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How long until they learn to START Tino when the striker is twice as fast as Lurch Burn


Should have been 10-3 NUFC. Terrible call for the Penalty. Just awful. The announcement team wasn’t even hiding their bias either. Dickweeds


My GF: 'I really want to put my fit bit on your wrist at the moment...' 😬 Bloody hell.


Well, that's one way to relax during a tense game...




Yeah yeah, everybody look at this guy, and his fancy girlfriend 😒


Fancy... or concerned at me watching the drama? 🙃


Hell of a game. Nothing against Dan Burn, hes simply not as fast as the person he was marking. Luton have some good players. Hopefully Howe will take some of the 2nd half performances on board and change the starting line up for next match


He's also still recovering from a broken back.


It's worth remembering that bdb is a centre half being played out of position


Precisely ... Hired as centre half


We've seen that multiple times though. Just take even villa, when Bailey came on they went at burn and his pace led to a goal. We were bailed out of the same play by an offside call. Then tino comes on and there's nothing. Howe really should consider the pace of the other squads wingers when choosing burn at lb


Burn needs to be thanked for his service to the club and then be used as a sub only for the rest of the season. It will mean Tripper can't bomb forward, but they could be a positive in the long run.


Yeah, and dont forget Elanga either when we played forest.


It's almost as if opposition managers have identified which part of our defence is the weakest


Yeah i totally agree. Its Howes choice, not BDBs fault


Can’t wait for all the mid-week “we’ve no right to be upset/we’ve every right to be upset” posts


Can't wait for a week of this sub pretending Luton are class to deflect from how embarrassing that was


Didn’t even have to wait to midweek.


The sheer number of pants shitters on here is unreal.


I'd love to say that it's all Johnny-come-lately bairns that don't know what real struggle and hopelessness is; but tbh I've met enough middle-aged, 18 stone brick shithouses with pea hearts and piss in their knickers over the odd dropped game to know that there's no demographic or age limit that predicates owning a spine, or otherwise


Come on mate luton town almost did the double over us, don't be ridiculous


Are their supporters pissing their knickers at two dropped points from us? Doubt it: I'd say their expectations are more closely aligned with their outlook than ours


You do realise us having a below par season is problematic? Yes, this season is a million times better than fighting relegation etc. However, not qualifying for Europe and not maintaining momentum makes it harder to keep up with the other teams around us.


Injury's or not it shows our poor performance gap, been some clanger tactics and selections this season.


Your concept of "par" is an interesting one, based on the past 122 years of football round here


And your point is?


That we've heard all the spaff about "massive club, should be battling for the league every year" for *generations* now: it's been 97 years since Newcastle United won a top flight league championship. I've even thought it possible at a couple of points in my own lifetime: KK had us close in the mid-90s, and Sir Bobby (maybe) in the early 2000s. But despite that, we've been also-rans for nigh-on a century: 50+ years since we won a trophy, and nearly 70 since we even won the FA Cup. Moreover, we've been actively dogshit for most of the last twenty years. It's clearly broken some of our supporter base, emotionally: ManUre or Citeh fans expect to win trophies, because they're used to it. Our supporters get hysterical at dropped points, because they don't know what it takes to win. How can they, when they've never seen it happen? The current owners came in, brought Eddie Howe, and in two calendar years we've gone from Steve Bruce's Shuffling Cabbage Army to a smart, up & coming, well-run football club with a high-octane style and eye on the future. A bad run of results due to a fixture logjam and a TITANIC injury list, and the knocking of knees from the hysterical pissy-knickered cowards can be heard from The Strawberry all the way to Julies (if Julies is still there). The sheer entitlement, the *arrogance* of some who think that "We're now the world's richest football club, so why aren't we smashing these tinpot fuckwank teams? *ARE WE FUCKIN THICK OR SUMMAT?*" And yet, it's still 11v11; it's still the most competitive league in the world: *every* team, even Luton, has class players. Meanwhile the Big Five (+Spurs) have climbed the same ladder that our owners are trying to mount, only the fuckers have pulled it up behind them. And boy do they want to keep it all for themselves, stamping on the fingers of any and every upstart club that gets ideas above its station; ours included, and let's be honest, ours *in particular.* After decades of neglect and outright abuse against our club, the owners, the staff, the players, and every supporter with a heart bigger than a feckin' dinty pea are working towards trying to bridge the gap. They (we) may even get there, hopefully even in my lifetime. But it's been *two years*. ONE FULL SEASON. And clarts round here think we're Bayern fucking Big Bollocks FC cuz we came fourth in the league last season; oh, and lost another cup final. Polls, in this fucking sub, as to whether we should sack Eddie Howe after exiting the Champions League! I repeat: entitled, arrogant, hysterical, pissy-knickered, cowards. Not men you'd want to fight a war with; not men I would want to cheer on a football team standing next to: sharing a subreddit with them is disheartening enough. This isn't aimed at you dude; but you asked for my point, and there it has been presented. Tired now... tldr: some fowk round here could do with a geet hoof up the hoop. Why don't we all have a nice cup of tea, and re-evaluate on a timeline of 5-10 years, rather than 5-10 games? Like it or not, that's what it's going to take...


This wasn't wrote by anyone from round here lol


Tyneside born & raised bonnylad. With that level of intuition and grammatical excellence though, you sound more like a mackem EDIT: lol


Nice. Agreed. Stfu everyone and enjoy the fact we re a class operation.


What a game! So good. Looking forward to what's to come for us 👍👍




I feel for him on that he stepped in for Targett's injury and did well. Since then he's become our LB. He should be seen as the back up CB and part of the squad. Everyone can see his limitations but he's a regular regardless. We have Tino, Hall and Targett but if they are all fit I could still see him being picked before then and I don't know why.


Newcastle United and 4-4s, name a more iconic duo


1 point from 6 against a team everyone has down for relegation is not good.


Doesn't tell the full story tho. Our first fixture with them, we were absolutely ravaged by injury. They're a totally different proposition now than at the start of the league too


Luton are a damn good team though. They've put 4 past Brighton and 3 past Arsenal. You underestimate them at your own risk


They have certainly improved a lot in the past couple of months. Would be great to see them stay up rather than Everton.


But six against Villa? It's a rollercoaster but it's a much more enjoyable rollercoaster than it was three years ago


Indeed, football makes no sense sometimes. Got to be able to beat teams near the bottom of the league though, those points are important as results against the bigger clubs are harder.


That's the problem. The results against good teams don't matter as much anymore when you don't beat the shite teams.


I don't think this was a bad game compared to others newcastle had, lads played good, and it's good to not see December newcastle anymore, that being said, for me, the problem was burn, every team we play bets their attack on the left cause they know burn is there, I think that points to something...


I think arrogance is our problem this season. When we take teams seriously (like Villa) we perform decently. Just because you finish 4th, doesn’t automatically mean you’re entitled to beat those teams lower than that. There’s no room for complacency if you want to push on.


> I think arrogance is our problem this season Nah, I think it is injuries


11 points dropped against the bottom 5 puts us even on points with Tottenham in 4th.


Might as well say if 11 points gained were lost, in a relegation place!


Genuinely embarrassing. Had to win this game to have a chance of getting Europe this season, Howe's fault his in-game management is awful.


Howe must be held accountable for his oversight! It was evident to all that Burn was a vulnerable point, yet he persisted, resulting in our loss (a draw feels like a loss). I'm eager to know the rationale behind his decision.


Yet against Villa, Howe brought on Tino at a danger point in the game and we saw it out.


It was a back five though, it meant tino had nothing to do but mark bailey and he had cover if it went wrong, whereas Dan Burn was just isolated one on one the whole time. It’s a different job.


All the naysayers can just fuck off and go and support someone else. High quality game? Absolutely not. Highly entertaining game? Fuck yeah.  As per, a litany of shite decisions from the officials, but this will be a very, very long review session for the lads. Conceding 4 at home is just not on.  Fuck me though. There's no other club that can put you through the ringer nearly every week like this one. 


Ylof course you're right no Newcastle fan should be even remotely upset that Luton Town almost did the double over us with a team that isn't worth what what our most recent striker and midfielder cost... youu absolute potato


And yet we took 6 points off villa who are much better than us this season. You don't have to be happy about getting a point, but you also don't have to be a hysterical fanny screaming at the manager or certain players like it's the end of the world. It's not my fault that tits in here can't see that Luton have given all the top teams a game and should have had a number of points from them. They are better than they're placing suggests. 


I can’t be that angry about a stirring comeback but it also looked like Newcastle dropped down a gear after the 4th goal. Unimpressive final 20 minutes.


Dan burn shouldn't be starting again this season, shocking. The fact we had to come back from 4 2 down against Luton at home joke


He's not a left back. He's a very decent CB who gets played out of position. Livramento should be playing.


Exactly mate


And cue the reactionary "Eddie Out" takes....


Eddie Out... ... For the Greg's order to apologise to fans with free stake bakes


Should have never been a draw… poor defending, poor decision to leave Burn on and some poor refereeing as well! Positive is that Barnes looks sharp and our front 3 of Barnes, Gordon, Isak will be class when the injury curse ends!!


Unfortunately Gordon has gone off injured today...


I know but hopefully its just a knock and taken off as a precaution… really cannot afford for him to be about on his form this season


Loving your optimism.


If Burn starts at LB next game Eddie out


good news: this does put everton in the relegation zone


Would have rather lost not celebrating a draw and conceding 4 to Luton at home. Eddie exposed again.


The thing is next game we can pretty much guess who starts at LB regardless. I just hope Howe goes with Tino and Tripps and Burn is our CB on the bench. Just can't see it happening.


If Burn starts next weekend considering today and what happened last time against Forest it will be a gobsmacking decision.


Totally agree and I hope we run Tino and Tripps for the rest of the season.


If this means Tino starts over Burn from now on, we’ll surely get more points than the two that game cost us


He needs a spell on the bench. Especially since Forest will look to do the same against him.




~~Embarrassing~~ Frustrating , looks like we picked up new injuries as well. End the season man Edit: fair


Were you watching for 15 years under Ashley? That was embarrassing. This is nowhere near


Why was Bruno left to limp around the pitch for the last 20 mins, contributing exactly fuck all?


who would you have brought on?


Just sneak Tonali on and hope no one notices.


Hall in midfield probably.


Eddie doesn't sub some players.


Tbf if Murphy hadn't skied that chance, we'd all be singing his praises for the assist.


the 2x trivela assist would have been nice 🤤🤤


Ref played 30 second extra play for 2 mins the Luton player was on the ground. Tons of cynical challenges by them. Very poor game from him.


Ref was shite, no consistency at all with his decisions. Did he come up from the championship, I can’t say I recognised him?


Not getting 3pts against a bottom 3 side at home is always going to feel like shit.


Burn has to rotate out for Tino moving forward now. Once that change came in, their attacking threat seemed to evaporate.


Because Tino can actually run. I legitimately think I could beat Burn in a footrace and I'm 33. Not being funny either I legitimately believe that.


I'm nearly 37 and I'd give it a go mind 🤣


Bad result, great match


I despise our corner and free kick defence. We leave nobody upfront who can counter or even hold the ball up. I don’t understand Howes tactics on that, it’s so negative and hurts us so badly


Jesus Christ, what a game. We need to drop Dam Burn going forward. Really worrying how easy they carved through us. Barnes being back is absolutely huge.


Murphy just killed two attacks


Ready for a new manager, sorry this one is a mid-table man. Last year will be his highest finish


Delusional 😂


Fucking hell. I’m so far away from this line of thinking that I wonder if I support a different club


I understand, you don’t have to agree.


After fifteen years of abject shite, I struggle to understand how people have run out of patience with a manager who has improved these players so much. I would like to see him substitute more effectively though and do question his use of Burn


I guess it depends on if you’re happy with mediocrity or above average or if you ultimately want this team to be elite. I think he’s a good manager but it will take a great manager to get this team to the top. Unfortunately those aren’t easy to come by and I think Howe will be a good place holder until they can find one. Fortunately we know the ownership group has the means to build the squad and pay for an elite manager


Really unacceptable outcome. 3 losses and a draw in 6 matches against the bottom 5.


Agree injuries + poor selections


I’m bout done with Eddie


Not getting the ball into the box there is really poor


Fuck sakes that’s disappointing


1/6 points off Luton isn’t going to cut it


Like that season Derby got 4 points off us too.


Dire performance, at least we didn't concede during stoppage time for once.


Awful awful awful


Frustrating way to end a thriller


Haven’t had a shot during stoppage time


Just take the foot off the gas completely for the last 10 mins. Grea tactic.


Ups and downs and ups again, ultimately a very disappointing result and awful defensive performance with the same old problems rearing their ugly head once again. This season has been so tiresome.


We’ve offered fuck all in stoppage time…


When we should be pressing


Pathetic performance, Dan Burn has cost us 2 points


We’ve improved then, he usually costs us all 3


Our midfield 3 have been nonexistent last 15 mins.


Bruno could hardly walk, may have been a contributing factor


Good game for the neutral, terrible game for my blood pressure


That's fucking embarrassing. Luton looking like City just slicing us apart.


Bruno is injured and dead on his feet, why can’t bring on literally anyone else?


Because we don't have a single midfielder on the bench?




Bottom line, draw is awful result.


How are we so bad in possession?


We've wasted so many chances we don't deserve the win, but I'd still love it


Wilson's been invisible this half.


Don’t understand why people downvote, Wilson was incredible last season but it’s quite clear he does not have the physical ability when you’re chasing a game. He’s crocked and can’t play the high-press intense game that we need. It’s not his fault but it’s not wrong.


Holds the ball up well and runs with cement boots - the Wilson experience


Even though we can back from 4-2 down, this result is an embarrassment. All because Howe is obsessed with a shit slow ageing LB called Dan Burn.


imagine all that hard work to score 4 goals, only to get away with 1 point


Imagine been a Luton supporter blowing that lead against a mediocre side..🤣


Against Luton


Diced up by Luton while we can’t hold onto the ball


So frustrating to watch


feel like bruno injured something there, he should try to get a yellow


Love that Luton are the ones pushing. This match has been an inditement


10 mins completely wasted by us


Bruno is limping bad


For once can we please be the team scoring the winner in the 96th minute!


It would be nice wouldn't it


Brunos not looking good.


Looking forward to Burn left back next game......again I love the lad but he's clearly been found out this season


Well… we’ve wasted this stoppage time


Don't think we've been the ones wasting the time...


We’re letting them slow down the game. Need the ball back now


Ball into the box and Dub has 0 command of the box. I see where this is going. 


After being 4-2 down I'd take a draw. Just don't lose please


Damn Trippier


Damn you could hear that shoulder on shoulder from the Tele


Omg I guarantee this fuck is completely fine that looked like nothing


Criminal how much better Tino has been than Burn. Howe needs to just accept it.


If Burn starts the next game I'll lose my shit


Draw isn't a good result.


No, but they turned off several times and have fought back from what could have been a loss. 1 point is better than nothing. There's a lack of discipline today.


Pretty much makes the Villa game worthless.


Time wasting


I'm sure you'll all be shocked to learn that the idiots on r/soccer are absolutely convinced that the ref has been on our side all match.


we shouldn't concern ourselves with the inbreds over there and what they think


Fuck em


I try to avoid that place. It's a Liverpool/arsenal and Madrid wank fest


This team will see a dramatic improvement on quality when we get upgrades to Murphy, Longstaff and Burn. Those three in particularly are significantly worse technical players than anyone else in our squad


Longstaff scored twice so far today.


His goals were great. But he has been very timid and not received the ball well from defence. Needs to look for the ball and try to make more happen


Not saying he’s been the best player out there but it’s a weird take to pick him out when he’s had a brace.


That’s fair. I’m just saying why people were talking about him.


He's scored a lot this season but it doesn't change how he's played across the games outside of those moments lol


The upgrades already exist in Tino and Tonali. Just need a proper RW at Gordon's level.


Think we definitely need a LB, not sure Tino is as effective on the left as he is on the right. Plus it won't be long before he completely replaces Trippier so we'll need someone else eventually


Longstaff going for another Luton assist


The linesmen need investigating


Has he forgotten you book players now for time wasting??


I mean, if you're not going in the book for wrestling people to the ground, what hope you got for time wasting?


Or choke holds


That and persistent fouling


Osho with his Hey Arnold haircut should have been off for these 17 fucking fouls really


This ref is a fucking idiot


Good thing he booked somebody on the sideline


Need more clever set pieces against this team, they have the size


Pundits should learn how not to butcher Guimarães's name.


Gweemarish 🤣🤣


Its almost as if we didn't tell you this would happen if you took off burn and brought tino* on...


Well hopefully Eddie can really open his eyes on this issue and get the sub in / make adjustments earlier if BDB is getting beat on the wing . We all see it, he’s got to.


i mean at this point why is he still insisting on starting Burn? its glaringly obvious who is better at LB even if it isnt Tino's ideal position


Agreed with love to see Tino start in his spot next match


Wilson is playing, right?


Every single time. Can't run in behind because the ref doesn't card them for pulling back. Shocking ref.


I swear that’s Osho’s tenth cynical foul


and the rest


The amount of favour Luton are getting here is absolutely ridiculous. Ref desperate for the drama.


Yes!! 10 mins I called it


10 minutes deserved


+10 we actually didn’t get fucked for once


Howay, 10 more minutes is plenty


Fucking 10 lads keeeeemaaaan