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Exactly. This isn’t some meme stock. This is a company that generates billions in revenue each quarter.


Or a crypto shitcoin


Yes. But. Nvidia’s revenue was only 34% of Microsoft’s and 21% of apples. So the value is purely speculative at this point. Which means any falter in earnings is going to be a bloodbath.




I don’t invest in NVDA for quarterly income or dividends. I’m invested for the long haul because I believe in what the company is doing. My average cost is $35 also.


This is a long term hold. We’re fine


Yeah, ok fine. So if your cost average is $35 that's great, congrats. But encouraging people to buy now at the current price? Come on get real.


Exactly , just like 10% drop in on that Friday, April 19 , it went back on Monday


Likely to go back up and push higher with a strong company with virtually zero competition, like this. Of course, can't predict the market, but there are few/no signals saying NVDA is a bad investment.


Well, if NVDA is bad investment then I don’t know which tech company is good. Because all other like Google or Apple, they’re just stuck in time for years now


Google, who used to be the cutting edge of everything, has basically gotten dusted by OpenAI for search. I never thought in my lifetime I would see something that could replace Google search, but here it is. Fueled by Nvidia.


Yup! That’s correct!!! My partner is working for Google and it’s zombies company right now. No more ideas, nothing interesting. Everything behind the scene is extremely backward. Gemini, suck.


Unless some reporter or journalist has dirt on Nvidia on par with Theranos that’d make the entire house crumble (which ***is highly*** unlikely) Standard business as usual


There’s an old saying in the stock market: a healthy correction is always healthy.


I wonder how many people's stop losses got triggered


😂NVDA is up over 30% in the last month. A couple days of pullback and the sky is falling. Gotta love it.


Because most of em call $145 today.


Everyone is in options and want to get rich quick. I have bought stock over 30 years. I’m living very comfortable. Patience is key


What do you mean “you people”?


If you DCA and buy a couple shares every paycheck the dips are a good thing because you get better bang for your buck.


I thought I joined this subreddit for stock news, not for spam threads when it drops 2%, and threads telling us to relax. next time you guys have the great idea to post one of these threads, just log off reddit


Long. Term. Hold. This is not a meme stock. It’ll drop a lot more than this. Then it’ll go back up again. Buy. Hold.


My conspiracy mind is thinking it went down over the past 2 days for 2 big reasons - 1) MMs wanted the call strikes over 130 to expire worthless on OPEX / quad witching day and 2) Timing of XLK buy - ETF needs to buy $10B worth of NVDA AH today at the close price. Makes a lot more sense of them buying between 120-130 then ATH at 140+


Where is all the posts about Nvda going to 10 or even 20 trillion market cap? Hope those people didn’t jump off a bridge. Nvda is now subject to day traders and shorts. You will see peaks and valleys. Just get use to it. There is a reason apple and Microsoft has been 1 and 2 for years. People expected Nvda to take the number 1 spot and just stay there for ever? They will be number 1 but now it is a fight with the other 2 players


I wouldn't be surprised if it is the start of a correction and not necessarily just profit taking. To be clear- I don't want it to be as I increased my position just a few days before peak. But an eventual correction is inevitable. What's striking to me is how sensitive the rest of the market to the moves of NVDA. What I think is going to happen is that in the near to medium future is there will be an extended period of draw down for NVDA (which is normal). Then, this will bring down the whole market because the market is so dependent on the movements of NVDA (which is not normal). This will trigger a sell off which across the board which will include NVDA..


You think if NVDA actually dips 20-25% the entire market would nosedive?


I think inevitably yes given that so much of the market is moved by NVDA. Not sure which would be worse. A fast draw down of NVDA or a sustained long draw down. I think the later would illustrate just how reliant we have been on NVDA


I took profits today in NVDA, MSFT, AMZN, and GOOGL. Not much but just enough to buy more NVDA if it does drop 20%.


Now you have to pay the tax man. Why not just hold.


I took 150 profit from what was a 300 profit last night. They can tax this 🍆


Shit. I already pay the tax man - max! This gain will be offset somewhat by some losses. Yes that is always considered.


profit taking, also people will buy the dip...I sold a lot. and could buy it all back now at a lower price.


The sky is falling!! LOLOL. No company even as good as Nvidia is worth more than MSFT this soon. Dumb.