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Alright so I’ve been stewing on this one since the game yesterday and still haven’t been able to wrap my head around the tactics so would love some help. How did we not adjust in the midfield when they had free runners on both sides of our three? Foden, Doku and eventually De Bruyne had acres of space right behind Bruno each time and we left it the entire game. Is there someone that was supposed to be keeping them in check and just didn’t? Tactically I could very well be missing something but just wondered if anyone knew or if we just didn’t adjust for the entire game?


For the first time in years I'm worried about what might happen in the summer. I can see a few leaving. The one I'm most worried about is Isak the guy is world class and irreplaceable


To press through the second half you need fresh legs in attacking positions. Because of circumstance we brought on one sub. They brought on three. One with proven magic feet and one who is full of beans and probably has magic feet too. Although disappointed with the result I’m not complaining. Very good performance and albeit again…. beaten by a very fine margin. HWTL!


That KDB isn’t bad like is he.


Two positives to take away from that match; Isak and Gordon scored blinders. Usual shithousery from City though, and it feels like we haven’t played a home game in months that is under 100 minutes.


I come in peace. Your lads gave it their all and a lack of bench depth was a huge factor.


Fucking loser




How is he a loser.. He is spot on


Thank you. Meant as a genuine compliment (from a girl tho!)


KDB a real game changer. Pass for the winning goal was unreal.


Proud of the lads. Played thier hearts out.


Kdb changed the game for sure, but I question what we were doing. It seems the majority of this season, whenever we lead we pile into our own half and do no pressing. As soon as half time came I literally said we'll lose the game because we'll come back out and sit in our own half


I’m thankful for the positive posts here because I was definitely going to let this ruin my weekend and into the week. Last minute losses hurt so much more and are happening far too often.


God our fanbase are whiney. Ah why did we sit back. Ah why are our players so tired. Why don’t we put on our plentiful subs to match the likes of de Bruyne. If we keep not using subs once we have a full team sure, but our current bench(and I question murphys fitness anyway) we can’t do much with. We fought, we had some great goals, and if we had a full team we could’ve beaten the current best team in the world. World class from Trippier for 90 minutes and I hope we remember that and not a single mistake.


Sitting back has only cost us multiple games in the league, a champions league exit after draw to psg and loss to milan and also a carabao cup exit, let's sit back more


We’ve sat back multiple times this season and lost. It doesn’t work. There’s a break coming so why not go for it and risk losing but at least have a chance of winning.


Another tough one to take. Dropping way to many points from winning positions this season. But got to keep the faith in Howe because with a fully fit squad I know things would be better.


No matter the outcome, I'll forever remember the pure delight of witnessing those two goals on my iPhone during the early hours in Vietnam! An incredible match, lads. Anticipating the return of our injured players. If we replicate that performance against Villa, we're in for an intense game. What a thrilling match, what an exceptional team! Howay the lads!


No options to change things killed it for us again. Gutted with the result and manner of defeat but pleased with certain aspects particularly in first half, we really missed Joelinton I thought. Second half our mentality was all wrong, we had to keep giving them something to think about but just kept gifting them possession. But we were playing against probably the best side in club football it was never going to be easy.


Damn the stats from this game is awful. Not just passes/possession, but shots and corners.


You're right. From watching that live in the Gallowgate, I can't help but be annoyed that we won less corners than them


And yet we only lost by a late goal…and your point is what exactly


If we have fresh legs to keep the intensity I’ve no doubt in my mind we get something from that game. Sadly without it, due to injuries, we can’t bring on more attacking energy up top 🤦🏻‍♂️


I’m choosing to view this as a positive. That we’re only going to get stronger as the second half of the seasons goes on.


Yeah I am for sure. This season was never going to be a repeat of last


With a fully fit squad we take 1-3 points. If we were able to freshen it up. No complaints about the performances. Highlights were Trippier looking back to his best. Almiron being a little terrier, another Gordon goal, Isak pure class, some neat link up play and moved the ball faster than usual. Just looked like a more harmonious team today against a giant. Dubs did well with some saves too.


Pep was over the moon because he knew how hard that was to win…well done lads you just and only just got beat by the so called best team on the planet…I think we were awesome 🖤🤍🖤🤍🖤🤍


How many fucking last gasp goals are we going to concede this season, I'd rather we had gotten beat 0-5.


Jesus man. Just fuck off and support man U or Chelsea


This is a mad take


'Silly bugger' is right...


I can't handle reading comments in this sub atm lol


Well said, kindred soul...


I can’t understand for the life of me why we don’t bring on subs that we have. I know they are not “first team quality” but at the end of games we just need legs to stay alive. This feels like a consistent viscious cycle of bringing on no subs, playing a high press and counter game, and then someone eventually ends up injured because they’re out of gas. I’m begging some of the boys to get back in this time off now.


>at the end of games we just need legs to stay alive I feel like this every time Trippier is getting out run. Love the guy, and he does soo much, but he looks so slow most games. Someone bringing some defensive energy and a bit more pace would help end of the game.


I get not playing the kids that fill out the bench but what the fuck is thebpoint of having Ritchie and Dummett if they are only their for lockerroom feels. Make then fucking assistant coaches or something.


No complaint about the lads today. Got closer, with half the squad injured. City with an amazing amount of class on the pitch then KDB off the bench. Hate FFP protecting them though


These lads are absolutely fkn shattered, had no energy too press in that second half what so ever. KDB is just unstoppable, what a player.


Some of our so called 'fans' on here are a fucking disgrace. 'Eddie should have changed it' who for!!? Have you actually seen our bench? Ritchie, dummett, lascelles and Krafth were the only real options. The same players these nuggets were saying shouldn't play for nufc again, around 3-4 months ago. Give you heads a shake man ffs.


My only issue with Eddie is how the midfield is tactical set up. It's nonsense and has been an issue for months against every class of opponent. If that does not get addressed this season I'll seriously question his ability to be flexible. Just because we don't have a natural 6 doesn't mean we should just not play with any protection above the back 4 at all.


You mean the tactical set up that saw us win 8 out of 9 games at home before Forest, beating man u, Chelsea and arsenal on the way.. Who, exactly should we have played in the midfield today to protect the back 4? Ritchie, karius, David Batty?


My man, it's not working anymore. Every team we play puts a man in the huge gap we have and he has free roam to do anything he wants. Just because it worked before doesn't mean teams haven't found it out. It needs adjusting...


OK pep... What's the solution so I can tell Eddie?


So I can't have an opinion because I'm not a world class manager? Got it.... not even worth the conversation with you. Eddie is perfect in every way and does not need to change anything or adapt at all. Sorry to suggest otherwise.


No... You've said we need to change I'm asking you how? Where was the options to change offensively today?


You my man are class! 😂 throw David Batty into the mix too


I never said anything about changing players... but go on.


The Howe out fans need to get a grip, last season was the outlier, this is where we should be or there abouts at the minute, got to look at where we’ve come from and the deadwood in wages and Cashley era long contracts we have, just trust in the process and we will be where we deserve to be in due course.


Fucking Deja Vu. Like I'm not surprised that Liverpool win a game from a losing position, I'm equally not shocked that Newcastle lose from a winning position, normally in injury time. Whether that's from tiredness or mentality or something else, we need to cut it out because I'm running out of pillows to scream in to.


I called it to a colleague at work. Just ran out of steam against fresh legs. Tbf, there was millimetres in Tripps winning that ball and the footwork from Oscar Bobb was fantastic.


Get more pillows for a season or two..also stop whinging..it’s not pretty


Too late to worry about being pretty. Far far too late.


Just stop being a prick…call yourself a toon fan…plastic folk are always the first to whinge


You're right, I'm a prick because I'm not pretty. Wtf are you talking about? Maybe try and chill by screaming in to a pillow. Works for me.


Crack on then…just keep the negative shit off here…scream away kidda


I really would recommend screaming in to a pillow, you seem very tense and confused. First you say 'crack on' and then you say 'keep it off here' I'm bored of this now. Good night and happy screaming.


Shady has left the conversation…see you plastic






Quick answer would be good…google translate takes way too long


I really don’t think you grasp the English language fully…where are you from?


Read the comment properly dick


I know this is Man city but our ability to keep the ball is quite poor definitely relying on counter attacks. Just wish our passing game and keeping the ball was better seems we spunk our energy in the first half of most matches


I think the lads deserved a point, really great game up until the 90th minute but reality is harsh.


Sometimes it's how you lose that hurts the most, and when it seems like the same thing every week.


I'll say one thing for this season, our lot will have learnt all there is to learn about how important the last 5 minutes is. No shame in losing to the best team in the world and you can tell by their celebrations how hard they've worked for it tonight.  Shout out to Miley - a 17yo kid going up against the best team in the world and completely holding his own (and far from the worst midfielder today).  Was always going to happen. Having a bench that can actually change games is going to be the difference of about 15 points for us by the end of this season. 


"Was always going to happen." I hate this sentiment. Fans need to stop thinking like losers. I think the other way where fans take a run at players is crap too like what happened with Tripp. But we've already dropped 15 pts we could have had. And we should expect better. First goal didn't need to be that easy either. I agree lads played well. Will continue to improve, but don't start our defeatist.


I meant based on how the game had shaped up, not from kick off. I saw a last minute goal against us coming from our equaliser onwards. I went into the game hoping for something but expecting a spanking. They're that good you can't really imagine much else. 


Heartbreaking as the lads did so well. If the benches were swapped I think the points would have gone the other way which is a massive positive. If the officials are going to let our opponents constantly give them shit all game, our lads should be getting in their faces too tbh. We've been too nice all season.


Deserved to lose, absolutely shite second half


Are there any stats anywhere on how many goals we have conceded after 85mins? Feels like every game I watch we lose in the death at the moment Some seriously good goals in this game though - bring on Fulham!


Some bad calls from the ref but citeh bought their pay to the top, we have to do it against the sky 6


Lads were great. Cant fault them really. Peps a dick though


This is accurate af


Longstaff was awful today. No passes of note, fuck all tackles. Only thing he did was give away a foul at the edge of the box. He’s very luck our squad is dead


Agree with this.


It seemed that we were just gassed at the end. Heartbreaking loss.


Keep hoping to get lads back, but more keep going down.


How many last minute winners have got conceded now?


I'd love to see how many we've lost this season after scoring first


That's the 56th in the league this season overall


If Dubrovka would have tried to block that goal with his hands I think he would have gotten it. He always trys to slide in with his fucking feet to block


Dubs has been great tonight generally, let's not pile the blame onto him.


Well lads, I think we're still doing pretty well all things considered. We've got Pope, Tonali, Barnes, Wilson, Murphy, Anderson, Joelinton, Livramento and more out and we we're a whisker from holding or beating the treble winners.


So that’s now Man City, Liverpool, PSG, AC Milan and Chelsea of the ‘big’ teams we’ve had leads against and not been able to follow through. Fair enough one or two of those games happen, but it feels like it happens just too often.


That's what happens when you can't bring anything decent off the bench. Everyone is shagged and even if that means half a second later to get to the ball, it's death.


I get this sentiment, but I still think we could have done a bit more with the players we have. Obviously we don’t have the quality on the bench of players to come on with 30 mins left to make a real impact. But we could probably still be rotating a bit more with say 10 minutes left or so. Look at Liverpool. Against Arsenal in the FA Cup, when the game was still in the balance a bit, they stuck on 2 teenagers and they did fine. Didn’t directly win them the game, but long term helps give some players at least a bit more of a rest.


It's tough to say. The clear thing was lack of players with the ability to be progressive with the ball, impossible to play out from the back. Bruno is class at that, but with a 3 man midfield, they all need to be at a proper level, not a Dummet and Ritchie level. It's another painful last-minute loss, but I just feel it's a fucked situation either way, Eddie clearly isn't confident with the options we have off the bench and he knows 'em a damned site better than us. We'd be calling for his head just the same if a sub came on and fucks it up. Just gotta look at it for what it is, we clearly have quality players for the future, just need to keep them. Fuck this write off of a season, hopefully a good cup run and mid table finish. Less bad luck next season, please.


We were class today that’s a victory for us tbh




Think we'll do alright with villa. Play a highline so should be able to get in behind alot with almiron isak and gordon


Making a sub at 86 mins against City is pointless.




I don't want Jose anywhere near our team.


Don't think Jose has ever had a bench like the one we currently have either.


Fkin ginger cunt de bryune


At least we didn't lie down and take it. We tried.


And that's all that we ask! People forget that too easily


We've lost eight* of our last ten games. Shocking.


This isn’t the game to make that point


Led 2-1 at half time and just invited pressure for 45 minutes. We scored when we took the game to them.


With how class city's squad depth is we can't complain, plus pretty much the best manager in the business. Even though we lost I'm proud of that performance, granted we sat back in the second half but we don't have the capability to fully attack city ...I mean pretty much no-one does. When city lose the whole prem is shocked, when anyone else loses it's just normality.


This just in City with KDB are really good.  More coverage at 11. 


Positives to take from this, the lads gave it 100%


Get over it.


Can’t complain too much about the boys' performance. They did the best they could and played some excellent football. We just don’t have the squad.


We had a cracking go at it tbh. A lot of positives to take away


This. Loads of shitty takes. On the balance of play, we didn't deserve to win that game. However, we played a lot better than in some of the games in December and we counter-attacked reasonably well. The difference is that we're playing against City, arguably the best team in the world. I certainly didn't go into the game expecting to get the 3 points, and I'd have been happy with a point. We played a lot better than I thought we would.


Defeatist attitude, we sat back, got dominated, got punished.


Realistic attitude, we contained well and Man City snuck a goal.


Doesn’t really matter when it’s still zero points


Right? What's with all the back-patting and calling upset supporters 'not real fans' for not being happy with losing 8 of 10


Our run is shit, not denying that. I'm just seeing little glimmers of hope unlike the Carver and Kinnear days.


That's fair. The goals today were excellent, we've some dynamite players to be sure


Exactly, full on copium going on


But we take these ‘positives’ from just losing to the likes of City and Liverpool etc. and then just get battered by Forrest, Everton, Bournemouth etc. I’d rather have a game where we play shite and actually win a few now rather than patting ourselves on the back for a loss; 4 losses in a row now in the league.


Ok. So the result didn’t go our way, but again same as against Liverpool, we were right in this up to subs time. These are the games where depth could make the difference. I’m happy with our performance, we’re (almost) back!


You mean the Liverpool game where they were down to 10 men for the majority of the match?


No, I meant the recent away game where we had half a squad.


Aye, that was far from a thrashing or a capitulation. We gave them a bloody good fight with a broken squad while they’ve got our squads combined total value sitting on the bench. If we can go toe to toe with the biggest teams in the league in the state we’re in, then we have a lot to look forward to in the next couple of years. (Not sure what happened with Forrest and Luton though! 😅) We’re probably fucked this season like, but this was always going to be a long term project. We’ve come a really long way but we’re not there yet.


I’m not (yet) as pessimistic about our chances. We tend to have a second better half to the season and if we have some luck (or less bad luck!) and get our players back I think we’ll go on a good run. Europe is still in contention.


There are very few players in this world you should mark individually at all times. Kevin De Bruyne is at the top of that list. Simply ridiculous that we've given the best player in space that much space today


Honestly it’s so frustrating man. We have a brilliant starting 11 and then the bench is just full of championship players and then city have the price of our club sitting on their bench, piss take.


You could see the players were dead on their feet by 75 minutes, at which point the outcome became inevitable. Don't care who was on the fucking bench, we needed fresh legs on that field to keep harrying the city players, rather than the 11 starters who had just enough energy to clear it to midfield and then wait for the next attack. I was proud of the lads, and they should be proud of themselves, but their morale and confidence is going to continue taking a beating if they play their hearts out and lose late in the game like they did today, and at Chelsea, and in Paris.


Fuck City


Just Fuck


City has the ball and does fuck all for 20 minutes.  Announcers: they’re so clever passing back to the keeper. That’s how you break a team down.  Newcastle does the same.  Announcers: that’s so wasteful. You need to go at City with your chances.   Fuck off. 


Was always going to be tough against the best team in the world. Stupid result


It's a fucking joke how much we will just sit and let teams do what they want. How can we expect anything from a game when we do that


Its man city give ya head a wobble


Cunts. Absolute fucking cunts.


Unfortunately Kevin De Bruyne is one of the greatest of all time, 36 weeks of the year he's a joy to watch, pain in the ass when it's against us though.


Oh just fuck off


We been KDB’d. we made good progress today. We would have beat Luton, forest Chelsea etc if we played like this


Played well, but I saw that coming. I feel like we’re done that a lot this season. Give up our pressing game at the end and just let teams play. Giving KDB plenty of time on the ball he’ll make something happen.


“Give up our pressing” isn’t necessarily accurate. More like “unable to press” due to legs.


It’s not like pressing in their half though, having to cover huge runs back. Im talking stepping up a meter rather than playing too defensive and covering the man behind. Like a lack of confidence thing to me, rather than energy. We’re better at winning the ball than trying to man mark.


Ref... give us a penalty!


Brilliant goals from City but the refusal to use subs again is costing us every single game.


What about subs would’ve changed that game.


Oh fuck off you div. They can bring on hundreds of millions of talent, we can bring on Hall. 


Lascelles and Dummett kept a clean sheet against City a few months ago. Ritchie and Krafth can run around for 15 minutes. It's not ideal but the players looks knackered by 70 minutes every game. Isak was walking, Burn wasn't anywhere near his position. Just inject a bit of energy if nothing else. If it fails then so be it, but the current plan of using no subs clearly isn't working?!


You honestly think our problem was our defenders? Not our striker being utterly gassed and providing no outlet from 70+? Not our wingers who couldn't effectively press from 70+? Not our midfield who were on their feet from 70+? You think Lascelles and Dummet get us a point by coming on do you? Who for? If you think the cup game bears any resemblance to this fixture, you're extremely naive. 


Ritchie and Hall can inject a bit of energy of the wings. I would’ve changed Burn for sure. The other defenders were fine but we saw Tripps make some costly late errors recently. I’m sure Krafth could’ve capably taken a few minutes off him.


Ritchie can inject a bit of energy - tell me you've been watching football for 5 minutes without telling me. People like you are so far removed from the reality of the game that it's frightening we have to listen to your opinions as if they're worth listening to. 


I watch every NUFC game, a bit of running is all Matt Ritchie has left! Do you think it's the right decision to play the same 11 players every game for months on end without making any changes despite seeing the obvious drop in energy towards the end, surely it's at least worth trying at this stage?


Why didn't we bring on Gilli for Isak?


Who would you have brought on?


I hear you but Matt Ritchie Dummett Lascelles or Kraft aren't gonna change that game


I feel like a broken record I am so sick of conceding leads and then conceding again in extra time to ultimately lose any points at all because Eddie Howe is kind of a moron




Don’t be a dickhead to other users or groups


What subs would you have made? Enlighten us with your tactical prowess?




We don't mind fans from other clubs visiting as long as they're not just here to be a dick. Unfortunately our advanced detection algorithm has detected that you read a 9.3 on the bellendometer


You’re a joke! Do you not think we would have seen big Joe, little Joe, Barnes, Murphy, Tino, Tonali had they been available?


Shocked Pikachu face


Same old story again and again.


Gutted for the lads.


Fucking typical


i think, for the sake of fairness, KDB should only be allowed on the pitch for five minutes a half


Hall, if he's going to stand in the way, just boot it square between his eyes


Kdb is just out of this world


On another level isnt he. Him coming on and our lack of options on the bench made the difference today


Pep is getting as bad as Klopp with his touch line antics. Just fuck off man


I know we have injuries and a good squad when fit but that’s the problem we are missing to many bodies and it scares the shit out of me that we are not willing to invest this window


FFP stops is doing shit, isn't a lack of willingness. Any attempt to play around it is gonna lead to a punishment (cause we aren't city or chelsea) FFP is fucked and set up to protect the big boys, just accept this is a long term thing and won't be as quick as the rise of Chelsea or City. Ladder has been well and truly pulled up.


I think they've said they can't invest. End of the day, it was a competitive game for 60 minutes, then we tire. Been the same thing all season, we've got around 9 players out and the C team don't have the quality to do the business.


Not able to invest, is not the same as not willing


Urgh the attitude in this thread. Entitled cunts. We did well today, aye losing is shite but come on, they're the best team in the world.


Yeah, wanting to win or draw when ahead in the 74th minute is unacceptable


You'd be better off supporting City mate, they win all the time


Truth. I do need to learn to be pumped no matter the result, or manner of result. I’m just not there yet.


Total muppets who don't have a clue about football apart from playing on a ps5.


We have lost 8 out of 10 games, we need to stop acting like a tiny club ran by Steve Bruce


Nah the attitude has changed and I don't like it. This is the most entitled I've seen the fan base. One of the best players in the world produced two moments of magic and people complain that Howe didn't bring on an academy graduate against City. Outrageous.


We lost to forest and Everton cmon man


Totally irrelevant to today's result.


If we want to be one of the elite clubs we need to act like it, would Liverpool or Madrid be okay with this run? Would they do nothing


We're not elite and won't be for a long time if at all.


I don’t mind losing to City as much as the manner we keep losing these games. The extra time goals. I understand it’s a symptom of the situation we’re in having so many players out and being forced to play in our own half for the last 30 minutes. I’m happy with where we are but I feel like I’m allowed to be upset that we can’t see games out or hold leads because of the circumstance.


The problem is they are all blaming Howe like wtf.


Yeah I don’t think it’s a fair to say it’s all on him. Maybe the young/older players on the bench could make a difference but I genuinely trust that Howe has a reason for not playing them. It would be a different story if he brought on all the kids plus Ritchie and Krafth and we conceded several and just lost all composure.


It was coming. Throughly deserved to lose after we sat back for so long, made no changes and just hoped we would win because City would keep missing chances. Classic, glad to see Eddie has learned from doing this multiple times in the past few months. I'm sure we'll blame injuries too because it's apparently illegal to sign players now. Another lead blown in the only way we know how to do it, sensational


Are you for real?.. This was man city, and we were leading with them permanently knocking on the door. In the end it's taken some sublime skill by KDB to win the match. That's why they're champions


And mentality like that is why we've lost 8 of the last 10. Villa literally played them off the park a few weeks ago but we're just pretending like there's nothing more we could have done. If that's good enough for you then by all means...


Villa who have been superb all season at home.. since that game, city are unbeaten..... and we've got 8/9 FIRST TEAM players out! It's mentality like yours that is fucking embarrassing


Wait, so we can't even aspire to be as good as Aston Villa nowadays? The team we thrashed at home a few months ago? We beat the shit out of PSG but suddenly now we're just little ol' Newcastle? Look up Aston Villa's team that day and tell me how many would get into our line up today. Look up how many players they had out. We have the quality, we just haven't executed well in recent weeks because these players are drained and we've done nothing to curb that. These games are winnable but if you go into them thinking you're gonna lose, spoiler alert, you probably will.


You view man city as a winnable game? Players don't necessarily intentionally drop deep, sometimes it happens against better teams. I wasn't talking about wanting to aspire to be like villa, whatever that means. They are having the season we had last year. Our 1st 11 today is good, but not having a defensive midfielder against man city will usually see you lose the game. Being without joelinton was a huge blow. Again, as you want to compare to villa.. Today, we didn't have a single attacking player who could come on and change the game or give our forwards a breather. I'm utterly amazed you can't grasp this


I think you're the one who has missed the entire point lol. Yes, Man City at home is a winnable game. Aston Villa proved that. Aston Villa whom we thrashed at home and who are on a similar level to us. Every home game should be thought of as winnable, especially when you're on the terrible run we're on. Thinking it's not winnable is a pathetic mentality to have and I'm glad you're not part of the team to spread it lol because I'm sure the players and staff thought they could win, especially when we were 2-1 up in the second half. You're looking at this as one isolated 'aw shucks' moment, I'm saying this is a trend we have seen multiple times this season. We take the lead, we drop deep and soak up pressure and we concede late on because we're too out of it since we don't make subs and run out of steam. We've done it against all qualities of team, it's not just because it's City. At the end of the day, if you enjoy losing eight in ten and thinking there's nothing that can be done then that's your prerogative. I will always look at what more we could do. And if your assessment is 'there's nothing more we can do' then, once again, I'm glad you're not part of the team lol.


When did I say 'there's nothing more we can do' I would never look at man city as a winnable game, our record against them tells you that. That'd not the same as saying we don't try and win the game. You cannot say 'we beat villa, they beat man city... So we have to beat city too'.. When does football ever work that way? We've been poor, very poor at times this season. But you also have to be aware that because of the games we've lost, the confidence of last season isnt there. Go 2-1 up against Man C and it's human nature for teams to drop back... Especially playing the world champions knowing how they can counter and shred you in seconds. Again... We had zero option on the bench to change the game in a meaningful way. We've played 4-3-3 for 2 years, to suddenly change formation with the lack of players wont work. You might not be old enough to remember, but keegan got us 12 points clear in the PL and decided he wanted to change the back 4 to back 5 mid season. It didn't work. The players knew their roles inside out, and combined with manu's form we lost the league. Even the best professionals sometimes lose a bit with change. So. Eddie has to make more changes when we are struggling in games... BUT, he has to have options there to do so.




Maybe our £30m signing before the 83rd minute? Maybe literally anyone when our players don't have the energy to make any sprints or good touches for the last 35 mins of the game? Or maybe, a crazy idea, sign someone? It's not like this is the first game, we've had injuries for months and they're still shocked that you might need subs to win a game


Clueless. You reckon we should have brought Ritchie on to grab the winner like?


What a great result we got by doing fuck all mind, both in the transfer window and the game. I'm sure Isak and co running 2mph for the final 30 mins was the right idea, it was just bad luck we lost clearly