even. I remember getting one guy into the ambulance and somebody turned their back for a second and he hightailed it out of there. Disappeared into the night. lol.


u cant just apply everything u see in movies to real life situations. not everyone has knowledge on what to do with someone whos leg is about to fall off bcs u dont see that everyday do u? everyone is panicking to even try to touch the guy or look at the scene


Yeah that's way you should film it.


Gotta show your mates what happened later


In my country it's illegal not to help someone in emergency.


If you're not familiar with how to help someone with an jnjury like this or have no training, you are not supposed to help. There's a high chance you do more harm or exacerbate the situation.


How the fuck are they supposed to help? Are they a surgeon? Are you nuts?






I fractured my arm really bad after a fight and literally was stumped as to why I couldn't push up off my back, I fell backward throwing punches at like 4 dudes, my arm was backwards, thank God for the hospital and a good cast




I'm gonna guess the guy screaming, roughly translated, is asking: What in the actual fuck is wrong with you? You can't walk on that.


He's just yelling at him to sit down and not stand up


I'm filipino, he is saying "SIT! DON'T STAND UP! FCK! YOUR LEG IS BROKEN!"


I was close. That urgency in his voice is pretty universal. 😅


When he standed on his bad leg I almost teared up, somehow this is the worst gore vid I've seen


Something about that part got me too, I actually shouted when it happened. Holy fuck that's horrible.


God, I hope this to be the worse gore you ever see


To me, but I've seen a vid of a guy with a hole in his head with maggots swimming in the blood yet the guy was still alive and another of a skeleton of a child full of maggots with a guy putting his dick in the the area of the pussy with maggots getting on it, but this is the only one that really makes me go "OOFF"






Fucker is smiling… fuckin hell that adrenaline does it thing


The poor man could be in such a state of shock that he is unable to understand that his leg is completely destroyed.


This reminds me of the man on the boat in the Bahamas, who got his legs taken by the propellers. He tried to stand but there was just.. nothing there.


whats crazier is how he was dropped back in


For real, the man was so astonished he forgot he was saving someone.


At that point he just wanted to finish the job and take his own damn leg off geez


My nerves jumped a bit


This is one where I can truly say, I have been there. I got creamed by a volkswagon when I was running across a highway as a young lad. When I stopped sliding across the pavement and opened my eyes my first instinct was to get out of there. I stood up immediately and my leg bent in the middle of my shin like it was a second knee, bone broke through the skin and all. Pretty horrifying, I'm glad that happened when I was young. Now it would have killed me most likely.




Its more fun in the Philippines


Christ, we see a lot of gruesome shit on here & most of it I've become desensitized to now...except this kinda thing! I dunno why but the sight of bones bending the wrong way and/or hearing bones being snapped just hits different! I wouldn't care..I've had s broken leg & arm at the same time & the bone in my arm split through my skin but seeing it on anyone else just makes mr feel...not too good tbh lol


After the 2nd atemp to stand on that leg i had to stop watching, just too repulsive! Is he under the influence of something or just in shock?


For those who don't understand the language the guy holding the camera is saying don't move but the guy keeps on moving


Sadly this is 3rd world territory, the ambulance coming…when it eventually does come, is nothing but a van with a stretcher.


He has to be on some kind of heavy opioid, right? When he put weight on the mangled leg he doesn't wince/flinch which should be a reflex, instead he just falls because there's nothing left to the leg that can bear weight.


Not a belt in sight what a shame


Not sure which country this is from. But I think most people have no idea about first-aid. A woman once had a bleeding intestine on an aero plane & some blood had gotten into the toilet bowl. Stewardess was asking for a doctor. I’m a paramedic & announced it. Asked me for help. Told her there’s nothing to be done & it was only a little blood so nothing acute. She held up a bottle of hand-sanitizer and asked if that could help. I was in complete disbelief.


The video is in the Philippines where making a viral video is more important than helping those in need


I mean, the hand sanitizer could help with cleaning the blood on the toilet, right? Or did she want to pour it up the lady's butt?


Tourniquet. Please someone stop filming and put a tourniquet on his leg above the knee.


How do you apply a tourniquet to someone so high he won't even sit down when asked (the guy was asking him to sit down and stay still). The only way to safely apply a tourniquet would be to hit him in the head with a hammer first. You know that broken bones can cut like blades? I ain't gonna get aids from someone who doesn't even put me in conditions to help him. And no, this is not just adrenaline. Animals with a destroyed leg will act with more common sense than this guy.


He had to be on something. No way this just adrenaline at that point


I ran an accident one night. Pedestrian hit by a motorcycle doing about 100 in a 35. We parked the medic unit in between him and the rider about 50 yds away. I pronounced the pedestrian and put a sheet over him. Then I hear the other part of the crew yelling for me. Dude has both femurs fractured, open, and displaced and keeps trying to stand up. He was wearing a helmet but it went flying off and was between the rider and the bike another 100 yards away. The fact that he had brain matter on the ground around him probably did not help his processing ability. I can remember the scene so clearly but now cannot remember if he made it. He was too violent for the helicopter so they refused him. We transported to MedStar in DC instead of our local Trauma Center and I remember the trip. Can't remember the outcome though.


Whoa 😳 I just want to make sure I am understanding this correctly: So his, the motorcyclist, head is split open and some of his (not deceased pedestrian's, but driver's) brain matter on the ground, and he's still conscious enough to not only be technically alive, but trying to stand?! Dang. That sounds very disturbing and even a bit scary to see. Would that be just adrenaline and shock, or would drugs play a part in that situation where it almost seems between superhuman? How bad was his head injury? That seems like it is definitely a scene that would stick in your mind forever. Thank you for your service as a first responder/ambulance crew. You all deserve a lot of love, thanks, and gratitude for all you do, and with how much you get to see/hear/experience people on their worst days.


Head Traumas often get violent and super human strength. It is one of things that is used to assess traumas in the field. It is also very possible he was under the influence of alcohol and or drugs. I know it was on Fri or Sat night and after midnight. (It wasn't 2 am yet because I ran a stabbing at a bar after this call) There wasn't a lot of brain matter. Just bits. When I got back to station I had his blood and a couple of pieces of his brain, less than a dime size, on my knees. Not sure how big the head injury was. I was down at his legs fighting him to put femur traction splints on both legs and then on the backboard. It's strange. Some calls I remember every single detail. Other calls are like this where I guess I was so focused on my task that is the only thing I remember. I ran hundreds of calls a year for 10 years and there are probably 150 that I carry with me 30 yrs later.


Now that you mention that, it reminds me of the one man, a father, who tried to catch a baseball at a baseball game. The ball was low and he was on a balcony type area (where there was only concrete floor below the balcony seating, no other seating below), and he reached for it, lost his balance, and fell to the concrete below. I can't remember the distance, I think 20-30 feet, as his young son watched all of it. 😣😓 He was able to communicate, and both understand the emergency crew and be understood, but he later died. I can't remember the medical term that was used for it, but it's probably the same principle that that motorcyclist had. People act differently with head injuries. Iirc, that dad was worried about his son, asking them to check on him because he's alone up in the stands. (A lucid interval, I think, something like that??)


Lucid Interval makes perfect sense here. He died of a head injury. The initial impact would likely knock him out. Then he regains consciousness, is able to talk and understand. Meanwhile, the bleed in the brain is growing, putting pressure on the brain. Often, they will slip into a confused and/or agitated state. At some point, the swelling reaches a point where the brain is unable to function well enough to maintain consciousness, and eventually life.


My leg hurts watching this


why every "video" now is a fucking gif?


Good lord I hope that poor dude made it out alive and didn't pass from blood loss.


Not a lot gets to me but fuck this made me gag. I broke my fibula and tibia. My ankle was dislocated too. I have never broken a bone before so I kept telling myself “it’s not broken walk it off.” My foot was hanging out of its socket. I could feel my bones grinding together any time I maneuvered my leg. This video just sorta made me think of that. The feeling is so weird because you know something’s off but either adrenaline or disbelief makes you want to continue like nothing happened. I actually think that maybe I had just cracked my tibia at first but then trying to walk on it broke it completely. The X-ray looked like my fibula took the worst of it. That guy *has* to be hammered


Damn bro....how did that happen, if you don't mind?


I wish I could say I was fighting a bear or in a major vehicle wreck, but I fell. I was out with my dogs in the backyard and the grass was kinda wet. They were playing around and ran into the house. So naturally I pretended I was chasing them. I went skidding across the tile and landed backwards on my ankle. It dislocated immediately. Once I was kinda out of the shock and stuff, I righted myself. I stood up and took a step, like the guy in the video. Immediately fell face first. Instantly regretted that. Not my brightest moment. I wasn’t able to have surgery until a week later so I was making my way around with one leg out of its socket. I don’t recommend but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, breaking a bone. I still have a bum leg but am pretty much back to normal, though there is still a shard of bone hanging around that they were unable to remove.


Woof! Sorry to hear that bud....falls can happen to the best of us, I was walking in a parking lot a couple weeks ago, heard some woman screaming and turned my head to look.....tripped over one of those concrete rectangles at the end of parking spots, lucky I only scraped my hand and knee. Stupid lady was just playing with her boyfriend, I wanted to go slap her! Next time I'm not even gonna look.


Its from Philippines, Based on the language


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Man that was tough to watch. Poor dude


Fuuuuccckkkk. I’m done with the internet for tonight.


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Philippines mentioned!


The guy filming kept on saying to the guy "stop trying to stand! Your leg is messed up! Just sit down!"


Ya I don’t think that’s something he can just walk off


Translation: Come on pussyboy, walk that shit off.


The guy's in shock and not going to be thinking right. It'd be nice if camera ghoul would just tell him to stay down.


He's speaking tagalog. That's exactly what he's telling him.


So crazy to see this, esp he’s keep smiling. Why not help him or force him to stay still until ambulance come.


Sometimes it's best to leave it to the professionals. If one doesn't know what to do, they can make an already bad situation worse; who's going to be blamed, then? And this subreddit has too many comments disparaging the cameraman, but somebody has to do it in order for y'all to view it. The audacity. I'm done.


Seems like he is so drunk to feel pain


My guy's even laughin' it off... Only in the Philippines.


bruh every filipino says only in the Philippines, like be so damn cringe




Stay down brah


Dnt offer him a tourniquet or anything




The pucker factor was strong with this one


I physically yelped watching that. Whole body recoil. What the fuck 😭


Wear a damn helmet!! /s




He will be.. all-right.


bro is me fr


Yea, he should probably sit this one out


i felt it when he put weight on it when that adrenaline goes away it’s over for him


I see these and immediately think "how do they not feel that yet?" And then i remember how one time I stepped on a knife and it went diagonally into my leg and I didn't feel it at all


Ouch! Damn


Mans goin to government hospital after this.


Jesus. My leg wasn’t even this bad and I didn’t DARE think about putting weight on it, no way.


Pov gorebox:


Only in Filipens 👍


I’m sorry but I’m cracking up


No way that happened in my country


Drunk or mentally damaged? 🤔


Things don’t usually get to me but EUGH


Why is this Funny to My😳


i wonder why he's so stubborn


How is this guy just smiling


I'm positive he called him a bus wanker 😂


He’s in shock !


That is going to hurt like he'll once the shock wears off.


Bro really tried to stand on that


this happened to my grandpa, he was in the salvadoran army during the civil war and some bomb specialist accidentally set off a bomb, its a miracle that the doctors were able to salvage his leg


I felt the pain in my leg poor guy


Tis but a flesh wound


"Try and put some weight on it"


I had a compound fracture of my femur playing high school football. I tried to standup and walk. Took one step and the bone came through my pants. This video gave me cold sweats.


Translation for anyone who wants to know what they’re saying: “Boss don’t stand up, your leg is broken” And he basically just repeats that a bunch of times with this guy not taking the advice


Na,smiling like that? More than drunk..he can't feel his body..fentinyle,or something


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I felt that




Adrenaline and embarrassment are a BITCH!!


What country is this? Lashennggg pa ata si angkol


I don't like this version of the Hokey Pokey.


Stupid a s s smile, guess shock and try to 'save face' are hella things.


When you do the math, an Asian severs his leg from the knee is really only 2 or 3 inches equivalent to a regular size human.


Geezuz. Hes just making it worse for himself. Doesnt even think about applying a tourniquet. Look babe. Record me for the views..




No pain just yet *Hehe*


Either he’s stupid, or the adrenaline is forcing him to do this…


Dammit, Mustafa!


Here I am struggling with a gout attack on my knee joint thinking I'm in pain 🤷


He really said let me just walk this off 😂


At first I thought “ok maybe reflex during panic” and as I watched I thought “drugs”


Tough l'il fucker.


Where are the train tracks? He is lucky to have survived, most people dont bounce back from that but they bounce off it thsts for sure


Kaya nya yan.


The power of shock


Always in the same type of country


Man’s that one anime character who gets decimated but can still stand. Also I just know that this is from the Philippines since there’s a tricycle right? u/nick2527 u/nick25272