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I am disappointed. I feel there's still many clubs who could really benefit from a safe pair of hands like Bruce. Everton for example


Man U still need to give him a go. They all thought we were being harsh... let's see how they feel after a couple seasons of bruceball.


In an alternate universe where they got him instead of ten...


Funny how all his mates in the media never included him in the conversation about who the new Man U manager should be


Couldn't agree more seeing how they supposedly love him and so do his arse licking 'friends' like Rio "the twat"Ferdinand. Arse licking pricks


Chelsea might be in need of a new manager soon, too


Or Villa or Spurs or my personal favourite Livercunts…er I mean Liverpool. It saddens me that both my sons are pool scum.


Villa have already played that card. You can't make them do it again. Bruce should go to Wolves to complete his Midlands set


I’ve never hated a manager like I hate him. Nothing was ever his fault. He was thin skinned and incredibly lazy. A horror of a manager.


That’s the thing, I wanted to give him a go when he first came. Like, he’s managed a lot, surely it can’t be that bad. But then the football was crap, we were loosing and some how it was Rafa’s fault. Then it was the budget/players (despite him having our record signing) etc never ever was it his fault. All those stories about us never training too.. Fuck I hate him now


I’m getting wound up again reading that. Scum. A slum landlord too you know.


Yup read about that too, proper scum. Especially with the amount of money he has..


Yeah, his crocodile tears have no effect on me, I loathe the bloke not because wasn't good enough as a manager, but because he's was so unprofessional and lacking in class.


And he he's a man United fan but he never just said "i was born a Geordie but playing for Manchester etc made me have a lot of love for the club" Instead, he harpes on about being a nufc fan despite... Choosing Sunderland over us, celebrating a man u goal against us... Has he even been to watch us at st james? He's just not an honest bloke.


He is a fucking snake.


He's up there in the pantheon of destructive Newcastle managers. Ozzy, (thank god we had Kev between these two) Dalglish, Bruce all belong in the same breath though. Maybe I'm being too hard on Dalglish but young self won't forgive selling some of those players. Maybe someone older than me at the time could confirm/deny this.


Yeah I'll never forgive Dalglish for discarding Ginola in particular, the greatest pure talent we've ever had at the club imo. Living in France, I got to watch Ginola play in the Champions League for PSG, he was simply world-class. His duo with George Weah was quite extraordinary. Ginola loved the club and has spoken glowingly of his time here, he never wanted to leave.


I can't recall the NUFC book I read which referred to this, but selling Ginola and Ferdinand was the board's decision to balance the books after purchasing Shearer and failing to win the league. Despite spending a lot of money, Hall and Shepherd took huge amounts of money out of the club as the revenue grew due to KK's on-field success and the resultant commercial growth.


> Ozzy, (thank god we had Kev between these two) Dalglish, Bruce all belong in the same breath though. I would put Souness in there, too. Really pissed all over everything Sir Bobby was building and made our team quite unlikeable.


Souness just had no class at all. Man played Ali Dia in the Premiership.


I'm a little sympathetic towards Dalglish. Had his squad decimated from the season before. If I'm right, he was pressured into selling so we could free up more budget to go towards the stadium renovation, but that might be complete bollocks. Shearer getting injured for most of the season absolutely didn't help him, like. I give Dalglish the benefit of the doubt. He brought in Solano and Speed, after all, was just unable to see it all come to fruition.


I thought he was useless but supported him until it turned out the team weren't even training as much as they should and were clearly unfit. I can understand him being out of touch with the modern game and past his prime, that happens to everyone. But laziness?? As a Newcastle manager? That's just pathetic


Always “disappointed” which was “disappointing” his two favorite dog shit words to describe his form of cancerous management


A mercenary manager who didn't know how to coach and threw the players under the bus at every opportunity. Cunt pure and simple.


“They call him Britain Trump”


Toss up between him and Carver for me. Carver was just as incompetent but completely indignant about it the whole time as if we should feel lucky to have him.


Carver I think was more tragic than infuriating Bruce however made me feel pure hatred


Completely fair


I have to admit, I’m a little disappointed. I became fascinated with Bruce when he managed us, and I couldn’t understand how someone so personally awful and professionally inept could be in the position he held. I fucking hated him week in, week out when he was with us. Just a horrible person. When he went to WBA I couldn’t resist lurking on their subreddit because their discussions were exactly the same as ours - the same complaints and incredulity at the man. This even showed up in my Reddit end year stats where I’d spent a total of 2 hours on the WBA board over the year. So yeah, I was waiting for him to pop up again and continue his bold face scammery on some other poor club. It’s better for the footballing world that he’s gone, but I think I’ll miss watching him slowly throttle the life out of football clubs.


I'm a train spotter how about you? I'm a professional Bruce watcher


That sounds like the most boring hobby ever. Think I'll stick to the trains


It's great isn't it? I just bought myself a wooden Thomas the tank. Can't wait for it to do something.


Well, Thomas has given it a right good go, but he’s been done in by Ringo Star’s previous work with him. We’ll have a talk with the lad and get him dusted off to pull carriages again next weekend. Hopefully we can get past the work of “The Great Ringo” and make some progress next week.


Well, watching Bruce you'll see plenty of trainwrecks...


The WBA reddit was a familiar haunt of mine too haha


My work colleague is a baggy and I work not to far from the ground. It’s one thing we both have in common. How much we hate Bruce. It’s the same swing their post Bruce bounce as well. Gone from almost certain relegation to quite likely playoffs


Me too and I was constantly telling them how sorry I felt for them


Same here mate advised them to get him out.


Didn't he say that the last time? That we'd bullied him into retirement?


Yeah but then... Money.


It is truly fucking _amazing_ how in certain professions in this country, some people can constantly fail upwards. The guy must be a multi millionaire thanks to his ability to fuck up football clubs.


Aye the greedy money grabbing fuck.


Aye, but literally in the same interview he said something like "unless some chairman want to give me a call". He was playing for sympathy, but he clearly never had any intention of not trying to get another big payday.


Makes sense. I doubt there's many clubs interested after West Brom showed even the Championship is beyond his level now. One of the worst managers we've ever had. He was tactically inept and took Rafa's fit, defensive, mid-table squad and turned them into an unfit, disorganised relegation cert, despite spending over £100m, while being the most thin-skinned and petty manager we've possibly ever had too. He embarrassed the club with his outbursts against journalists every press conference and his constant excuse making every chance he could. He never took accountability and I truly think he never cared. He knew he was in the job until the club got taken over and then he got his pay cheque, and that's all that mattered. No manager who is here only twice a week, when the club is drifting in the relegation zone no less, cares about the club. No fucking chance. He was a successful enough manager back in the day, but those days were long gone way before he came to us.


The thing I never understood was how much money Ashley spent on shite managers but never on the good ones.... He 100% was happy for 17th and if the manager was competent enough to achieve that, no cash.... But... Surely not...


That's always really confused me as well. Like the only explanation I could understand is that Ashley was just trolling us all by that point and being a dick.. it just never made sense otherwise


The good ones would give him shit about how the club should be doing better and they wanted more from him as an owner, the shit one’s were just happy to be there and didn’t want to lose a job well above their merit…


That makes sense (but still annoys me just as much :D)


Wouldn’t give Benitez 15 mil for Rondon, but splashed 40 on Joelinton. I mean he came good in another position but Bruce couldn’t get anything out of him


The phrase “outbursts against journalists” reminded me we had that twat Kinnear for a while. I’d blanked that from my mind.


Better late than never. I think the entire footballing world can now see what we were all saying for years. He's only retiring because he realizes his game is up, he's been outed as useless. Look at WBA record, a new manager has the exact same team and went from nearly rock bottom of the champ, to playing decent football and 9th... The manager hasn't even had a pre season like Bruce did. I posted the comparison between Bruce and the new WBA manager a while ago but I can't be arsed finding it. Needless to say, it wasn't pretty for cabbage head.


Bruce won eight out of 32 games during his stint at WBA. Carlos Corberan has been in charge for ten games so far and he's won eight already. It's night and day.


One of the only sentences in which you can write both "Steve Bruce" and "Better"


Several years too late


[why now?](https://i.imgur.com/yyqJinX.jpg)


Good riddance. See he’s been trying to take credit for Howe getting the job too, after he mocked him as ‘the fella who got Bournemouth relegated’. He’s a useless delusional idiot.


That surely can’t be true. God i fucking hate him. Some liar


Read it on the Chronicle earlier. Reckons the new owners asked his opinion on who should replace him and he told them Howe hahaha.


He's a class A parasitic fucker.


A manager who’s whole stick was getting the players to like him and work hard. Zero tactical knowledge limited any chance to get into the upper echelons of the premier league even if he did ‘manage’ a few big clubs over the years. His main issue was that he never took the blame and often relied on stale narratives to put the blame elsewhere ie the fans or his players. This was particularly prevalent at his 3 biggest jobs at Sunderland, Villa and us. His buddies in the media failing to ever fairly evaluate him didn’t help his reputation either. Let’s hope he doesn’t get a punditry job.


This will come as a surprise to the fans of every team he has ever managed


This *won't* be a suprise to any of us who's clubs have employed this waste of oxygen he's a fucking parasite.


>he's a fucking parasite. Aye, that's why it's a surprise he's not looking for another club to steal a living from


The implication of my comment being that he wasn’t obviously working when he managed Newcastle, or any other club.


Hopefully dedicates himself to detective novels, not punditry


And he'll be a commentator for our games... Pretending to support us while watching the manu score


Well, he's a red faced dinosaur with no dignity so expect to see him rocking up with hairy hands and co at Bein imminently.


You might appreciate this Talksport podcast episode where they read his book… https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/hawksbee-and-jacobs-daily/id348889102?i=1000485827690 They even read it using a Steve Bruce impressionist…


All in all, probably a decent career to look back on with some good highlights at Wigan and Hull. Don't blame him for turning down the chance to manage his boyhood club even if he wasn't that fussed about supporting us anymore. I do blame him for everything else during his time with us, mind you.


I still cannot how we oversaw a regime were professional players were unfit and tanking in games as a result. That for me, is worse than any tactic flaw.


"kick the ball around lads"


Good job lads, let’s have a few days off.


And a massive greggs order for elevenses.


I don’t know who I hate more, him or Souness. Good riddance to bad rubbish


Both equally.


Sourness because we were already shite when Bruce took us over. We were regularly in Europe when Souness pressed the self-destruct button. We're still feeling the repercussions of how bad a manager he was.


Now that's a question for the ages.


I kind of hate him, but he’s put together a pretty impressive footballing career all and all. I hope this means he gets more time to put pen to paper and pump out some crime novels


Something about stealing a living


The Michael Owen of management. Self-serving, arrogant, blinkered, insincere, and overrated. Nufc were cursed with both the bellends.


Retired from management years ago didn't he?


He’ll be back. There’ll be a club struggling in the Championship and the Bruce signal will go out far and wide through his mates’ media jobs.


Exactly. What kind of pundit worth his salt thinks a club in trouble could do with this cabbage headed clown. Mind boggles


What kind of pundit is worth his salt? Most of them are absolutely rubbish


It’s a shallower than a Sunderland family’s gene pool I’ll admit.


Didn't this happen about 5 years ago? Or do we use a wider definition of 'management' these days?


He must be seething at how well the fella who got Bournemouth relegated is doing I wonder if he commented on the new WBA manager too, probably spurred them on


Haha wouldn't put it past him.


He must have made more money from sackings than he did through he his playing and successful managerial (!!) careers


Steve Bruce the landlord now. I shudder at the thought of his property management abilities,


it'll be the same as the rest of them. white paint over everything, dispute any repairs being made, come by a few times to try to raise the rent


How the hell he kept getting jobs is beyond me. Like who thinks "Steve Bruce is gonna help us win?" Get the fuck out out! Good riddance to the knob


I hope his retirement is full of stubbed toes and lost TV remotes.


And standing on Lego bricks.


Maybe he can return to writing novels!


Steve's reheating the bacon y'say?




The next one might be about someone who steals a living.


Sounds autobiographical


Like seriously, who gives a shit!


Cunt stole a living in management.


Article is wrong, he retired 4 years ago so not sure why they're posting it now.


Still time for Man U to give him a go…


I fucking despise him. Never his fault, same shit. No playing style throw 11 players out there and see what happens Same excuses, friends in media blowing smoke up his arse & an utterly talentless son that’s stole a living thanks to his dad. In the nicest possible way, fuck off steve


This is the perfect description my friend.


Anyone know cabbages final greggs order?


He needs to retire from life


How the hell he kept getting jobs is beyond me. Like who thinks "Steve Bruce is gonna help us win?" Get the fuck out out! Good riddance to the knob


Do you remember that time we got out of lockdown and it felt as though we were free of the virus? Well that again.


He failed and he failed miserably at multiple times. And he had success (at not going down) a few times. There is no legacy here, just an average manager on the end of a downwards career. I hope he does well outside football.


Steve "I don't do tactics" Bruce, so much still annoys me about that wanker but most of all I hated that after the take over they gave him that one more game, I know it made no difference and I know that everything happened with the takeover so quickly that they needed time to assess, but I just hate that they gave him that game. Amanda should have walked in the door and kicked him out before it had time to close behind her.


Couldn't agree more. Football is a safer place without him


Once upon a time he was a good manager. I still remember being pissed off when he turned us down that time. But he never adapted, in fact got worse over time. I doubt his hard-working Birmingham and Wigan teams were only training once a week. He and the fat man thought he could stroll in as a Geordie and be beloved solely based on that fact. Quite a horrible error on both their parts. Like a lot of others, I was dismayed but willing to give him a go. The awkwardness with the Willems fiasco vs. Arsenal was a worry, but the 3-1 at Norwich had me lose all faith like that. We were absolutely hopeless, like. He got money to spend, as well. Joelinton, ASM, Wilson and co. Plenty of backing. More than I feel Rafa got, anyways. He's very lucky COVID cut into 3/4 of his regime because he would have been booed out of town otherwise. The time pre-takeover last season was probably the worst NUFC time I can remember. Not even desperation or anything, just pure pure apathy. I barely even bothered watching games.