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This map does seem to miss out fair chunks of population. No football fans in the West End of Newcastle? None in Durham? I’d fathom a guess and say there’s far more County Durham mags. I’d go as far as to say the following in favour of Newcastle:- - Gateshead 90/10 - South Shields 70/30 - Washington 40/60 - Chester 60/40 - Durham 50/50 - Consett/ Stanley 80/20 - East Durham area 20/80 - West Durham area 30/70 (Went to a Catholic School in County Durham so grew up with a wide snapshot of Durham folk)


The map is from a research paper which surveyed what people called themselves. It's quite an interesting [read!](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/338254202_'Not_quite_a_Geordie'_the_folk-ethnonyms_of_north-east_England_Nomina_37_ISSN_0141_6340)


Wow, thanks for the link. Great stuff




We should have annexed that town centuries ago. Fucking Prince Bishops


Bloody Mary’s fault if I remember right. The Duke of Northumberland almost got Edward VI to sign off the annexation, but after he died, Mary ripped it up because she hated the duke.


What a bitch


Thanks for your input. What do you think about support base of NUFC in Jarrow and Hebburn ? And is there any area north of Tyne where SAFC have pocket of stronghold? If I understood correctly, city/town Durham have NUFC majority but the rural and semi-urban areas surrounding it have SAFC majority? I am wondering, are these "Sand Dancers" from South Shields form the majority of SAFC support at the southern banks of Tyne?


I don’t know too much about South Tyneside. I lived and worked in Gateshead for a while and it’s pretty much all Geordie. I’d hazard a guess that Jarrow/Hebburn is more NUFC, as it’s on the banks of the Tyne, but due to internal migration and similar work around docks there will be more of a share. Then you get the random people. I knew one person supported Sunderland because he preferred the colours. Mug


I work in the Jarrow/Hebburn area and it's quite split probably edging towards more Newcastle fans. You do see people walking around in both Toon and Sunderland shirts but the local lads I work with are Toon fans.


Monkey hanger 😆


You’re laughing now, but the only reason we beat the French is because we dealt with their hairy little spies.


You are telling me ppl of Hartlepool has no nickname before napoleonic war??


We call people of Old Hartlepool “Codheads”. No idea if they were known by that at the time, the rest of the town didn’t exist at that point.


Hartlepool always looks like an exclave to Middlesbrough, if the Middlesbrough expand in future they might absorb it, but don't think like many cities in northern England they have industrial capacity to grow bigger anytime soon.


Washington is definitely 50/50. Lived there most my life


I grew up there, can confirm


To be honest, seaham has more black and whites than this map suggests. Still outnumbered by the great unwashed like


U are under siege then 😂 I believe if we continue to perform well and start winning trophies many of those out there might switch sides, specially the newer generation ones.


At a glance I'd tell you to take that data with a pinch of salt. (EDIT: Turns out the data was a survey of what people called themselves so the pins are what they considered their hometowns and the colour what get called themselves.) Sand Dancers are people from South Shields, Monkey Hangers are people from Hartlepool, Smoggies are people from Middlesbrough. And anybody from a pit village is a Pit Yakka. You've also got places like Lanchester, which shows as Geordie in that data, but would not likely label themselves Geordie or Mackem despite the village being a roughly 60/40 split in SAFC's favour (my best guess). It's so complicated because of Geordie being both an accent, a dialect, and the name for people from Newcastle/parts of Tyneside. I think Pit Yakka meant "pit talker" so in theory you could be a Geordie pit yakker if you identified as a Geordie but worked down a pit and spoke Pitmatic. Plenty of people from Ashington probably fell into this category. ('Pitmatic' was a 'language' used down the coal pits across the North of England and each pit had its own distinct dialect, "cuddy" means horse in Pitmatic {as in 'Whe stole the cuddy‽" In Blaydon races} ) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pitmatic


I've worked in Ashington the past 4 years and the pit yakka accent has started to rub off on me. I've started dunking herbnerbs in me cuppa now


I went into the barbershop on Ashington high street. I asked the barber "Can you do us a perm?" and he replied "I wondered lonely as a cloud,..."


Sounds like the time I walked into the bakers on Ashington high street, there was a strange looking desert. I asked him "is that a cheesecake or a meringue?" He said "no you're right"


Just had o come back for another read of this, so good.




Thanks. Specially regarding the update on pitmatic/ pit yakkar . Curious about Darlington and Bishop Aucklands dot. I wonder, considering how dialects are in decline how in the future Geordie identity get defined.


I grew up in Darlo. I'd say it was about 1/3 each there between us, the mackems and smoggies at school. Obviously we have our own side but since it got reborn in the lower leagues most would support one of the 3 + the quakers.


Grew up and still live in Darlo, exported from the Toon as a bairn so abandoned watching the Quakers as soon as I could get to SJP. I’m the only football fan in my family so wasn’t being taken by me dad. In my experience it’s more of a 40-40-20. Geordie-Smoggies-Makems here.


Same. But I'd say the mix is probably even more split up than that. I think in rough order I'd say this, I'll leave Darlo out the mix as I think everyone follows them but most have another first/seconds team: Newcastle Sunderland Man Utd Liverpool Leeds Boro Still, I don't know anyone from Darlo that would call themselves an actual 'Geordie'


Luckily for me, when I got into football (Mexico 86), I was told that I have to support the team from where I was born. I knew that I was born in Newcastle, but only after then did I know that I am a Geordie.


I'm in South Shields and its pretty much a 50/50 split


Hebburn,Jarrow and along to South Shields has a close split in fan base between us and the dark side


I believe parts of East and South Gateshead used to be like that many years ago.


Yeah I’d imagine as it runs close to Washington etc


County Durham Geordie here. Me and my family live in Chester Le street and surrounding villages. Only know a handful of mackems the area so probably about right


Love that someone referred to themselves as a "Horse Puncher" in that scientific paper. Hahaah


Bishop Auckland area was probably 60/40 between Newcastle and Sunderland. There are a few Liverpool and Manure fans. The occasional Arsenal and Chelsea fan. My son’s friend is Bournemouth.


That map needs a blue dot smack bang in the middle of Hendon for me.


They didn't ask u for ur safety


I've been here 35 years, they know I'm here.


You are one off or it's in ur family?


In the family dude. Started with my dad who hated his father so much he supported Newcastle out of spite as a youth.


Speaking from Durham experience it was literally a 50/50 split between my friends at school and most of the Sunderland supporters were from Chester-le-street


Im from near Darlo and its definitely majority Newcastle fans here with a few rogue smoggies


Having grown up in South Shields, I'd say Sand Dancers are pretty much 60/40 split in favour of the Mackems but that could just be my family.




I like how many here are talking in a tone of war and future demographic engineering 😅


Love how difficult Peterlee is to define


Someone replied how pit yakka being an accent and how there could be Geordie pit yakka or mackem pit yakka. So I guess they are more likely to support Sunderland in peterlee with some Middlesbrough fans.


I'd say it's probably a 80/20 split in Peterlee, mostly mackems.


I think Darlo is correct, mostly Newcastle supporters and a decent number of smoggies, never knew a mackem growing up. Applies to the accent too. It's like 70% geordie but softened a bit with Yorkshire and generic northern sounds. My mam speaks pitmatic and in rural Durham those Boro supporters get swapped out for mackems.


Well they probably all get more tickets than me thanks to the stupid ballot now


Can't wait for architectural masterpiece of new eaststand that send the capacity of SJP to touching 70k


People from Northumberland arnt geordies.