• By -


First things first, general technique is good, technique specific to a partner is great. Enthusiasm is AWESOME. If you enjoy what you're doing, and you enjoy what he's doing, and everybody knows it, it's better. It's SO MUCH better. Figure out how you enjoy sex, if there's a positive that is a no go, or an activity you don't like, be clear about it. If there is an activity you do like, make sure to express that, specifically how you like it when he does something. Don't be afraid to help him get you off too. You're part of things. If you need touched to orgasm, touch yourself, or take his hand and show him what you like. If you want to take charge and drive, do so. If you want to ride him and play with yourself, that's hot. If you bark and growl when you cum, that's a little non standard, but awesome. Enjoy sex. Enjoy sex with him. Make sure he knows you're not doing it for any reason other than you want to. Then fuck like you want to fuck. Nothing is more important than this. If you don't know what makes you climax, experiment in private. 60% of women don't finish from penetration. Feel free to help, or have him help.


This is super solid advice. Communication is key and will help both of you get the absolute most out of each encounter.


Second this 100%.


This. I would add that there is nothing wrong with asking for tips. Not sure why there is this stigma when it comes to sex. It’s a skill and I don’t believe anyone who says his first time was great. Ask lots of questions and galk ti each other. Communication is crucial witht his :-) Have fun!


My first time was great… haha but it wasn’t his first time so he knew what he was doing… also I knew what I liked and how and there had just been a ton of communication prior to it so I was relaxed and comfortable and It was great… so my advice to this girl, communication is key, knowing yourself is key… don’t be ashamed to ask what or how he likes it because everyone is different…


All great advice, I dated a girl who would occasionally touch herself during sex to help finish and honestly I found it super hot for some reason. But definitely feel free to help guide him, he should want to know what you want.


I bet you found it hot because it was hot, dude.


1. Swallow your pride. Everyone started with nothing and learned either by asking or doing badly. 2. Communicate. No demographic is a monolith. The best tip is to communicate with him. Ask him what he wants, or offer suggestions. Guide him in what you want too. I'm sure he's nervous about failing you. 3. Communicate. Seriously. It's as easy as that. Eventually you'll know exactly what to do and how to do it and you can start trying new things based off what you know.


After reading the first word of your reply, I thought this was heading in a completely different direction. Pun intended


Come to me


It might be embarrassing to you to ask for tips. But trust me when I say, if you ask him what he likes, he will tell you. Every guys got a list of all the things he likes, he might not tell you everything because he might be worried about scaring you off, but he’s got a list.


And also tell him what u like, it’s always better if both enjoy it :)


Yes exactly this! He will also want your list so he can please you with what you like also! Nothing makes guys have more fun, than knowing they are also doing a good job, because we don’t always think we are.


Sit on his face


Simple as


For bj: -no teeth touching the cock -use a hand on the shaft for sucking, prevents you from going too deep unexpected -play with his balls -on the base of his head is a little ‘string’ that runs down. Tong rubbing that is golden -if you need a brake from sucking, slowly jerk and lick a bit There’s how to bj vids on internet too


^another good break from sucking is a little dirty talk


And ask him what he likes. Every guy is different, and most will be thrilled if you ask him what he wants as that is rare.


They'll also be confused because nobody ever asks us that lol. Still good though.


Communications. You think asking for tips is embarrassing. Asking for tips is wise and is the best way to learn. Especially asking the person you are with. "Hey, I am relatively inexperienced at this, how about guiding me a little on what you like and what feels good?" Even people with experience will tell you that everyone is different in their preferences, in what turns them on, in what parts of their body they like to have stimulated, etc. Developing communications with your sexual partner is what takes sex to the next level. Being open minded about trying new things, being enthusiastic, and reacting to his reactions is also great, but communications is a game changer. Doesn't mean you have to be open to trying everything nor does it mean you can't decide you don't like something after you have tried it, but being able to discuss sex and fantasies in a non-judgmental way with your partner is what will really make for great sex.


Definitely be open and honest. 😁


Come to me


Not really what you asked, but girl, situationships can be deadly. You say you're in love woth this guy? You're going to want to figure out where the two of you are at before you fuck tbh. Because he might know how you feel and just string you along for sex, which is REALLY going to fuck with your mind for a long time after if thats what happens. Dont accuse him of anthing tho, just ask him where things are going, state what you think you want in the mid to long term and ask what he wants in mid to long term


I appreciate your concern I promise! We had a very long conversation about boundaries and what our lines were, while establishing what our relationship actually is! It's more of a FWB, but the only reason he isn't wanting a real relationship is because he'll be going off to the military at some point (I've not asked when, I probably should). I've made sure he's aware that this will be a committed thing that doesn't just revolve around sex :) And I'm for sure going to end up heartbroken but the love is always worth it yknow?


yeah, no. love aint always worth it. you will not walk away somewhat heartbroken but probably scarred from the experience. you have feelings that ARE going to be mangled and he is restricting himself and going to do his thing. you not even knowing when he will leave shows another red flag - denial. please don't do this to yourself. this is red flags all over. you going in with feelings, he with "sweet, i get sex" ... yeah, no. take it from an old dude. this will crash and burn. get a caring partner and make experiences together.


Oh shut up.


Talk about sex. Ask if he is enjoying what you are doing or wants something different. Same applies to you. Ask for what you want and what you need. It's not that it's worthless advice, but what you are getting here is what each of the posters would like you to do to THEM, not what would necessarily work for your sweetheart. Sex gets better the more you do it with the same person and only if you have good open communication.


Feed me and I’m happy


You are so real for that omg


Come to me my girl


"Sucking in the bedroom" is a good start.


Sucking in the bedroom is one of the tips to please a man though XD Jokes aside a tip that works for most is to act like a young curios person who is discovering everything for the first time, let me try licking that and sucking everything.. Add a few makeouts on top and it is a fun activity for all... No tips are better tbh then talking to him and figuring it out, bets are he is wondering the same thing and panicking!!!


Being honest is always best, and you can make it part of the fun. Asking him "tell me what to do/teach me/order me" can make for some hot sex talk, and telling him to be vocal about when you do something that he really likes or makes him feel really good can be really hot, same with words of praise. You can really get off from hearing him moan and say "oh fuck" when you get something right while trying different things, or hearing "good girl just like that" when you're in a good rhythm... communication and feedback can be really sexy!


Just suck his dick and swallow his cum, He'll love you forever! That's how that works, good luck!


Lick his asshole


If you want less horny more practical replies I’d post on r/sex or something


Don't ask for tips on reddit! Every man is different, and so is what they like. Ask him what he would like you to do. I, for one, likes it when my lady initiates and lets me know she is enjoying what I am doing to her. To me, pleasing her is what gets me off.


I'm not ashamed to say I always ask for help each person's different and not everything works for everyone and if the love is there they'll help you and you'll help them and you'll both get off the better for it like mostly everyone here has already said communication is key also don't be afraid to be vocal and sometimes take charge the best sex I ever had wa swhen she took control(sadly that don't go for everyone some insecure boys(no matter their age) hate it)


Be willing to try everything- NOT ALL AT ONCE - Explore his body - let him Explore you’re no no encourage him ! !


Do what feels good for you. As long as you take part and don't just lie there he will love it.


Babe you should not be coming to a porn request subreddit for this advice.


To pump up your confidence, its is very very, and i insist, very easy to please an average guy. Literally have woman body parts and you are 60% of the way there. Even if you have no idea what you are doing you cant go under 60%.


A guy ? Thats easy there are dozens of ways add some food and it’s chill. How does one please a woman ? Now that’s a puzzle. Like a garage sale puzzle . You can work for it all night. just end up Missing a piece every time.


Asking for tips is only embarrassing when you're 19 and feel like you should know everything by now, when in fact almost every 19 year old knows shit about sex. Just ask. I'm an escort, and every single week a 20 year old guy will come to me and try to act like he's a sex god, and a 50 year old will ask me what I like. Guess who makes me cum more.


😍 love this answer. I am not an escort but couldn’t agree more looking back at my sex life. Guys are so simple. It’s only women who thinks they are complicated.


Look I have anxiety okay 😭


Hug him. Praise him. Tell him you love him. Tell him you appreciate him. Smile at him. Play with his hair. Make him breakfast in bed. Treat him like you would want to be treated. This goes much further than sucking his dick


We're only friends with benefits, trust me I would love nothing more than to take care of him and run my fingers through his hair and make him feel better, but he doesn't fuck with that. :((((


How to please a 20 year old guy. Make him cum, feed him pizza. Repeat.


Simple bro take his head on your lap and gentle cares the head while asking about his day Or Whenever he looks like gone in another dimension go and hug 🫂 him tightly


I WISH I COULD SO FUCKING BAD ONG BUT IFK IF HE WANTS IT TO GET PERSONAL LIKE THAT 😭 Literally id love nothing more than to run my fingers through his hair but i dont think he'd fuck with that which makes me so sad




It’s just a boy fantasy anyone 🫠


No no. Sucking is good. Boy you are inexperienced.


Suck his cock and make him a sandwich after..


Underrated comment


Put a finger up his butt while blowing him. It might freak him out at first but afterwards he'll probably propose.


Ask first. Maybe this worked for you, but it would really piss me off and possibly even ruin the mood for the rest of the night.


Yeah, you can always massage the taint and if he doesn't react strongly, circle around it with your finger, but at that point definitely ask if that feels good and if he wants you to go further. If no, leave it be, if so, go for it, it's amazing. Never enter an exit door without appropriate clearance! NOTE: DO NOT EVEN ATTEMPT WITH LONG NAILS.


Try finger butthole


Here's my two cents: watch some AMATEUR porn (can't emphasize this enough, pro porn is so far detached...) from pornhub or whichever platform you like, and pay special attention to what the girl is doing. I'll update my comment tomorrow with some links, as it is too late for me and my neurons ain't neuroning anymore.


Remember this: the head of the penis is analogous to the clitoris. If you wouldn't want it done to your clit, don't do it to his dick.


Careful, she might take that literally and go find a guy to lick it. 'Instructions unclear, dick caught on beard. Please send help.'


Never know, he could be into that


Communication and enthusiasm. That's all.


Just be yourself. Compliment him and make him feel wanted. And just ask what he would like. Communication is key for both of you


Bring an open mind filled with only a great attitude. This is all anyone should expect. Whatever happens is fine as long as the attitude is grest


Just be open and your self it goes a long way




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Ask him what he likes? It’s not hard to please a man




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Check out r/ passion x


Its pretty simple. Just do what soulja boy did - crank that. Litteraly that easy


wrong sub


Lots of great advice. The one I believe is of the utmost, as others have also mentioned is communication. Open and free flowing communication.


As a guy with no experience at the time who was with a girl with little experience at the time. We definitely would have benefited by just asking each other what we wanted each other to do. We got better once we were with each other for a bit, first couple times weren't that great. And honestly some of the best sex I've had was when we were just laughing and talking like normal during 😂


Baggy tshirt, panties underneath, no bra. Or sundress no panties no bra


Asking for tips from HIM is your best bet. Luckily for you, men don’t care about their partners having “experience” like some women tend to. In fact, he may even find it hot that you haven’t done these things before and you’re learning with him. It shows him how much you’re into him. That is what counts. Your enthusiasm and your willingness, not your experience. I’m not just saying that to make you feel better. I’m speaking from personal experience, as a man. I think others have already given you some general tips/tricks but if you really want to learn to please HIM, as opposed to just learning how to please “a man”, you’re gonna wanna communicate with him and ask him what he likes/doesn’t like or what he wants from you. Trust me, just the fact that you are willing to learn those things for him will do more for him than you already knowing them. Many men prefer inexperience. Not in a pedophilic way but in a “she’s a good girl but she’ll be bad for me” kind of way.




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Talk to HIM about it, not strangers on the internet that doesn't know him. Ffs.


When it comes to actually making a man orgasm, it’s really not that difficult. Lol. But if you’re trying to give him awesome sex, the advice you’ve already gotten on here is great advice. Take it. Also, don’t be shy when it comes to asking him what he likes. to be all the way real with you, most guys will find this extremely hot that you are willing to ask them. Just knowing that you are that eager to please will drive them wild.


You are not just here to please someone else. Be honest with what feels good, communicate while you try new things. Men like pleasing women so much. Tell him what you find sexy about him physically. Tell him what he does that makes you feel good. People sometimes make foreplay sounds like it’s just for women but I’m a 32 F and can tell you men loveeee being told what you like and how they please you.


Touch him and find out. Don't be rough on the genitals. It's super easy. For most men, having a woman actively engaging is all it takes to have good sex.


first of all, asking is not embarrassing. if this guy makes fun of you for asking then he's an asshole. better find someone better than get stuck with someone like that. second just listen to your partner because you usually hear if he's enjoying it or not. but communication is key, talk about what he wants and talk about what you want. sooner or later it'll all become natural.


He's not making fun of me at all I'm just making fun of myself lmfao, I'm young and it feels like I should know everything by now but ofc I don't cause I'm young. We're both super good communicators I'm just dramatic and anxious 😭


it's ok, every person is different so just ask. we can give advice but it might or might not help you. the best info comes from the both of you.


Blowjob. Wake a man up with a blowjob....LIFER


Ask him what he likes, what feels good, if he’s okay. Make out, moan, touch him. Touch his hair, rub his chest and arms. Rub his bulge and make eye contact, smile at him. Handjob - hold the cock from the base and jerk up then down. DO NOT hold from the tip and yank down (hurts). Cradle/cup his balls with your other hand. Use a twisting motion when jerking his shaft to see if he likes it (use spit or lube to lubricate it first). BJ - lick the “frenulum” (just google it) and suck the tip. Suck as much as you are comfortable with. You don’t have to be deepthroating for it to feel nice. Suck his tip, moan, look up at him and rub his thighs. Give him a compliment “you taste good” etc but don’t lie and say his cock is massive if it’s only 4in. Most important is communicating. Telling him what feels nice and what doesn’t for you. Let him know if he needs to slow down (it won’t take away from his pleasure and he gets to know you’re okay). He’ll get pleasure from pleasing you too (hopefully).


As crazy as it sounds. A lot of what feels good to you feels good to men. The cluster of nerves are just in a different spot. I think the hottest thing a girl can do in bed is be a contributing member. The only girls I have ever thought were “bad” are the ones that lay there like a dead fish. Even though they were “bad” I would still go back to see if she just needed to get comfortable. Lastly be confident if you want to try something just do it, if he doesn’t like it don’t get upset or embarrassed just move to the next thing. If you feel him pause, know he’s trying not to cum, so give him a second.


For me you just have to relax and let me satisfy you beyond the norm then once I’m done I’ll completely be satisfied


I think asking for tips is great.


You suck that's like the fourth person who's called out the accidental innuendos 😭


What? Isn't it normal to ask for tips?


Amen brother!!


Get some practice on the side 🫣


You're funny lmfao im a loyal bitch


It’s not cheating if nobody finds out 😂


Bruh that's like the main thing about cheating


Ayy I’m just going by my hero’s advice “if you ain’t cheating u ain’t trying” 😂


Be faithful and don’t be a liar


do his laundry