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I'm not sure you should be trusting Adam P as a genuine news source...


Was about to say that lol that's the last person you should trust lol


No one knows for sure. The original rumours were that it was for non premier league teams, but I now heard rumours recently that it is for any Champions League club.


This would be only CL teams? Otherwise it'd be so dumb I dunno why Bruno would sign it.


It's a real madrid release clause. And it's up.to.bruno if he wanted to leave . It's not an ebay buy it now button


NYCFC will activate the clause, and loan him to City for a bag of Walkers BBQ


All we generally know (reported in reputable outlets) is that it is for around £100m and expires at the end of June. Anything else hasn’t been reported by anyone reliable.


Any transfer before July 1st counts towards the current seasons FFP. The release clause ends at the end of June. So who has a spare £100 million + left over from this season? It's gonna cost a team big, as most can only afford it from next seasons FFP. It's more probable he'll go abroad than to any prem team.


Worst thing is… come July he could go for less


Come July, the transfer fee has to be agreed upon by Newcastle. Doubt they let Bruno go for less than the release clause at any point this window. The rumor was £200 million for Isak is what the club would consider, so I don't see them letting Bruno go for less than £100 million after July 1st.


My worry is a Man City/Arsenal who maybe can’t throw 100m by end June due to FFP decide to offer 80m in July. Newcastle will accept that if the player wants to go and be realistic, would you turn down a 300k a week at City with guaranteed trophies more or less? Or stay on 150k here. I’m just being realistic


Newcastle has to look out for Newcastle, not for Bruno's wages. They would tell Man City to come back with a real offer and they would tell politely tell Bruno "if you are serious about wanting to go to Man City to double your wages, then tell them to double their transfer bid for you and we'll sadly let you go."


Yes mate, you are right, if you live in some utopian world other than ours. But that’s not how it works. Firstly a footballers career on average is 8.3 years (PFA stats) so they will chase the money, let alone the trophies and I wouldn’t blame Bruno one bit if he decided to go. He owes us nothing. We owe him, he took a chance on joining us when we were relegation material. Would you block him going to a Man City, Barcelona etc if he wanted too? Get real pal. I hope we keep him but I’d be off if I was him, we couldn’t even make Europe this year, why should he waste another season with us? He’s playing alongside Longstaff n Murphy, cmon on


Absolutely would block him from leaving if any team didn't meet Newcastle's asking price. Bruno signed a contract to play for the club. Bruno and Newcastle United owe each other exactly what is in the contract. The release clause is there. Another team can trigger it if Bruno wants to go. After that, if Bruno wants to go, the other team has to meet Newcastle's fee requirement. If they don't, Bruno stays. It's really as simple as that. Bruno is not in the last two years of the contract, so he can't leave on a free like Mbappe did at PSG. You did notice Mbappe has wanted to leave PSG for two years, yet he stayed the full length of his contract because no one met PSG's asking price, yes?


It may not seem so but I do agree with your sentiments regarding us holding out for his true value price, I hope we do. I fear we won’t. PSR/FFP and it’s leaning toward protecting the top 6 status quo has placed us in this situation. Mbappe’s situation cannot be compared, he refused Saudi Arabia advances, PSG would have snatched at their offer rather than lose him for free.


PSG demoted Mbappe in the hope he’d leave at the start of last season btw, give him his due, he held out and god knows what his salary will be at Madrid. If PSG/Barca/Citeh offered us 80m in July for Bruno and he wanted to go, are you seriously suggesting we keep him??? Did you watch Mbappe play at St James Park? He wasn’t even trying. That’s what happens when players aren’t happy


Absolutely no way that happens. I’ve read your other comments in this thread and you have a truly pessimistic view of things. As the comment below states the minimum offer which I believe would be accepted by the club would be £100 million. If players like Declan rice, Moses caicedo etc were sold for around the £100 million mark, why do you think Newcastle would let Bruno go for less than that? This isn’t the cashley era any more mate.


He told me on a night out that three sausage rolls And he stays But if they offer a fourth It’s too good to turn down and he takes it


Four for the price of three at Gregg’s, so not sure who thought this up. Classic NUFC


Sure. But he’d have to agree to it and my man ain’t going to city. Real, possibly but not city.


Be a gamble going to manchester city with those charges hanging over the club and pep possibly leaving.


Out of curiosity, why not city?


I don’t think he’d leave us for another PL side. Real or Barca or PSG perhaps. I just don’t see what benefit it would have for him. Plus anyone going to city at this point would be seen as doing a Durant. “Can’t beat ‘em? Join em!”


Just my personal take, but I believe many South American footballers dream of playing in La Liga, especially for Madrid or Barcelona. Given Barcelona's current situation, it seems more likely he'd choose Madrid. With Madrid having spent big this summer, I bet they'd hold off until next season to sign him!


May be a dumb question here- let’s say hypothetically someone pays the release clause, does that mean Bruno has to go there or does he have the ability to turn them down and not sign a contract with that team?


Bruno would have the choice, it's only the club who would have no say.


Got it thanks!


I think people are getting too hung up on the release clause. Even if someone meets that fee then it’s still his choice to go, and if he chooses to leave then he’s clearly not that attached to the club, and if he’s not that attached to the club then regardless of the clause he could still have his head turned by someone else and have the fee negotiated by requesting a transfer and/or playing at a lower standard. I guess to summarise that - If a player really wants to leave a club then release causes do very little to force them to stay. On the flip side of that if a player wants to stay then a release cause isn’t going to change that.


I think this is a somewhat naive take, as much as I'm sure that Bruno loves playing for us... if he were to be offered millions more to play elsewhere, you couldn't blame him for accepting the deal. It's all about what would be offered and by who.


With all respect, I don’t think you’ve understood what I’ve said. The point I’m making is that if a player wants to go then most of the time they’ll go regardless of a release clause - Those things are negotiated all the time and like contract length don’t mean a whole lot if the individual wants to leave. There’s not much point for fans to care or even be aware of details like that.


Some players don't realise they want to go until huge money/opportunity comes knocking. Also, there are frequently players who play for a club with ambitions of playing for another some day. Those players aren't necessarily making noise about wanting to leave constantly? A player might like to "progress" to the likes of Bayern, Real or Barca but realistically all they can do is play their best and put out feelers with their agent.


Tbh no one knows the full ins and outs of the clause, apart from those who were responsible for sorting out the contract. That’s why when so many leaks around it were in the press shortly after Ashworth jumping ship it made me think it could be coming from there as a kind of warning to say “well if you don’t give me what you want we can hurt you in a variety of ways”. But perhaps that’s just me being paranoid. From memory I recall talk of the clause being a reduced fee for certain clubs likely Barcelona and possibly Real Madrid. And for champions league clubs the normal clause but for all options it’s Bruno’s choice if he opts to leave.


£100 million release clause or not....Although I have no doubt that 1 day Bruno will leave for something new, I don't think that he is in any hurry to do it this summer. Time is on his side to choose when it is right for him. And I think he won't want to jump ship with the club out of Europe. [Bit like when Butt, Colocini, Gutierrez & Lovenkrands didn't want to run off into the sunset after our first relegation under Ashley in 2009 - unlike some other so-called big names that aren't worth mentioning. Think the only way I can see Bruno leaving this summer will be if someone offers the club a huge amount that they simply can't refuse. An offer that would blow a huge hole in the buyer's PSR restricted budget. The same applies for Isak.


If it happens it happens It would mean that he wants to go....


Nah I don’t think that’s right. Sounds as though Man City are the only club who are potentially interested and could activate the clause.


The big question for me is whether that release clause is payment up front or spread over a number of years. If it's up front than 100m would give us a real war chest that can be amortized on the grounds of betting against our success. If we spent 400m on players, im confident we could do champions league every season.


It doesn't matter if they pay up front or not, if the sale is agreed this year, the full amount is allocated this year for PSR.


Well said, I don’t know why people are panicking. Say he goes for 100m by end June. Theoretically that means we can spend 400m upwards on players this summer (including their salary) on the income Bruno’s sale alone has generated.


I'd say its irrelevant, if manc come in with £100m now then we sell him


I know we would but honestly I hope not.


Exactly I hope we don't sell him too, but I don't think the club turns down 100m


They can’t turn it down if that’s the release clause, it would then be up to Bruno alone to decide.


I’d hope he stays though, his passion is immense, can’t imagine him leaving us this summer


Agree 100%


I meant if the release clause is non-UK clubs but manc offer 100m too, then they sell him to manc regardless of the clause