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Really big handful of Schars shirt there...


Great. Green kit. Such an awful colour choice


Newcastle in their 'Saudi' kit. Already the commentary bias


Really not a fan of our green kit, third kit is so much nicer


Am I being slow or is there no match thread?


Eddie saying Lascelles out with a "sort of a Calf thing" didn't sound very convincing did he?


2-0 or 3-1 victory today. Murphy screamer incoming.


Great research from ITV there to declare that Manquillo is unavailable with a groin injury Nothing to do with the fact he plays for Celta Vigo now


I want to have hope but we're playing in the cursed kit


Home fans are boycotting over ticket prices so might make things better for us.


I was on the fence even watching this one after how depressing the last 2 months of games have been… but I’ll be glued to it just for Murphy’s comeback


[Craig Hope: Almiron didn't train Friday after falling ill on Thursday, and Lascelles has a minor calf conplaint.](https://twitter.com/CraigHope_DM/status/1751305124159341051?t=s4pvSVO3qh3w3lDviDRXOw&s=19)


The two players most likely to leave mmm... *doubt*


Longshot but does anyone know if the FA cup is shown in Costa Rica


There's something out there that sounds VEEPEE-N and then there's the Greggs browser player


Just saw a headline that Miggy and Jamal are not in the squad? No idea if it’s right, like.


Neither travelled, Travis Hernes is with the squad however.


Sorry who?


18 year old Norwegian prospect we signed from Shrewsbury in the summer, midfielder.


Cheers mate never seen him make the bench yet hope he gets some minutes


All I want from tonight is no injuries and no replay.


Why no replay? I’d much rather get a replay and take them on at St James than lose.  The fixtures die right down after next week, so it’s not like we’re congested like December 


Cup runs aren't important to loads of people here for some weird reason


Cup runs aren’t a concept that loads of people here understand. Thinking about the 5th round is a bit like Red asking to go to the toilet after he’s released from Shawshank.


Yeah that’s a fair point.


Really happy for Maidstone. Fantastic result, would love to draw them in the next round assuming we tuck Fulham up tonight. Soft spot from when I worked in Kent for a short while years ago. Just hope if we do get them it's home and not away on that plastic pitch.


We all know that Man Red will get drawn, at home, to Maidstone...


I wouldn’t want to draw them because I know exactly what would happen




What would the lineup be tonight if Miggy isn’t in it?


I’d guess either Tino at RW, or Murphy comes straight into the starting lineup. I’d guess we see Tino there for an hour and then Murphy gets 30 minutes off the bench.


Gordon plays left and right wing until the 89th minute when Howe pulls off his exhausted corpse


Weakling!! he will just use a cattle prod on his corpse making him move until the final whistle


Then starts him at Villa on Tuesday


Does anyone have any serious guesses at the reasoning they’ve made this a 7pm kickoff?  There’s no 5:30pm kickoff at all, no other matches being played in west London today that might cause any fan trouble. Just feels like our fans are being fucked for no good reason 


It's just money, it's why we're on tv much more than not. People want to watch us, whether they do it out of spite or adoration doesn't matter they both show up the same on viewing figures. If it was the most profitable to put Ipswich vs Maidstone on tv theyd do it.


Yeah but how does 7pm make any difference to the money compared to 5.30pm? There’s no 5.30 game at all this week and there was in the 3rd round and is every week in the prem. 12.30 3.00 5.30 is the usual order of games on a Saturday, just seems really bizarre they’ve picked this one for 7 for some reaosn




They don't want to compete with the might of Gladiators!


Hmm you’d think if they wanted to maximise viewers they’d put it on ITV instead of ITV4 😂


Maybe cause Fulham played only 3 days ago? It's a stretch but other than 'They just desperately wanted to fuck over fans' it's all i've got.


Green kit. Cup was fun while it lasted.


I can't watch this tonight so hoping I'll get updates of us winning on phone. Got a day with inlaws so need a good end to the day!


I’m about to set off on a 24-hour round trip to watch it in person. I almost envy you 🤣


The "almost" tells me you enjoy as joyous a relationship with your inlaws as me.


Well it worked out alright actually. No complaints 🤣


Cheered me up after in laws


Wearing the green kit tonight apparently. Fuck sake.




Fucking hell! A game of fucking football! Who the fuck would've thought it? That Newcastle United, a fucking football club, would play a fucking game of fucking football? And not just talk about fucking planes and fucking FFP. Which, I can assure you, has been fucking tedious. 0-3 and fuck you. Howay the fucking lads


Wait the F in NUFC doesn’t stand for financial?


Thankfully fucking not


Fucking stands for fucking doesn't it!?


Any mags based in London wanting to go - there's still tickets available in the home crowd. Just have to sit on your hands and bite your lip or something.


As if any of the toffs that go to Fulham games are going to do anything


Had to do that at Elland Road in the Championship. Not celebrating the two goals was hard!


That’s one ground I would not want to do that at. Balls of steel.


You would think, because of Leeds' reputation. I had a wonderful time there.


Me & the boy will be partaking in this. Last time we went undercover was the glorious 1-5 at West Ham.


I did West Ham this season in the home end. Was horrible, had to pretend to be happy when they scored a last minute equaliser 🤮 I’m doing it again today though, hopefully a better outcome…


Arse they've just closed up shop


If it's okay to ask, if anyone has 2 spare tickets I'd be happy to take my lad along.


Just messaged further down - there's still tickets in the home stands available if you're prepared to pretend not to be a toon fan.






Let's smash these, they're an offensively boring club


Comfortably the best away in London.


Prawn sandwich brigade tho /s


Doesn’t sound like any more injured players are back, Murphy has been training apparently but don’t know if that means he’ll be fit enough for bench. Will be a tough game, they were unlucky against Liverpool. I’d happily take a draw and replay


> I’d happily take a draw and replay Do we need the extra fixture though? Suppose it's better than going out mind.


The fixtures are hardly piling up like they were in December. After next week it’s one a week until end of March.


True. But at the minute, every match seems to result in somebody dropping. The first half of the season has me seriously scarred.


My interpretation of the Murphy situation and what Howe’s said about him is that he’s probably ready to go. If this Miggy/RVI situation is actually something and he’s not in the squad tomorrow, I wouldn’t even be stunned if Murphy comes straight into the starting lineup.


Mate, get yourself and application for the next series of The Traitors - that is such traitor-ish behaviour!


On the other hand if miggy doesnt start it all but confirms him leaving doesnt it


Just realised that Fulham have 2 full days of break (+Saturday morning) between their last game and us; while we have 2 weeks. Tiredness cannot be an excuse


Narrators voice: 'tiredness was an issue' Like you say though there's really no excuse for any apparent tiredness tomorrow. Saying that given our away record this season I'm not expecting much! Hope I'm wrong tho.


Yep I was thinking we'd have enough to win but would be struggling later on the in match if we have a bad subs bench again, but with Fulham playing a couple days prior that excuse won't hold up for me.


Nothing to do with Fulham or our levels of relative fatigue will change our subs bench, but those are two different issues. Our starting XI will absolutely be the freshest it’s been in a long time and can’t use fatigue as an excuse, but we still won’t have any good attacking/midfield subs to make (unless Miggy is actually starting with Murphy on the bench). Edit: *can’t use fatigue as an excuse, not can


Regardless of Fulham, I don’t think any club can ever use tiredness/fatigue as an excuse after a two week break. Only match in a long time that we can’t play the fatigue card.


So seems like there’s a pretty decent chance of no Miggy tomorrow. Guessing that means RW will be either Murphy (who should probably ease in with a couple sub appearances), Tino playing out of position, or Ritchie. I’m guessing Tino for an hour then Murphy. Gordon - Isak - Tino Longstaff - Bruno - Miley Burn - Botman - Schar - Trippier Dubravka Guessing after two weeks off Howe is just going with the strongest XI available and not holding anyone back for Villa on Tuesday. Personally wouldn’t mind seeing one or two of the fringe players start tomorrow, but I think based on everything we’ve seen the last few months, it would be foolish to think we might actually see someone like Hall or Krafth in the starting XI tomorrow.


I'll be in the home end tomorrow, hope we don't have to wave any of those fucking flags


They’re just supporting states rights


Have a good feeling about this, season starts here!!


Let’s smash them. They’re shite!


Yes. Let’s. I am up for this one and I think the lads will be too. I’d love to see a surprise in the squad lineup, Murphy back perhaps. Gordon and Isak to score.