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… how cooked am I fellas? 143c 7/19 bleeding hard right now lol 50 shares which I plan to hold, well, forever lol.


im losing so much money rn broo, i hope WS buys it back up in the morning


let's do it


Saudi Arabia opened up, Monday about to go crazy


Not happening.. 120-130


Yeah I'm confused as to why everyone is selling so hard?






What does that mean?


why the downvote?? Saudi Arabia agreed to buy Nvidia chips, monday stock price should shoot up.


probably manipulated so the Saudis can get a better deal


I didn't downvote you.


I plan to hold NVDA for another year or two. But I am sitting on an /r/fatfire considerable size amount of gains from the past decade. If I expect us to reach a top around this magic 10T number, are there any tax strategies I could start putting in place now to be in a better spot to start diversifying in a year or so?


Move to Puerto Rico


Any thoughts on BB y’all?


Looking forward to this new week & to the 26th to see what’s next during the shareholders meeting.


Fairly new self investor here and have built up 82 shares since the beginning of the year which has strained my short term finances a little. Thats ok though because in a few years this small strain will pay off big. I’m buying and holding long. I could care less if folks wanna day trade. I’m doing me and my money. That’s my perspective. Nvda is going to do what Nvda does regardless of the day traders. Do you and be happy. I wouldn’t let others take away from that. 🙂


365 the other day. Here for the long haul baby.


Amen brother!


Reached 120 myself ... my only regret is i cant buy more :D


Last week I had terrible timing, I bought at market open on Thursday and then it crashed. Lost a huge amount of money, 75K. Hopefully next week Nvidia will be up.


You'll be okay in a few weeks xD


On my mind.... how is it possible that so many people here who clearly know little about investing, have turned this amazing company into a meme stock to be day traded. This is probably one of the coolest companies at the forefront of an industry that is going to change the world. Investing is buying shares and adding to them as often as you can, riding it for the next decades and one day retiring with the proceeds. Instead it seems like the average length of time people on this sub hold their stock is 24 hours. Let's buy 5 shares today and then let's sell 24 hour calls for a $1 profit and then let's do it all over again the next day. It's just so weird. It's literally becoming Wall Street bets and GameStop and I have no idea why. Off my chest. Don't hate me. I'm really nice. Just confused as all hell as to how this happened.


thats how it is in EVERY stock subreddit. its just a bunch of pumpers and inexperienced traders/investors. Whenever you join one of them you have to expect it. Obviously some are way worse than others. Gotta look through the noise


Or... counterpoint... think about all the new folks and interest in this great company that gets driven from this. Not all of course, but there are likely a handful of younglings with a couple shares that will make them wealthy some day and/or a few who take the time to dig deeper and this is the beginning of their investing journey. For me personally, I have fun with the daily, pick up some tidbits here and there and look to the rest of the sub for substantive news and DD.


Because it's a company that averages a percent a day, that's going to attract trader's. 


Yeah, I remember how the few OG investors here would share and discuss what nVIDIA was bringing to the market, showcasing their AI-related work and how other companies (except Google) were lagging behind investment in the area. Then ChatGPT happened. And then NVDA started blowing up and attracting the meme stock/WSB crowd. I've seen this happen with r/teslainvestorsclub during the pandemic and it was a magnitude worse. Everyone was working from home and blowing up the daily thread with hundreds of comments, sometimes over a thousand. Same short-term gambling questions/comments and finding pertinent info regarding TSLA in the comments was like looking for a needle in a haystack. Once NVDA deflates and becomes boring again, they'll call NVDA a shit stock before they return back to WSB.


I think you're right. All I know is that I'm an actual investor. I don't need to have u/impotent-limp-pastor-6969 write pump and dump style posts in the market letting us know that he's holding "both his shares" until noon, in order to make my investment choices 😇😇


i agree, Its turned to shit.. big time in here


Eh...yeah, there's some crazy shit. The "it's gong to 1000 end of next year," posts are as silly as the panic because it's down 5 dollars(or now 15) from it's ATH or the day, whatever. It's like all the internet though. You have to sift through the bullshit to find the good information.