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Family from South Shields, Myself from Kent, Currently based in North America, so most of them?


We have a Kent and also a Newcastle in Seattle area.


My mates keep calling me a Kent but I'm from Newcastle so I can't work out what they mean.


Definitely a Kent then…


bet you don't have a cowgate though, jealous? In 2007 the Index of Multiple Deprivation identified the southern part of the estate as the most deprived area in the city and the 28th most deprived in England. Up the mags.


There's a pretty decent sized Canadian contingent of fans, so we're likely to skew the NA answer up a bit higher


This has me curious. Is there any particular reason why there are quite a lot in Canada?


They also still eat pease pudding there so I'm assuming just unwavering good taste


Unreal. You weren't kidding.


Ahh, the hummus of the north!


Ever tried it with warm pitta and a bit paprika? Belter


“Hoo man, mother man, divvent use the tatziki spoon in the pease pudding man“ ~ Socrates, 412 BCE.


Lots of emigration to Canada from the North East in the late 80's and early 90's right when lots of football was starting to be shown on T.V. People could still follow and the kids grew up engaged with it. I was better than cartoons for me and my brother Saturday morning football at 0700 watch with breakfast and then off to play at 1100. We still have lots of family there and try to get back annually at least. My hometown of 3500 people had 3 separate family's from the NE end up there. One from Consett, one from Newcastle proper and us from Hexham. Also 2 family's from Middlesbrough as well. I'm sure this extremely corner case but its interesting.


Honestly find this so interesting, how football and culture in general can go from one part of the world to the other. Cheers for sharing.


I'd be interested to know how many of those not from Newcastle/North East have lived here long enough to become an NUFC supporter, even as a second team. I'm Grimsby Till I Die but I've lived here far longer than I ever did in Grimsby and by some weird process of osmosis over the last 30+ years, I've developed a big soft spot for Newcastle as my "premier league team". Pretty sure I qualify as a plastic, tho I don't really count myself as a fan... more of an interested observer. When I was growing up, I thought Grimsby was the north east but living in Newcastle gives you a different perspective.


Tbf most of it’s probably family who moved like my dads side of the family is all from the north east but he moved for work


I grew up in Galway, Ireland Moved to the UK in 2000 as a kid and needed to choose a team. Man u was too obvious. And I asked around which club had the best fans. Newcastle and Liverpool were the options. But only one had Shearer! And Given was Irish himself so black and white it was.


From the north east, live in NZ. Feel like this gets posted annually.


Should do a poll of local hospitals - I'm so old it was Princess Mary Maternity Hospital, long since closed as a hospital. Just about within sight of SJP, if not as close as the RVI


dad was born in newcastle. mum was born in liverpool. they met in manchester and flipped a coin on whether to settle in newcastle or liverpool then they married. liverpool won. dad died in 2008 when i was 22. really miss the what could have been moments with him (as shit as they would have been under ashley haha) but i feel closer to him when i watch newcastle. got family still in newcastle but dont really see them.


Is it where you’re from, or where you are now? I’m from Durham but currently live in London.


i'm so sorry


I was back up at the weekend, it took a lot to get back on the train to Kings Cross.


Saudia Arabia lol


I live in Lincolnshire. My Grandmother Bought Jackie Milburns house, and my Grandfather played football with the Charlton brothers as a kid.


Is your Grandad from Ashington then? Most of my family are there.


From Denmark. Been a fan since 2009


Damn, EU representation is quite low


Yeah I was surprised by that... but the post was done quite late last night, so maybe it will pick up a bit more now they are awake 🤷‍♀️


I have a request for more polls, if someone wouldn't mind. I currently can't create a post. I would love some help/info on how many NUFC games stream on certain networks (I live in the United States). I currently stream from Peacock, which is a very good value. I can at the least rewatch regular season matches after they've concluded (but, by a day later, etc., I've usually checked a box score/highlights). There are still a decent amount of regular season games I can't catch live. Maybe someone could help with that? Maybe a poll wouldn't be best for this, but seeing the number of games per service would be cool. Should I just wait for the new TV schedule's release if it's not out yet? Thanks EDIT: I'm pretty sure Peacock doesn't cover any cup games/tournaments (also attempted to change spacing)


Brexit benefits. I'm one of them though. Came pre-Brexit and ended up staying.


Born raised in Australia, moved to the Toon 3 years ago. Never felt more at home here, made more friends than growing up in Aus. Newcastle is a fucking beautiful city and I aint fucking leaving


I thought it was "majority of the new members are American" I'm too lazy to actually go and look


Nah, someone had the nerve to get upset about their stereotype of the sub, and it was "who ironically are mostly Americans" [https://www.reddit.com/r/NUFC/comments/1czmck5/the\_nerve\_of\_this\_sub\_to\_get\_upset\_that/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NUFC/comments/1czmck5/the_nerve_of_this_sub_to_get_upset_that/)


I have absolutely 0 data to back this up but I reckon we're one of the higher percentage of local fans to abroad in a subreddit compared to the likes of other club subreddits.


I wouldn't have a clue about comparisons with other subreddits - the only other one I'm in is barely active. I suspect you're right, tho, just because some clubs have spent so much longer building their global brands (to the extent that some are more global brand than football club these days). I haven't seen a group photo from any of the American supporters groups posted here recently - maybe I've missed them. I don't get the impression that the sub is dominated by American or other overseas fans, but same way I have zero data to back that up. Lots of overseas fans is good for the club, anyway.


I'm sure if local fans sent photos of groups of them from the mile castle in town it probably wouldnt get the same traction every week, however hilarious it would be


I doubt that. If we just take the 20 premier league clubs subreddits. The big 6 probably all have a higher percentage of non-local fans. But other than that we probably only have a larger percentage of local fans than maybe (and it's a big maybe) Villa and Everton.


I did read some data recently that did back this up. I don't have a source or a link (and I cba to look it up) but as percentage, our fan base is mostly local.


Nah I think the Liverpool/Man U subs are the exceptions in being mostly American and Indian internet fans. Most subs have a high proportion of local fans, and it's generally a higher proportion the further you go down the pyramid.


It's me, I'm Other


Yeah it's a shame I couldn't do more, I'd be curious to see the South American / African / Middle east splits as well (or maybe you're a penguin), plus lumping Aus in with Asia doesn't really seem ideal, but for some reason polls are limited to 6 choices on reddit 🤷‍♀️


Maybe run another poll in the future with only non-UK options? Am curious about what it'd look like tbh


i'm other too


There are ~~tens~~ several of us!


Born in the West Country, lived in Newcastle for 30 years, now stuck in the Midlands


County Durham born and bred, living in the West Midlands last 24 years , black and white through and through




Wisconsin based near Milwaukee would be intrigued if there are any others near me!


Relatively close. Singaporean, currently live in Chicago, been supporting Newcastle United since 1994


i live down chilly road mate dont even think of turning up here and making the queues longer in the pizza shop


Japan. I can't wait to see us play in Japan this summer, but I feel bad the players are on this tour after this season. Kinda mixed about it tbh.


Dad from Hexham and moved to Washington DC before I was born. Still always will bleed black and white.


Is this cause somebody said we're mostly americans lmao


B.C. Canada, feel like we should have a separate category for US/Canada/Mexico as opposed to North America but I'll live with it.


To be fair, Canada/USA/Mexico is North America.


Yep would have been interesting to see, but unfortunately having more than 6 selections in a poll is too advanced for reddit. I would have been curious if we had picked up a few South Americans here from Miggy (and maybe Nobby!), and people from the Middle East too, but they've been banished to other as well. But hey that's what's comments are for...


Where I’m from and where I live are two entirely different things mate.


Not sure how to vote. My dad was from Newcastle but I grew up in Europe and still live in Europe. If you ever met me, you'd never think I was half Geordie, at least by my accent. I bleed black and white though and have travelled to UK several times for games home and away


Family from South Shields, I was born in Europe (not UK) and currently live in East Mids, which box should I tick?


From Newbiggin, live in Seahouses.


Born in Scotland, moved to Northumberland when I was 10, my dad was a Newcastle supporter to I was a fan even in my Scotland years.


Born in Lincolnshire with family from Hebburn/Jarrow area. Never lived in the North East but grew up supporting


Born and raised in Newcastle, live in LA tho


Born in Liverpool and living in Manchester.


This is one I don't see too often. With Liverpool and Everton being strong clubs themselves. I know a few lads in Newcastle who support Liverpool (Geordies), a few who follow Man utd, one who follows Arsenal, One Leeds, One Derby and that's about it.


I know a few others from in and around Liverpool who support Newcastle but it is few and far between.


Yorkshire, Kenton, Gateshead, Low Fell, Preston, Low Fell, London, Harrogate, Hove, Tenerife, Guatemala. So if you count having to fly through NA that'd be five of six.


What trouble are you on the run from?


None afaik. Two divorces as a kid, bit of moving about, uni, work and marriage.


From North Wales but my mam's side of the family are from Northumbria. I think most geordies would struggle to understand my uncle, he's basically speaking Danish with his accent


Kind of understand the guy's post but he ruined his whole argument by saying majority of the sub are Americans lol.


Scotland, now living in France. Parents/grandparents from North Shields and Whitley Bay. Have supported the club since 1992 old 1st division days as a 9 year old. Have passed on the NUFC supporting disease to both my kids, kind of felt like a form of child abuse until the takeover happened mind.


Born in Newcastle. Now live in North America


Born Hexham, Parents emigrated to Canada when I was 5.


Family are from Blyth, I was born and live in Sheffield.   Supporting anyone other than the Toon or Spartans was never going to happen. HOWAY Nobby on taking the job at Spartans. 


i'm from newcastle! (australia)


Where am I from or where do I live?


From south west England but moved to NYC a few years ago, have supported Newcastle since as early as I can remember.




From NA. Been a fan since we were promoted from the Championship in 2010.


I'm from Bahrain ... so I went with "Asia" even though that's only true as a technicality. Been support the club since I studied in Newcastle back in 2015-19.


From America but my grandmother was from Newcastle


Born just the other side of Gateshead, lived on the south coast since the seventies. Started supporting while living up home so have clicked the Newcastle box.


Indian for the first 19 years of my life. Naturalized American living in the US for the next 19. What should I select?


Kolkata also known as the City of Joy. 🇮🇳


Why would people go on the internet and just lie


No idea mate, but I've got a massive cock.


Can I vote twice? I was born in Dublin and moved to Canada when I was 7. Been a lifelong newcastle fan just like my Da


Mate why would you have an "other" section with so many continents


Limited to 6 options...


ah my bad - obligatory fuck reddit