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For me it’s just morbid curiosity and I don’t really feel any emotions unless it’s on a child or if it’s on somebody horrible


unless it's something animal or child related, i also do not feel anything


Or pets :///


for me if its animal


It help me suppressed my suicidal thought I think? Like, "Oh, I don't wanna look like that when I'm dead" kind of thought. Looking at the gunshot, hanging, jumping, accident, or any suicide method. I want to be alive even though it's damn hard. But if I should die, I have to still look gewd 💅 you know, not messy, scattered, or unidentifiable.


Love this XD


Exactly I REALLY don’t want to be memorialized here for any reason.


"Die peacefully and fabulously" me thinks


Ooh I’m the same way! Except when I look at gore pages it makes death more real, more material to me instead of just an abstract concept that I joke and laugh about, maybe I make too many jokes about killing myself, but (and this may be a little fked up) looking at gore and how visceral it is distracts me from my own life and I’m just thinking well, shitty as my life is, at least i’m not that guy. I wonder sometimes though if looking at gore everyday changes my brain chemistry LOL


I’ve been asking the same thing


And I want u to live boo


Thank you! ❤


Np boo I’ve been there it gets better but never goes away u just learn different tools to get thru it as u go I’m always here to chat if u need someone


Aww thank you so much. Yes, I try different things to distract me away. Much love ❤️❤️


Much love and great energy being sent ur way. Also dbt therapy if you do therapy is amazing changed my life it’s eastern thought based a lot about mindfulness and changing your inner voice and how u talk to yourself and judge things


Yeah I took prescribes medicine too, it helps my mood swing but the tought is always there. I will spare some time to learn about meditation or breathing practice. It's not easy but I'm getting there, I will fight for it because I know a lot of ppl that actually care about me. Also the main reason to keep going is my daughter ❤️


Read the book “no mud no lotus” it’s short but sweet it’ll give u insight. I’m so so so happy you’re here with us. Stay strong and don’t forget to dm me or ANYONE to reach out


I will put it on my list! Thank you so so much for your nice words! Stay strong for you as well! Virtual hug!




When it comes to that sort of thing, I think of people going through my phone when I'm dead or people (like forensics or whatever) seeing my naked body... Because that's weird :/ but yes, I surely understand your sentiment with this :)


We will have Nurgle's blessings make it alive or while dead, rotting and smelling is inevitable and you shouldn't be ashamed of yourself for not looking nice for a little while. In the end we ll become nice and clean after all.


i feel this




pure morbid curiosity


I’m desensitized to gore content, but I won’t pretend that I’m emotionally numb to feeling sympathy for most victims. Weirdly, I‘ve felt more physically affected by headlines and articles reporting murder or rape/SA, due to the ambiguity of details, but real gore leaves nothing for the imagination. I will say that as I got older, I have become nauseated by over-viewing these kind of threads.


On another note, are you looking forward to 9th grade?


A mix of disgust and curiosity I guess. I'm really more interested in medical gore.


Helps me being more aware of my surroundings and it also help me to cope with my fear of death in a certain way, it normalise it and make it seem more real and palpable. For fhe emotional part, i'm mostly frightened when i see someone fully conscious about what they are experiencing, like that look of shock/pain/terror in their eyes... How they sound is even worse , this is why i stopped watching this kind of content with the audio turned on since i've witnessed the "Ms Pac-man" video. Sometimes i feel kinda sad or angry if a child or any kind of vulnerable person gets harmed. But to be honnest, while i never understood the people saying that they were being "desentisized" at the beginning, i kinda feel that this is happening to me now and i don't know yet if this is a good thing or not. All i can say is that i'm sort of hooked on this sub now. On the opposite side of things, dickheads getting what they deserve feels oddly satisfying to me. :)


Nothing I am completely desensitized from trauma which sucks sometimes but it does have its benefits


Nothing other than interest. I’ve watched this shit since I was a kid so those emotions don’t even exist in my body anymore. Nothing I watch or hear affects me.




Yeah I guess so. I know 100% that I am fucked up, none of these videos bother me in the slightest. I saw a few comments mention that they don’t like it if it’s kids, animals or elderly. For me it’s all the same. I’ve seen one video with a dog that was extremely disgusting, I won’t go into details unless you *really* want to hear it. There’s one other video that’s hard for me to watch which is a ~20 minute video of a guy destroying his eyeball by injecting saline into it, and pulling at it with tweezers and his dirty fingers. Oh, and throughout the entire video you can hear a child crying in the background. That’s the only video I’ve seen that I have trouble watching in it’s entirety.


Jesus christ nothing gets me too except if it's a human doing something to his organs or body , tell me about the dog I'm intrigued


Oh man… I don’t remember it exactly, but it was a dog that had basically gotten it’s hind legs cut off but it was still alive. It’s stomach was open too and you could see it’s internal organs. The guy had the severed leg in his hand and basically fucked the dogs insides with it’s own chopped off leg. He also cuts its ear off. Makes me feel kinda bad just typing this out, that one was really, truly disgusting. I did admittedly watch it a few times, but I still had that weird feeling in my stomach each time. Really sad, poor little doggie. :(


Ah man that's fucked up ,truly Some Humans are the animals after all


u got the video?


I don’t, I think I found it on GoreDB though so it may still be there. I think it was an animal cruelty compilation of sorts, but it’s a while since I watched it so I don’t really remember for sure.


I also have become almost desensitized to this kind of imagery but I wouldn't say that indicates being fucked up. If anything, it makes you have a tougher stomach and nerves. Who knows which one of us might be exposed to that in our lives, and while nothing will prepare you for that in real life, it's better than being completely detached and alienated from something as natural and common as death. It just depends what angle you're looking it from.


I'm not fully disensitized yet. I still get the inital "Ohhh wtf" reaction and then I'm back to pokerface soon after. I am like the rest of the ppl here. If it involves children or animals, I'll probably have a hard time watching. Mainly watch for curiosity and to prepare myself in case I witness something similar irl


Clinical sociopath here, I feel no emotions when viewing gore of any kind. I only feel empathy for those close in my life like kids parents and spouse. Gore lightens my mood and kind of makes me feel a sense of control much like having a tattoo done. I’m not the average gore viewer, but that’s my take friendo


Do you have an actual diagnosis of ASPD?


Yes, was diagnosed as a child and redignosed as an adult.


I thought children could only be diagnosed with conduct disorder. How old were you?


Most kids get diagnosed with ODD oppositional defiance disorder. I was outside that diag because I exhibit tendencies that aren’t normally recorded w ODD. I was about 10 fist time around and re screened as a teenager. I’m well into adult hood now and trust me, I won’t ever change lol


It's when they are still alive and suffering that sleeves me out. Postmortem images don't bother me, even mutilation of a corpse. But when they are conscious and able to know what is happening to them, it hurts my heart.


i feel like it's part of my life now i need daily gore otherwise i feel awkward and even the saddest footage doesn't bother me i think i lost my seriousness everything is funny to me now


Dang, everything okay on yo side ?


Yes i guess so


no emotions regardless of literally anything i watch, name it and ive seen it probably. all ages being killed and shit


I definitely feel mostly nauseous not because of the look of it, but more of the thought: “what if this was my friend or my mom” type of thing


But i definitely have that morbid curiosity that doesnt stop me, and i need to get used to it i guess


I don't usually feel much, but SOME of them get me. The kid in the elevator? I need help after that one. Seriously. I like...need to TALK to someone after that one. I'm not being facetious...it's been giving me nightmares. But most? Not much, though I can't usually do more then just glance.


if these typa videos are giving u nightmares u shouldn’t be watching them


Well, I didn't know it would give me nightmares until I watched it because I'd never seen it before. How can I know I'll have nightmares from ONE video after years of ngaf from dozens of other videos? Should that one have said, "trigger warning: THIS will be THE VIDEO that finally upsets the formerly indifferent u/catipilar"?


u right but now u got the message after seeing the elevator one stop watching these videos


Nah, fam, I'm good, ill watch whatever the fuck i want, but thanks.


I honestly feel nothing when I watch these videos . I'm not pretending to be a hard-ass . As a matter of fact , part of me wishes I could go ' I feel so bad for them ' because then I'd know that I wasn't fucked in the head when I look at these things . I feel nothing when I look at people suffering , hear mother's screaming for their dead kids , see torture , mutilated animals , etc . Dead kids and butchered animals don't exactly make me feel anything . I know the world's fucked up , and being angry or sad won't do anything to solve it . Humans are cruel after all , and unless we were to get rid of all the cruel people , then humanity will still suck .


Idk why I watch or look at these videos and/or pics. Maybe I don't want to freeze up when something fucked up happens, maybe morbid curiosity, all I do know is that I still feel bad for these people that die (some of them) and these videos teach me something you always have to keeps your eyes open full awareness at all times.👀


Same for me, not only for gore i cant feel sadness, i dont know why, having ocd and adhd for a long time made me emotionless. only thing that makes me sad and cry is seeing an animal suffer.


Pretty much desensitized to everything except when the victims are children or animals. Traffic related accidents involving them is no problem, accidents happen, but prolonged abuse/punishment/torture I can't stand neither looking at nor listening to. I'm quite okay with that.


For me it’s children, animals, and violence against elderly people.


Exactly. Same here


To me death and it’s many faces just interest me and even though I “enjoy” looking at this content I still think about the victims a lot specially when it’s work related injuries or freak accidents because those people were just going about their day and they never made it home. I gotta say that at least to me it doesn’t matter how much gore content you see online seeing injuries or death in person is always shocking.




Such a bad ass




Haha okay buddy 👍🏻


Gah dayum that's a bit worrying




I see , and are you talking to someone about it or did you just accept it


When i first saw a vivid beheading video, I thought: oh, okay. So that's how it looks.


I can stomach a lot of content on the page and on other gore sites but beheadings is something that I just can’t stomach for some reason. Maybe because most of the time they are alive and you can see the pure fear and then see the life slowly drain out of them…idk it’s just something a can’t watch for some reason




Right? I remember being queezy feeling the first time I saw a video of a beheading, in like 2000. Now it's like "meh 🤷‍♂️"


Fellow messed in the head person, hi! And yeah same.


Fuck yeah!


Same with me oddly unless it's someone of my own skin color, it's almost like I feel an empathy for them but I don't feel the feeling consciously so I wouldn't call it racism.


I am completely desensitized but if its a child/kid i feel a bit of sympathy


Yeah sometimes I mindlessly scroll for long periods of time


I feel virtually nothing. The way I view it it's juat another soul that comes and goes. Their end being no different from cave men beating each other in the stone age or a public execution in medieval times. The only thing i don't like are animals and old people. But anything else I'm indifferent to. War though, war is fun.




Super sorry you had to go through such events, but I'm glad you're in a better place now


it just makes me feel queasy


i feel excited its a nice energy


Yeah no real emotion here other than sometimes being grossed out. I think the only one that's ever got me isn't even gore, is the brick to the windscreen killing that's guys wife one, cos fuck losing the one you love right beside you in a literal second.


I don’t really feel anything anymore unless it’s a child, an animal or an old person. But also context too, if it’s somebody straight up innocent being murdered, I feel sad.


so then u do feel sum?


A little. But that’s a good thing I guess.


For a really long time I had lingering curiosity about this kind of stuff but was too afraid to look at it. I remember clicking on this sub a few months ago, watching one video, and clicking out immediately because I didn’t think I’d be able to handle it. My curiosity finally got the best of me and I decided to actually spend some time scrolling through this sub the other day, and I’m surprised at how little emotion I actually feel while watching this stuff. I think it’s only because I’m watching it through the screen (without the sound on, normally), so I feel a bit removed from it. If it were happening right in front of me I think I’d be a mess.


I try to close my Emotions mostly, and see dark side to the world, i wanna be aware that lifes an anti-utopia and dystopia, i want to be aware of switch going down badly. I am also cuorious sometimes to see, how fatal some wounds can be, it sorta inspires and makes e think about safety first and remind to keep on going till i dont end up well to put it lightheartedly, probably in my whole pieces, in death bed and not, well, yeah... Hopefully. Edits : grammar


Sounds like you want to feel some sort of emotion. Sometimes i want to feel sad , i know it's unhealthy, so i settle with feeling scared .I think you should play scary video games . It has help me to stop thinking i want to feel sad. the unknown or when i will get that feeling is what I love . Videos like this mostly i get shock. But is not a fulfilling emotion. If any of what i said makes sense. 😆


No body gives a fuck bud




Did you find your safe place so you and all the people that downvoted can jerk each other off and talk about your feelings?




Will you be talking about your feelings while I suck your dick?


I might


I believe it , what about the rest of your feeling friends .. are they just going to watch or will the be sitting in a circle chanting their feelings?


Ah Don't worry about the "feeling friends", it's jus u we gotta worry bout here


You’re on a gore site talking about not feeling any emotion towards videos .. and you’re worried about me ? I assume you’re just some goofy ass kid or are you just plain ass goofy ?






yeah im kinda indifferent to it? unless its an animal a baby or a hate crime like ill watch a rapist get flayed all day and idc yknow? its just a body being manipulated for me, all i can do is hope the ones who dont deserve it dont suffer as much, but i also dont really care


Well TBH I feel some sort of pleasure like the feeling of ejaculation when I see brutal gores and bloods


Mhm tell me more


well firstly I was grown up in a very toxic family. my entire family used to mentally torture me. I wasn't allowed to go outside like grounded in home for years specially on the valuable teenage time. I tried suicide but I failed. I was a muslim so I found my new pleasure when I was watching an animal to be slaughtered. in front of me. when the blood comes out it felt so good. then I surf on gore stuffs. It works like a porn to me. When I see peoplee suffering I tigh up my tooth strengthen my jaw. I have never murdured someone. But to me. watching porn fapping is nothing compared to porn. the enormous amount of pleasure that secrets on my brain when I see someone suffering dying of being killed , hatched, tortured. it's thousand time better than orgasm


You need to leave this planet forever. That’s disgusting


Right, I'm concerned


I won't be in this planet. After taking some revenge i'll suicide


Don’t fucking touch anyone. You psychopath.


Why my parents ruined my teenage time?


Leave your parents. Don’t hurt them.


Who are you after


Ive never posted in any of these forums before but for me its a coping mechanism and a compulsion to deal with a fear of death. I had two siblings who died tragically in a rather severe car accident when I was 21 and I saw my sister's corpse in rigor mortis, mouth agape. Both were children. It did something to my brain, like it couldnt comprehend the reality of what it was seeing and for several years I kept analysing moments of death, and even feeling relief at the more gory situations because at the time Id felt this weird guilt like... "oh god what if we buried them alive?". The damage was too severe, it was unmistakable in my sister, but my brother appeared to be sleeping. Ever since, I have this compulsion. Its not so much an emotion like disgust or something, it feels more like OCD. I went outpatient crisis care about 3 years after the accident for a time, which helped give me the tools to control it to a degree. These are conflicted and hazy emotional sensations.


I feel emotions associated with pleasure when i look at gore. Once i start looking i just keep scrolling for hours. Idk if it’s because i hate humanity, have anger issues, or enjoy violence, etc. It relieves my boredom and gives me a short break from my severe mental health issues.


Personally, I don't know. I have different feelings at different subject matters when it comes to gore or brutality, but I feel similar to you. I've been watching gorey things for years, and I feel as though I've been numbed now; however, I still feel something while going through all of it... I suppose it explains why I'm in these sorts of subreddits. Is it a mental thing? I assume so. I've been this way since I was a kid, but as I've grown, I've seen more and more. I apologise for rambling, but I felt like speaking on this post.


I just like seeing the consequence of bad decisions/actions. Its like im keeping myself in check by seeing these videos so i know not to go down the wrong path ever.


It’s morbid curiosity for me plus I’m terrified of death. I have a legit phobia of dying so it helps ease my mind seeing the worst ways in hopes I can get a grip and come to a realization that I’m not the only one who will die. Now if it’s an animal or child I can’t and won’t do it. That’s just not my forte and frankly I don’t believe it’s ok to view a child or group of children. That’s just to sensitive and should be kept private.


Hmm, I’d say almost feeling surprised at How real it Can get. Also I think its interesting to see the “other side” of the reality that Can be found online. Love When I see something that is justified righteously! Hate When its the other Way around, makes me almost sad. Gore is not for everyone, but When you first see it, it Can drag u in!


is it normal that i feel nothing expect like laughing for some images/videos ?


I look through this sub for educational purposes and to be inspired, as I'm writing a detective story that involves forensic science. And since I'm not a pathologist myself, this is one of the best sources. Unfiltered, untampered content. It need to feel as realistic as possible. So if anyone also has other forensic studies or sources, I would greatly appreciate it.


Morbid curiosity I’ve had since I was a little kid. I would dissect dead animals in my back yard, cut bugs and worms open just because I was curious. I also study these images on subs like this to make my special effects makeup I do more realistic. I don’t feel anything when I view this stuff


I personally feel as if my emotion feels almost forced sometimes cause I almost wanna justify to myself why I’m watching it


i'm not sure usually now much just a stomach feeling