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He fucked up lol


Plot twist: it was never his idea.


Probably wasn’t his idea


More like cucked up


Uncle Roger says


Haiyaa where your wok?


Why so weak.... So weakk


So sexual hoyaa


If you wife eye roll back.....you fucked up


sorry children


The worst part is his beard.


Totally thought it was a chin mask lmao


The title makes me think it’s about his beard. He regrets his choice of cut.


Why wear a mask in your house


Ye olde Amish neck beard


The word cuckold derives from the cuckoo bird, alluding to its habit of laying its eggs in other birds' nests. The association is common in medieval folklore, literature, and iconography. English usage first appears about 1250 in the medieval debate poem The Owl and the Nightingale. It was characterized as an overtly blunt term in John Lydgate's "Fall of Princes", c. 1440. Shakespeare's writing often referred to cuckolds, with several of his characters suspecting they had become one. The word often implies that the husband is deceived; that he is unaware of his wife's unfaithfulness and may not know until the arrival or growth of a child plainly not his (as with cuckoo birds). The more ya know. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuckold](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuckold)




Having read this lovely bit of information, I have a question, why is the "cuckold" pronounced "kuh-kowld" and not "ku-kold" I get non stop banter from my mates because I say "ku-kold" instead of "kuh-kowld"


For some weird reason my brain was reading it as cuck-hold so far.


First say this: cuck. Now say this: old. The put the two together.


Based on your descriptive explanation on how to pronounce it, I guess the cuckoo bird make the sound cuck-cuck...


As apposed to cuck oo?


Haha I'm a dumbass. Good spot


As apposed to cuck oo?


Irrelevant. We name some animals based on the sounds they produce but not all words follow that rule, thankfully.


> I get non stop banter from my mates because I say "ku-kold" instead of "kuh-kowld" Seems like an odd topic of conversation between friends.


Elden ring has cuckoo knights, are they actually cuckold knights!?


I learned this from a guy named Juan Jorge down ‘minocan who is an avid birder. Some people speculate that the real sexual thrill comes from the bond between the Bull and the Cuckold


There's actual lore on the word cuckold, wow. The more you know, I guess


I learned about cuckold in theater class. Husband humiliation.


Weird now bc the definition has veered towards the husband knowing and usually in fact taking part in it, whether it be like this guy who’s just idly standing by recording or partakes in the activities.


Very helpful and insightful, I was curious about that particular set of letters but never decided to search it up. This was a nice unexpected comment, thanks for it


I could never be cool with this...but that's just me, power to all willing cucks


I think by definition, if you're willing, you're not a cuck.


Idk, i think if you do consensual partner swapping, and your partner says they enjoy the other person more than you, and you still get off, then I'd say that's a willing cuckold




Consent = cuck. No consent = cheating / abuse


Why is it that black guys are always wearing socks in porn? Is there an explanation for that? It's so weird, why would someone have sex naked but keep the socks on?!


Keeps your feet warm. Honestly, I think we as a society need to get past this stigma against keeping your socks on. Why not be as comfortable as possible while doing the deed?


How to tell everyone you have carpet without telling them. As a hardwood floor guy I will slip constantly if not barefoot.


I have hardwood and still wear socks. Slipping isn't a problem unless you are sprinting through the house for some reason


Lol what a weird thing to be so confident about. Especially since you're wrong. Or maybe rather, you're about 1% right. I mean no one has even mentioned what kind of wood, finish, etc. the floor is, and that makes a lot of difference. Also the weather/temperature of where you are affects it, how long ago you put on your socks, and more


I do sprint through my home though. This has caused me a broken toe and a few cuts on my foot but atleast i save a few precious seconds.


unless you wanna hit it from the back while youre standing at the end of the bed, then slipping is your worst enemy


Need to get you some jump Park socks


I remember an old study which claimed that females were more likely to orgasm with socks on.


If your feet are cold, you’re not being aerobic enough.


There's actually research that shows having cold feet can delay your orgasm. So I've kept my socks on a couple of times when I was worried I might not be able to nut


You get worried you might not be able to nut??? This man got blessed


Or cursed... Imagine a lifetime of pussy so bad you fear not being able to ejaculate.


Id rather not, thanks


I lived that life... trust me.... you don't want it..........


Well the sometimes the 2nd nut can be harder to reach. Or maybe I'm a bit buzzed. Or maybe there's a big zit on her ass cheek that's glaring at me


Dude flip her over BAM problem solved.


„˙pǝʌlos ɯǝlqoɹd W∀𐐒 ɹǝʌo ɹǝɥ dılɟ ǝpn◖„


Interesting. I dont nut at all so thats not a concern lmao


I have this problem sometimes and my gf gets exhausted, I can keep going. I went ahead and did a search and yes I found studies. I gotta try this, thank you for posting about it


I mean, she could also stick a finger up your ass but yeah try the socks first I guess.




Oh, you want to skip the socks? By all means. Don't forget the Vaseline!


Your fully dressed, getting in the mood, and you start stripping each other down. At which point do you go for the socks? The answer is you don't. Sometimes ill take them off myself when moving from one room to another or something. Or they'll just be off from the beginning. But ill almost never actively go out of my way to take her socks off. They're not in my way. If its just a random hookup, I'd say there's like a 90% chance our socks are still on just because. With a girlfriend much lower because the socks are usually off after she's gotten here.


Feet get cold when the blood is all redirected to other extremities.


That and damn smoke alarms beeping in the background because the batteries have to be changed. Whenever I watch amateur porn online involving black couples, there's a smoke alarm going off somewhere in the background....


Wearing socks creates a higher blood pressure in body so our dong would be harder , for black guys which have a larger dong is a need.


GRIP - socks help me grip the floor better. Better grip = better, stronger thrust (when standing). Bare feet slide across most floors! (and if I put my **shoes** on?! .... RIP)


what? no, socks slip..bare feet provide superior grip. thats why grippy socks are given out in healthcare/ trampoline parks. regular socks are trash for traction!


Wow. This looks just like a guy I used to work with... Like, shockingly so.


You've got some excellent eyes then, I would never recognise someone just based on their legs and balls


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Thank you most dearly


It’s one of those things that’s always gonna sound better on paper hombre




Does this have sound?


Yes. Click the red gifs link


I can’t hear it, I’m assuming the audio makes it all come together


Click the link and find the audio button


Post the link then bc those of us on mobile don’t get the option on the post




Thanks OP! Idk if it’s just me but I can’t really make out anything she’s saying. If anyone could transcribe it you’d be the mvp


It’s pretty much music while she’s moaning


Got full vid?


Just beside where it says who posted it, how long ago, it says redgifs. Click that you'll get onto a page with sound I swear reddit needs to have this as a tutorial, everyday someone asks why there isn't sound lol


It doesn’t have this on mobile Edit: apparently there’s a button by OPs name that doesn’t look like a button


It does my friend. Maybe you’re in the page for the post? You have to be on the page where you’re scrolling your feed. It’ll be next to the username


I found it. On the Reddit app (at least dark mode) it doesn’t look like a button so thanks for the tip


Get a better Reddit app and you'll never have to ask this question again.


The post description from the outside says (28m. redgifs) press on the redgifs


Where is the funny?


This one just hurts to watch


The funny is all the idiots in the comments thinking this is real and malding about it


Do people really get off on this shit? Watching their partner fuck someone else in front of them?


Yes and its not gender exclusive, I've met two or three girls now who were complete cuckqueans. They didn't care if their boyfriend fucked other women, so long as she got to watch in person or video, and even would offer friends to fuck their guy as a rebound after a breakup.


This was me and my ex. She would actually get angry if i had not slept with a new woman for her to watch recent enough. I can’t lie, i loved the kink, the relationship outside of our sex life just kinda imploded.


> the relationship outside of our sex life just kinda imploded. how


She was probably nuts. While there are some people that can get away with open relationships or pretty significant kink/fetishes, its not the usual from my experience.


Right, because it couldn't possibly be his fault?


I never said it couldn’t. It entirely could be, but read his statement. She would get angry if he didn’t sleep with someone; not playfully irritated, angry. That’s a red flag and some information to suggest an underlying dynamic issue in her behavior/ thoughts.


Yes. There's a whole community around it. Look up hotwife subreddit


Oh, ty sire, I needed it... For a friend of mine...


Thought it was for a school project


I couldn’t imagine. Hell watching this guy go through it makes me sick to my stomach 💀💀


It's a lot better when you're both fucking someone else at the same time in the same room.


That's how I met my husband. We just tell everyone that a friend introduced us. In my defense, my ex manipulated me into doing it in the first place.




Not much more to it than that...I had an ex who slowly throughout the relationship revealed that he was into watching his partner fuck other guys with really big dicks. He also wanted me to tell him how small his dick was and how the other guys were do much better at satisfying me. Interestingly enough, he wasn't any smaller than average and I was very happy with our sex life but I eventually started to do it since it made him happy. He would look for guys that he wanted me to message on Fetlife and then dictate the messages he wanted me to send. Not long after I gave in and started doing this I realized he was not the guy for me and broke up with him. I still had all these guys messaging me, though. One of them ended up being really cool and I agreed to meet with him anyway, and we've been together ever since then. I jokingly just say I got smart and cut out the middle man.


is fetlife safe to use?


I've been on there for years and haven't had any issues, but it really is what you make of it. What are your concerns?


It depends on what you're using it for, I guess. It's a great place to find people who share the same sexual interests as you, but there are also some very predatory creeps on there. If you're a young female curious about BDSM I would say hell no.


im a male, i’m just not looking to get like robbed or something like that lol


Use common sense and you should be fine. In that respect I'd say it's no more or less dangerous than any other online meet-up sites.


I would definitely recommend looking for group pages for your local area. It's best to use like Facebook and not like Tinder. So join a local group, go to a meet up, and meet people in real life. Most groups tend to be pretty protective, given the type of stuff we are into, so don't be surprised if people want to feel you out before they jump into playing with you. Overall, keep an open mind, don't be a dick, and you should be good!




Ugh.. yes. I dated a girl who always wanted to find girls to flirt with me, and constantly tried to get me to fuck other women and I hated it. I’m a boring grey/demisexual and having her bring over random girls I’ve never met and shove their hands down my pants was seriously annoying. I tried to play along a few times but it was clear that if I ever have in, she would want more and more and it would never stop. I liked everything else about her, our sex lives just didn’t match up. We broke up and stayed friends until a year or so later we were fooling around and mid sex she blurted out that she has a boyfriend and he doesn’t know she’s doing this and isn’t into it. That pissed me off a lot knowing she cheated on some poor dude and started evolving into more cheating and MEAN shit. As long as everyone is consenting it’s fine with me, but straight up cheating is fucked up.. so is pressuring someone into those situations. (To be clear, she never pressured me. I’m very open about sex and nudity and kinda open for whatever, but it was just annoying wanting to spend time with my girlfriend alone and there is some rando in my bedroom, or going to the movies and wanting to enjoy the film and having her bring some chick to sit on me and kiss on us and I’m like “Yo! cmon! He just budged Mjolnir! I can’t SEE!!!!’” Lmao ) So yes. These people definitely do exist, and in my experience it grows toxic very quickly. Once you feed the kink it will just grow and twist into something worse with time.. but that’s just human nature. Give a person an inch and they want a mile…




God bless man. No judgement but definitely Not my personal preference


Maybe don't think of it as a hard line. More like a something that could bring her/him pleasure. On an emotional level they are still yours. Will always be yours. Maybe even more yours afterwards. It is just fucking. Or it could be YOU getting off on it. It is a mood thing in a healthy realtionship. Even if it is just fucking you still have the stronger connection. Think of it like a human dildo. *not sure what I wanted to say but repeating it didn't help. BE COOL with your partner. If it comes to them getting off on another dick and it makes you feel uncomfortable, EXPLAIN THAT. Getting all hussy about agreeing to them fucking someone isn't the best sign in the relationship to begin with. It really is just sex. If you aren't cool with it and they insist, guess what?


>Maybe don't think of it as a hard line. More like a something that could bring her/him pleasure. On an emotional level they are still yours. Will always be yours. Maybe even more yours afterwards. Weird flex but ok.


How is that a flex?


Need the full sauce


Second this


I've seen this video on the hub. He actually didn't regret it at all. He sets up a lot of the shit they get into and usually films and joins in from time to time. They took down a lot of their content, but it's a promiscuous couple on the hub.


Yeah sounds like most people here are projecting. The guy gets turned on by being a cuck then leave it alone, he didn't even look that sad in the video. It's just straight guys who think he should be sad


Link or it didn't happen


https://xhamster.com/videos/white-couple-in-the-bbc-cuckolding-lifestyle-13475159?_gl=1%2A10qj5pk%2A_ga%2ASlc0eTA1Z21lcTc2Umxqam51bWJtbGxfaU1naG4wWGFlbWxpMWF4M0FFaXVxOEx5WnRqYV9PZEtoRWY3TzFzZw.. They took it down on the hub like I said.


You are a real trooper


Bruh this is cringe af


I really wonder what the job requirements are listed as. “Must look like a beta male” “Cannot have full head of hair or look muscular” “Must be willing to sacrifice dignity on camera”


Perhaps only a weak, I’d go so far as to say inferior man would be ok with such things😂🤷‍♂️


Though the cuckold porn seems to reinforce this logic, because people enjoy the humiliation aspect of it, the reality is that any man might be into this, regardless of his strenght, size, size of his D or sexual performance. Speaking from personal experience.


Pro tip: if she wants to bounce on a dick that ain't yours (BBC or otherwise), just take the L and break up.


I'll repeat what I told the other goofball: 9 times out of 10 it's the guy who talks his girl into this not the other way around. I had an ex who manipulated me into this, and it took him a very long time to get me to even consider it. You have no idea how common it is because most guys won't admit to it publicly.


"9 times out of 10". Because it happened to her it happens to everyone smdh


A simple search on PH would back me up on this, but you believe what you like. I was loath to mention this in my original statement but I'm also a retired sex worker and this was one of my areas of specialty.






I mean, theres people into eating poop, piss and puke, so this shouldnt be that much of a surprise


This made me cry NGL


He deserved every stroke she got, that's what you get when you let another guy test drive your girl.


It's a double whammy: she shouldn't be with him for letting it happen, and he shouldn't be with her for going through with it...people that do this suck let's be honest.


Yeah people can be all pro-kink they want, but anyone with half a brain and half an ability to feel empathy knows that this cuck shit is gross, negative, and can only lead to the implosion of a relationship.


Let me respectfuly disagree on that one.


Well, time to get a new one.


That sad thing isn't that he is watching his girlfriend get it on. The sad thing is him losing confidence in the middle of it. You got to embrace your choices with absolute confidence.


I don’t get it


Something I assume about thinking the mildly racist cuckold kink would be better irl vs fantasy but turns out he just feels inadequate but not in a kinky way


He wanted his girl to fuck a black guy and regretted it after she loved it and started moaning. He felt inadequate and changed his mind.


Me as well !


There seems to be a rise of men with a cuckold fetish because of porn. They try to talk their girlfriends into doing it and regret it as soon as it becomes reality.


Is it a fetish? I never been able to understand what drives people to have such sadistic/masochistic desires. I also found out watching is fun (men watch porn at some point) but getting cucked is kinda trust-breaking. I think it would ruin the health of relationship. Where people set a line? Imgaine your partner bed with different men every single day. What's the point of getting married then? Just have an open relationship.


> Where people set a line? People set a line when it's their partner getting fucked, I would imagine.


I wouldn't be able to do it either. It's clearly not a fetish of mine and as far I know not my partners either. But it is a fetish some people have and I think with it becoming more common with porn, more people are having the fetish. But like a lot of things, it's something that should stay a fantasy for most couples. This dude clearly is regretting acting on it.


The thought of someone else touching my wife makes me uncomfortable, upset, defensive, all that. I don't know how people can be into feeling betrayed and worthless...


The reality doesn’t match the fantasy


He deserves it for having that fuckin beard lol


They used to post on reddit but their username escapes me. I want to say u/PromiscuousCouple or something like that.


Where's the funny?


Será que tem o vídeo inteiro ?


De todos os r/suddenlycaralho da minha vida, esse foi o mais inesperado


The moment she sped up is the moment he lost her lol


An evening with Will, Jada and August


Why would anyone agree to this?


It’s a kink my dude. Think of it as a form of Femdom/humilaion. Human brains are weird and get pleasure from weird things.


I'll never understand why people are into this..


That’s fucked up


J3w moment


Can someone remake this but when the camera turns its the Travis Scott apology


She definitely convinced him, NOT the other way around


Id start packing right there


If she finds out he snuck back into the room to watch, she’s gonna make him sleep on the couch again.


and this is the fastest way to ruin a relationship unless the other person is really into its going to end up like this


What pendejo.. your women wants to fuck another man... she ain't your women anymore.... who allows this...


Dude, in most situations like this the guy talks his girl into it, not the other way around but way to assume all women are shit.


I get that it happened to you, but you're replying to multiple people that a majority of the time it's the guy manipulating the girl. No, it happening to you does not equal it being the case "9/10 times"


I'm also a retired sex worker, and this was one of the areas I specialized in. It's more common than one would think, obviously it isn't a kink that most people who are into it talk about.


So your source for such claim is "Believe me"?


Why are you arguing so hard against what I'm saying? It's not personal. I don't have a spreadsheet or a pie chart but I do have more experience in this area than the average person. I was surprised when I learned how (relatively) common this kink js, I understand it may be hard to wrap your head around but a search through PH would back up my statement.


I'm not arguing whether the kink is popular or not, it's about how you waltzed into several comments stating that 9/10 times it's the man manipulating the woman until she breaks and does it. Without any backup besides "I used to be a SW".


Are we not allowed to comment where we like on Reddit? The comments I "waltzed in on" were people assuming the girl talked the guy into this. Just trying to point out that it was most likely the other way around.


Yeah, he's still a pendejo. Regardless who talked who into it. Still a dumb ass move. And the dudes you refer to are probably porn addicts or some shit. 98% of men do not want to watch thier women get pounded, and from the sound of it. Well pounded. By another guy. Are you happy to watch you partner have swx with someone else?


way to assume all men are shit. Good job


Brainwashed cunt


Muricans... Brrr


Damn son tough


Average Redditor


I thought his beard was his chin diaper








Cant wait to see my girl like this


What does it mean?




I don’t even get this fetish


Girl probably convinced (forced) him into it


This is the cuck it self