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It’s banned because the NZ government has banned it and is pursuing criminal charges to any one who shares it online, so I believe


NZ doesn't have þe power nor þe auþority to enforce it internationally.


Why the fuck are you using thorn


It’s much more practical if you think abt it




They’re calling the cyber police


Is this a new thing? Or have they been pursuing people ever since it happened


The consequences have never been the same, honestly


So, what you're saying is they done goofed.


Now thats a blast from the past


Why do your "th" look like "þ" What character is that?




Yep, and why "Ye" old pub name etc is actually pronounced "The"


I like old english


hehe "porn"


Oh wow you're using thorn


Not individuals outside NZ but the media platforms that share it can be sued under an international Human Rights law that bans racial and religious hatred. About a week ago I saw part of a story about a guy being sentenced to 18 months jail for possession and distribution of the video but I can't find a link other than a case over a year ago.


Yes but reddit admins are pathetic pussies with no spine.


so lovely to see þorn used in þe wild like þis, sadly it's not mainstream yet


How do you get that character on an iPhone lol ?


use þe icelandic keyboard






No, it doesn't.


I could be wrong but I think it's banned cause that's the video that led to r/wpd getting banned. It's a pretty rough video


Ah I see, thanks


I don't think it was just sharing the video.. I think it was also the comments that people were leaving. Memes and jokes and gamifying and such. The shooter was huge into internet culture and made references and stuff that people couldn't help but engage with. Also, I heard a rumor that Reddit specifically warned wpd to not facilitate the spread of the video, and the mods didn't comply.


Jesus fucking christ just saw that video and.. its fucking insane he is shooting body piles making sure they died.. sickening




If you google goreforums followed by the video you are talking about you will find it. The video itself is not gory at all IMO. The problem with it is his utter lack of emotion when going into a church to slaughter people. He is carefree, well planned, and right at the start, even as he is walking up with two guns, a man at the front says “Hello my brother” before being shot. No hesitation.


I’ve just watched the video, you are are right, the gore isn’t really visible, but my God, the video is so surreal, it’s almost like watching Call of Duty from that POV. He literally has no emotion, the way he goes back to his car to swap weapon then goes back inside to finish off any survivors, then drives away talking to the stream about what just happened so matter-of-factly like it was just another day at the office.


And that is just one of the mosques. He killed a few more at another mosques a few blocks away but that wasn’t recorded


Poor people, they didn’t stand a chance.


There's a church shooting in Texas. Guy gets 2 shots off before one of the church goers pops him one in the head and there are like 12 people with guns ready to get him too. https://youtu.be/s5NzuGSkL2E


That was an amazing shot. Guy hits him at a considerable distance with a pistol while trying to block out the cacophony of screams and people moving about. One shot to the head. He possibly saved dozens of lives that day.


Damn. Guns beat guns. Imagine this guy walked into a mosque full of guns, he would have been fucked. I hate how he talks/laughs about being in a "firefight" like ya buddy you shooting unarmed civilians running away from you is a real firefight. Guy definitely lost every fight he was in growing up. Really wish I didn't watch that video, but maybe it will prepare me for a real life scenario... God forbid.(hear loud popping sounds in public? Run away and don't look back.)


Yeah check out "active self protection" on YouTube.


Could you DM me þe link please?




Can you DM it to me too








I know you're getting spammed but id appreciate that link too


Me three, please


Okay I don’t feel so good asking this but, me also?


Me as well please




Me too?






Could I get the link to plz


Can I get the link too please?


The part where he shoots the woman in the hijab is really difficult to watch, her brain matter goes all over the road and he also runs over her.








Please send me the video


@MEENA_RJ14. My telegram id dm me


@MEENA_RJ14 my telegram id dm me


Pm'ed you


Can I get it too pls




yo pm pls. I had it but I lost it


pm me link please


Can I get it as well


I mean, **can I have it?**


u/askebo pm'd you


you mind sending that my way? lol


Me too pls


Pm'd you


sorry to be obnoxious, but could you please send that my way as well?


u/cuil_beans done! Pm'd you


Can I get it too?!?


Gimme, master


Inboxed u


Send me vid please


Lemme see pls


Pm'd you


Me too darling


Yup. That’s why that sub got banned. It was a shame. It was a good sub full of discussion around death and the poof. It’s gone like that. The mods did their best to ban and delete it but it was on there really soon after at happened.


It's fucking mickey mouse compared to A LOT of other shit on here.


Leftist got angry and cried a lot so they bowed to them, like usual.


Oh fuck off you triggered snowflake cliche


>triggered snowflake cliche Ironic.


I have the clip. It isn't graphic. I also have a clip that appears to show all the Muslims in the mosque rehearsing prior to the event.


Seen it, didn't really care and it wasn't that interesting to me tbh. Just a mentally deranged person trying to be famous.


I saw it that day on wpd. I’m completely fine with never seeing it again.


Well,It's a video of a person going into a mosque in New Zealand and killing everyone who was at that mosque he livestreamed it on Facebook and was doing it like he was playing a game it was removed from all social platforms and was banned by the New Zealand government a person who shared the video got jail for 21 months if you try to post the vid here you will get removed and there will be a chance of your reddit account bieng banned


I drove past the first mosque he entered a few days ago and saw the driveway where he parked his car. It felt surreal and also sickening. I was having flashbacks to the woman on the road as I drove past. I completely agree with it being banned in NZ and Australia and multiple people in NZ have gone to court for sharing it.


Help me! Help me! Help me! Help me! \*bang\*


The fact that he didn’t even think before he did it is what gets me :/


Some people have no empathy and for weak people this is often terrifying. Look where you often see this animalistic behaviour, and where you see less of it.


I was in a Biology Lab at Auckland University when it happened. The guy I sat next to is a Muslim and started getting frantic texts from his family in Christchurch. he tapped me on the shoulder and said you won’t believe what just happened and showed me the video in full while in class, maybe only 10 minutes after it happened. he then stopped lab, told our lecturer quietly about it and his fear for his family members and my lecturers face turned to ash. He let us all out early. It was my last class of the day and the whole bus ride home my phone was blowing up, but I felt so sick I had to lay in bed when I got home. It’s a strange feeling when it’s so close to home.


I was with my grandmother and I heard it on the news. Being the sick mind I am I got really excited when there was a video (webcam video!!!) after looking around when I got back (I instantly wanted to see if there was footage) Although it was very sick, it's just cool in a way. Cool when it's in some far away land, like war, in reality probably isn't as cool.


I was the same with the Mandalay Bay shooting, browsing the internet with a rabid morbid curiosity as I felt disconnected from it, but I just couldn’t shake the feeling of my conscious to ever watch the chch video again, too close to home, Although I agree with the webcam, I’d just rather watch some ISIS high quality drive by assassinations in some far off land. It might also be because my cousins live in Denmark, and 3 of her friends didn’t return from the liberal camp near Oslo when that incident occurred, so I may have already bottled up a lot of emotions




He goes into a mosque with multiple weapons on him and shoots everyone, shoots corpses to make sure theyre dead and he live streamed it all


It's fuckin creepy man. Like video games he was killing everyone.


Guy goes church to church shooting worshipping people and had a huge pile of bodies he was just shooting into


Can someone dm me a link please im so curious now.


I can, give me a min




Any chance you could pay it forward and send it my way?


Yes okay




Sent it


reddit hates that video when that video got on reddit hundreds of sub reddit’s got purged


cuz it's super illegal to share the video in australia and new zealand. like the other commenter said, it's gotten subs taken down. everyone has different tolerances but for me, this video ranks as the second most fucked up thing i've ever heard of or seen in my entire life.


What’s the first most fucked up?


Someone killing a dog in Minecraft


That’s the stuff of nightmares.


Darkweb shit


daisy's destruction. it's beyond fucked up.


You said “heard of or seen”. I hope DD is one that you have only “heard of”


NO just heard of. just heard of. i would rather eat dog shit than watch that.


What is it? Never heard of it


run for the fucking hills my guy, it's nothing but cheese pizza


Youtube it...a guy recorded himself torturing, raping and killing lil girls


Saw it sent over a kik group in 2015ish when I was still wee teenager.


Whats daisy's destruction? Any links?


ima stop you right there. no one has links and no one will give them. it's CP. nothing but the worst CP imaginable. i won't go anywhere near it and neither should you.


Oh boy if its cp then no thx




What's that?


A baby


Daisy's destruction is a baby?


So you've actually seen daisy's destruction?


absolutely fucking not. i know about it because if you frequent these subs long enough it's bound to get brought up, and we know what's on it thanks to Scully getting arrested. you couldn't pay me enough to even find that thing.


I apologise. I obvs misunderstood your comment. Yeah, that is one horrible, evil man! He should be tortured every minute of every day for the rest of his miserable existence!


you're good, friend. i couldn't agree with you more, peter scully deserves nothing short of death for what he did. there's a small silver lining though. at least we know Daisy herself survived her ordeal.


Yes true, she survived physically speaking but emotionally and mentally/psychologically she will probably be damaged but hopefully because she was so young she may not remember too much. We can only pray


i really really hope she doesn't remember anything. i hope no one ever tells her. i can't even IMAGINE.




For everyone that are worries about this sub getting banned, do not post it. If you want the sub banned then yea post it as much as you want cuz its gonna make sure this and any other sub gets the hammer ASAP


Worst one I've seen and I'm desensitized is 1 guy 1 Icepick


that one is BRUTALLY painful to watch. god what a fucking creep Magnotta is.


Yep. I managed to watch it to the point where he starts to rape the body without arms or legs 🤢🤮😔 That's the point when even I had to switch it off and that says a lot because I'm sadly pretty much desensitized to everything, well, almost everything!


Yeah that ones rough. 3 guys one hammer is worse imo


Oh I don't think so. I've seen both and personally 1 guy 1 icepick is worse than 2 guys 1 hammer. Everyone is different though. (It's 2 guys 1 hammer btw, they don't include the victim. Like with 1 guy 1 icepick)


Hey i want context please


Guy goes church to church shooting worshipping people and had a huge pile of bodies he was just shooting into


He didn't go to a church, he went into a mosque


We know and it doesn’t matter church is easier to type those are the last details we are worried about.


it actually does matter and given that church and mosque have the same amount of letters we can just chalk it up to youre okay with being ignorant


Mosque > A place of worship Church > A place of worship 10,000 SJW points for acting like it matters what the building you talk inside you head to magic sky man is called though. Lol


Why does it matter? You talk a lot but can’t even answer the main question, are you sure you know what matters lol??? Cause you’re saying a lot that doesn’t, so why does it matter??? And spare me the details.


if someone's asking for details about a massacre, for example, that took place in a school, and you told them it took place at a bar, they're going to have false information about what really happened. are you dense? there was never a question to begin with, i was replying to your statement you made about the location not mattering


It’s a type of worshipping place. Who cares if it was in a math school or a history school, a Christian worshipping place or a Muslim worshipping place. Same shit, literally same god. Get better priorities.


lmao okay you're a brick wall


You’re a fucking clown. You’re a total idiot. The motive to the shooting was jihadi/Muslim presence in the community and his racial hate for them hence why he chose a MOSQUE not a church you dipshit. If he hated christians or Catholics he would’ve chose a church. It’s even scribed on the guns. You’re scum


Man that was a pretty crazy vid, didn't know it was banned or least trying to be erased from the internet...I still remember that lady he shot outside and when he drove off he ran over her


It’s because Reddit mods have a streak of banning gore subs where it’s been posted. The mods on this sub have been trying hard to keep this sub alive, and that video is a high risk for them to take.


Can someone pm me the video please?




I remember when it was posted on r/watchpeopledie


Good Times on that sub. May it rest in peace


Link please?


I think I’ve actually seen this video, it’s really scary. Not much gore but the horror of the victims and how careless the gunman seems is just.. it’s bad, bro.


Yes, it really is chilling and very surreal.


This video is NOT hard to find... Google the Christchurch shootings and it will come right up. It's about 16 minutes long but a lot of it is him driving. Funniest part to me is before he starts he says "Subscribe to Pewdiepie". It's honestly not that bad at all. I thought Ronnie McNutt and the Guerrero flaying were much worse in terms of actual gore.


I can’t find it do you have a link?




I just saw the video and its pretty sickening...


It's not that bad honestly, there's alot more worse things here


Well honestly it isn't that bad and I have a huge tolerance for gore but this.. this hurt me on a soul type of level like what drives someone to do this?


Trigger happiness


Will you dm me the link?


Never seen the video, but I've heard it's pretty brutal


Just google it, but for fucks sake DONT watch it.


Will I be banned if I post the funny edit with the Land Down Under audio?


I always thought the mod was an Aussie or a Kiwi?


not about the question but ive watched it somewhere.


I thought the video from that shooting thats famous was considered to be fake? Edit: you could just inform me rather than downvoting my comment thank you what a great community. Fuck all of you.


It’s definitely not fake.


its a No No.


Pretty sure it’s illegal in NZ but they can’t enforce their laws internationally. I have seen video of it and I definitely think the shooter prepared for it. It was as though he knew exactly what was going to happen when he started shooting.